
Anna di Avonlea (Anna dai capelli rossi) de Lucy Maud Montgomery

de Lucy Maud Montgomery - Género: Italian
libro gratis Anna di Avonlea (Anna dai capelli rossi)


È passato qualche anno dall'arrivo di Anna dai Capelli Rossi nella fattoria di Green Gables, e le sue avventure continuano. Ora la ragazza è più grande e matura, ma di certo non meno sorridente o sognatrice di prima. Ha deciso di seguire il cuore e diventare una maestra di scuola. Il suo percorso però si rivela meno lineare del previsto e le riserva una scelta tanto difficile quanto improvvisa. Quando tutto inizia a cambiare, Anna sarà disposta a lanciarsi verso l'ignoto, o preferirà restare nel luogo tranquillo che l'ha accolta diventando la sua famiglia?

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Oh what a beautiful, charming, enchanting, book! It's a lovely, clean one, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

[Except for.. (note at the end)]

It's hard not to fall in love with Anne Shirley. Might I say that most of us who are into books might see a bit (if not a lot) of ourselves in her. She reminded me of the time when ma once exclaimed in exasperation that she should not have bought me all those Chandamamas and other books, because I used to be so lost in my own world most of the time. Lel! Oh! How I miss those days. Sigh!
That's another thing about this book. It made me all nostalgic about the simple joys of childhood and of the life I live when I am at my amumma's (maternal grandma's). I would have promptly left for her place, if only she wasn't away on one of her teerthayatras.

Coming back to Anne, I definitely want to read more about her, though there were times when I went, 'I need a break from this child', and put the book down. I mean she is a non-stop chatterbox. Also, a tad tempted to check out that series on Netflix just for those beautiful, scenic settings.

If only, that casual distaste towards 'heathens' and glorification of foreign missionaries (mentioned a couple of times in the beginning) can be gotten rid of from the book. But then, I guess that might mean staying untrue to how certain things are. Before someone says, that's how things WERE and not are, especially in the places that this story is based out of, let me tell you that, that is not the case. That hatred and dis towards 'heathens' has been passed on to quite a few of Indian Christ- here. Just the other day I crossed paths with a certain lady (while traveling locally via public transport) who was trying to engage a few of us random strangers on Jesus, she kept going on and on, and about how he saved her and her family and, etc, etc, etc. I listened to her patiently for some time and then interrupted her saying it's wonderful that Jesus has helped her out in her times of difficulties and has given her strength and support. I added that my Vishnumurthy has done the same to me, and whether I should start talking about it all. She promptly got off the seat and got down at the next station
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