
Trill de Lorelei Bell

de Lorelei Bell - Género: Italian
libro gratis Trill


Nuovi amici e rivelazioni sconvolgenti attendono Sabrina in Trill, il secondo volume della serie di Sabrina Strong di Lorelei Bell. Dopo che Sabrina scopre che cosa implica il suo ruolo di Sibilla, il suo collega Dante si mette in grande pericolo per scoprire di più sul piano di Ilona Tremayne, che punta a diventare la dittatrice del mondo dei vampiri.
Un nuovo arrivato, Bill Gannon, è molto interessato a Sabrina, e mentre si trova a fare i conti con lui, Sabrina deve aiutare Bjorn Tremayne a mantenere il controllo del suo regno.
Tuttavia, il passato di Sabrina torna a trovarla, facendole scoprire che non tutte le persone sono come sembrano. Ben presto, si ritroverà ad affrontare un viaggio che non avrebbe mai pensato possibile.

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'Vampire's Trill' continues where 'Vampire Ascending' leaves off, but fear not, you need not have read the first book to understand the new stakes (pardon the pun) in Sabrina' s life -- though I highly recommend it. 'Vampire Ascending' was an exciting and fun read from beginning to end, and this book is no different.

What's it to be Sabrina Strong? She's one tough cookie. She has struggled all her life against people's stereotypes of her -- you see, she's a Touch Clairvoyant -- but the predicament she finds herself in 'Vampire's Trill' really raises the bar. And for someone who can't even get a date, Sabrina is awfully popular these days. Everyone wants her, but why? There's Bjorn Tremayne the handsome master Vampire who first hired Sabrina to uncover some nefarious goings-on in his organization, but who now desperately needs Sabrina's help and Vasyl, the Rogue Vampire who has been unknowingly lurking in Sabrina's life but who now reveals his true intentions. Sabrina finds that the fate of the world is in her hands. Is she sybil who Bjorn's enemies fear? The mystery deepens -- no one's life is safe from danger -- and there's plenty of romance too, as the once untouchable Sabrina is suddenly in hot demand.

Lorelei Bell makes the incredible, credible - a mark of a great story teller - and what a world she's created: Vampires, Shape Shifters, and Werewolves all cohabitate in Lorelei's world along with the human race and sometimes it's difficult to tell who is the most inhuman.

In short, 'Vampire's Trill' is fun, exciting and entertaining, filled with mysterious twists as Sabrina uncovers the evil plot afoot. I am not into Vampire fiction as a rule, but Lorelei Bell has made a believer out of me. I love Lorelei's blend of mystery, romance and humor and most important, her inventiveness. She has fashioned an incredible, fresh new world. I can't wait for the next installment in the Sabrina Strong series. 1 Valerie TwomblyAuthor 54 books491

So the story continues. Our heroin Sabrina is still finding herself in all kinds of weirdness. I still the storyline and the characters.

I was a little sad when Dante and her had to break it off but I Vasyl and when he gave her the ring I was yes! Now I wonder if this vampire wedding will happen, poor Sabrina seems unable to find happiness. Dante is now dead (didn't see that coming) and the ending left me hanging. So now I guess I must wait for adventure number 3, dang it!1 Brenda Briney1 review

Book 2 to read

As with the first, this is a well written paranormal story with characters you both love and those you really dis. I highly recommend this book. Cynthia R.110 1 follower

Trill. Book 2

This series just keeps getting better and better. I highly recommend this book. You will not be disappointed. Now on to Book 3. Infinity Sisters Reviews101 2

Trill by Lorelei Bell is the second book in the Sabrina Strong Series. Sabrina has settled into her job for Tremayne Towers, but nothing is normal about her life. Vampire Master Bjorn Tremayne remains in isolation until he faces trial, but he's still managed to hinder her budding relationship with Dante. She experiences her first full moon since a werewolf bit her, which has some unusual side effects. The same werewolf whose pack shows up at her house to seek her help in finding him and retrieving the money he stole. When Tremayne's sister-in-law arrives, Sabrina knows this can't be a coincidence and that Tremayne's trusted ally, Nicolas, is somehow involved in Ilona's plans to take over. Sabrina's just starting to understand her role as the sibyl, but the more she learns about Vasyl, the more conflicted she becomes. Meanwhile, she meets the mysterious Bill Gannon, deals with the fact that her best friend is now a vampire, and uncovers a terrifying secret.

Lorelei Bell has a knack for layering several story lines and tying them together in a perfect bow with several of these threads connecting back to the first book. Bell wraps up multiple sub-plots while opening up new ones. The supernatural world expands by exploring more of the magical beings and demons, and journeying to new otherworldly places. Sabrina is still learning about her role as the sibyl and all that it entails. She has a greater destiny than she's ever dreamed of and is still being vied over by vampire masters, werewolves, and a mysterious stranger. While she's navigating her powers, she's also become a stronger heroine who stands up more for herself against the vampires' possessiveness. New characters are introduced with the same seductive charm and wit, the same layered personalities and flipping of stereotypes. The character that stands out most is an incubus that shows up briefly, and has a seductive and appealing personality, but also has a sweet and innocent quality to him. Trill is crazier and more intense than Ascension, with interesting and dangerous characters, a deadly mystery, and a complicated romance. Lena Winfrey Hayat44 1 follower

Author Lorelei Bell creates a unique supernatural world that exists just beneath normal human society in her Sabrina Strong series.

In Vampire’s Trill (book two), Bell introduces us to Sabrina Strong, a touch clairvoyant, who is charged with the duty of being a sibyl, although against her will. She cannot escape this responsibility, as she inherited it from a long line of ancestral women.

Bell gives us a lively world of enjoyable, complex characters with sharp dialogue sprinkled with moments of humor. The plot twists are superb, as Sabrina endures a series of bizarre happenings. As the story unfolds, we learn just how important Sabrina is to saving the world. We watch her being chased by many would-be suitors who hope to mate with the sibyl to bring a special heir.

Along the way, we meet vampires, werewolves, witches, fallen angels, elves and even a leprechaun. Bell’s imagination is limitless, as she skillfully pulls the reader into almost believing this unique world is real. Bell thrusts the reader on a whirlwind, non-stop adventure through the unusual and hectic life of Sabrina Strong.

I highly recommend this novel, as the reader will not be able to put it down and will be left craving more.
Liz3,054 26

I read this as Trill Sabrina Strong #2.

After the first 4 chapters things really kick in. This was written as if the reader had never read book 1, which was a huge problem for me as I had read book 1 immediately prior to reading Trill. So I spent too much time having to wade through stuff I already knew.

In this one, Sabrina learns that she will indeed turn at the full moon. At least Dante is there to help her... and their relationship is interesting and complicated.

And then lets make it more complicated by adding all the men/vampires/demons/shifters/wolves who want to sleep with her:

-- Vasyl, the sexy French master vamp who's been protecting her his entire vampire life.
-- Hobart, the dreadlocked Wolf
-- Bill, her neighbor's grandson who is not what he seems
-- Tremayne, the master vamp who can't resist her and summons her to donate blood so he can build up a tolerance
-- Jacob, an incubus she meets on the way to the Dark Realm

Good lord.

But what made this better than book 1 was the connection she forged with Dante... and the ending which was bittersweet because they love each other and can't be with each other. So I rounded up from 3.5 stars. There are still significant issues with homonyms and typos which weaken the writing rather than strengthen it.vampire Shirley Bennett1,008 7

Wonderful follow up to the 1st in the series (Vampire Ascending) - I feel I have not lost my place in the story at all!! So many wonderful characters, twists and turns - (and easy to keep straight on all of them!!) -Sabrina learns more about herself and her role in the Vampires world - and shifters and... (that would be telling... lol) - Cannot say enough about this series - off to #3 - then #4.. not surfacing for air until I am done!!! fantasy paranormal shifters ...more Tia487

Wild Ride

Holy Moly there's a lot of action, betrayals, hidden agendas, claims and power trips happening in this book... gotta love it. Excellently crafted story with fascinating characters. Great second book with answers and more unanswered. Suzie437 7

Wonderful storytelling!

I just finished the second book in this series and I am hooked! Witches, vampires, and werewolves...oh my! All brought together for one innocent clairvoyant who gets caught up in their machinations. Have to go read the third book now!!! Yarelis Martínez230

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