
Olive You to Death de Lynn Cahoon

de Lynn Cahoon - Género: English
libro gratis Olive You to Death


In the coastal town of South Cove, June is tourist season—and wedding season. Unfortunately, Jill Gardner's own wedding has been delayed. But that just gives her more time to search for a missing bride—and a killer . . .
Things are looking up for the owner of Coffee, Books, and More—Jill's finally getting her MBA, and though her wedding to police detective Greg is postponed a few months, she still has plenty to celebrate. A girls' weekend in Santa Barbara is just the ticket. But back in South Cove, someone else's big day has become a big problem. Antiques dealer Josh Thomas and Mandy Jensen were planning a small private ceremony under an olive tree on the historic Jensen farm—until Mandy went missing . . .
Is this a case of a runaway bride—or a guilty groom? Greg zeroes in on Josh but finds him so annoying that he quietly asks Jill's help in keeping his number-one suspect distracted. She knows that Josh is searching for something...

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Another great installment in the Tourist Trap Mysteries written by Lynn Cahoon. Olive You to Death focuses on the upcoming marriage of Josh and his new main squeeze (a surprise to readers), but then she disappears, and a professor is murdered. Who's responsible, and are the crimes connected? Meanwhile, Jill's working on her MBA and her aunt has some news about the bookstore. Love all the side stories. Good mystery. I enjoyed spending more time with the supporting cast and learning about the new workers that recently joined the bookstore. Looking forward to more books in this series soon.1-fiction 3-multi-book-series 4-netgalley35 s Gloria929 127

This is one of my favorite series of all times. The setting is great with the coffee shop/bookstore combo and fun characters. Greg and Jill's wedding is in the works. Josh, owner of the antique shop, is about to marry and his bride disappeared so Police Detective Greg asks Jill to keep Josh occupied so he stays out of Greg's hair. Jill is finishing up her MBA and so life is busy. This one has a murder of a history professor that seems to be tied to an old journal of a long-ago bank robber found by Josh and maybe his bride's disappearance. Treasure hunting, murder, wedding planning, missing person, end of college, and much more, including new developments at the bookstore, make this a jam packed read with danger and mystery.
I received a copy for the purpose of an honest review. These are my thoughts.2024 cozy-mystery netgalley-2024 ...more21 s Karen Stallman 723 70

"Olive You to Death” the 16th instalment in the "Tourist Trap” Mystery series by Lynn Cahoon. This is one of my favourite cozy mystery series!

In the coastal town of South Cove, June is tourist season—and wedding season. Unfortunately, Jill Gardner’s own wedding has been delayed. But that just gives her more time to search for a missing bride—and a killer . . .

As always I love visiting South Cove, California and Coffee, Books & More. I love the main set of characters Jill, Amy, Aunt Jackie, Greg, Toby, Deek, and Evie. We get to see a softer side to the Antiques dealer Josh Thomas which is nice and will Jill get her MBA as well as find a new wedding venue…

As for the mystery I found it to be well plotted and it moved along at a steady pace. There were only a few suspects for the murder but you still find yourself second guessing on who the murderer can be. Overall I found this to be a great story.

I can’t wait for the next instalment to come out.

I highly recommend this series to all my cozy friends.

I requested and received an advance reader copy of this book from Kensington Books and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.5 s Jenna (readinginjennaland)693 20

Jill Gardner is just about to finish her MBA. When she's working in the library she runs into one of her old history professors. who's really excited about a recent find of a journal of Santiago. Josh the antique shop owner found it. Later the professor is found dead and Josh's fiance goes missing. Jill and Greg wonder if the cases are connected.

As the story/investigation continues, we get to know Josh better. Aunt Jackie asks to retire and Greg and Jill look for new wedding venues. I really enjoyed the book and following the clues with Jill.3 s Micky Cox2,141 28

I really want to find a real version of South Cove so I can go there to be a tourist who can sit around Coffee, Books & More reading books, drinking coffee and watching the locals as they come and go! I love that the author has not only created wonderful characters that draw you into their personal stories, but she makes the entire town, landscape and setting one that makes you want to visit if not move there! The plot is detailed with many twists and turns that will keep you engaged and turning pages. The only warning I'll give is to pace yourself or you will find yourself in the same boat that I am.....back to impatiently waiting for another book to come out so we can vicariously visit again!netgalley-books2 s Deborah Almada1,015 29

I love it when a long-running series can stay fresh. This is book 16 in the Tourists Trap series, and our characters are still growing and changing. This mystery focuses around a disappearance and a murder, when Jill's business neighbor, Josh from the Antique Shop, announces he is getting married at the end of the monthly business meeting, everyone including Jill is shocked. Though he has been dating the young woman who runs the farm stand on the way out of town, no one saw this coming. When Jill offers congratulations, Josh also shares that he has discovered an old journal that could lead to a buried treasure thought to be hidden by a bank robber turned town founding father. While intrigued Jill is up to her eyeballs in her own situations, she has two weeks to finish her course work and paper to finish her MBA, the site she and Greg have set up for their wedding and reception won't let them get married there and Aunt Jackie has decided to retire and no longer be involved in the running of the bookstore. While Jill wants to concentrate on everything changing in her life, when Josh's fiancee disappears and one of Jill's former professors, who offered to help Josh research his found journal is murdered you know chaos will ensue. Besides being a great mystery on multiple levels, we get so much growth from several of our longtime characters, i.e. Josh, Esmeralda, and Jill that this is a must-read for anyone who enjoys this series. Thanks to #NetGalley, #Kensingtonbooks, and especially author Lynn Cahoon for such a satisfying read.2 s Tracy Wood1,056 12

Jill Gardner, owner of Coffee, Books and More, has almost finished her college life. In just a few weeks, after she completes her final written assignment, she will get her MBA. In the meantime, life in South Cove is its normal quiet self, or it is until local vegetable stall owner Mandy Jensen disappears!

With her fiance, local antique dealer, Josh in pieces Jill tries to help by assisting him in his search for both his soon to be bride and the long hidden treasure he found details of in one of his latest purchases. As the days pass, a body is discovered, Jill receives upsetting news of her own, and Josh gets ever more distressed. Is everything connected, or does Jill have more on her plate than she can handle in the time available?

Book 16 in Lynn Cahoon's Tourist Trap series is a fun read with a variety of storylines, some of which will continue into the next few books, which is very exciting. All the main protagonists are present, and I particularly enjoyed the scenes between Jill and her fiance Greg. Hopefully their wedding will take place very soon. Alongside another mystery, of course!

I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Kensington Publishing, but the opinions expressed are my own.  I enjoyed this thoroughly and recommend it highly.01-netgalley-20242 s Nan Nickerson171 4

"They were opposites. Mandy was light, and Josh was dark."

...umm? Not a super great way to convey people are dissimilar. And it's not very descriptive. Complexion? Personality? Mood?

Writing is a bit stilted and wordy at times. "The book was a romance, and the fictional couple's back-and-forth chatter brought me back to thinking about Josh and Mandy." "Greg smacked his lips the frog on the commercial." Definitely could have used an editor. Maybe this is a symptom of a series gone on too long. 

The pacing is SLOW. There's too much filler, and the mystery meanders. Too much focus on Jill's side plots. I feel I was bludgeoned over the head with the character of Tank. I'd never heard of him in any of the previous installments, and then suddenly he was everywhere. Even though we got to know his vocation and his previous relationship with Mandy, I feel we didn't know a lot about him except his apparent handsomeness. At one point, Jill says, "He was, at least on the outside, a perfect mate. Tall, well built, and handsome." Say what? His conflict with Josh was also beyond absurd and kind of laughable. And holy crap, the missing fiancee plotline was completely anticlimactic. So many things in this book are meant to be serious but just come off as silly. The treasure plot was expectedly anticlimactic, which taken together with the Mandy plot rendered the book entirely pointless.

Greg is not a compelling love interest. He has no distinguishing characteristics except being handsome and protective. He's just a plot device for Jill to get inside information on her cases. There are SO many "we're not getting married?" miscommunications. It makes me think that when there's smoke, there's fire. Of course there has to be the bog-standard "stop interfering with my cases" conflict, but they don't seem compatible or loving at all. I feel she has more chemistry and rapport with Deek.

For someone who has a law degree, Jill is weirdly fixated on appearing distinguished and smart. "It made me feel I was a scholar, not a student. Someone who worked with words and thoughts all day long and came up with smart ideas they then wrote about in books that then were placed on the wooden bookshelves all around us." That is a ridiculous, nonsensical sentence that rambles on for far too long. I also don't believe that she was a high-powered lawyer in her previous career. She's not very bright or perceptive, and her law background doesn't seem to color the way she looks at the world at all, in contrast to someone Keli Milanni from the Wiccan Wheel series by Jennifer David Hesse.

It's uncomfortable that the author keeps bringing up Amy and Justin's marriage troubles, having Amy joke that "the only thing keeping us together is our marriage vows." I grew up in an extremist Christian cult, and I see a lot of those undertones running through this series: Esmeralda's supernatural abilities are constantly mocked, the "married people fight a lot" trope, Jill being the primary one who makes dinner (and does the laundry!) despite both her and Greg having full-time jobs (and she owns a business!), and couples who don't discuss major issues before marriage. You're telling me that Sadie is only JUST realizing that her fiance's vocation as a pastor is a lifestyle and that as a pastor's wife, she would have her own role in the church? How did they not discuss this? Isn't Pastor Bill supposed to be giving marriage counseling?! I'm not saying that all Christians are this. This book just has some problematic elements that are common in some extremist circles the one I grew up in. At one point, Jill makes a comment that "Amy loved [her house] but she treated it a new boyfriend or husband. She was re-creating it in the image she wanted, one room at a time." Not what a healthy relationship is supposed to be, but it's treated it's normal in the world of this book.

Jill is being very weird about her friendship with Esmeralda. I don't see how it was a major conflict that Greg asked Esmeralda to not have Jill investigate, and I don't get why Greg and Esmeralda were supposedly in the wrong in that situation. But that is unfortunately the nature of cozies, that the protagonist has to investigate no matter what.

Miscellaneous thoughts:

Unnecessary references to weight gain. It's a cozy. We don't need to be all "eating good food makes me fat." It's archaic and not helpful. 

Professor "Wellborn" is a distractingly unrealistic name, and "Tank" is also jarring.

Who leaves a message for their significant other saying "we need to talk" with no other explanation? Why couldn't Jill have just said, "Hey, I got some weird news about my aunt and I'm feeling pretty conflicted. Could I talk about it with you later to get some insight?"

Jill's quote about not having a large nest egg confused me. Isn't she flush with cash because of Miss Emily?

The subplot of Jill's aunt retiring is very odd. Isn't Jill basically running this business on her own? It doesn't seem to fit with the continuity of the series, and it's a cheap conflict for Jill to be all of a dither about her aunt retiring.

A "large mocha with salted caramel and whipped cream" is hardly a complex order, and the "froufrou" description of it is tired and cliche.

Did the mission subplot end up getting resolved? I think I remember at the end of one of the books, it was designated as a historical site, but I don't remember it wrapping up in a satisfactory way.

"Is it true that [Josh] is in a mental hospital?" Whoa. Rude. I don't think there are facilities specifically dedicated to behavioral health in that way anymore. He would have gone to a behavioral health unit in a regular hospital.

A close family member asking to postpone the wedding due to an elective surgery isn't the most unreasonable request; "elective surgery" just means "not an emergency", a hernia repair, hemorrhoid surgery, or hip replacement. But clearly the author is trying to be all "she's a fake bitch who gets plastic surgery," which is not great. Plastic surgery is morally neutral. Further, "if I wanna put my tits on my back, that's nobody's business but my own." -- Cher. Having the "elective surgery" actually turn out to be a cover for chemo makes Jill and Amy look absolute monsters for having criticized her.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Anne2,569 21

Olive You to Death by Lynn Cahoon is a Tourist Trap Mystery taking us back to Jill and all her folks in South Cove. She is finishing up her MBA and spending a lot of time at the library looking for research and sources to back up her thesis that the town council and the community/business council should be the same thing. There are weddings everywhere this year: she is eye deep in planning hers and Greg’s and Josh has just announced that he and Mandy are getting married. This was an odd couple if there had even been one, Josh being about ten years older than Maddy and as opposite in personality as was possible. Mandy had been good for him, though, and Jill was happy for them. She invited them to dinner to commiserate over wedding planning, and repeated the invitation to Maddy the next day. Greg was less than happy, but vowed to be a good sport. By the day of the dinner, Maddy was missed, Josh was disconsolate, and Greg was investigating (police detective and all). Josh was excited because he had found an old journal leading to lost bank robbery’s gains and had contacted Prof Wellborn at the university, which took h is mind off things. Jill ran into the professor one day at the library, but the next day he was dead. What was that all about? Connected to Maddy?

A fun series, typical cozy mystery wherein the amateur sleuth works with(?) the police to solve crimes. This time the police meant her fiance. The necessary pet was available and took almost daily runs on the beach with Jill. The amateur sleuth also managed to solve the crime by putting herself in danger. The characters are fun and consistent. Well written and sympathetic. The mystery was a good one, well, both mysteries. Jill’s sleuthing was effective; she did have a knack for it. Plus there was all kinds of drama and daily life surrounding the entire thing. It is a fun read. Cahoon has a way with words and with character development.

I was invited to read Olive you to Death by Kensington Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #KensingtonPublishing #LynnCahoon #OliveYouToDeath1 Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier1,921 69

#OliveYoutoDeath #NetGalley is a very exciting addition to this series by Lynn Cahoon.
Jill and her fiance Greg are putting the final details of their wedding together, but soon Jill becomes involved in a very strange missing person case.
Josh, another local business owner, is engaged to be married, but not everyone is a fan of his. For a time, Josh dated Jill's aunt, but he and Jill never really saw eye to eye.
When Josh's fiance Mandy suddenly disappears, Josh begs for help, he's shattered by her disappearance and Jill finds it hard to resist his plea.
I really enjoyed the relationship between Jill and Esmeralda, the author did a great job in portraying their feelings about hoe their lives intertwined.
I found myself immersed in the story and can't wait for the next book.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.book-club-theme book-lovers book-store ...more1 Anna564

Thank you NetGalley and Lyrical Press/Kensington Publishing Corp. for the opportunity to read "Olive You To Death" in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is the 16th book in the Tourist Trap Mystery series and the stories just keep getting better and better. Once again we started off with a business-to-business meeting that Jill Gardner was hosting at her Coffee, Books, and More shop. The meeting ended with the shocking announcement from Josh Thomas - the owner of Antiques by Thomas - that he was marrying Mandy Jensen next month. Everyone knew Mandy from the farmer's market where she sold her family's fruits and vegetables.

Jill and Greg's own wedding had been postponed to the fall due to Greg's mother not being able to come because of her 'elective' surgery. If that wasn't bad enough, she gets a phone call from Martha Long at the Santa Barbara Mission where they had been planning to hold the ceremony and reception - she needed their priest's name and parish for the wedding because the Mission belonged to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and could only hold Catholic weddings. They were welcome to hold their reception there but the wedding could not be held there - inside or out. George who booked the wedding for them no longer works there because he was no following guidelines. Just what Jill needs on top over everything as she is trying to complete her final course for her MBA and is trying to frantically write her last paper.

Mandy Jensen is missing and Jill was the last person to see her - as usual she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jill runs into Professor Wellborn in the library. She had taken a course with her years ago. He apparently thinks he has found a secret treasure. Tank Harding who had been in the class with Jill was called upon by the professor to help him authenticate the journal. Another thread ties Tank to Mandy whom he knows from scuba lessons.

When Professor Wellborn is found dead - trouble has once again found Jill. She's a true magnet for this sort of thing. Who ransacked the professor's office at the college?

In this book we find that Esmeralda and Jill make a great sleuthing team and they work together on several clues. We also learn that Aunt Jackie is planning to retire. While she had retired before and was swindled out of her life savings, this time she wants to spend time with her husband and travel. Jill is having a hard time adjusting to the thought of her not being around all the time to consult.

As the threads come together, we learn why Steve the scuba guy has disappeared and also why Mandy's family is convinced she will be home any day now. This was a truly wonderful addition to the series where we saw some friendships strengthened and new ones developed. 1 dnsyl57378 11

"Olive You To Death" is book #16 in "A Tourist Trap mYSTERY" BY lYNN Cahoon.

"In the coastal town of South Cove, June is tourist season—and wedding season. Unfortunately, Jill Gardner’s own wedding has been delayed. But that just gives her more time to search for a missing bride—and a killer . . .

Things are looking up for the owner of Coffee, Books, and More—Jill’s finally getting her MBA, and though her wedding to police detective Greg is postponed a few months, she still has plenty to celebrate. A girls’ weekend in Santa Barbara is just the ticket. But back in South Cove, someone else’s big day has become a big problem. Antiques dealer Josh Thomas and Mandy Jensen were planning a small private ceremony under an olive tree on the historic Jensen farm—until Mandy went missing . . .

Is this a case of a runaway bride—or a guilty groom? Greg zeroes in on Josh but finds him so annoying that he quietly asks Jill’s help in keeping his number-one suspect distracted. She knows that Josh is searching for something else besides his fiancée—a bank robber’s buried gold bullion. And when the professor he’d been discussing it with turns up dead, she can’t help wondering if what looked cold feet was actually cold-blooded murder . . ."

My thoughts:
Jill has a lot on her plate with finishing her MBA and planning her wedding but can't help but add a few more items as a former professor is murdered. He'd been working with Josh to understand some old journals that may lead to a hidden treasure. Then Josh's fiancé Mandy goes missing and Jill's Aunt Jackie has a surprise announcement for her.

The girls weekend was fun but the tension between Jill and Esmerelda did put a bit of a strain on them at times. Once they finally sorted that all out, it was interesting to see how well the two women could work together to find some answers for Greg though I think he got a bit more than he bargained for in the two working together!

Greg asking Jill to "babysit" Josh could have gone so wrong as Josh can be a bit prickly and pushy at times however, seeing how he reacted to Mandy being missing and the toll it took on him showed a softer more loving side. That side of him had been well hidden before Mandy came into his life.

I did suspect the reason behind Mandy's disappearance. As to who killed the professor, it seemed too obvious from what was written so I leaned in a different direction and got to the right answer before Jill did.

Aunt Jackie's announcement will definitely change things up a bit for Jill's business and she wonders if she's ready for it. Then there is the change in venue for the wedding in October. Finding a new location with only a few months notice isn't going to be easy.

The changing dynamics between core characters kept the story moving. All in all, this was an interesting quick read. Shaina427 2

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Lynn Cahoon for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Olive You to Death coming out June 4, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Things are looking up for the owner of Coffee, Books, and More—Jill’s finally getting her MBA, and though her wedding to police detective Greg is postponed a few months, she still has plenty to celebrate. A girls’ weekend in Santa Barbara is just the ticket. But back in South Cove, someone else’s big day has become a big problem. Antiques dealer Josh Thomas and Mandy Jensen were planning a small private ceremony under an olive tree on the historic Jensen farm—until Mandy went missing . . .

Is this a case of a runaway bride—or a guilty groom? Greg zeroes in on Josh but finds him so annoying that he quietly asks Jill’s help in keeping his number-one suspect distracted. She knows that Josh is searching for something else besides his fiancée—a bank robber’s buried gold bullion. And when the professor he’d been discussing it with turns up dead, she can’t help wondering if what looked cold feet was actually cold-blooded murder . . .

I have several books in this series, but haven’t read them yet. I’ve read other books by this author and really enjoy her writing. She definitely brings the cozy vibes. I love that Jill owns a bookstore and seems to be doing well. I felt there was a lot of wedding talk, but not a ton of planning going on. It felt Greg was kind of a side character in this book. There were some shenanigans with Jill and her friend trying to find out more about the case. It was fun, but it seemed a little amateurish if Jill had been doing this for a while. But overall, I loved the story. I’ll definitely read more books by this author. Cozy Reviews1,882 5

This is release number 16 in this beloved cozy series "Tourist Trap Mystery Series" by cozy author Lynn Cahoon. I have read the entire series and highly recommend this series as one of my top 5 all time cozy favorite series. The author has a talent for writing wonferful rich characters and well crafted mysteries .

In this next in series our favorite protagnist Jill is planning her wedding while completing her MBA in finals . Her Aunt had insisted she obtain her MBA to better manage her bookstore and her inheritance. Her original wedding venue has fallen through and this postpones her wedding further. She is invited to a girls weekend in Santa Barbara to try on wedding dresses and celebrate with her friends. The group wants Jill to relax and enjoy her weekend but she becomes involved in a mysterious disappearance back home. A local bride disappears before her wedding and the groom is the main suspect. When the distraught groom asks Jill to investigate before he is arrested she agrees. The mystery surrounding the disappearance becomes more mysterious when a professor Jill knows is murdered. Jill is investigating both the murder and disappearance with red herrings and clues abound. Her Aunt has news for Jill that shocks her and will change her life going forward.

This was such a fun mystery that kept this reader guessing to conclusion. I loved the dual mysteries and how Jill methodically builds her cases. The supporting characters all are wonderfully drawn to the series. The smart savvy protagnist makes this series a winnning cozy series and a must read for cozy lovers. I look forward to the next in series. Thank you to publisher, the author and to Net Galley for the ARC for review. Well done next in series. Jeanie Jackson2,282 35

Olive You to Death, the 16th book in Lynn Cahoon's A Tourist Trap Mystery series, is a prime example of why readers keep coming back. The characters feel so natural that they could be people I know, and the well plotted mysteries always leave me hanging to the end of the story. I was expecting to be attending the wedding of Jill and Greg, so I was as surprised as the members of the business-to-business group when Josh announced that he and Mandy were getting married the following month. Wow! Josh, getting married. Even with the development in his person and character, that one was a shock. But that wasn't the biggest shock. Apparently, the olive tree where the ceremony would take place is as cursed as rumors say, or maybe there is another reason the bride to be disappears. Cold feet or curse? Between the search for Mandy and the search for treasure, Jill hardly has time to address the latest problem that has arisen with her wedding, the disappearing venue, or at least the venue that is no longer available. Needless to say, on top of those issues there is a murder to be resolved, and Jill feels a strong to connection to the victim so of course she is involved. All together the fast pace left me turning pages from beginning to end. Who needs sleep with there is a great book to read?
My thanks to NetGalley and Kensington for allowing me to read and review and ARC of Olive You to Death. All together the fast pace left me turning pages from beginning to end. Who needs sleep with there is a great book to read?
#NetGalley #Kensington #ATouristTrapMystery #LynnCahoon2024-read arcs June PriceAuthor 6 books72

Let's see, missing bride, hidden treasure, and, oh, yeah, a dead body. I mean, it isn't Jill doesn't have anything else to worry about, her own upcoming wedding and finishing her MBA degree. And, oh, yeah, her aunt's pending retirement that will leave the Coffee, Books, and More shop solely in Jill's hands. Toss in a girl's weekend to celebrate the upcoming wedding and shop, not to mention have fun, and Jill's calendar is full.

So, what happened to Mandy Jenson, the missing soon-to-be bride? Joel, her husband-to-be, is obviously a suspect but he's frantic and, quite frankly, driving Greg, Jill's future hubby and detective, crazy. How crazy? Crazy enough to pawn him off on Jill to keep him out of his hair. And, this is just the beginning of the story. Lots more happening, including miscommunications and loyalties being stretched, making the side-stories interesting, too.

Bottom line, I Jill and the supporting cast although Greg seemed to be a side-character throughout most of the story, go figure. I also the fact that we see Jill reminded not to jump to conclusions, both about the murder and personal matters. A fun story with unique characters and intriguing side stories. Lots of romance and wedding talk in this installment, so be prepared to talk wedding sites, snafus, and more. Thanks #NetGalley and #KensingtonPublishing - #LyricalPress for letting me catch up with Jill and Greg again. Looking forward to the wedding!2 s Holly1,212

Olive You to Death is the 16th book in the awesome A Tourist Trap Mystery series by Lynn Cahoon and it is a great addition to the series. Jill Gardner owns Coffee, Books and More. Her staff is great and family. Jill is engaged to Detective Greg King. They are getting married in October and this book takes place in June. Josh owns the antique store next door and he and Mandy are getting married except right before the wedding Mandy disappears. Josh found an old journal and is looking for a lost treasure. Jill is finishing up her MBA and trying to get used to the idea her Aunt Jackie wants to retire from the store. On top of that, she has wedding venue problems. A professor Jill knows from the college ends up dead. He was also involved with Josh and the journal. Is Mandy's disappearance and the professors death linked? It all keeps Jill and Greg very busy! Another very enjoyable book in one of my favorite series! One of the local ad campaigns is " South Cove is the Number 1 Tourist Trap on the Pacific Coast Highway" which solidifies the series title. I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley and.Kensington Books and I voluntarily leave this review. #OliveYouToDeath. #ATouristTrapMystery #NetGalley. #Kensington Nancy1,289 50

It seems more of an outline with inconsistent parts. I found myself thinking -- that is not what you said a couple of pages ago. Maybe Lynn Cahoon has too many books in progress and cannot remember her previous paragraphs or where she wanted a book to go.

With a local woman missing, you would have thought that more people in this close-knit small town would be upset or out looking for her -- but then again -- maybe the people of South Cove have been there and done that so frequently in the previous fifteen books, that when a person goes missing, it’s just another Tuesday.

Overall, the book reads superficially with too much chatter about finding a new wedding venue, Jill needing to finish her final paper, and the burning need to take Emma for a beach run. If this is a mystery, shouldn’t the mystery be front and center? The missing woman is lost in all the surrounding chatter.

The book does drag with the amount of repetition and poor editing. The reason behind the missing woman is all sorts of ridiculous. Then add in Aunt Jackie suddenly putting in her notice that she is retiring but wants compensation for all that she has done for the business, and Jill wanting to overcompensate her, was unnecessary icing on a lopsided cake.
1 Jen594 4

Olive You to Death is the sixteenth cozy mystery in the A Tourist Trap Mystery series. Jill’s wedding to Greg has been postponed, but wedding bells are still ringing in South Cove. Josh Thomas, the local antique dealer, is getting married to Mandy Jensen, but when Mandy goes missing and Josh wonders if it has to do with an old journal he found about a treasure Jill is on the case. As always, Jill can’t help but get involved in the local crimes and she uses her skills to help uncover what is really going on in South Cove.

I am a fan of this series and have been from the beginning. This book was another good one in the series and one of my favorites in this later half of the series. I enjoyed seeing a different side to the usually grumpy Josh and d how Jill helped him out. This is an enjoyable mystery series with a whole cast of characters that are fun to see again in each book. My biggest problem with this book is Jill. Lately I’ve found her to be too something, I’m can’t put a finger on what it is, but something about her bothers me. She was better in this book than the last few though. Overall this is a good cozy mystery with a story that kept me guessing and had a good ending. If you are a cozy mystery fan this is a series worth checking out. Tari2,829 87

Another fun visit to South Cove and a murder plus a side mystery were keeping Jill’s plates spinning as she worked to finalize her MBA along with other various things going on in her life. When Josh first came to South Cove, I remember not liking him too well at all. I still can’t really say he’s even at the bottom of my fave characters, lol, but he’s definitely come a long way from back then. He seemed such a curmudgeon that I always thought he was lots older.

Aunt Jackie had good news, or bad if you looked at it from Jill’s standpoint, but everything else, it all came together. Jill had the most unly showdown partner but they got the best of the perp and Jill lived to sleuth another day. Or watch her two friends get married. It’ll be interesting to see what the next book deals with. Will it be yet another one before Jill and Greg get married? Or is it gonna be closer to the wedding and a big old mystery comes up Jill just has to solve before getting married? I guess we’ll find out eventually!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Kensington Cozies via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.netgalley Sara258 28

Thank you Netgalley and Lynn Cahoon for allowing me to read and review this Arc of the newest adventures with Jill Gardner. I love this series and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book every time.

Amazing things are happening in South Cove. Jil is finally finishing her MBA, she's planning a wedding with her wonderful fiance, a bachelorette party with the girls, her working neighbor Josh has finally found "the one" who can put up with him, and the coffee shop is thriving.

Only problem is, Mandy, Josh's fiance goes missing after Josh discovers a very old journal about a lost treasure. He loops in a professor that Jill knew at her college, who thinks this could be legit. After bringing in his old TAs to help, the professor is tragically murdered in his office. It's up to Jill and Josh (and Greg!) to find Mandy and the murderer, all while finishing up her last paper and learning how to run the shop alone now that Aunt Jackie wants to retire and see the world with her new husband, Harrold.

Loved every second of the book and I can't wait for the next one!netgalley Scilla1,816

Jill Gardner's wedding to Gregg has been delayed and the venue needs to be changed. Jill is trying to finish up her business degree and her Aunt has decided to retire so she can travel more. Josh, who has the shop next door is now planning to marry a much younger woman, Mandy. While studying in the library, Jill see a former professor who tells her Josh has found a journal about pirate gold. At a weekend party with her girlfriends, Jill sees a young man who was in one of her business classes, Tank Hardy, who used to date Mandy and who is also interested in buried treasure. Meanwhile, Josh is most upset because Mandy has suddenly disappeared. And then the former professor who supposedly had asked Tank to help him is found dead.

Jill has a lot on her plate trying to plan for her aunt's retirement, finishing her final paper, looking for Mandy, and finding a new venue for her wedding, as well as helping Josh hunt for the missing treasure. I have enjoyed reading this series.

I thank Netgalley and Kensington Books for the ARC so I could read the book before publication. Melodie254 3

It is always a pleasure to visit the tourist town of South Cove, California and pal around with heroine Jill Gardner, owner of Coffee, Books, and More. The action in Olive You to Death centers around the troubling disappearance of Josh Thomas’ fiancée Mandy Jensen, followed not long after by the murder of Professor Horace Wellborn, who is helping Josh search for missing bounty of long ago bank robber. Are these two events connected? Jill helps Josh as he searches for answers. There are lots of twists and turns on the way to the book’s resolution, though I guessed the murderer’s identity very early on.  There is a continuing storyline concerning Jill and her fiancé Greg’s upcoming wedding. I appreciate that time continues to move forward in this series.

This is a moderately entertaining read though not one of the strongest entries in this series by Lynn Cahoon. That said, I enjoyed it and recommend it for those who enjoy cozy mysteries, especially readers who have “visited” South Cove before. Three and a half stars. Gail156 2

Olive You to Death is the 16th Tourist Trap Mystery by Lynn Cahoon. It doesn’t disappoint. Jill seems to finally have her life moving forward. Her wedding with Greg is planned for the fall. Jill is one research paper away from finishing her MBA. The crew at Coffee, Books and More is working in precision. Things look great. Jill is surprised when Josh Thomas (the owner of the antique shop next door) announces his engagement and wedding to Mandy Jensen. In spite of their differences, Jill is happy for the couple. In fact, Jill invites them to dinner to discuss the trials and tribulations of wedding planning. Jill’s life quickly takes a turn when Mandy goes missing. As usual, Jill gets involved in the investigation. In the meantime, Jill finds that things in her life aren’t going as well as she thought. Jill’s relationship with Greg is the constant throughout these books. They are a great couple and share their life in a positive way. I think I would give the book five stars just because of the way their relationship is portrayed. Great book! Kristina73

Olive You to Death


“ Things are looking up for the owner of Coffee, Books, and More—Jill’s finally getting her MBA, and though her wedding to police detective Greg is postponed a few months, she still has plenty to celebrate. A girls’ weekend in Santa Barbara is just the ticket. But back in South Cove, someone else’s big day has become a big problem. Antiques dealer Josh Thomas and Mandy Jensen were planning a small private ceremony under an olive tree on the historic Jensen farm—until Mandy went missing . . .”

As always Lynn Cahoon hit it out the park! Love her writing and love this series. I couldn’t put it down and didn’t know until almost the end who the killer was, I love when that happens. The bigger picture plot just keeps getting better and I want to live in South Cove. I want to work in the bookshop and be part of the family. Totally recommend this book and all 23 books in this series! Amazing!

#netgalley Debbie Lacey262 7

I love South Cove and always look forward to visits with Jill, Greg, and the gang. In this visit, it seems everything is "on the verge." Jill and Greg' are on the verge of marriage. Jill is on the verge of earning her MBA. Aunt Jackie is on the verge of retirement. As a result, others' lives are on the verge of change, and so on. Perhaps nothing is more surprising than the changes in Josh's life, and I admit that I am pleased with his apparent metamorphosis. In the midst of all the personal changes and challenges, there are solid mysteries to solve, including the whereabouts of missing persons and a potential lost treasure, not to mention a murder. While there were several suspects and scenarios, I had most of it pieced together by the closing chapters, but not all. Nonetheless, I enjoyed my time in South Cove and cannot wait for the next book in the series (and Jill's and Greg's wedding!). amateur-sleuth beach-read bookshop ...more Jeanne1,122 6

Olive You to Death is book #16 in the Tourist Trap Mystery series by Lynn Cahoon.

I love long running series. Each new book is an opportunity to catch up with old friends. Jill has a lot on her plate with the bookstore, working on her MBA, her upcoming wedding, and a missing person. I really enjoyed following along as Jill investigated. I really d how Jill and Esmeralda worked together and how Esmeralda mentioned Nic. This was challenging to solve since there wasn’t hard evidence the missing person and murder were related. I can’t wait for the next book to see how Jill manages all the changes coming up in her life.

Thank you to the author, Kensington Publishing, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

Jill's fellow business owner Josh is getting married to his girlfriend Mandy. Mandy goes missing at the same time there are rumors of buried treasure and treasure maps, and a history professor is murdered. Jill works with her fiance, police chief Greg, and the usual assortment of friends and employees to find Mandy and figure out whether there is really any treasure and how the professor's murder ties into all of this. Lots of different threads to the plot, but the author does a good job keeping the focus on each of them. For readers who have read other books in the series, seeing the relationships develop is a fun part of the book. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher Kensington for the ARC. Kathleen Gray10.5k 174

Aargh- Jill has so much on her plate! She's got to finish the work for her MBA, find a new venue for her wedding to Greg, cope with the fact that she's got to find a new employee for the bookstore and now- now Josh's fiance has gone missing and one of Jill's professors is found murdered! And there's buried treasure! Fans of the long running series will enjoy spending time with these characters, who have advanced in their lives but new readers will be fine because it's a classic cozy. You know Jill's going to sort it all out so it's the journey that's important. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read for fans of the genre. Kathleen1,612 10

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