
Anything de Lou Aronica

de Lou Aronica - Género: English
libro gratis Anything


New York Times–Bestselling Author: A “mesmerizing,” deeply emotional novel of secrets, sacrifice, and a love beyond time (Long and Short Reviews).
Ken and Melissa are at the dawn of a magnificent life together; a passionate romance has led them to the doorstep of marriage. While searching for the perfect wedding present for Melissa, Ken stumbles into a mysterious shop. There, he is given an extraordinary opportunity: to look in on Melissa when she was a little girl. Ken has always wished he could have known Melissa from the day she was born and this seems like a blessing—until he discovers a terrible secret in Melissa’s past, one so awful it’s no surprise she has failed to mention it to him.
Now Ken has another incredible chance. He can go back in time and change the horrible event that has left an indelible mark on Melissa. He can free her of this burden—but doing so could change things so completely that...

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Ken & Melissa truly have it all. They each have a rewarding career, live in a nice home and are about to be blissfully married to the love of their life. As their wedding approaches, Ken visits their favourite jewellers to find Melissa the perfect wedding gift. Instead he is offered a rare opportunity to observe Melissa's life before he knew her. Thinking it's a hoax, Ken decides to humour the mysterious Stephon and take him up on his offer. The result turns out to be something much more than Ken believed possible. Now he's faced with an incredibly difficult decision that could change everything he thought he knew.

Michael Baron has a knack for creating wonderfully charismatic characters, and the central character in Anything is no exception. We get to know Ken well as the story is told from his POV, while Melissa remains more of a mystery. The secondary characters play very minimal roles in this book, but Ken manages to carry the story effortlessly on his own. The twists and turns created by Ken's choices make this very different love story with less angst than your typical romance. While the intrepid ending wasn't quite what I expected, I still felt it was a fitting conclusion to the narrative.

A sweet, touching romance with just a hint of fantasy and mystery thrown in, Anything is another enjoyable story from Michael Baron.
review1 Gigi Ann628 33 Read

I can't award any stars to this book. I really can't say anything about this book, except I should have read the synopsis of the book before I bought it. My fault, not the authors, but I'm sure if you sci/fi or paranormal, or whatever the genre of this book is, you will probably enjoy it, however, I will never know, because I will never be reading it. 1 Angie Barrile56

Combination sci-fi and love story..and an intriguing premise, if just one event in your life could be changed...how your life and everyone's life is affected. A great read! Gave it 5 stars because it's one of those books I was so into that I'm not moving into the next very easily..instead I found myself thinking of the one event I would change in my life! Laurie422

“Anything” by Michael Baron

This book was FABULOUS! Michael Baron grabbed me from the start of this book and has never let me go, still! I keep thinking about this story. Michael Baron’s writing is most ecsquisite! The Publisher compared him to that of Nicholas Sparks. I highly agree! The emotion portrayed in the characters was real. You could feel it. The characters came to life jumping off the pages as they devoured my heart. It is as if you are a part of them, or vice-versa. He has something special in his writing and it is undeniable. I truly enjoyed this story. This story was a little on the Paranormal side, too, which I usually tend to stay away from, but there was something that pulled me right into it in this book. Something must have happened to this author because in the Prologue of this book he writes a special note to the Reader explaining in love, anything can happen, even things one cannot explain. Hmmm? Typically, when I read a love story such as this, being female, I prefer a female author as they tend to be able to portray more into the ‘feelings’ than a male author. This is NOT the case with Michael Baron. His writing talent is outstanding! His words are music! The plot line is so smooth and very well thought out. He can write from the point of view of both sexes equally as well. The story flows beautifully. He has such a talent with story telling that touches the heart. I HIGHLY recommend this book if you are looking for a love story you won’t ly forget!
Ken and Melissa are so much in love and are only a week away from their wedding. Each week they visit Melissa’s parents, have dinner, then Melissa’s mother gets out the photo albums of Melissa as she was growing up and she pours over the memories of Melissa with Ken. Ken loves this. He wants to know everything there was to know about his Melissa before he had met her. Everything.
One night they went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and their fortune cookies they each got both had very special messages for each one of them which will take us further into the future of this story. They pretty much disregarded the fortunes by stating the fortune cookie fortunes aren’t even really fortunes anymore as they are statements. Well . . . this time is does turn out that they are a type of fortune to come true!
One day he went into their favorite store near where they live in Washington D.C., as he was looking for a special wedding gift for Melissa. They had found this store together one Saturday afternoon and both had agreed they had found the most original and unique store full of the most beautiful things that no other store ever had. It was their favorite store. They always knew they could find anything special they wanted here. As Ken was looking for that special wedding gift for Melissa, the owner, Stephon, told him he had some more things Ken would be very interested in, coming in two days. Stephon told Ken to come back then and he would have something spectacular for him. He also told him, in the meantime, to think about what type of fantasy would Ken for him and Melissa. Ken had to think about this one. He wasn’t quite sure what Stephon meant. Ken knew what he wanted instantly. He would continue to think about it and tell Stephon when he came back in.
Ken went back into the store and saw Stephon’s new items. Stephon was right. Ken found the perfect gift. As he and Stephon were talking, Stephon asked Ken if he had given any more thought as to what fantasy he had for himself and Melissa. Ken still knew what he wanted, and it had not changed. Ken told Stephon he wanted to see more of Melissa as she was growing up. Stephon said he ‘could’ do it, but Ken could not do anything to alter the history during this trip through Melissa’s history. All I will say is there is so much more to this story that it is a MUST read! You don’t want to miss this one!
This story was so touching. I felt everything Ken felt for Melissa. Ken’s love for Melissa is so deep and touching that he would do “Anything” for Melissa. Come along on the ride with this author’s story and find out how great this story is and what happens!
I received this book for “FREE” from Story Plant through NetGalley, through their Book Reviewer’s Program in exchange to read and write a review about this book. It is NOT required for my review I write to be either positive or negative, but, “of my own opinion.” I was NOT provided with “ANY” monies to accept this book, “NOR” to read it, NOR were “ANY” monies given to me to write the review for this book. All that was ‘expected’ of me was to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading it. Again, the opinions expressed for and about this book are ‘of my own opinion’. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/wa... Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Ellen W-S483 22

Would you do ANYTHING for the one you love? Would you do ANYTHING to make them happy, take away pain and to improve their life even if it sacrificed your happiness?

Ken and Melissa are a young engaged and upwardly mobile happy couple living the Washington DC area preparing for their wedding. Michael Baron’s novel is beautifully written from Ken’s point of view. Ken is a man in love, eager and ready to take the next step in their life together who expresses his feelings for Melissa openly as the love of his life. We don’t know alot about Ken at first but we do know he has reformed his lifestyle to become more mature and in tune with Melissa, leaving behind excessive drinking and late night carousing with the guys. As their wedding approaches Ken desires to give Melissa a engagement final gift and visits their favorite antique/jewelery store. This is where the story takes off as something fateful is in progress. The proprietor, Stephon, suggests Ken return for something special that is not currently in the shop and requests that Ken contemplate his perfect fantasy with Melissa (not the sexual kind for those of you who think me!) Having seen many baby and adolescent pictures of his future wife during their usual Wednesday Roast Beef dinners with Melissa’s parents, Ken would love to experience some of Melissa’s life throughout the years and he wishes he could have seen her in some of the formative times he has viewed in the photos. Ken returns to the jewlery store two days later for the gift for Melissa and shares his wish with Stephon and is “rewarded” with his fantasy come true. Ken timetravels back through Melissa’s life and is transported by the sparkle in her eye, her playfulness, her colorful wardrobe and her incredible talent on the piano. In their life together, Melissa is loving and wonderful in her black clothes, but lacks the sparkle, playfulness, and absolutely refuses to play the piano for Ken. Ken experiences Melissa’s joy as a child but abruptly sees the tramatic event that changes his fiance to what she is now and is greatly disturbed by it. He would never have known that she was someone who was on a different life path had he not gone back in time. Melissa never would have shared this event and Ken is devestated for Melissa and wants to do something...anything to set her life right. Ken is convinced that Stephon must send him back in time to change the event that so devestated Melisssa. As Ken ignores Stephon’s warning about changing the past, he sets out to improve the life of the woman he loves by eliminating that one experience that took the spark, color and music out of her life. Ken unkowingly sacrifices his life with Melissa to make her life better. Ken bravely helps Melissa to become the woman she was going to be before the “event” but at a cost to himself. What a selfless act, a sign of true love and beautiful to read through Baron’s words. Ken has to find a way to move on with his life now in this world now as his wedding day in his former world passes him by.

Generally, I dont read too many male authors as I find them descriptive in action and drama but usually lacking in emotion that draws me into a novel but I was pleasantly pleased with Baron’s insight of his characters and upon completion of this novel, I will read any book Michael Baron writes. I enjoyed his plot, the story moved along at a good pace, I was sorry that the book ended so soon. Great author! Looking forward to more of his books...4/5 stars.

A special thank you to Netgally the publisher for the ARC.
kindle-bk netgalley own ...more Judy & Marianne from Long and Short Reviews5,187 163

Originally posted at: http://longandshort.blogspot.c...

A mix of magic and magnificent love makes Anything mesmerizing.

Ken Timian and Melissa Argent meld their lives together in a way only soul mates can manage. Even though their careers are not particularly compatible, they respect the efforts, abilities, and successes of each other. As their wedding day approaches, two fortune cookies prove to have significant messages—“A major change is coming” and “Your heart will show you the way.” This foreshadowing hints at the life-changing conflict that comes.

While Melissa is not materialistic, but she appreciates and enjoys beautiful things, and Ken loves to find unique pieces of jewelry for her. A mysterious little shop, Stephon’s, never fails to yield up just the perfect piece. The shop is an archeological dig full of jewels, gold, and silver. As Ken searches for a gift to commemorate their cherished courtship and welcome their marriage, Stephon, the owner of the shop, asks Ken what his greatest fantasy is concerning Melissa.

When Ken reveals his fantasy, Stephon says he can make it happen. However, while it will be informative and amusing, it can also be disconcerting. Then Ken’s second request changes the dynamics of both his and Melissa’s lives. It threatens to be his undoing.

Anything becomes mysterious, suspenseful, and the anxiety builds as Ken tries to cope with the fallout of his momentous decision and the subsequent actions. He seems stymied. He cannot tolerate going backward to a lifestyle he once savored nor can he seem to move forward until he exhausts all avenues of getting to his soul mate.

Many of the secondary characters are interesting, but Stephon is unique. One wonders if there is not a story behind the moonstone he and Ken believe is perfect for Melissa. The mystical power of the moonstone is believed to protect women and babies. It is also said to balance yin and yang, bring good fortune, and is highly prized for lovers as it arouses tender passion. What fun it would be to know the mystery of Stephon—maybe he will show up again in a later Baron story.

By using first person POV, Michael Baron creates a close relationship between the reader and Ken Timian. Ken’s intimate hopes, dreams, fears, and resolve along with his desperation create an urgency that keeps one turning pages in an attempt to get Ken to the love he seems to be so deserving of.

Melissa is less closely connected, but her story is enthralling and breathtaking. She has a talent that “burns in her blood,” but because of a past traumatic experience, she denies it. Yet, she functions with compassion and dedication in the life she has chosen in lieu of the life she once dreamed of having. As the reader sees her a different way, after Ken’s life-changing deed, Melissa sparkles with vibrant life but with the same compassion and concern for others as before. She does not dismiss that spark of recognition as she sees Ken among the teeming crowd, but reaches out to him.

With poignant metaphors and magical imagery, the exquisite writing style of Michael Baron brings to life an enchanting love story that surpasses the usual and reveals a love willing to give all to assure a loved one gets to fulfill a deferred dream and innermost desire. Mr. Baron sprinkles Anything with humor, joy, social issues, exciting back story, and family relationships as he captivates with an incredible love story of soul mates finding their way to each other through a maze strewn with obstacles.

contemporary non-erotic Amy LignorAuthor 10 books224

In this dark, gritty, and somewhat terrifying world we now live in, every once in a while a story comes along that tells of a perfect life…up to a point.

Ken and Melissa have that perfect life. Ken works in a law office in Washington, D.C.; he has an incredible condo that others would kill for; and, he receives the ultimate love and affection stemming from his truly perfect woman, Melissa. Melissa is a woman who stands up for ‘rights.’ She has a strength and power within her that makes it possible for her to walk ‘The Hill’ and lobby for things preserving wildlife refuges across the country. She also has the ability - that many do not - of being able to separate personal from business life. Hence, why she can absolutely love Ken who works for the “bad guys” that tend to hurt the wildlife preserves. No matter, their love is forever!

They find themselves at the altar - or close to it - and their lives are on the cusp of becoming one. Ken wants with all his heart to buy Melissa the perfect gift - the last gift given by a fiancé before the role of husband is ‘in play.’ It’s not that difficult for Ken, because he and Melissa found a very ‘odd’ store a while ago in D.C. that is owned by a man who seems more an oracle or a sage than a business owner.

One day when Ken walks into the store to pick up that perfect gift…he receives another. Ken is absolutely infatuated (and a bit obsessed) with Melissa’s childhood. He has always buried himself in the photo albums that her mother has of her growing up, because Ken has this need to know everything about the beauty that he has been lucky enough to find. When he discovers that there is a way to actually go back in time and see every scene play out in full-color, Ken takes the leap.

What Ken doesn’t realize is what most of us do realize - that in the past lies certain secrets or incidents that we want no one to ever know about - incidents that changed our lives along the way. Melissa has one such incident and all Ken can think about is stopping that moment in time from happening. But…if you change something in the past - the path for the future is altered. If Ken changes this moment in time, will he STILL end up with Melissa by his side? Or, was that the signifying moment that pushed her down the path leading straight to him?

Readers will get caught up in Ken and Melissa’s life together because they will want only love and beauty to shine - where these two fantastic people enjoy the perfect fairytale ending. And once that fairytale goes awry (but for all the right reasons) the power of fate, luck and love have to come into play in order for the ending to be as it should be.

Very much Nicholas Sparks, Michael Baron has proven with his first book, and now with “anything,” that he can take the beauty, power, pain, heartbreak - all of the emotions that exist - and create a truly lovely story that will have readers longing for book number three.

Anyone with the “heart and soul” that clings to a romance novel will absolutely LOVE this book.

Cheryl Masciarelli432 2

ANYTHING by Michael Baron
Published by The Story Plant
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-61188-021-2
EBook ISBN-13:- 978-1-61188-022-9
At the request of the publisher, a PDF was sent at no cost to me, for my honest opinion.

Synopsis (from back of book): With Anything, Michael Baron again draws readers into a world of deep emotion, compelling relationships, and heartfelt humor, and this time he adds a touch of fantasy. Ken and Melissa are at the dawn of a magnificent life together. A passionate romance has led them to the doorstep of marriage. While searching for the perfect wedding present for Melissa, Ken stumbles into a mysterious shop. There, he is given an extraordinary opportunity - to look in on Melissa when she was a girl. Ken has always wished he could have known Melissa from the day she was born and this seems an incredible blessing.
Until he discovers a terrible secret in Melissa's past, one so awful she has found it impossible to mention to him.

Now Ken has another extraordinary opportunity. He can go back in time and change the horrible event that has left an indelible mark on Melissa. He can free her of this burden - but doing so could change things so completely that they might never meet.

Ken has repeatedly told Melissa that he would do anything for her. But would he truly do anything?

My Thoughts and Opinion: I was introduced to this author back in December of 2009 when I read and reviewed his novel, Crossing The Bridge, and instantly became a fan. Since that time, I have read the majority of his books and have yet to be disappointed. Matter of fact, his books are a fine wine, they seem to get better with time. I was a bit skeptical when asked to review Anything, especially after reading his last book Spinning, which I rated 5/5. Could he do it again?

This novel had all the "Michael Baron elements" that first grabbed me, but then it also had a slight spin that had this reader wondering about once the last word was read (do not want to include spoilers). Mr. Baron's tender, masterful and descriptive writing style allows the reader to be transported and become part of the story line. The characters come to life with the ability not to just read their emotions but actually feel and experience them. The vivid descriptions of the scenes provides the reader the ability to create their own life story line that carries the reader side by side with the characters, a mind's movie.

As for the premise. Haven't we all said at one time or another these words, I would do anything for (fill in the blank)? But would we? At what cost? Not only is this book poignant, emotional, with a little suspense, and even a bit of fantasy but it is also thought provoking long after the book has ended and the reader is sitting there and now wondering, Would I do anything? Just a perfect performance by a concert pianist, I say to Mr. Baron, BRAVO!!!!!!

My Rating: 52011-read Laura WeakleyAuthor 10 books22

Most - if not all - people wonder what life would be if we could go back in time and change something. If only we had the chance to do this for ourselves. When we love someone, we may wish we could fix something about this person’s past for them. If we did so, what in our lives, lived through a new timeline, would be different?

“Anything” is a well thought-out exploration of this theme. The romance is the kind most women, perhaps men too, dream about. While romantic novels are usually considered to be for women, this one is unique. Both men and women of all ages (pre-teen and up) would love this book.

Not only is it idealistically uplifting, but at the same time, “Anything” manages to realistically explore the deep questions of what would be different, and just how many other lives would be affected if just one thing in the past was changed. While many may be familiar with the “butterfly effect” theory, this story helps us to relate to this theory utilizing peoples’ lives, rather than that of a butterfly.

Everything which happens to us, or around us, affects our lives. While we know this on some level, do we actually realize just how true it is? This book is not easy to put down. For you men out there, despite the romance that many of you don’t to read, the intriguing twists and turns this story explores will keep you enthralled too! It makes one think about just how far we may be willing to go for someone we love, and also just how much what may seem, at the time, to be only a very quick and small part of our lives, actually affects the decisions we make thereafter.

Just how many decisions have we made not necessarily consciously connecting them with an incident from our past. How many other lives do we actually affect through the experiences of our own lives? Especially when our particular experience was unique to us alone? Everything and everyone is connected; therefore, every action we take on our own, and every situation we find ourselves in, doesn’t in reality affect only us alone. Even if no one else knows about a decision we made, an experience we had, our deepest dreams, desires, or any other part of our lives, those around us are still affected by all of these things.

I enjoyed reading “Anything”, as a well thought-out exploration of this idea. Michael Baron is a good and thoughtful author, and this book will most ly be made into a movie. At least this is my opinion.

Laura1,018 77

I LOVED this book. Yes, it's compared to Nicholas Sparks (who I've actually never read), and it could be a Hallmark movie, but I don't care. It was still amazing. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. There's nothing quite an extraordinary love story to get me excited. I've already given my copy to my mother so she can read it.

In his interview, Michael said that his books are about his characters, and I can't agree more. I got so pumped when I read that answer because I love character-driven novels. Ken is a wonderful protagonist. He has such a great voice and he so romantic. It's obvious within the first few pages that he's madly in love with Melissa and that she is the center of his universe. He really would do anything for her. Melissa was a little more difficult to connect with. There was a sort of distance to her character, but it mostly had to do with the fact that she's shown through Ken's eyes. I also really loved Kate. She won me over pretty quickly.

One thing that makes this book really work is how the magical aspects are incorporated. It's not cheesy. It's mysterious. The magic doesn't make a big deal of itself. It just is. There are never any answers as to how it works, but that's perfect for the tone of this book. If there were explanations it would be too hokey. As it is, it actually comes off as believable. There is an "all things are possible" feeling, but it doesn't overwhelm the story. I also love all the mystery surrounding Stephon.

I can't say too much more without ruining the story. I'll just say that if you're into "love conquers all" type of books, than you should pick this one up. It's a very quick read. It will grab you pretty quickly, and then you'll have a hard time putting it down. It's very well done and comes highly recommended from me. I'll be reading the rest of Michael's books, as well.

This book was provided by the publisher for review. I did not receive any payment in exchange for the review nor was I obligated to write a positive one. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Viviane Crystal851 28

Ken and Melissa are two lawyers who have discovered each other and are about to be married. Melissa has dramatically changed Ken’s life without trying to, and Ken knows his life is fulfilled in a way it could never have been with all the stereotypical women he previously dated. One evening, however, when they are visiting her parents, a few days before their wedding, Ken realizes there is something from her past that has taken the joy out of her life, a loss clearly evident in the way she avoids looking at pictures from her teenage years. Up to now, Ken has been buying her gifts from a strange man who runs a unique jewelry shop. Everything from there is always different and always delights Melissa.

Ken returns to the shop and makes an agreement with Stephon, the owner. Ken is warned he may not the outcome or consequences of the action he is about to take but refuses to heed the warning. During the magical trip he takes after that visit, he discovers the joyful childhood of his future bride until one fateful evening. He is devastated and on returning to the present, Melissa is appalled at his discovery as well. Ken, however, refuses to let go and returns to Stephon for one more trip to the past. To say more would be a definite spoiler but the story is far from over as Ken tries to change the past, which changes the present as well. Nothing, for sure, is solely as it appears.

The remainder of the story is a quest for recovery, one Ken will not release even though an old acquaintance advises him of its futility. The power of enduring love moves beyond our wildest dreams as the novel ends with a most unly ending, one that is not just a happily ever after story, but one that touches the heart with its true essence, a miracle indeed.

Michael Baron knows how to pull every string of a reader’s heart. The plot may seem implausible but there is enough mystery, magic, and deep abiding love to make this novel a pleasing story that would make a lovely movie as well. Charming and well-plotted for sure, Anything is a beautiful romance novel that will engage every reader who loves this genre!
Lis Carey2,193 117

Would you do anything for the person you love? Truly anything?

Ken Timian gets a chance to find out.

He's living with, and engaged to, Melissa Argent, daughter of a Marine Colonel, environmental activist, and the love of his life. They've been together two years, and in that time, she's made him not only happier than he's ever been, but a better person. She's brought him both a greater moral awareness, and a greater ability to relax, have fun, and be spontaneous. Melissa herself, though, doesn't have the same ability to be light and spontaneous, and is oddly sensitive about pictures from her high school years. It's a surprise to Ken when Melissa's mother mentions that she was a very talented and dedicated pianist--until high school.

Then their very peculiar favorite jeweler, Stephon, asks Ken what his dearest fantasy about Melissa is, and Ken, after some thought, that he'd love to know what Melissa was during the thirty years of her life before they met. Stephon, it turns out, has a way to make this possible--to let Ken be a spectator at key moments in Melissa's earlier life.
Ken embarks on a wild, unimaginable experience, learning about a terrible experience when Melissa was in high school, that cost her both the music she loved, and her spontaneity--even much of her ability to trust. Ken is determined to change this, to find a way to go into her past for real and prevent what happened. But can he do it? Is it possible, and can he live with the consequences if he does?

I'm stunned by how good this book is. Ken's love for Melissa, his commitment to do what is best for her regardless of the cost to himself, is portrayed in understated and convincing terms. Stephon could easily be unbelievable, but delicately painted atmospherics give him and his magic a sense of low-key reality.

I can't really say more without venturing into spoiler territory, but Ken copes courageously with a situation that, at first, he can't even believe has really happened. This is an excellent romance and a darned good fantasy.

Highly recommended.

I received a free electronic galley of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.f-sf favorites fiction Wendy Hines1,322 262

Ken and Melissa were head over heels in love. They loved each other forever and couldn't wait for their upcoming wedding to make it legal. They had many friends, and both enjoyed their jobs. There was a shop; Stephon's that they refused to share with their friends. Stephon's was a jewelry store that sold the most remarkable pieces. Ken was determined to get something special for Melissa one last time as her fiancé.

When he explains to Stephon what he is looking for, Stephon tells him that he can probably help him, if he comes back in two days. While he waits for their appointment, Stephon wants Ken to think about what he would fantasize for their future together. When Ken returns two days later, he knows the answer to Stephon's question. He would want to know Melissa more than he does now. He would love to watch her growing up, but knows that time travel isn't a reality.

Stephon does one better and explains that he can show Ken Melissa's life but he will be invisible. No strings, no charge for the service. Ken enjoys watching Melissa grow up until a tragedy happens that takes the sparkle from her eyes. Upon returning, Ken demands Stephon send him back to change it.

Stephon agrees, although this will be the last time he can do this service, but also stipulates to Ken that this may change if he goes through with it. Ken would do anything to make sure Melissa is happy and agrees right away. But when he returns, although he was successful in Melissa's past, some things have changed. Melissa is no longer engaged to him. In fact, they don't know one another. Ken will do whatever it takes to get Melissa back, but at what cost? What would you do for the one you loved? Anything? Even if you knew you would lose them?

Michael Baron is a strong storyteller who pulls at the heartstrings. Ken and Melissa are wonderful characters, whose lives, with one twist of fate, change forever. Page-turning, heartwarming, engaging and romantic, Anything is a sharp and emotional read. I loved it!!
Samantha March1,102 314

I have read The Journey Home from Michael Baron and enjoyed it, so when I was offered a chance to review his latest novel, Anything I decided to give him another go. And I am so happy I did! This book had me hooked from the very beginning, and was one that I would constantly talk about to friends –asking the question: what would you do?

Ken and Melissa, the focal point of the novel, are about to get married. Ken never knew he could love someone as much as he loves Melissa, and he is ready to start a new life together with her as his wife. While searching for just the right wedding present for Melissa, Ken stumbles upon a unique and mysterious shop. When the owner offers him a chance to look in on Melissa’s life when she was a girl, Ken decides to seize the opportunity. But when the look back offers a glimpse at a horrific incident from her childhood, Ken is enraged. But now Ken has a second chance – he can go back in time and prevent the incident from happening. Ken would do anything for Melissa, and to take away that memory would bring Ken such joy and he feels that Melissa’s life would only better from that. But when Ken returns to present time, Melissa is no longer in his life. She doesn’t even know who he is. By changing that one piece of the past, Ken has now altered both his and Melissa’s life – forever.

I enjoyed getting to know a male protagonist, which isn’t something I get often with mainly reading chick lit and romance. Ken was such a lovely character, a man that I think everyone woman wishes she would meet and fall in love with. He had a great dynamic with Melissa, but the depth of these characters goes even farther. Ken says he will do anything for Melissa – even at the expense of them possibly never meeting. This was a terrific book, and I said earlier, had me talking to people about what they would do given the opportunity. Check out this book – you won’t be disappointed!
Lyn Ching121 27

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Book Review: ANYTHING
By: Michael Baron
Category: Contemporary Romance

Would you do anything for the one you love even if it means losing her?
Ken and Melissa are getting married in a few days. Happily in love, they can’t wait to make it official. Especially Ken, whose life changed for the better when Melissa entered his life. He loves Melissa so much that when the opportunity came for him to actually see her in different stages of her earlier life, he takes it with eyes wide open. Not knowing that he will find out a dark secret Melissa has been keeping from him …. And even from herself.
The secret devastates him, knowing very well that though in his eyes Melissa is still perfect, she carries within herself a burden that she shouldn’t have had to, a secret that has destroyed her dream of becoming a concert pianist. Ken decides to take his one chance to change Melissa’s past. But of course we know that every action has a consequence, good or bad. So in part Ken is successful. He made Melissa whole again. Problem is she doesn’t even know it. In fact, she doesn’t know him. What he knew of her, of their life together, was gone. And though it seems impossible, he sets off to make Melissa love him again.
I love this story. it reminds me of Nicholas Spark’s books. Very romantic, yet simply written and easily understood. A book full of heart and a really good ending. A great read, especially for those who love contemporary romance with a touch of time travel. I highly recommend Anything.

for more book , please check out: www.readingtsinoy.blogspot.com
Samantha Lee13 10

I feel the need to start by saying that I'm not a fan of romance novels so I'm a little surprised at how much I fell in love with this book. In fact I have now downloaded everything I can find by Michael Baron.

Anything is a love story with a magical twist. It raises the question of what you would do for the person you love most in the world. And if doing that thing meant upending the world as you know it and sacrificing your own happiness, would you do it anyway? Michael Baron explores these questions with his trademark emotional insight, along with a touch of fantasy.

It tells the story of Ken and Melissa. Ken has led a fairly typical batchelor life until the moment he met and fell in love with Melissa. A week before the wedding, while searching for the perfect gift, Ken is offered a rare glimse into Melissa's past in an attempt to get know the girl who became the woman he loved. While there he stumbles across a dark secret that has shaped her entire life.

Ken has an opportunity to go back in time to change this event but he does not think about the consequences and what might happen if he and Melissa never met.

This is a heartfelt story of the depth of one man's love and the lengths he will go to ensure the happiness of the woman he loves. It's such a compelling read and not just because of the storyline. Baron writes his characters in a way that really brings them to life. You can genuinely feel the emotion each character experiences and it's this that keeps me coming back to Baron for more! Stacy - The Novel Life101 44

What would you do if offered an answer to "What is your wildest wish with your significant other?"

Would you jump on the chance to discover what would happen if your wildest wish came true?

What if it was to change something horrible in your loved one's childhood?

Would you do Anything for the one you love?

First Line: "You have to let go of me," Melissa said, looking down at the grass.

These are questions pondered and realized in the the latest novel from Michael Baron. The protagonist is an attorney in an old-money'd law firm. When we meet Ken he is a week away from marrying the love of his life, Melissa. During their courtship, both stumbled upon a quite unique jewelry store that sells one-of-a-kind pieces. When Ken goes in to see Stephon, the store's owner, a week before the wedding for a special gift for his bride-to-be, Stephon asks the question "what is your wildest wish for your life with Melissa?"

What happens next is the subtle and not-so-subtle changes which occur in Ken & Melissa's life and even that of the friends around them. I loved the premise of the story and Ken's endearing love for Melissa is palpable throughout the novel - sometimes even sappy. But oh, how to be loved that!

To read the rest of my review, please visit http://www.anovelsource.com/2012/02/w... Joemmama68 20

What would you do for the person you love? Would you do anything? What would you give up? This is the premise of Michael Barons new novel. It is a magical story!

Ken and Melissa are engaged, and ready to be married in just a few days. When Ken goes to the mysterious jewelry store, run by the equally mysterious Stephon to buy Melissa a gift, he is given the chance to do something he dreams of, to see Melissa grow up. After thinking about it, he decides to go through with it, and discovers a dark secret in her past.

The secret explains why she is a little closed off, and Ken jumps at the chance to change this one little thing. What he has forgotten is that actions have consequences. Everything can change at a moments notice.

This love story is just wonderful and heartwarming, although I wish it hadn't ended so abruptly. (it seemed that way, but maybe because I was loving the story, it just seemed that way). It really makes you think about what if.....

This was just lovely. Although it was a little fantastical, it was well worth reading. If you don't need a realistic, hard fact book, give this one a try. You won't be disappointed! This one is magic!!

I received this book from the publisher for review. Thank you!! Donna105 16

This book began with promise, but unfortunately ended with a thud. Ken travels back in time to intervene and stop a traumatizing event from occurring in the life of his fiancé oblivious to the “butterfly effect” he will cause in his own life and the lives of the people around them. Sadly, this could have been an NYT bestseller if it was developed with a few more twists and character insights. Who was the mysterious Stephon, really? I thought the cat might be some significant reincarnation or something, but in the end, it was just cat. As I read the final page, I had the sense I had just finished reading one of those condensed and simplified classic books for children that give the gist of the story without all the intriguing details and magnificent writing. I felt the ending was forced and not the way things should have turned out. Maybe I’ve enjoyed too many harsh reality love stories lately. Actually, this book could have had a happy ending, just a different one, which is where I thought it was going for awhile, but then it lapsed into a scenario which I found impossibly silly and boring and left me totally void of emotion for this couple. Well, at least it took me back to D.C., so I’ll give it some points for that.kindle-deal read-in-2011 romance ...more Rick Schmidt42 3

This was a good love story. It's truly a story about an amazing love between Ken & Melissa. Ken loves Melissa so much that he finds a rather bizarre jewelry boutique where they constantly stop and buy her unique jewelry pieces.

Over time, they develop a relationship with the store owner, Stephon, that one day takes a weird twist. When going in there to purchase a piece of jewelry for Melissa before they get married, Stephon asks Ken why he loves Melissa and to come back in two days for the opportunity to view a truly amazing gift that he will want to purchase for her. He asks Ken to think of the wildest dream he would want to experience for Melissa and to think about it deeply before he comes back for the piece he wants Ken to view.

Ken comes back and somehow Stephon gives him the gift of going back in her life and viewing how she grew up and what molded her to become the reserved woman he was to marry. He then discovers a horrific secret that he gets an opportunity to change on a subsequent visit that changes their lives forever.

What happens next? Please read anything to find out for yourself.
A. R.Author 3 books52

What an interesting premise! What would happen if you could go back in time and change an event in the life of someone you loved? Who would it effect besides your loved one? Those questions are explored in Michael Baron's book "Anything." And probably what allowed me to give this book a three star rating.

The writing was solid enough, but there were several times I thought that the manuscript needed one more pass by an editor. The story was a bit slow at the beginning, and maybe even a little trite, but that was overcome once events of the past were revealed and then changed.

Characters were interesting. Baron did a nice job in showing one person's effect on another by the personality contrasts from one reality into the post-time-change reality.

The ending was a bit cheesy, but I would think that most readers would want the HEA ending. Personally, I think it would have been interesting to see happiness achieved in new relationships. But I never easy.

A clean read, with just a sprinkling of profanity. "Anything" would make for a good beach read this summer. Janny255 19

Didn't you ever say "I would do Anything to...". And, would you? At what cost? In "Anything" Ken Timian shows that he loves Melissa Argent so much that he would do anything for her. They are about to get married when he finds out that something terrible has happened to her when she was a teenager. A fateful event that has taken the joy out of her life. From that moment on all he wants is a possibility to go back in the past and free her from this burden. And he succeeds but only at high cost.

Anything is a heartwarming, wonderful lovestory and very well plotted. Baron is using an illustrative narrative in combination with fast written dialog. I really his writingstyle. It allows the reader to become part of the story.

It is my first novel by Michael Baron and what a great introduction. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and am looking forward to reading more of Baron's books. Four stars! A must read for anyone who s to read this genre.ebook english-reading netgalley ...more Sarah (Workaday Reads)1,073 99

This is a love story told from a male point of view. I haven't really read a story this before, and was impressed at how genuine it felt. Ken's voice was very realistic feeling, and very romantic. His desire to make Melissa's life better was very sweet.

I was surprised that Ken didn't put more thought into the consequences of his actions. He was extremely surprised and upset and what happened afterward, but didn't seem to even consider what would happen before he jumped in and made his changes. For being a logical person, this seemed a huge thing to overlook.

I thought all his actions afterward where disappointing. He became a bit creepy and definitely less likable. I didn't really the empty character that Melissa became either.

Overall, this was a refreshing love story with a male protagonist. Ken's actions were all done in the name of love and the desire to do good, even if his actions had some unintended consequences.read-in-2011 Elizabeth "Eli" Olmedo409 47

Michael Baron’s Anything presents readers with an interesting question. Would one be willing to do anything for the person he/she loves even if it means giving them up? I experienced mixed feelings with this novel. The writing style is very clear and easy to read. It amazed me at how fast the pages went. However, I really struggled with the main character. To me, Ken came across more as a controlling and selfish man than one in love. I did not the way he went back into Melissa’s life unbeknownst to her and later changed her past even after she clearly told him not to. Knowing that, I could not empathize with Ken’s struggles to win Melissa back.

While the novel started out too slow and then ended too fast, I did really enjoy Baron’s vivid descriptions. He had a way of making everything clearly unfold before my eyes and even made traveling back in time seem normal — or at least plausible. Joy70 5

Have you ever loved someone so much that you wished you could have seen what they were as a child or a teenager and if for some reason, you could travel back in time to do this?
That's what happens to Ken when he miraculously is sent back in time to observe his fiance', Melissa, through different stages of her life.
Little did he know he would unearth a deep, dark secret about her that changed her life. Ken loves her so much that he is determined to go back and somehow undo the wrong that was done to her. But, what are the implications of his tampering with Melissa's past?
This is a love story about a man who goes to great lengths to protect the love of his life, whatever the cost, and his struggle to hold on to that love.
I thouroughly enjoyed this book and will read more books by Michael Baron! Tanja91 4

Ken and Melissa had the perfect life. They loved each other tremendously. Ken loved Melissa so much, that he wanted to know everything about her. With the help of an out of the way Jewery shop, a mysterious shopkeeper and a little magic, Ken gets what he wished for. He just forgot one thing, be careful what you wish for.

My first impressions of Anything was, boy this book is wordy. Whether or not such a thing could be said about a book or not, this book was just that wordy. That being said, It was an amazing love story. The storyline was interesting and unexpected. Written from the perspective of the male. Readers get to see another side of love and relationships. Michael Baron leads the reader on an incredible journey. This is a must read for anyone looking for a book about pure Romance.

. Melissa Rheinlander90 30

Anything by Michael Baron is a great read. Baron's writes well and keeps it interesting. This is a very unique story of time travel and fate, however I personally was not a fan of how the story line played out. I just had a hard time with the main character's (Ken) reasoning for his time travel... I found it weird. Once I got past my personal issue with that I definitely wanted to find out where this story will take you. Ken's actions/choices eventually become admiral to me. If you are a hopeless romantic and want true love to win no matter what obstacles are in the way then this is the book for you.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book for review purposes only through BLB Book Tours. I was not compensated to write a positive or favorable review. This is Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's personal opinion. K330

What a worthless pile of drivel this was! Yes, it was a "nothing can stop true love" story. I'm ok with that. Yes, it was a time travel story. I'm ok with that, too. What I'm not ok with is the reasoning behind the time travel. Without giving too much of the story away (lest you ignore my advice and decide to read it anyway), had the main character originally travelled back in time for the reason he travelled back the second time, I would have been fine with that. It was a noble cause. But to go back so he could see what his beloved was from infancy on, well that's just stupid, and borderline creepy. This is the 3rd book of Michael Baron's I've read, and they are getting progressively worse, so I think this might also be the last of his books I read.

2012 kindle Karen216 30

I think I bought this book for the time travel element during one of the B&N weekend sales. Ken and Melissa have that passionate, soul mate sort of love that most people dream about but never quite achieve. Blissfully happy with their careers and each other, they are engaged to be married when Ken discovers a dark secret in Melissa's past. His love for Melissa prompts him to want to change her past, not realizing that this would change not only her history, but his own as well. So how do you change the future, once you have changed the past? Ken has to figure that out or lose everything. As a fantasy novel, the writing was a little weak, as a story of love...do men Ken really exist in this world? Overall, it was a pleasant read, probably not a memorable one though. Elaine OliveiraAuthor 12 books5

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