
Arthur e il popolo dei Minimei de Luc Besson

de Luc Besson - Género: Italian
libro gratis Arthur e il popolo dei Minimei


Arthur ha dieci anni e molte preoccupazioni. Sui genitori non può contare, visto che l'hanno lasciato in campagna dalla nonna. La nonna è simpatica, la casa è bella, ma un malvagio speculatore medita di impossessarsene. Artur è solo un bambino... A chi chiedere aiuto?

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"Your strength comes from within. Your greatest weapon is your heart". ?

This novel tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named Arthur, who lives with his grandmother and dog (Alfred). With the threat of being evicted from their home, Arthur must make the journey to find a hidden treasure to pay off his grandmother's debts. He ventures into the world of the Minimoys (tiny, fierce, warior- people) in the hopes that they have the clues to help him find the treasure.

This book is a great adventure narrated by the brilliant Jim Dale. It's such a fun ride! This is a two-part story. The second installment, "Arthur and the Forbidden City" picks up with Arthur and a team of warriors heading into the Forbidden City to fight the biggest threat to the Minimoys.13 s Kathryn4,499

Ten-year-old Arthur and his grandmother are still haunted by the disappearance of Arthur's grandfather, an explorer who remains missing after several years, while being hounded by the developer who intends to evict them from their house. As money runs out, Grandma is faced with selling many of the precious artifacts Grandpa found in his extensive journeys--but not before Arthur finds a clue to the treasure that Grandpa hid in the backyard. This discovery takes Arthur on an incredible adventure to the land of the Minimoys, tiny people whose kingdom just happens to be in his own backyard!

I really enjoyed the set-up of the story. Arthur is a fun kid, thoughtful, creative, sensitive and full of ingenuity. He has the cheerful optimism of a kid without being completely naive to grown-up problems and I that. Grandma is also pretty cool; I the relationship she and Arthur had. Very understanding and supportive! In retrospect, the beginning was rather slow-moving in terms of getting to the Minimoy adventure, but I didn't mind. What did bother me, in this part of the book, is how Grandma kept lamenting that their goods and services were stopped when they couldn't pay their bills. Of course, every story needs a villain and there is no doubt the land developer is a jerk, but I felt a little uncomfortable with how Grandma seemed to feel everyone ought to let her skate by because of the tragedy involving her husband, even though she could no longer pay the bills. While certainly there is a time and place for charity, I was frustrated by the underlying lack of understanding portrayed for the business owners who need money to support their own families and can't keep giving away their goods and services no matter how kindly they feel toward Grandma and Arthur.

The second part of this book is the Minimoy adventure, when Arthur is shrunk to the size of these tiny folk (who, it should be noted are so small they can ride on the back of a mosquito!) and needs their help in getting the treasure not only to save his own home but to save theirs since the Minimoy world would be destroyed if the land developer got his way and paved over everything to put up an apartment complex. I expected to be really excited about this part. I love stories about teeny-tiny people but I was disappointed that this seemed mostly a regular adventure with very little emphasis on the tiny-Arthur-inhabiting-a-much-different-world aspect. I began to lose interest after various escapades involving confrontations and escapes involving enemy henchmen. I also found the budding love story between Arthur and Princess Selenia of the Minimoys to be a little too odd since Arthur is, um, ten years old but Selenia must be married in two days (though, with all the human-to-Minimoy age conversions they are the same age). Weird!

Also, maddeningly, this book ends with a MAJOR "To Be Continued" so the second book (Arthur and the Forbidden City) is not so much a sequel as a Part II.

Anyway, all in all this was an entertaining story especially with Jim Dale's narration on the audibook but I'm not sure I want to continue on with the sequel. I hate to say this, but I might just watch the movie instead.
middle-grade6 s Ann144 5

Okay, this is obviously a young reader book. It puts a new spin on the 'Arthur and The Sword In The Stone' concept.good-clean-read juv-fiction-easy5 s Jesus Flores2,187 50

Interesante mezcla.
Algun dia reseña mas completa

Y aquí la reseña más completa

Si un libro infantil, y demasiado obvia la referencia a Arturo y la espada en la piedra, aventura a todo lo que da.

Y si lo de los minimoys muy divertidos.

Esta edición trae stills de la peli, (cosa que no es muy de mi agrado) y alguno dibujos(que están geniales).

Lo que sí, digo Maltazard será según muy malo, pero el mercado de ciudad prohibida, todo un crisol de razas y libre mercado, a diferencia de los minimoys que parecen ser aislacionistas, (que bueno considerando lo del "casero", igual y es una nada velada pedrada al capitalismo)

Eso si te diviertes con las aventuras de Arthur, la valentia y principalidad de Selenia, y el humor infantil de Betameche, y aunque cliche pues Maltazard me agrado como villano

fantasy kid-book zz_2021_books ...more2 s Juan QuirogaAuthor 2 books114


En comparación de la película homónima, ocupa prácticamente casi pasada la mitad de la historia. Los diálogos, los personajes y las escenas están plasmadas tal cual que de forma audiovisualmente. Las ventajas de que el autor sea el mismo que las dirigió: LUC BESSON.

RESEÑA COMPLETA EN MI BLOG (sin spoilers): https://lavidadeungamerprincipiante.b...lecturas-conjuntas leídas-en-digital transposiciones2 s Renata Freire129 8

Bonzinho, eu gostava muito desse filme e vi esse livro na biblioteca e agora quero muito ler as continuações. Apesar de ser um livro infantil e ter alguns erros de ortografia, achei divertidinho e da aquela nostalgia da infância. Espero ler o próximo e gostar mais.1 Panait Nicoleta790 15

@editura Rao

In martie anul trecut i-am citit lui Damian "Arthur ?i minimosii", si ?tiind c? este ecranizat acest volum, film pe care l-am mai v?zut, am zis s? mai citim odat? cartea ?i s? vedem filmul ?i s? not?m în AGEND? diferen?ele.

?ti?i c? noi am început s? vedem ecraniz?rile c?r?ilor citite

V? spun sincer c? am citit-o cu mai mult? pl?cere, chiar mai mult? decât la prima citire ?i nu m-a deranjat c? este citit?, pentru c? ?tiam cât de minunat? este aceast? carte.

Dac? dori?i s? pleca?i într-o aventur? al?turi de Arthur, s? descoperi?i minimosii, trebuie mai întâi s? descifrati codul al?turi de Arthur l?sat de bunicul Artchi, anume : "Cuvintele pot ascunde alte cuvinte - Willian Shakespeare."

Este o carte fantasy, avându-l drept protagonist pe un b?ie?el în vârst? de 10 ani, ce trece în t?râmul minimosilor pentru a descoperi comoara oferit? de bongo-matalasai bunicului s?u, comoar? ce o poate ajuta pe bunic? s? nu-?i piard? casa.

Ar fi ?i p?cat s? nu descoperi?i aceast? minunat? serie!!!

Cuvinte noi descoperite:

STURLUBÁTIC, -?, sturlubatici, -ce, adj. (Pop.) Nebunatic, neastâmp?rat, zv?p?iat. [Var.: (reg

SFOIEGÍT, -?, sfoiegi?i, -te, adj. (Reg.) Muced, umed; p. ext. îng?lbenit, sfrijit. [Pr.: sfo-ie-] – V. sfoiegi.


?? în carte câinele se nume?te Alfie, în film Alfred

?? nu este men?ionat? în carte dorin?a lui Arturde a conduce ma?ina

??în film nu se specific? de ce nu ajung parintii la ziua lui (tat?l î?i pierduse slujba)

??prima oar? când Davin ii înmâneaz? bunicii contractul, se petrece fix înainte sa sufle Artur în tort...nu mai este men?ionat? lipsa semn?turii de pe contract.

??în carte anticarul îi d? mai pu?in de 300 de dolari, poli?istul punând diferen?a...

?? a învelit -o pe bunic? cu p?tur? înainte de a pleca c?tre t?râmul minimosilor

??în carte, fratele Seleniei se nume?te Mo?isor-Mo?, în film-Betame?

Mici diferen?e, dar tot minunate au fost ,atât cartea cât ?i filmul. ?ti?i cât de dor îmi era s? g?sesc la sfâr?itul c?r?ii lista cu c?r?ile publicate ? Sper s? mai g?sesc astfel de liste în c?r?ile noi publicate

#varsta 8-10 ani
220 pagini
#readingchallange2021 #nemira cerinta19

Arthur ?i minimosii

Damian a descoperit seria în bibliotec? ?i ?i-a dorit s? i-o citesc (are o copert? atractiv?, nu?)...dar citind-o nu m-am putut opri dup? ce a adormit el ?i am finalizat-o ......ca s? o reiau a doua zi pentru el.
Arthur,un b?ie?el de 10 ani,pasionat de c?r?i ?i aventurile prin care a trecut bunicul lui, st? în acea vara la bunica lui ?i afl? c? pentru a o ajuta s?-?i p?streze casa,trebuie s? g?seasc? comoara primit? de bunic din partea minimosilor.
Cine sunt minimosii, ce mesaj secret a descoperit din partea bunicului disp?rut de 3 ani....trebuie s? descoperiti ?i voi......
Ast?zi am vizionat ?i ecranizarea c?r?ii.1 Clémence161 11

IGGPPC Monthly Challenge April 2015 : a book adapted into an animated movie
2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge : a book at the bottom of your to-read list

I didn't expected a lot from this book, so I can't say I was really disappointed. The story itself is a classic adventure, rather entertaining, the kind of thing a experienced film-maker Besson can do.
Not much subtelty, but some efficiency.

What really bothered me though was the writing. I can't call it purple prose really, but it felt cheesy and cliché.
Add to that a fair amount of gender stereotype, and you'll understand why I cringed during most of the reading.

I guess I'll read the second one though, since I already got it and the two volumes make a single story (and of course the first volume ends up with a big cliffhanger), but it will not become a favorite of mine.2-stars 2015-reading-challenges 21e ...more1 April859 5

We had fun! There isn't much difference from book to film! There are even exact lines that are the same. It was just as fun to read the book as it was to watch the movie! Who doesn't want to believe that there is a world of little people living in their backyard...and if only you have all the pieces (a rug, five very large men and a magic telescope), and the right timing..you too can join them for awhile!?! I know I'd to sleep in a Tulip, ride a bee, use a leaf as a boat down a raging mud puddle...

A fun read for all ages (then a great family movie night for a grand finale!:)

*Now...I do NOT recommend movie 2 and 3 (I don't know about book 2 yet) . . . but just stick with the first movie, it's, by far, the best!

Enjoy.1 S. K. Roman277 8

I first saw the movie and basically anything with young Freddie Highmore is brilliant so I love the movie. I didn't realize they were books until years later and didn't know even until later than that that Jim Dale read the audio books! I love a good audio book, so I listened to Jim Dale's excellent performance and loved every second.

The movie is about both "Arthur and the Minimoys" and "Arthur and the Forbidden City", and it follows it very well, if my memory is correct. Again, I love both so very much and would recommend it to anyone who s fairy-type beings (small beings living in the forest/garden) to give these story (movie and book versions, both) a chance. It's a cute story and worth the time.20171 Dayna Smith3,045 12

If this name sounds familiar it may be because Besson is more famous for his movies which include The Fifth Element and La Femme Nikita. This is Besson's first novel for young people and the first in a series of books on Arthur's adventures. Arthur is a ten-year-old boy living with his grandmother. His grandfather disappeared four years earlier and now a greedy developer is trying to take the family farm. Arthur heads out to find his grandfather and save the family farm. A cute story, fantasy lovers of all ages will find it enjoyable.fairies-and-elves teen-series1 Eda13

12 ya??mda kitap okuma al??kanl???m? kazand???m kitap. Küçük ya?lara hitap ediyor ve okudu?umda elimden seriyi b?rakamam??t?m. Fantastik kitap a?k?m ba?lad??? zaman olabilir. Y?llar geçse de hala en çok fantastik türü kitaplardan haz al?p duygusal ba?lan?yorum. read-fantasy1 Lorena679

We loved this book! We listened to it on CD. Great for the whole family!audio-book children family ...more1 Karine300

Le roman m’a vraiment emporter à mon enfance. L’imagination qu’on a et les aventures.. je n’ai pas déposé le livre avant d’arriver à la fin. 3.5?? et je commence le deuxième roman bientôt
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