
Alive and Kicking de Lynch, Chris

de Lynch, Chris - Género: English
libro gratis Alive and Kicking


The author of the acclaimed Vietnam series sets his sights on World War II. "All the sizzle, chaos, noise and scariness of war is clay in the hands of ace storyteller Lynch." –Kirkus Reviews

Theo has always looked up to his older brother, Hank, but never more so than the day Hank enlisted in the US Navy. Not to be outdone, Theo followed his older brother's lead in joining the war effort—but preferring the wide open sky to the untamed ocean, Theo chose to serve with the Army Air Force. As a gunner on a B-24 Liberator, Theo is enthusiastic about his crew's mission to save all of Europe from the Nazis. Fearlessness is a requirement for dog fights at 50,000 feet. But when Theo's brother goes missing in the Pacific, fear start creeping in. Can Theo keep his head in the game while he awaits word of his brother's fate?

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I was pleased to read the rest of the Daisy and Capt. Dan story. It was so well written and followed very smoothly after "Moonlight over Paris". It would be great to read a book about a reunion of all the characters since "Somewhere in France".
read-twice1 Heather C494 80

This story tackles another element that you do not see reflected very often, that of dealing with war injuries, particularly those that disfigured the face. I loved learning about how these face masks were made and how they were the forefront of technology to deal with disfigurement. It was also a sweet romance story about the connections that can be made over life changing experiences. However, I did struggle to get into this story a little bit. The beginning did not grab my attention right from the start and I would have d a better hook. I actually put this book down at this point for a couple months because I just couldn’t get into it. I thought the story picked up once we hit the flashbacks and I honestly could have done without the more contemporary of the parts of the story. I’m glad this wasn’t the kick-off story as it might have colored my opinion for the whole collection.

This was read as part of The Fall of Poppies collection.20th-c historical-fiction wwi Dottie287 28

On November 11th 1918, Daisy Fields said goodbye to the only man she ever loved. She didn't know that the kiss they shared as the bells delcared the great war over would be their last. But thanks to a close call with the Spanish Influenza and an overprotective father's scheme to keep them apart, they might never find eachother again. After her father dies, Daisy sets out to find her soldier in New York City. Will true love prevail?

Another stunning story from "Fall of Poppies" collection that I'd love to see expanded upon the concept!historical-romance novellas Rachel867

I loved this story! I'm so glad I got to read Daisy's story. After it was mentioned in the last story and they didn't tell us! I was so mad, then I found out that Jennifer Robson wrote a short story.
It was a sweet story of Daisy falling in love with an injured ex-serviceman, him falling in love with her. How they get separated and come back together. Tracy611 50

I have other books by this author and simply just haven't gotten to them yet. This was the first story I've read of hers and I really enjoyed it. It's well written and I was pulled into the story quickly. Very nice if you enjoy historical fiction...4 s Melenia2,531 6

I enjoyed this short story. Karen334

This was a very short story.

So much sweetness and poignancy packed into such a short story. I loved it!historical-fiction wwi Sara822

Beautiful short story. I loved it.england wwi Cvneeley546 1 follower

Cheesy and lovely. Also interesting to read about the making of intricate masks for facial injuries. Megan649 44 Read

I'd love to read a full story around this studio! Short stories always feel a bit rushed to me. But the research and emotions were definitely present with this! Laurel186

Just a short, sweet story. Great writing. I will read more from this author.ebook-copy part-of-anthology Kk1,811 14

A sweet side story to a lovely series Judy62 1 follower

This was a sweet love story. I enjoyed it. Jessica21

A well-written story and fit into the anthology well, but I had hoped for more substance in this continuation of the story of a secondary character from MOONLIGHT IN PARIS. It was nice to learn more about the character, but I wanted to hear more of what happened after MOONLIGHT IN PARIS was over. Tracey Joseph340

a lovely short story Jenny46 1 follower

This book is a pretty good book until the end. The end of this book was boring. Chris Lynch did a good job with the beginning. This book did teach me a lot though about the war. I found out which jets were used. For Example, B-17 and B-24, etc. I think choosing another book would of been a bit better. I did find out though that the brother did live, I believe. Overall, this book would be rated a 3 of 5.
1 Caleb Mason4

This book is ok, it is cool to see where he goes and what happens, but it was bland.1 Kyle Thure1 review

Do you intense action and good character development well then I think you will enjoy a book called Alive and Kicking by Chris Lynch. The book takes place in the 1940s and shows you a story of a man named Theo who works in the air force and was told that his brother is MIA. Theo who the book focuses around is a wise cracking young man who actually somewhat enjoys the war. But after his brother went down in the battle of midway he is determined that he is alive and won't stop fighting till his brother is back home.

The thing that I saw different about the world around me is that there are people who actually enjoy to kill. Even if it's a war I think no person should enjoy killing another human being it should be seen as necessary not enjoyable. When it comes to myself I realize I probably can't kill or injure another person unless it was absolutely necessary. I would to think that everyone felt this way but i know there are people actually excited to go to war.

I find that Chris Lynch’s books are very deep in meaning in their own way. They focus a lot on family and friend values and how they are affected during war time. I just really enjoy the approach he takes with each book because they all start it would in real life. People are actually happy or ready for war and have been wanting to fight all along until they finally arrive. I would say that the book didn't necessarily influence me but it did make me think about how families felt about their children and brothers being in a very deadly war.

Overall this was a very entertaining book with lots of detail put into it. I feel people need to read the first two books to really understand the story and what's happening. I say that this book was good but not nearly as good as the previous two which really delve deep into the war. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy history and i suppose war and the effects it has on just normal people. I would give this book a solid 4 out of 5 now I would give it a 3.5 but I know that this book is just meant to make the next book even more intense and dramatic which is a good thing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Levi1 review

The book Alive and Kicking by Chris Lynch starts of how you would expect any war book would. It includes flashbacks and relatives that have died, are dying, or are still home. Throughout the book it talks about some of his experiences at war. Such as, “when I grab the handles too tightly on my 50 caliber machine gun and starting as straight as my bulging eyes can imagine”. He’s explaining his time on the war plane shooting enemies.
Characters: Hank is Theo’s brother. He died somewhere in the war as it explains in the very beginning of the book. Theo is the main character of this book. He is a hardcore war vet and now he is home but feels incomplete without Hank with him. Theo and Hank have a sister named Susan. I Hank more than Theo because Theo is a win bag. Hank is more of a country person and Theo is more of a city boy that wants to be his brother.
Plot: This story takes place at multiple places. It starts off at the steps of Theos old house. The story then shifts over to the war zone in multiple flashbacks. “They appear and disappear speedy nightmares”, as it says on reference pg53. I think that this book kinda pulled me in but in some spots in the book it was annoying. I how this book talks about ww2 and don’t cut off to other things.
Conflict: Theo wants people to think that Hank absolutely, and positively not dead. Hank died in the United States Navy when his aircraft carrier went down during the battle of midway. Hank has not been seen or heard from since his aircraft carrier went down. Theo wants people to think that Hank is not died but is out there on an island somewhere looking for his way back. Theo thinks Hank is still fighting the good fight.
What I learned: Reading this book I learned about World War 2. I also learned how bad life was back then. I learned that Theo’s parents d Hank more than they him. It really made me think more about how bad they actually had it in the World War 2. This is why I am going to rate this book at 4 out of 5. Kevin Gantt8

This book World War II Alive And Kicking by Chris Lynch was a very good book. The main people in the story are Theo McCallum, and his brother Hank McCallum. I found the book in the school library it looked interesting and I'm also fond of war books and history.

The story begins as Theo is at his base, doing what he does everyday when all basemen were called to war. Theo was excited to be going to battle once again especially with his brother. When the basemen lined up and were given their jobs, Theo was up next. He stood in line in front of his brother waiting for his command when the commandant said his brother Hank was going to stay at base this time and help aid or fix anything that had mechanical issues. Theo was scared of going to war period, but without his brother he didn't know what to do or to even think of.

I was surprised how the book ended. War stories are normally sad, but with this one, I found a great quote about brotherhood in the book. "But i figure, I wouldn't have half the chest i have if it wasn't for you." This quote is about a brother who admirers his other brother's accomplishments. I have a brother and I'd to have a relationship their's.

I think this book would be perfect for people aspiring to be in the military or just people that to read war books in general. My personal opinion on the book is that it was very good, a little suspenseful and somewhat heart warming. I would definitely read it again. Patrick802 5

p.69 "God has famine, and pestilence, and floods and so on. While we, bring war."

This installment of the series is focused on the European theatre of WWII operations which is mainly focused on England but dabbles in North Africa and ends with the bombing of Nazi oil refineries near the Black Sea. This version of the series also presents a quality level of prose which makes the reader thunder through the story at a lightning pace. Similar to previous editions, the asides in this novel do feature letters home but the bulk of the sidebars are diary entries, which are addressed to Hank. The diary entries allow the reader access to more information about the past incidents and relationship between the two brothers in addition to an in-depth dive into the immediate action of a B-24 gunner on missions during WWII. While the novel largely avoids any direct presentation of the gore of war, there are blips of quick mentions of the blood-and-guts horrors of combat. Overall, it is a strong story that is fast-paced with a health dose of high quality prose. EricW_D17 5

I can relate to this book quite a lot. The main character's Brother is M.I.A. and the main character wants to believe that he is M.I.A. and he tried to trick his family that he is not dead and he will soon come back but the family already knows that his brother is gone with the ship he was working in the USS Yorktown. The main character wants to get on his bomber and fight again and his family members try to stop him. This is the part where I can relate or I've done before. I really wanted to join a sports team when my mom was trying to stop me for several reasons but I really wanted to just the main character in this book. The main character goes on doing what he truly believes he has to do. Justin3

My book is about a kid named Theo joining the air force. World War II was just about over when Theo's brother went MIA or Missing In Action. I've had a lot hard times in my life but I've never had to face almost falling into the ocean at 2,500 feet in the air. I've almost froze to to death when snowmobiling in Reehights. I have suggested this book to three other people and they loved the book. I would suggests it to anyone else. Gage1 review

It was a good book that had a pretty typical plot line, but the details were great. They really give a complete understanding of the moment and almost make you feel you are there in the book in a B-24 Liberator, and flying terrifying missions in WWII. Definitely would recommend to people who seek good detail and those who just a regular book, just different circumstances. I will keep reading the series by Chris Lynch and most ly keep enjoying his books. Romeo C1 review

I thought that the book was really fun and interesting to learn about. But at some points it was kind of confusing at some points because there was a lot going on and ww2 there is not a lot of the same things going on so there was a lot of different wars in 5 chapters and I thought this was a lot because I try and remember all the wars and how it happened and where they had happened. Owen2 1 follower

it was ok Blaine Scott3 2 Read

i read a litle bit of it but i did not really care for it so i stopped reading and got a new book Alex Baugh1,954 116

In Dead in the Water, the second book in Chris Lynch's WWII series, brothers Hank and Theo McCallum went off to enlist, Hank in the Navy and Theo in the Army Air Corps, but that novel focused on older brother Hank's experience in the Pacific, eventually finding himself on the USS Yorktown at Midway Island. So I figured the next book would be about Theo's experience flying bombers.

And it is and it basically picks up where Dead in the Water leaves off. The McCallum family has received notice the Hank has been declared MIA ever since the sinking of the Yorktown at Midway (I'm sorry if this is a spoiler for you), and Theo is on his way home on compassionate leave. Though the family is sure that Hank is dead, Theo can't believe that and has convinced himself that because he is MIA, it's just a question of time before he is found alive somewhere. It makes for a very awkward visit home, and Theo can't wait to get away.

Shortly after returning to his base in Oklahoma, Theo and his unit are sent to an RAF base in Shipham, Norfolk, England. This will be their base of operations for flying raids over Eurpope. Theo is a nose gunner on a B-24 Liberator, the youngest member of the crew and because of his interest in baseball and having played some minor league ball in Maryland, they name their plane, rather tongue in cheekish, the Batboy.

Even while holding out hope that his brother will be found alive, Theo and the crew of Batboy fly dangerous daytime bombing raids over occupied France, bombing Hitler's steelworks, engineering factories, and railroad manufacturing. Theo also keeps Hank alive when he begins to keep a journal of what he experiences are, hoping that his brother is doing the same thing, with the intention that at wars end, they can read each other's journal.

Theo sees a lot of action, winning awards, citations and medals for his part in fighting the Nazis and has proven himself to the quite the soldier. The book ends with a journal entry to Hank on June 6, 1944.

Alive and Kicking started off a little slowly for me. It did pick up after Theo returned to his base, but no by much. I thought that his strong attachment to his older brother acted as a distancing factor, so I never felt that Theo connected with the other men who were part of the Batboy's personnel for all his called them his brothers.

I also found that I couldn't situate myself timewise as I read the story. I had no real sense of time passing, yet the novel covers almost two years - the Yorktown was sunk June 7, 1942 and Theo's last entry in his journal is June 6, 1944, which happens to be D-Day.

So, I have to be honest and say that out of all the Chris Lynch books I've read so far, this is probably my least favorite. I found it to be a bit short on plot and dialogue, and way too long on Theo's repetitive monotone inner dialogue. A book this needs to be action oriented and, while there was action, it was all filtered through Theo's thoughts.

There was a lot of good information about gunners and the B-24 Liberator (and I have to confess, since I'm not a military buff, that one bomber is basically the same as another to me), which I actually found interesting. So much so, I actually looked up information on B-24 Liberators.

There is one more book left in Lynch's World War II series, The Liberators, which I am still looking forward to reading, despite not caring much for Alive and Kicking.

This book is recommended for readers age 11+
This book was sent to me by the publisher, Scholastic Press

The review was originally posted on Alex's Bookshelvesworld-war-2 Tyler2 1 follower

Alive and Kicking is a book set in the time of war. As World War 2 is starting young men are joining the U.S. Army to help the war efforts. The war is starting to escalate, as the Japanese have just bombed Pearl Harbor. Things are getting worse at home, so young men are be braving and giving up their privileges, of playing baseball in Theo and Hank's case, to go fight for our freedom.
Theo is the youngest brother, just behind Hank, and decided to join the Air Force. Hank goes to the Navy, and their dad doesn't want them in the same military branch so they have a better chance of at least one getting home. Theo being in the Air Force fits him better anyway, because he's a free spirit and works better in the open skies. Their little sister Susie is always breathing down their neck, writing letters and asking them to come home safe.
Theo goes to the Air Force and is doing well. He's having fun and getting to meet many new people. Theo and his crew are tearing up the sky and Theo is a big part of it as a gunner. Theo then learns that is brother's ship has been shot by a torpedo and this worries Theo. Theo starts worrying about his brother and doesn't focus on his job and they end up crashing.
I think the theme of this story is that you need to focus on your job in order to do it well. Also another theme that could be seen in this story was don't put all of your eggs in one basket, when the boy's dad tell the boys that they can't go into the same branch of the military.
I really d this book and the whole series for that matter. The author explains detail very well and I the way he paints a picture. When I really got into a war scene I felt I was actually there. It was a really cool experience that I can that I've never felt before. Megan 263

While I have not read any of the other books in this series, it appears that Alive and Kicking picks up where Dead in the Water (book 2) ends. Theo’s older brother Hank was declared MIA when the ship he was one, the Yorktown, sank at Midway. Alive & Kicking begins with Theo on his way home for compassionate leave. Theo is convinced that Hank is still alive, even though his family thinks him dead. Theo returns to his base in Oklahoma when his unit is sent to a RAF base in England. Theo flies a B-24 Liberator, and begins keeping a journal to his brother Hank with the hope that Hank is doing the same thing. Theo never loses hope in his brother’s survival, and the book ends on June 6, 1944, with a journal entry to Hank.

Theo McCallum sees a lot of action in this third installment of the series, and Chris Lynch did a great job of bringing the history to life. His descriptions of the equipment and battles remain true to history and greatly add to the story. The only real grievance I have is the author’s choice of voice. Theo’s inner monologue gets to be repetitive and annoying after a while. I would recommend this series to teens who are interested in historical fiction.

Grade Range: 7-9
Genre: Historical
Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Good
Recommendation: Recommended
historical-fiction royal tween ...more Barbara13.6k 290

Theo McCallum has always considered his brother, Hank, to be a hero. Both young men enlisted in the military in an earlier book, but now as Theo learns how to operate the equipment on the B-24 Liberator--he's a gunner--he worries about the folks back home and the whereabouts of his brother, missing after the U.S.S. Yorktown was lost during the battle of Midway. Theo's certainty that his brother must be out there somewhere, alive, permeates each line of the book, when it seems clear to his family and the readers that that is highly unly. In the hands of this talented storyteller, WWII comes to life, and readers experience vicariously the danger, the exhilaration, and determination Theo and his fellow servicemen face as their plane heads off on several dangerous missions. The book is filled with nonstop action, some of which is described through letters home or in diary entries Theo keeps for Hank so they can compare their experiences. Theo's unwillingness to face the truth and his inability to communicate with his parents shows readers the effects of war on the home front too, as he even runs away from his little sister rather than listen to what she has to say. character-building community compassion ...more andrew looker44

Personal Response

I think that the author did do well on the cliffhangers at the end of every chapter and book. Also he did well on the amount of action some authors put too much action ,but this book, had the perfect amount of action. Lastly the author included tense moments that some authors don't include.


Starting off Theo is in the Army Air Corps and is a nose gunner in a consolidated B-24 Liberator. He is initially used to ferry planes to England for them to use ,but eventually gets transferred, to train on mock bombing missions. His first mission they are to bomb factories in France and this succeeds ,but they suffer, one B-17 lost Then there next mission they do the same thing ,but lose two, B-17's lost. Finally there first big mission is to bomb the U-boat docks ,but suffer,heavy casualties. Theo and his group are the only ones that do daylight bombing raids. After that they are transferred to Africa ,but they crash, and no one is hurt.


I would recommend this to High School Boys because there is a lot of complicated events that little kids would not understand. Girls would usually not this because they usually do not fighting. Anne4,697 46

3.5 stars
Third book in Lynch's WWII series. I hadn't read the first two, but this one stands on it's own without needing any need for other back-story.
Theo McCallum and his older brother Hank have both joined the US military to fight in WWII. Hank is MIA after an attack on his ship at Midway. Theo refuses to acknowledge that his brother may actually be dead and keeps up a running journal/letter to his brother. Meanwhile Theo is also busy fighting the Germans as a gunner on a B-52 (also known as a "Flying Coffin".
For students who war stories, this will definitely keep their attention - although I found the letter/journal parts less engaging than the rest of the story.2015 historical-fiction psc- ...more Maria4,090 111

Theo flies with the B-24 Liberator fighting against the Nazis in Europe. His brother was on the USS Yorktown in the Pacific and is now listed as MIA. Theo knows that Hank is out there, that there is nothing tough enough to stop Hank... but the rest of the family is mourning him.

Why I started this book: Dead in the Water ended very abruptly. And I wanted to find out what happened next.

Why I finished this book: Powerful, to have the next book be about the family and how they are coping with loss, anniversaries and war.children historical-fiction japan-libraries ...more Susan1,330 11

Author Chris Lynch definitely speaks to young people with his two series on war. The books are popular and don't stay on the shelves. It is always interesting to see what he writes next. Good for grades 5 and up.fiction primary ya Kenneth Flusche1,040 8

A good middle school boys war story. Things have changed since I was in Junior High when WWII stories were high adventure kick ass patriotic recruiting. This story tries to drag emotion and I wish I knew a 13 year old to see if the author succedded. Dylan O9

i thought the book was great. i was a little sad when Theodore did not see his brother again. he Theodore did get hurt but he got a shiny new B-24J and he loved it. i would recommend it to people who non fiction books. set in the past. Vinnie M3

it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Erin651

on to bk 4... JumpStreet6961 3

This book wasn't as good as the 2 before this one. It didn't get good for me until the end. I wouldn't suggest reading it. Riff Talsma12

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