
Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity de Lucas Miles

de Lucas Miles - Género: English
libro gratis Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity


Lucas Miles ISBN: 5385007001

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I remember when I was a kid, one lesson from my pastor stuck out to me. He said when Jesus comes back, most of his will call him the devil.

Seeing how Christianity is on the cusp of dying, and seeing its last few decades of being a living religion, I absolutely see this. The people following Jesus, are now changing scripture to fit the narrative of people in power. Pushing the agenda that you need to hate and kill your neighbors and we need to destroy anyone against you. Christians are being pulled from god, worshipping idols and names.

If the rapture is real, then most of gods will already be left behind and will blame others once again, for following the devil in hell just because that devil wears the mask of Jesus. This is ruining our country. It’s ruining Christianity. It’s unamerican and evil worship. 14 s5 comments Steven McIntyre6 1 follower

I was a bit skeptical as I began to read this book, that it would be another theology that centered around politics first. However, it was refreshing to see a theological discussion of what is most problematic with how woke ideas are taking over many churches. The effort to create a theology that is acceptable to the world at large has eroded the very truth proclaimed in the Bible. The author approaches this topic from a Biblical standpoint with the support of many Biblical references. He even calls out conservative Christians who allow their politics to influence there theology. I highly recommend this book to every believer who takes the Word of God seriously.5 s Susan Anderson Misey242 3

Lucas Miles delivers a meticulously researched and documented expose' on the history of Wokeism--and it is a lot older than COVID-19, when after awakening from our lockdown slumber, its tenets became the zeitgeist of the Church, the nation, and even the world. This is not an easy read, but an important one. The first two chapters give history and the last two chapters look ahead, but it is the six chapters in the middle that pack the most wallop and connect the dots between past and present. If you are a Christian who believes in the inerrancy of the Word and the Diety of Jesus Christ (as opposed to the "hippie Jesus" who is everywhere today-- as in, "It's all about LOVE...") then this book will speak to you through cited Scripture and textual evidence. It further reminds us of our mandate as Christians as described in 1 John 5:3 (NKJV.) "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome." 4 s1 comment Thomas George Phillips457 31

Mr. Miles relies on The Gospels to drive his argument home; and to prove his point how Woke is slowly destroying the Christian Church. He found a most willingly and attentive reader on his all important book for any practicing Christian.

4 s John15

Very analytical book that is based in scripture and God’s word. People who read this thinking it will justify the worldly view of Jesus or Christianity in terms of progressivism will be disappointed. Those who read it to greater understand that morals aren’t in decline, but that people, politicians and money grabbers are changing what is morally acceptable even though it falls outside of Gods Word will walk away having a deeper understanding of what we face as Christians and have an ability to have real conversations on why they disagree with progressive Christianity and how it does not align with Gods word.3 s Keith145 11

I thought this book was the complete opposite of what it was. Unreadable. 3 s Meagan1,744 52 Read

Currently a DNF; the Kindle version from NetGalley is unfortunately so poorly formatted (and would even cut off mid-sentence at times), I could not continue for reviewing purposes.

I'm currently in line for a published copy from my local library, and will revisit at that time; but as to the eARC from NetGalley, it's sadly a DNF.christian-social-issues dnf netgalley2 s Calvin10

The book has a lot of very important information. Every Christian should be aware of the attack that’s currently happening within the church. Unfortunately I really didn’t care the overall writing style. Full of needed information but poorly executed. 2 s Michael Mechsner50 1 follower

This is a great quick read that analyzes the progress of liberal Christianity from its beginnings to its present day WOKE form. Miles correctly identifies the roots of this movement in Gnosticism, Kant, Hegel, and Marx. It is well footnoted (something that lacks in todays “scholarship”). I graduated from a liberal Canadian Seminary (Lutheran Theological Seminary - Saskatoon) in 1989 and the professors were already teaching from the roots of this movement. I also served congregations in the ELCIC and the ELCA - both denominations are now completely WOKE.2 s Jo KnealeAuthor 9 books38

Why should Christians be careful to centre Christ in our lives? To avoid being seduced by the idea that society alone can provide the justice.

Lucas Miles book is not a long or heavy read, but provides meat to think about. What should the role of Church be in society? Why does the incarnation, death and resurrection matter? And how can Christians avoid pride and judging others in working to God's glory in a fallen world?2 s Marsha A. Brock1 review

Woke Jesus

This book should be read by young and old a. Also, it is more important to read and study the Good Book. God's word never grows old. It keeps us close to our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.2 s Kris Gibson38 2

Has incredible insight to the lunacy of the progressive movement that has overtaken the some of the churches, Democratic Party, schools and other institutions.2 s Kyle C25

Encourages his readers to support Newsmax (the publisher Humanix Books is a division of Newsmax), change churches if their pastor supports gay rights, and work to turn the USA into a "Theonomy".

The author basically whines about perceived grievances and woke boogeymen around every corner. Glad I borrowed it from the library instead of buying it...1 Carol Standish-Leigh170

This is a comprehensive look at how the christian church has become infiltrated by inconsistent theologies and practices. Often a million miles away from the biblical context that a bible believing Christian would understand. The book is aimed at the American market so there is a lot of information and evidence presented that doesn't help and UK based reader. Lucas Miles takes us through a history lesson starting in the 1700's showing the reader where much of the church has a wrong turn (or two). Jesus was not woke, he wasn't a marxist, buddhist or merely a good man. His message 2000 years ago was radical then and is still radical today. In a world proliferated with "cancel culture", it is becoming increasingly difficult to state what, as a Christian, believers actually believe in. Too often the message of Jesus is watered down to appeal to various audiences. Taking the bits that support their arguments and leaving out everything else.

American mega churches are often based on the cult of personalities, and in recent years we have seen the scales fall and those held up in high esteem have fallen from lofty heights. Usually involving sins of the flesh and a less than biblically correct lifestyle. The church needs to return to biblical basics. Forget the fancy, often debunked theories, faulty theology, consumeristic mindsets, or the latest populist thinking and return to the basics. As Christians we believe that the only way to the Father is through the Son. Jesus is not merely a prophet, a good man or just a historical figure, he is literally the Son of God. To many churches are preaching from a place and mindset that has turned away from the teaching of Jesus. I would quote Revelation 3 14-19. Take heed church. Be earnest and repent. As Mr Miles states "Wokeism promotes culture where truth is replaced by power and gratitude by ingratitude". At its worst wokeism is a form of absolutism that allows no dissent or alternative world view. Ignore it at your peril.1 HippoHobbily1 review

By the same standard, the conservative Jesus would have been further away from the gospel1 Joshua217

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

There is some really good stuff in this book about connecting Gnosticism in the first and second centuries to a lot of modern-day ideologies (and what the author would call wokeism). Some of this was really fascinating and I thought really well researched. He made some great connections.

There are whole sections of this book that I really did enjoy - it was convicting to see how many secular philosophies of the day impact what I believe about the Lord - ME, not my backslidden "why aren't they as political as I am" neighbor. I would have loved to read this with my friends and discuss how we can overcome some of those tendencies that seem so natural.

All that being said, the author definitely has a bone to pick with what he calls "wokeism." I understand it, I share some (if not most) of his conclusions, but I think he's caustic at points. If this book is only written for people who absolutely agree with him, I guess he won't have any problems. But I think had he approached this in a "how do we become who Christ wants us to be" vs. assuming that everyone on the right is CORRECT (except a few words against the crazy nationalists) and everyone on the left is WRONG - I think it would have made for a much more pastoral teaching. As it stands now, it can feel very soapboxy at times.

Also, I have to mention that the advanced copy I got on Kindle was very poorly formatted and unfinished. Many times a paragraph would leave off mid sentence. I don't think I could give a thorough endorsement one way or another because I'm not sure half the time what the concluding thought was.

Proceed with caution. There is some really good stuff here, but some land mines as well. Another book in this area that just came out was Political Gospel. They're very different books, but having conversations about the same subject. Might be worth a look side by side. Greg Schloesser179 1 follower

Lucas Miles, a Christian pastor, speaker and author, dives deep into his attacks on the Woke movement, specifically how it relates to and, in his opinion, damages traditional Biblical theology and beliefs. He clearly has a vast knowledge of Biblical and theological philosophies and schools-of-thought, much of which is admittedly beyond my knowledge and often difficult to comprehend if one is not as well versed as he is.

He provides detailed background of the various movements that have led to the Woke movement and Critical Race Theory. It is clear where his beliefs lie, as he admits to being conservative and one who believes in the inerrancy of the Bible. His attacks on alternative beliefs are relentless and harsh, and he seems to see vast and widespread global Communist conspiracies behind a wide variety of movements and philosophies. It is this overarching conspiratorial viewpoint that made it difficult for me to accept most of his views.

books-read-20241 David322 10

The author acknowledges that the term "Woke" arose from the civil rights movement, but highjacks it to refer to everything he diss about the world. Critical theory, globalism, vaccine mandates and secularization of colleges are denounced as Gnosticism and taking the form of Hegelian dualism. The author is particularly critical of the Black Lives Matters movement as being a new form of Marxism.
The book appears scholarly as the author relates much of his criticism to philosophy. In reality, the book is merely an attempt to promote a Right Wing agenda and try to whitewash it with scripture. There is a a subtle but clear racism that permeates the writing. Roger S. Burkholder1 review

Woke Jesus review

I would recommend this book to any one in today's church because we seem to be losing gospel truth on a daily basis. This book doesn't just rail against the leftist takeover of our churches. Anyone can do that. Miles gives an in depth history of how theological leftism has its roots in the early church's most influential enemy -Gnosticism. Most importantly, he gives practical advice on how to confront this insidious cultural infection.
If there is any weakness at all in the book, the practical advice could have been longer.
Overall this is a true master piece on theological leftism. Gayle K1 review

Important info for Christians

We are daily reminded of the depravity of our society, but rarely are we given help in understanding it, much less the necessary information to bring a resolution to it. This book shows us the philosophical underpinnings of our current society and provides clear scriptural direction to focus us on Christ and His solutions. I will ly have to reread it to completely grasp all the points, but my primary takeaway is summed up in the verse; ‘looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith” we must press on against the enemy of wokeness. Andrea Locati-beck9 1 follower

It had good points. However, it is written so academically that it is difficult to follow at times. I'm not faulting the author for that, he did his research and knows his stuff. As a "regular joe" and not an academic on the subject, I had some difficulty understanding what exactly he was saying. I feel this book needed to be more accessible to the regular person because woke Christianity is a problem that we all need need to confront head on. I appreciate the author's work in writing this book, and I will recommend it to others. Vonnie7

Excellent report on current trends in culture and how they are invading the Church. Lots of documentation provided. I appreciated the author's research. I eschew the word "Woke" in this context because I think it's been overused and somewhat misunderstood or misinterpreted. However, the fact that culture is diluting the strength of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the lives of many Christians - especially "progressive" Christians - is undeniable. Robert Sparkman17 1 follower

This is a great book, especially for the person who has not read much on wokeness.

The author is a pastor of a church in Granger, Indiana.

He comes from a different tradition than my own (I am Particular Baptist), but he strives towards irenic communication with other Christians.

He is not afraid to name names, and I respect that. Jon McClain43

It is very opinionated and concludes from assumptions. I suggest reading this with the understanding that one person's view injects their own beliefs and viewpoints. Easy three stars if you read it that. But I'm giving this book a 1 star because of the wrong marketing. Christopher Sweet110 1 follower

While I agree with the premise of this book, Miles uses too many generalizations and no specific solutions to the wokeism of progressive Christianity. It was as if the book was written simply to round up -minded believers to get angry and do nothing of substance.2024-books-read Natasha19

1.5 kiki8


Extremely good information and also updated. Next book or part 2 is going to be awesome. So much to say regarding this issue SusanAuthor 135 books78

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