
3 Hour Tour de LP Snyder

de LP Snyder - Género: English
libro gratis 3 Hour Tour


On a desert island, stranded, and lost…

…friendship is the first thing to go.

But can Dee survive without it?

He just wanted a nice vacation, but the cruise Dee Sanders and his friends took turns into a disaster. Now, after a rogue wave and a harrowing night, they’re on a beach with few options.

Will a power struggle threaten their chance for rescue?

The island isn’t just sunshine, coconuts, and palm trees. It holds secrets and dangers, but the biggest peril may come from within their group.

Can they stick together? Will Dee be a loner or a leader?

How will they get off the island?

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Dreadful! Don't waste your time

When I start any book I page my Kindle back to the actual cover so that I can soak in all its details, then I read EVERY WORD between the covers. It is, after all, part of the book. But this book had something no other book I've ever read has...a listing of the characters. Why? you might ask! It only serves to raise a lot of questions and not in a good way. Do I need to memorize all of these now? What role does each person play? A hero or a protagonist? A huge data dump before you've even gotten to the Table of Contents.

Next you get the Table of Contents: a whopping 63 chapters plus Epilogue, broken down into three sections, in 330 pages. Read this and the book's blurb and you have the whole story. You're done! From the beginning the story was dull and flat. When I can't get into a book (I read 1-2 daily) I check the , where I learned that this story contains rape and murder of women. Yes, mysteries and thrillers include both rape and murder, but authors need to know they've lost a lot of potential readers, and gained a lot of bad , when they include rape.

Coming to the Acknowledgements, the author thanks the 'Indie' community who made it possible for him to write books, because he didn't have the patience for 'traditional publishing'; however, we, dear reader, are expected to have the patience to read this tragedy. It needs a good editor. There is a lot of repetition and unnecessary punctuation.

The title has nothing to do with the story. It appears that the author is trying to draw on the goodwill of 'Gillian's Island'. This story is more 'Lord of the Flies' than 'Gillian's Island". The cover is the most interesting part of this book, but not enough to redeem it. On to the next read.4 s Nicholas Quarrier153

A terrible book. Stranded on a desert island, Robinson Crusoe-. What is the chance they would find an arsenal of automatic weapons and gold bars? And then a boat of pirates lands and the author describes horrible rape scenes (which are totally unnecessary tot he storyline). Living on coconuts with good drinking water nearby........! for 4 weeks. Making halters, and undies out of vines! Very predictable. Can't believe it scored so high in Goodreads.2 s Gilbert StackAuthor 64 books61

I got this book for one simple reason—it really amused me to think of someone writing a darker take on Gilligan’s Island. And this is darker! Everyone does not come together in a happy spirit of cooperation to make life a paradise on the isolated island. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Three Hour Tour starts slow as the fairly large cast is introduced, but then picks up speed and charges away toward the last page once Snyder finally reaches the spot where he gets to turn his tourists into castaways. Once on the island, things fall apart quickly. The “important man” (think Thurston Hall with bodyguards and even less morals) takes over in what initially appears to be a reasonably democratic way but quickly becomes rule by force when people begin to disagree with him.

Our hero is something of a loner and slips away early on to explore the island and avoid the “bad guy”. To do this, he leaves his friends behind, but he doesn’t forget them. The island is beautifully drawn with waterfalls, caves, a lookout peak, and other exciting and totally believable features. There’s also two surprises on the island which leads to this reading a lot more Treasure Island than Lord of the Flies.

The tension in the book boils down to a conflict between Dee (our hero) and the bad guy and his guards. Dee is not a violent sort of person, so his efforts are largely devoted to helping people who want to escape the bad guy do so, while trying to figure out how to help those who choose to stay behind.

Then the pirates arrive—yes, colorful pirates—and things turn much darker and more violent. By this point, Dee and his friends have also figured out that they must be very far off the normal sea lanes so these pirates also might represent their only hope of escape. The tension here is very real and the solution works pretty well.

My biggest problem in the book is with the circumstances leading to our castaways being stranded on the island. Snyder spends a lot of time building up a connection between the big bad guy and the captain of the cruise ship. I believed there to be some sort of corrupt deal there. This feeling was reinforced when the ship acts strange coming out of port and the crew starts lying to the passengers. Then there are mechanical difficulties which Dee convincingly points out can’t be what the passengers are being told they are. Then the passengers are put on small boats to be moved to another vessel (the three-hour tour of the title) where there are yet more mechanical problems which open them up to a rogue wave and storm. Snyder never explains what was really going on with the cruise ship and for me it was a major disappointment in the story. If there wasn’t something nefarious happening, he should have stuck with a simple, believable, mechanical problem. Since he didn’t do that, I feel we were never given the full story.

If you d this review, you can find more at www.gilbertstack.com/.
1 Matt889

The authors first novel in this series and it was very enjoyable. It was a fun book, exciting enough that it was hard to put down. I would read more by this author and series.1 Kylie802 15

What utter crap!kindle1 Jean14 Read

Good story line would to have known what happened to the cruise ship .

Easy 1 rainy day read.1 Holly May6

This book was one that I could not put down, but had too. If I didn't have to work, it would have been read in a day. It had twists and turns you didn't see coming. I highly recommend this book. Can't wait to read book 2.1 Jay Williams1,718 25

Author Kelly Utt gifted me a copy of this book because she thought I would it. She was right! From the style of writing to the many diverse and intriguing characters it just fits well with my interests. The story is very unusual, beginning with an ocean cruise for Dee Sanders, a Nashville accountant. Activities on the cruise ship were perfectly well described and very realistic. They were interesting, but the fun doesn't really start until Dee is on a skiff transferring him between vessels. He and his companions get hit by a rogue wave, a major storm, the loss of the power and crew for the skiff, and a harrowing drift to an uninhabited island. They deal with a major criminal, more storms, survival issues, romance, disasters, hidden treasures, and pirates. The many exciting actions provide compelling interest. I couldn't put the book down. I reran the story in my mind long after I finished reading.1 Regina Lively189 2

I really enjoyed this novel from beginning to end, and couldn't put it down. There was excitement as soon as I read the first page, as the reader knew from the start of this story that Dee Sanders and his friends were in for the cruise of their lives. They were also in for a fight for their lives, as their launch was swept away from the cruise ship & came to shore on a deserted island. When Antoine Debaucher decides to make himself their chief, the conflict begins, and the cruise ship group splits in two when Dee Sanders takes himself from the group. Soon after the friends he met on the cruise ship decide to go with him. Because of their resourcefulness, they are able to gather more varieties of food, and create natural materials for their clothing from the trees on the island.
As the cruise ship group acclimates themselves to the island life, a new variable is added to their island lifestyle when an unknown ship lands on the island.
It appears that Dee Sanders must come from a military background, as his survival skills are extraordinary, as he leads his group to survival under extraordinary conditions. His friends, as well as Dee's new girlfriend Gina (also from the cruise ship) are good jungle fighters. Together, they strategize on how best to survive and be rescued.
I don't usually read action and adventure stories, but I loved this novel! The plot and characters were intriguing. Mr. Snyder created a terrific story, weaving plot, characters, and dialog together, along with his writing skills to make a marvelous story of adventure and suspense.
I've never read any novels by this author until this one, and I plan on reading more of his work.
I was given an ARC of this novel by L.P. Snyder and this review is an honest one.action-adventure suspense Sylvia12 2

WOW what can I say that other reviewers have not said - this book is truly a page turner!
You won’t be able to stop reading once you start.
Whether you are a "veteran cruiser" or new to onboard activities, you will get hooked.
Dee Sanders IS us - working for a living and looking for a mini vacay with some adventure thrown in...or so one thinks.

First, you board the ship and get introduced to the whole "embarkation" process and the folks you start to see and meet onboard. Then, you get a wee peek at some of Dee's new friends Keno & Mike, Angelic & Jamal. The "fun" begins to say the least.
Add in a Tom Jones type character, some mob creatures, and a seafaring crew that don’t really seem to know what to do if rogue waves approach...you get the idea that this cruise is way more than a trip to Gilligan's Island. Think more Lord of the Flies with a flourish or two.

Suspense, intrigue & drama are only the beginning - then the hours get well – a bit “scary”.
Anything might happen but you start really hoping it won't.
Home seems a very good place to be - if you can ever get back there.

The language in this book is very easy on the senses... it takes you THERE - NOW.
My disclaimer: Don't worry about any real waves reaching out to "pull you under", but you will be "swept away"...and looking to land on Dee Sander's next adventure for sure.
Don't forget your life jackets and hang on - the next three hours on this "cruise" will whet your appetite for ship life....or not!

You will learn the real meanings behind triple Bravo Charlie Delta Echo and Kilo in this ocean going travelogue. Bravo Bravo Bravo and then Three Cheers for 3 Hour Tour!
Richard Mendenhall86 2

I would love to cast this movie.

Imagine if Gilligan and the Skipper were actually pirates. Add Colonel Klink in as an international criminal with Sergeant Schulz as his right hand man and then Adam West as Bruce Wayne for the hero. There is a great start. You get the cast from Monte Python to be pirates then add maybe Laverne and Shirley along with Lenny and Squiggy and you might have a pretty funny show. The only real problem is the gang rape scene, but with clever camera angles and Madeleine Kahn, that problem could be dealt with. This book just had one unreal event after another. Too many for my taste. What is strange though, is that I really d the idea. What I didn't were the silly resolutions to each problem, especially making designer clothing out of vines. Ouch. Dee was just an accountant, as he continued to remind everyone, yet his survival skills were Ramboesque. Gina, the stripper with the pure heart. Add in another love struck couple and it was just too hard to take. So I gave it two stars. The plot, ridiculous as it was, moved right along and the author made it interesting enough so that I wanted to see how it worked out. Couldn't quite bring myself to rate it three stars, but I considered it. Probably not too bad a book if you don't think about it too much. Well, better not to think on it at all. Diana Lindoff1,010 8

LP Snyder's 3 HOUR TOUR is not your Gilligan's Island. This is an exciting book to read, well-defined characters, interesting plot, lots of action. What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island, no food or other supplies?

Dee Sanders is an accountant who just wants a pleasant and relaxing two-week vacation from the stress of his job.  The third morning of the trip, some passengers needed to off-loaded to a sister ship so some unexpected repairs could be made. This inconvenience would only last 3 hours before returning. Before they make it to the sister ship, disaster strikes. This is not going to be the promised 3-hour tour. Landing on a small deserted island far from shipping routes, the survivors will deal with a Lord of the Flies leader, food rationing, slave conditions, death and deadly pirates.

There were some elements to the story that were not really explained, therefore only 4 stars.  Still, I do highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys deadly survival adventures. 

I did received an ARC of this book and now now look forward to reading another Dee Sanders adventure! Pooja Kulkarni56

3 Hour Tour by L P Snyder is an account of adventure and discovery with a touch of normalcy of life; vacation, friends, a past and the thought of a future. The story feels a little monotonous at first, in fact the story picks pace only after more than half of it's pages. This is a story of an accountant, Dee Sanders who takes a vacation on a cruise ship and make friends. Unfortunately that tour is cut short due to a storm which strands them on an unknown island. Few people who are stranded on that island encounters with several problems.
Dee is seen to be an adventurous person who goes around the whole island. He is the main character. Along with being adventurous he is a daredevil and discoverer. He discovers certain secrets on the island. He is also seen as a rebel for a cause. He is instilled with the ability of being capable to solve any problem he comes across. He seems to be organised as well.
There is a very rich imagery of the water, cruise ship, the island and also of the characters. Though i have rated only 3 stars i would definitely recommend it. It's a cozy story, one can pick it up anytime and enjoy it slowly taking in the content.
Norma3,441 10

) Format : Audiobook )
"That's a lot of chewing gum."

Written in the first person, this story is about Dee, a recently bereaved accountant from Nashville, and the small group of friends he meets on a cruise. The early chapters set the scene, introduce characters and provide background until the 'big floating buffet' is transformed into a diet of coconuts after a freak storm lands then on a remote island: a sort of Robinson Crusoe cum Lord of the Flies,cum Mutiny on the Bounty, plus some. It's fun, sometimes harrowing, and not easy to put down once started.

Already a quirky and unexpected tale, it is made even more enjoyable by the excellent performance of Andrew Tell, who becomes Dee, narrator of the account of the happenings. Always in character, his gentle persuasive voice makes even the telling of outrageous incidents acceptable and carries the reader through to the end, which is a nice synopsis of what happened after. Except, what did happen to their cruise ship?

A most enjoyable read which could make a colourful film. I'll be looking out for others by this author - and narration by Andrew Tell.2024 action adventure ...more Bill Chee56

A dash of Gilligan’s Island, a pinch of Robinson Crusoe, a drop of Cast Away and a smidgen of Pirates of the Caribbean - that is recipe for a Three Hour Tour.

Opting to get away from a humdrum life as an accountant and HR guy, Dee Sanders looked forward to a relaxing cruise to the South Pacific.

An unexpected turn of events together with a terrible storm resulted in a group of people from the cruise ship stranded on a remote, deserted island.

What to do to survive without proper equipment, food or water until somehow rescued? No radio or cellphone signal, just hope and prayers.

The story mundanely and meandered through the first few chapters on life aboard a cruise ship with the usual ubiquitous selection of activities, not revealing a hint of the gripping suspense yet to come and kept me reading.

But with the chips are on the line and tired of fear and despair, Dee and several group members galvanise their skills and wits to stave off hunger, disagreements, a bossy businessman and his bodyguard thugs and a surprising discovery. IAIN ELVIN4

I loved this thriller full of mystery and tension. The book is completely different to anything else that I have ever read.

Dee decides to go on a cruise which does not turn out the way he expected and he ends up being stranded on a desert Island along with others from the cruise, including his new friends Jamal and Angelic. The book builds on the characters relationships, some characters relationships become stronger while others deteriorate very quickly. It's a fight for survival.

There are lots of twists and turns that I did not see coming. Dee faces lots of personal struggles and triumphs. It's a book I wanted to keep reading to find out who survives and if they ever get rescued. It's a book I highly recommend. I received this book as an ARC and this is my honest review. T500

This was a fun read and I was interested enough in the story to want to know how it turned out. There were lots of things about the logistics in the framework of the story that begged questions but I just went with it.

I had a rough picture of the island in my head with various landmarks that helped me as people moved from point to point - I'm sure it was way off because Dee did a lot of traveling around - but my internal map worked for me.

Character development was inconsistent but sufficient to get me through. I enjoyed the Boy Scout anecdote - it was an LOL moment for me. Fav character: Tom, for sure. Robert17

Updated "Gilligan's Island "

Interesting adventure story. I hope not to include any Spoilers.
Story flowed well...until the SEPERATION from the cruise ship, THAT was not really clarified. The main group of characters was well selected and written well.
The middle bogged down a bit with a bit too much detail about making necessities, and finally, I had mixed feelings about the ending. I can t go into detail w/o spoiling it :)
Overall, a pleasant read and I would read more from this writer. Kenneth Lingenfelter1,429 9

Dee wants to go on a cruise vacation. He meets Jamal and Angelic on the ship and become friends. The cruise ship is evacuating some guests off the ship for repairs. Dee, Jamal and Angelic get on a tender with several others. A gigantic wave sends their tender way off course, eventually they end up on an island. They have to fight off the elements and find food and water. In addition pirates come ashore.
This is a page turning adventure that gives you a thrill ride. Linda1,228 10

I loved this mystery thriller. An action packed story with heart stopping suspense. Dee Sanders decides to go on a cruise to get himself back on track after the deaths of his wife and child. In the midst of the cruise, the passengers are asked to get into launches due to an emergency on the ship. A storm comes up and Dee's 3 hour tour turns into life and death for survival. I would recommend this book. I received this book as an ARC and this is my honest review. Debbie802

A mixture of adventure story and watching our main character work thru his grief.
I think I would have given this story 4 stars without some of the R-rated scenes (that at least in my opinion could have been handled a little less graphically).
The story was a little slow getting started, and I felt there were some plot points that were set up in the first part of the book that were never resolved.
BUT - it has much of what I loved in Swiss Family Robinson with a modern twist.free mary arnold438

This was an amazing book. Who would have thought that reading about someone else taking a cruise would be so interesting. There was no good place to stop reading so that I could get some sleep, especially once the storm hit. Being a tourist, then having to fight the weather, then making it to a deserted island and having to contend with bullies with guns and eventually pirates, gives this story plenty to focus on. I look forward to more by this author. Ron D294 4

High Praise and a Must Read

This is a must read if you an adventure story. Rich deep characters. Excellent scene settings. A fast paced story that continues to build and build. Amazing plot and ending. I personally am looking forward to the next book in the series, due out in July 2021. It is totally worth it to sign up for the author’s newsletter to get the free extended epilogue that answers questions to the ending. I can’t say enough good things about this book. Enjoy! Holly97

it’s an adventure, but

A couple of regular, working people take a cruise and end up surviving on a deserted island. No one freaks out, no one’s dies of starvation or other ailments ( no medication). A band of pirates come along and SPOILER…
they form a friendship. So very unly. However, it was a page turner. It’s an adventure! The writing was a bit odd at times when there would be a “internal thoughts”, which was weird. But it was an easy read. Pamela Long100 3

This book just builds and builds on the tension between the characters and the storyline until you hit the climatic conclusion. I couldn't put it down once I started reading, had to finish it to see what was going to happen, to see who survives and if they get rescued or not. Definitely recommend this book. Pam Merrill286 3

People going on a cruise get a lot more excitement than they needed or wanted. To think I thought a book about an accountant going on a cruise might be a little slow. Lots of action, twists, and turns in this one. This is my first time reading this author and it won't be my last. I received an ARC in exchange for my review. Billie5,705 68

This is a brilliant read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believeable.
Great suspense and action with wonderful world building.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
Dwight Burgess319

Action, adventure and romance.

Gillians Island, what starts out as a three hour trip, turns into weeks on a deserted island. Pirates show up and gunfight start over a cache of more guns and gold. Rescue is sudden from the coast guard. A story of survival with some romance thrown in. Myra Hazard75

This book kept my interest throughout, although the story was not a great mind challenging book. There are too many things happening here that it’s hard to do the book justice. The ship was pushed off course by a storm and all the circumstances became more desperate. There are negative situations that arose, not enough food or water for all passengers, women raped by a group of less desirable men, then pirates arrive. Leigh Roberts95 3

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