
The Wolf's Eye: A Novel (The Order of the Seven Stars) de Luanne G. Smith

de Luanne G. Smith - Género: English
libro gratis The Wolf's Eye: A Novel (The Order of the Seven Stars)


Luanne G. Smith Publisher: 47North, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781662510175,9781662510182

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A magical story of witches, werewolves, and curses!

The story takes place during the war, where the bite from a werewolf could turn you into a vicious killer.

When the main character, Petra becomes desperate to save her friend from the curse, she becomes a target.

Book 2 in The Order of the Seven Stars, Petra continues building her story, which began with the 1st book, The Witch’s Lens. In this book Petra learns answers to many secrets and uncovers the source of her magic. She learns that her father became aware that he had unknowingly put her at risk and did his best to protect her.

Just past the halfway point, the story really takes off and the last quarter was very action packed. 2 s Reyna M156 1 follower

**2.5 stars** This unfortunately suffered from second book syndrome. I LOVED the first book and this one didn't even come close to the first.

Following the revelation from the first book's ending, our main characters are notified of the order to destroy Ava Konig's creatures. They find themselves working with a group of magical researchers in hopes to find the cure to save our mmc, Josef.

This being a shorter read at around 260 pages, it read it was ~500 pages long. This was unbelievably slow to get through. It was such a disappointment because I breezed through the first book in a few hours and this one took me SO long to read because I was so bored. Not a lot was happening the first 70% of the book and then BAM action finally happens but the pay off was unsatisfactory. I had high hopes for this one but it sadly didn't live up to my expectations. :(

I gave this a 2.5 stars because I really Luanne G. Smith's writing. It suits this type of genre. For those who said that this can be read as a standalone is mistaken. You DO have to read the first book to understand this one. I'm not sure what book they were reading but it certainly was not this one.1 Nancy’s Archive 25 4

The Wolf’s Eye is the second book in ‘The Order of the Seven stars’ series and picks right up where the first book ‘The Witches Lens’ ended.
the first book this sequel was very well written and hard to put down since it was so exciting to read. With many twist and turns this book contains mystery, curses, mystical beings, and magic.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. 1 Lauren82 4

Much the first book in this series (The Witch’s Lens) this is a historical fantasy/alternate/parallel history with a supernatural twist rather than a historical romance…Though, there is a bit more of the sloooow burn/imagine what could be between Petra and Josef in the future if we don’t get anymore of their story.

The Wolf’s Eye takes place in Prague immediately after our characters flee the Eastern Front after the events at the end of book one. After losing the cure for Josef’s ailment they are notified that the Order wants all of Ava König’s creatures destroyed…In a bid to save Josef from this fate Viktor reaches out to a group of magical researchers that may have Ava’s old journals/spells and may hold the key to saving Josef…but this information won’t come without a cost…these witches want to study Petra and essentially use her as a lab rat in order to figure out where her extremely rare gift comes from. Petra is willing to do anything to save Josef from his fate but has she just doomed herself?

If you enjoy the scientific and historical aspect of Deborah Harkness’ books and the way Juliet Marillier seamlessly weaves folklore and mythology into her stories, you’ll enjoy the second installment of this series. Luanne G. Smith is able to describe well known Prague landmarks so vividly you could close your eyes and trick your brain into thinking you were actually there in Sedlec Ossuary or standing in the Josefov.

I enjoyed this book as much as the first in the series. I think my only wish would have been to have had an actual romance storyline included, but that my own personal wish. I know this was a romance book and wasn’t marketed as one, I just would have d to see Petra and Josef in love.

Thank you to NetGalley for supplying me with an ARC of this book. Trish (Beautiful Chaos Reviews)914 21

4.5 ?
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