
El clerigo malvado de Lovecraft, H. P.

de Lovecraft, H. P. - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El clerigo malvado


Lovecraft, H P Year: 2009

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A first person narrator enters a chamber in the attic and sees what has happened there to a clergyman. Why did that character burn his books and what did he do with the noose in his hand? Well, you shouldn't miss to read this short but very uncanny story of Lovecraft. The twist at the end (it's about the outward appearance of the narrator) is very sinister and the whole story is very atmospheric. Really recommended!horror34 s ? Irena ?1,652 221

A narrator enters the attic of an old house where an evil priest used to live. The man who brought him there warns him not to stay after dark or touch anything, especially a strange object on the table.
It's a recipe for disaster. When have you ever read of a character who doesn't go and touch the thing they are told not to touch as soon as they get an opportunity? This time, though, that may prove too much.
The narrator isn't really sure what he is doing. There are hints that he should know more about that room and the things in it.horror10 s Tom2,442 41

3.5 Stars rounded up to 4 Stars.4 s Zai715 25

He leido este relato de Lovecraft, aunque este autor escribía magníficamente, en este relato creo que me ha faltado algo, no se si será porque es muy corto y no da para mucho más. clasico lecturas-2018 relato ...more4 s Limax132 20

Se trata de un relato muy corto, por lo que no haré una sinopsis.

Hay ideas interesantes que se dejan en el aire, y cumple con las exigencias de un relato breve: inicio sugerente y final impactante. No parece tener una relación clara con el resto de relatos del autor, pero tampoco desentona en ese universo.

Hace referencia a un terrible sueño que Lovecraft expuso a uno de sus amigos en una carta. Fue publicado póstumamente.3 s Katy1,293 295

Part of the Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft , which can be found formatted for Nook and Kindle on CthulhuChick.com.

My Synopsis: A very short story about what happens when someone exploring the room of a very evil man messes with something he's been told not to touch.

My Thoughts: This is the first time I read this, and I had to go back and re-read a couple sections to really let it sink it. Phenomenally fantastic, full of brilliant imagery, and creepy as all hell.3 s JL Shioshita249 2

This is really just a story fragment, but I felt there was so much potential in it. It's a shame Lovecraft never expanded upon the interesting core concept.3 s Marc D. Hayakawa ?708 77

3/5 estrellas.

Me faltó algo, no sé, no sentí esa emoción que siempre me pasa con Lovecraft, quizá porque fue un relato muy corto.2 s Calalo276 16

Un hombre entra a una habitación vetusta, con un aire corrupto. En ella encuentra un objeto singular y cruza palabras con un monje más extraño aun.
El clérigo malvado fue publicado como un cuento póstumo... pero en realidad es un fragmento de una carta de HPL dirigida a su amigo Bernard Austin Dwyer. Esta narra un sueño del autor, con tantos detalles que inquieta su exactitud para recordar. Tenemos una potencial prueba de que Lovecraft
viajaba oniricamente a lugares y tiempos ajenos al presente, tal vez su mente escondía los secretos para saltar entre planos. Sin embargo hay que ver el sueño como lo que es antes que un relato, que a pesar de todo puede dar una inusitada experiencia en especial en el formato de audiorelato.2 s Nicolás Ortenzi251 9

La historia ocurre en el ático de una casa, por extrañas razones que no diré para no arruinarles la trama, el hombre que vivía antes se suicido. Al protagonista le advierten que no toque nada en especial una pequeña y ordinaria caja. Después de hacer oídos sordos a los consejos del viejo que lo llevo a ese ático, empieza la historia.

Yo creí que tendría un final más violento; pero igual fue aterrador. 2 s Hale88 3

I really d this one. The writing was enjoyable and the premise was intriguing 2 s Amy (Other Amy)456 91

Your curiosity makes you irresponsible.

Very brief, but very delightful. The shadowy occult society and weird science are wonderful touches.2017 4-stars-loved-it darwin-award ...more1 Marcos Ibáñez Gordillo297 4

Wei, no sé qué pasó aquíyog-sothería1 Thor The Redbeard212 33

1,5*horror-fiction1 Angel TorresAuthor 1 book12

I didn't cared for it at all... the story wasn't scary or even good...1 Satrina T866 38

A man is visiting the attic of an old house where a mysterious man lived. A secret society, in charge of all his matters after his death ensured that everything remained as the man left it. The visitor is warned about the darkness and specially about a mysterious object on a table, he’s told not to touch it… better not even look at it.

There’s something about Lovecraft that always gets me… I don’t know if it’s his way of presenting the scene or creating an ambience that never fails to capture me. If anything, I object to the shortness of this story.2022 fiction ghosts ...more1 Olga (La Hormiguita Lectora)297 177

Hablo de este relato aquí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0EPG...

Este ha sido mi primer contacto con Lovecraft. La verdad es que me ha gustado mucho el relato y, pese a lo corto que es, se adivina el estilo del autor, muy detallista. Te dibuja el escenario a la perfección para luego darte el golpe de gracia con el clímax de la trama. Te dejará con mal cuerpo, tal y como el autor pretendía.1 Kaustubh102 36

Peculiar similarities to the Case of Charles Ward. An origin story for Joseph Curwen's European colleagues (Edward Hutchinso or Simon Orne?) Interesting read if you are already invested in Lovecraft. Not a fantastic starting point.horror weird-fiction1 John Yelverton4,280 37

A man dabbles in things he has no business in dabbling in and messing with, and he must therefore live with the consequences of his actions.1 Ayesha (Seokjin's Version) ?578 62

If someone tell you to stay away from a certain object in a dark, eerie attic; YOU STAY AWAY FROM IT.horror short-stories David Sarkies1,852 335

Don’t Touch!
9 January 2024

So, this is the last of the main stories in the collection that I’m reading. It doesn’t mean that I’ve finished reading the book, it just means that the remainder are some of his earlier, and unfinished, works. Of course, I intend on reading them as well, but it means that I’ve actually managed to now read two of his collections of stories.

This is a story set in an old house where a man is taken up to the top of a tower, or an attic (I believe that it is an attic) but he is told not to touch anything. Well, the attic is full of books, but not books that you would find on the average bookshelf, but rather books dealing with theology, philosophy, and magic (and of course they all tend to be very ancient). Anyway, he also sees a device on which he shines a light, and an image of a priest burning the books appears. That is when he notices people approaching, and when he looks out they run away, and he is chastised for touching something (yes, even shining a light on an object means touching something), and it turns out that he is a priest.

Yes, it is another one of those books about curiosity, the one where our curiosity overcomes us, and it ends up imprisoning us in a tortured existence. Actually, it makes me think of when we are young we are told not to do things, but we do it anyway, and it results in living a tortured life. , people who end up doing drugs and finding their lives spiralling out of control.

Another thing is that this story sort of reminded me of the old adventure games that I used to play, and the fact that even in an attic there would be secrets hidden away. Yeah, reading these stories really does make me want to go back and play some of those games again.horror3 s Austin Wright1,187 26

This was, quite surprisingly, a very awesome read! It reminded me of Clive Barker's Hellraiser! I wish Lovecraft had been able to do more with the story!


"The Evil Clergyman" is an excerpt from a letter written by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft in 1933. After his death, it was published in the April 1939 issue of Weird Tales as a short story.

The letter, to his friend Bernard Austin Dwyer, recounted a dream that Lovecraft had had. Although Lovecraft frequently based stories on his dreams, An H. P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia notes that "[i]t is difficult to say how HPL would have developed this conventional supernatural scenario."

http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/t... Danny Welch1,024

Since I had a little time on my hands, I thought I'd dive into another one of H.P Lovecraft's tales of the macabre.

This was a neat little atmospheric story about magical books, a noose, an attic of an ancient house. This story actually started as a dream Lovecraft had one night, where he transcribed it to a friend of his by letter. It's a fun spooky little tale and the twist at the end was definitely a surprise. I'll have to give Lovecraft credit for incorporating dialogue in this story which let it flow quite nicely.

Overall: Nothing too exciting or groundbreaking but it was enjoyable and quite atmospheric as you'd come to expect of Lovecraft but in terms of what happened or how it happened isn't exactly explained or at least not clear enough to the reader. 5/10h-p-lovecraft Oleksandr Fediienko555 52

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This very short story is a letter written by Lovecraft to his friend Bernard Austin Dwyer describing a dream.

Being so short plays well with this story: to the point, enough questions to make you think (was this a dream?, a vision?, is a vision just a dream?, an illusion?*, why the large forehead?, where is this place?) and Lovecraft style keeps you whole attention to the story and its very strange ending.

* Reading about Lovecraft, you know it is a dream, but by reading the story, you just get to wonder. Netanella4,406 12

You know those horror movies where one character tells another, "and whatever you do, DON'T open that door/book/closet/box!" And, of course, you just know that person must perform the prohibited action, because curiousity simply compels them. Even towards their doom.

A great short story. I loved the use of the violet pocket pen light.

2018-january-reading-challenges horror lovecraftian ...more beckett7425 1 follower

a fascinating fragment, a fast and highly enjoyable read and my third Lovecraft. I am surprised to say that I love this author more and more. Lovecraft's language, the sophisticated means he uses to create atmosphere, this feeling of entering a different world, quite irresistible. The outcome of this story has been "quoted" in numerous films and stories, an absolute classic.2018 Flora193

I read online that this wasn't originally written as a story by Lovecraft, it was a dream he had and told someone about in a letter, and then later on it was edited into a story. You can really tell that's what it is haha. I enjoyed it as an above-average recounting of a fairly interesting weird dream. C. de L.437 21

"Su figura y las facciones de la mitad inferior de la cara eran como la de los clérigos que yo había visto, pero su frente era asombrosamente alta, y tenía una expresión más hosca e inteligente, a la vez que más sutil y secretamente perversa". Maria Esther Beltrán 43

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