
Panic de LJ Ross

de LJ Ross - Género: English
libro gratis Panic


A killer without a conscience…
After the success of their first case as a newly formed Profiling Unit, Doctor Alexander Gregory and his eminent friend and mentor, Professor Bill Douglas, draw the attention of senior officials at Europol, who are battling a unique kind of foe.
The threat is simple: unless a multi-national supermarket chain pays a hefty ransom, poisoned food and drink will find its way onto the shelves in one of their stores. Nobody wants to play Russian roulette when lives are at stake but, as demands escalate and police seem no closer to finding the terrorist, fear spreads like wildfire in the hallways of power—as well as in the supermarket aisles.
When the first victim dies, panic reaches fever pitch across Europe and pressure mounts for the two English profilers to prove themselves, before it's too late…
Murder and mystery are peppered with dark humour in this fast-paced thriller set amidst the spectacular landscape of Northern Europe...M.F

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This is a great series and one I’d highly recommend.
Gregory and Douglas are nervous as a man is killing people who were responsible for him getting put in prison.
They were both involved in profiling the killer but the Police incorrrectly used the information they gave. However, Carl is not worried about technicalities, and has them in his sights.
This is a great crime thriller with a great ending. 2 s Barbara Rogers1,637 182

Barbara’s rating: 3.4 out of 5 Stars
Series: An Alexander Gregory Thriller #5
Publication Date: 5/2/24
Period: Contemporary London and Cambridge
Number of Pages: 254

Let me get this over with, right here at the beginning, I thoroughly DISLIKE cliffhangers! This author’s books usually pull me into the story so deeply that I cannot put the book down until I’ve read the last page. I cannot tell you why, but that just wasn’t the case with this story. It took me almost a week to read it and when it ended in a cliffhanger, I just threw my hands up. Had I known about the cliffhanger when I was halfway through the book, I would have just stopped reading at that point instead of slogging on through. The writing was fine and the story could have been one of the most exciting yet – but, that wasn’t the case. In some places, the movement of the storyline seemed almost nonexistent. I almost always give this author’s work a 5-star rating, but I just couldn’t do it this time – and that pains me greatly because it could have been so great.

We first met Dr. Naomi Palmer in the third book of the series, Bedlam, where Gregory checked into a highly secure mental hospital in America at the request of the FBI. Naomi and Gregory formed a bit of an attachment there and that attachment has grown since their separation. Now, Naomi has written a book and has come to England to promote it – and to promote her relationship with Gregory as well. We always knew Gregory had a soft, mushy, vulnerable side – but he didn’t know it. Now, he does. What we don’t know at the end of this book, is whether that soft, vulnerable side will survive or be crushed by events that didn’t finish playing out in this book.

Several years ago, Dr. Gregory Alexander and Professor William (Bill) Douglas profiled a sadistic serial killer for Scotland Yard. That profile was misused by the police and the wrong man was arrested, tried, and convicted. The true perpetrator was later found, and Carl Deere was set free. In reparations, Carl was paid millions of pounds and all records of him were erased – including his DNA profile.

One of the reasons Scotland Yard was so determined to arrest and convict Carl – even over the objections of Bill and Gregory – was because he closely matched that profile. He just hadn’t acted on any of those ‘urges’ yet. From prison forward, Carl had no reservations whatsoever about acting on those ‘urges’ – nor did he have any reservations about seeking revenge on those he blamed for incarcerating him. All of them, from the smallest role to the biggest, will receive the same punishment – the same sentence – death.

With the higher-ups at Scotland Yard in denial about the sudden spate of murders being related to Carl’s case, and their absolute refusal to have anything with criminal profiling, can Gregory and Bill manage to find and stop Carl? How many lives will be lost? Can Alexander save Bill from harm?

I can recommend this story if you have read other books in the series and enjoyed them. Perhaps you’ll love it with the cliffhanger and it will make you yearn for the next book that should solve the cliffhanger. I think that one of the things that bugs me about this book (and this series) is Scotland Yard – especially the leadership – looking they are a bunch of bumbling twits. Scotland Yard is one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the world, but they won’t have anything to do with criminal profiling? Just how far behind the times are we supposed to believe they are? Most police forces – everywhere – even in small towns and villages – have what would pass for a criminal profiler. Why wouldn’t Scotland Yard? Anyway – while I didn’t get totally sucked into this story, I am looking forward to the next book, Amnesia.
2024-read iblog2 s Nicola152

Don't read this book if you want an early night, you'll stay up late to finish it.

I literally, couldn't put this down. LJ Ross does it again, absolutely cracking addition to the Alexander Gregory pile!

After finishing Mania, I knew I would purchase this book the second it came out. This follows the story, so if you haven't read any other of the Alexander Gregory series, you must start at the beginning, with Imposter.

You could read this and probably enjoy it on its own but the author knows how to develop a story and characters so it's ideally to be read in the order of the series.

I'm not saying anything else.

If you crime, read EVERYTHING by this author. Anita Dent99 1 follower

Dr Gregory is suspicious when a senior police officer and high court judge linked to a previous case die. The person convicted and later cleared has had his record wiped clean and has disappeared.Dr Gregory goes into overdrive to warn those associated with the case of Carl Deere. As the police are determined to avoid any further scandal they are reluctant to take Dr Gregory’s warning seriously so he is left to take matters into his own hands.
Once again a book which is difficult to put down - I can’t wait to find out what happens next! Catherine StClaire8

More Brilliance from LJ Ross!!!

Thank you, Ms. Ross, for pursuing your dreams. Because you have followed your heart and left the law to write, you share your gifts and enrich us all!
Your books/characters make me think, feel, visualize our world in new and different ways. In short, I feel more alive and more aware on more levels!
What a wonderful gift, to be able to paint word pictures that so completely draw a body in!
I am beyond grateful. David Harte34

Exceptional read

As I turned the pages I felt anticipation and excitement. LJ never ceases to surprise us.This story is a page turner,I felt it difficult to leave the twists and turns of the story ,which is well written and full of surprises.The beloved Alex Gregory and his friends are involved in an intriguing murder mystery. A story of justice and revenge.I look forward to the next chapter which I'm sure will keep me entertained and satisfied. Anne117 3

An intriguing story blended into the previous two books and giving more insight into the characters.

I am really looking forward to Amnesia as the ending of Panic left lots of threads just waiting to be woven into another good read.

I'd forgotten about the series so had to read chapters 1 and 2 again to refocus. I'm very glad I did as I think this might be the most enthralling of the series.

So glad the author has regained good health and i cant wait for no 6. Paul Grantham72

Don’t panic, just read it.

You may start to panic when reading this book because this story could literally be the end of Alex and why do I say that well you’ll have read it yourself to find out because I don’t want to spoil what is an absolutely fantastic story, with a lot of twists and turns and something no saw coming. Happy reading. Beth986 38

This was pretty suspenseful. The search for the new serial killer on a revenge spree and the new relationship between Alex and Naomi kept me reading. Corrupt police officers are definitely a recurring theme in pretty much every book, which lets them down a bit for me as a reader because now I actually expect it instead of being surprised. Carol Michael63 1 follower


Such a tense and suspensful book, of which kept me on the edge of my seat with each turn of the page. I loved the inclusion of Ryan and was thrilled that Alex had found Naomi and fell in love. I so look forward to the two of them making a life together Ryan and Anna

kenneth Fowler160

Revenge is its own reward to some

An intriguing novel based on the extremes we can go to for revenge , an in depth look at human mind . Great characters, once again we learn more about them, what is in their past also what they see their future as being
We worth reading , I shall look forward to many more ! Jenni OsbornAuthor 1 book5

Another excellent episode in the career of Dr Gregory

This is another excellent episode in the career of Dr Alex Gregory, full of twists and turns, some that were clear and others a complete surprise.

Love these stories, can't wait for the next one! Freda Lawes37

Another brilliant book

I've hardly been able to put this book down!

The story keeps building and building and then there's a twist that I really wasn't expecting!

Can't wait for the next one! MS M ADAMS78 1 follower

I hope it’s not too long to wait for Amnesia!

As usual Louise’s books never fail to disappoint. It’s not about who did it but why and how. However in this case there is the added suspense that it is not all over yet! Samantha64

fabulous return of Dr Gregory!

I’d I’m honest, I struggled to get into earlier books in this series, but this one was great with twists and turns!

I loved the puzzle and another cliff hanger! I can’t wait for the next one! ann widdrington6

Riveting read

Yet again a real page turner with unexpected twists and turns, loved the links to Ryan and Northumberland, can't wait for next instalment Jeannette Wood1 review

excellent read

Couldn’t read fast enough
Spell binding Brilliant twist
Looking forward to next book
Hopefully released soon Can’t wait
Hurry up please Anisha36

4.5lj-ross Danni Maughan2

Couldn't put it down! Who needs sleep ey! Cannot wait for the next instalment, another brilliant book by LJ Ross! mary d moulding bill moulding3

A Cracking Book.

I have read the majority of L J Ross' books and this was the best I have read to date. Penny Cornish54

A very rare 5star award for a tale that kept me spellbound. Full of pace, twists and turns. Sandy McCulloch307

Panic an Alexander Gregory thriller book 5

L J Ross, brilliant Author, her books just want you to read on and on, and pull you in. They want you to want to tell them to watch out. Elaine Thomas44

Wow, just wow

Once again Louise excels... helps to have a certain handsome DCI mentioned, plot is full of twists & turns. Just fab, bring on the next one. Susan Hunter638

Once I'd started this book i couldn't put it down. There was danger and menace throughout with a dash of romance to lighten the plot. Now it's time to wait for the next on series. liz6


Superb descriptive writing which drew me in from the outset. I was engrossed throughout and can hardly wait for “Amnesia” to be released Claire Bell7


Another great read Louise keeps u in the dark right till the very end can’t wait to find out more in the next book Sue Curnow4

pacy thriller

Having read all of her books I find them pacy, gripping and easy to read. This was all of that and thoroughly enjoyable. Susan Nolan14

Not a winner for LJ Ross

The plot was way too predictable and the ending unsatisfactory. Quite surprised as I'm a big fan of her other work. Tamberli R4

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