
Snake Snack de Lisa Oliver

de Lisa Oliver - Género: English
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Simon thought having a mate was a good idea, until he met his. Darwin is too used to being alone to ever consider bonding himself to someone, especially a snake shifter. He didn't want to be lunch. Kidnappings, a mayoral race and threats on two pack members don't help the cause. Will Simon and Darwin ever get their HEA? Includes MPREG.

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Not as much fun as the first book but still... not bad.

After reading (and loving) A Tiger's Tale, the first book in the Arrowtown series, I had high hopes for this story. I mean, a mouse and a snake? Talk about blurring the lines between mate and prey! Sadly, this didn't live up to my expectations.

It wasn't a bad story. I did enjoy it for what it was, but it didn't have the charm that the first story did. I had a hard time liking Darwin for some reason. He was just... I dunno, brusque? Standoffish? Whiny? He was a tough little guy, I'll give him that much, and he had a lot of spunk. But, it wasn't a charming kind of spunk. He didn't listen very well and instead of talking to Simon about their issues, he got all bent out of shape, made assumptions and just didn't try all that hard to get to know him.

Simon, I d. I d him from the first story and even though the Simon from the first book wasn't anything the Simon here, I still enjoyed it when I was in his head.

There was a severe lack of communication between these two knuckleheads. Simon ended up in a funk and slept all day, every day and Darwin, instead of trying to find out what was wrong, gets all pissy, thinking Simon really doesn't want him. Well, turns out there was a very good reason for Simon's ennui, and Darwin almost missed out on it due to his lack of care for his mate. Simon wasn't totally innocent in all of this though. He could have put forth more of an effort into trying to connect with Darwin.

As for the plot, there seemed to be a lot of missing pieces. I wouldn't call them plot holes, per se; more there were parts left out. The book felt almost two different stories because of this. We get the first part, where Darwin and Simon meet and then mate, which was very exciting and I enjoyed it immensely. But then the story skips to a month later and Darwin and Simon are at odds with each other. It was very jarring and pulled me out of the story. There were other scenes throughout the book this, where parts were just skimmed over and I was left scratching my head, wondering how we got to this point or that place

There were a few redeeming moments in here that I d. I was happily surprised with the pregnancy and especially the birth. I've never read a birthing that before. It was pretty damned creative. And the side story with Liam has my interest piqued. I really want to read Liam's story. It was a fast read and I didn't notice any glaring proofreading errors, so that's a plus.

On the brain candy scale, I would say this is one of those heart shaped boxes of chocolates you get on Valentines Day. Some of the chocolates are filled with caramel or dark chocolate fudge and you devour their yummy goodness, but then you bite into one that's filled with some quasi-fruit flavored syrupy goo which you immediately spit out. You move on to the next one, hesitantly take a bite only to discover you got one of those rare ones where they forgot to insert the filling. So, delicious in some spots, but disappointing or just not to your taste in others.

bmbr brain-candy growl-and-howl ...more13 s The Sassy Bookworm3,633 2,797 Read

I can't even....

7 s Alisa1,826 199 Shelved as 'tbr-maybe-baby'

I wish this was on KU cuz I want to read the hell out of this book. (but not enough to buy it)

They're fated mates. One's a snake and one's a mouse.

6 s namericanwordcat2,442 428

Alright. So this is the week I read books with mouse shifters.

So, this this a whack a do paranormal romance with for me too much action and not enough romance.

The lack of communication will make you want to smack things and there is two crazy villians that kidnap a hero each.

But what saves, this for me is the the mpreg part of the book is interesting.

Okay.action-adventure-romance cast-of-others fated-mate ...more5 s M'rella1,387 177

It was entertaining, for sure. Interesting choice of names, too. Lenin, for example. ????? ?????, to be precise.

As for the actual review...

Three stars for the entertainment value.contains-family-and-or-kids contains-kidnapping-abduction contains-mush ...more4 s Theresa3,192

What a disappointment after the first book A Tiger's Tale! That book was hilarious and reminded me of Eve Langlais. Unfortunately, this book was a departure and was more typical of Lisa Oliver's style. It also had plot and character development issues.

Surprisingly, the plot just skidded to a halt and crashed and burned immediately after Simon and Darwin mated. Their relationship went off page and then the plot retroactively told their story for a while. The plot skipped time and details. Also, Simon and Darwin's mating bond was weak. They weren't attracted to each other and didn't have that internal drive to want to be with each other. Simon was socially and relationship inept. Darwin was self centered, immature, and very insecure.

I became bored with the story and apathetic about the MCs. I wanted sappy-shifter-fated-mates love. I wanted sexual chemistry and hot sex. I wanted to laugh I did with the first book. I wanted funny characters and crazy antics. Sorry that it happened, but I lost interest and abandoned this book.4 s Rachel Emily4,218 346

3.5 stars for me. I enjoyed this one MUCH more than the first book in the series. While some things were still a bit over the top (, the bad guy who's obsessed with Simon) I enjoyed the storytelling in this one more.

I do wish there had been a bit more substance to Simon and Darwin's relationship. There seemed to be a lot of things that happened off-page, and important things, too! Also, I don't know if I really felt the connection between Simon and Darwin. Heck, I was more interested in the other characters and what was going on in Arrowtown itself.

I do want to read the next book, as things happened towards the end of this one that should make the next book or two very interesting. If the books keep improving, I'll be happy I stuck with this series. mpreg-aboverse-m-m paranormal-m-m romance-m-m3 s Relly1,420 25

Good addition

3.75 stars

Good addition to the series.
I just finished a series, that was a heavy read for me, so when I needed a light read that I would enjoy I knew this was just what i needed.
I enjoyed Simon and Darwin, and how their relationship progressed. It was nice to see Simon questioning himself.
Looking forward to the next one in the series, but I am unsure how Ms Oliver will redeem Western. I hope for a Liam's sake 3-and-three-quarter-stars b-2017-read b-2019-re-read-challenge ...more3 s F.1,340 64

Another enjoyable read from Lisa. fantasy length-401pgs-more mm ...more2 s Lisa18

Each book in the Arrowtown collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

I love the little warning about a flying mouse, lets just say it was a kicker. I came aross Lisa Oliver some time ago with her first book, and have followed her since then. Her stories are very entertaining and will keep you begging for more. The characters are fully developed and you will fall in love with them from the start. The story caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end.

Simon has been on his own for some time. He has no education so works three jobs to survive. He is the cutest little mouse shifter you will have ever seen, and he is one sexy little dancer. He has been dancing for humans for some time and even though he is good at it, he looks for a different time. Then one night and his fate is set. He has met his mate and he wants to run.

Simon is a big ass snake but who knows what kind. His mate is a cute little sexy mouse shifter. Two different types, one prey one predator and things are going to heat up real fast. Especially since someone else wants the little mouse.

I loved this book almost as much as the first one. It gave me all that I wanted and so much more. I especially loved the fact that a mate whether prey or predator can get pregnant. There are a few little twists that are so much fun to read. I had a lot of fun with this book and would definitely recommend it.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through: This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Kaye694 3

My premier go to author...

The Paul Henry Serres model is the perfect depiction of Darwin after you read the first chapter.

Lisa has used several of them and sometimes same model in different poses  on different series' and all seem to well represent their character.

I have to say that this one is particularly eye catching.

Darwin may well have had a troubled childhood and adult life but you shouldn't assume that he's a weak man because of it.

Simon also had a cr@ppy childhood that leaves him with many doubts as to whether he'd make a good mate and parent given that he's a snake shifter and they aren't known for being warm and fuzzy.

There's a lot that takes place in this book but Lisa is excellent at weaving an enticing tale and drawing you in, whilst ensuring that there no loose ends and always leaves you wanting more.

Even if Lisa Oliver were to release a book a week it could never be enough for me!

I'm definitely looking forward to the next book in this series and will probably have read this again before the weekend is over.

I'll be checking out the MM summer anthology at the end of this month.

Thanks for being such a marvellous entertainer.1 Emmy392 3

2.25 ?

As the first one, too much miscommunication and relationship drama and way too little plot shenanigans to be considered trashy goodness.

I didn't hate it, it didn't offend me and was surprisingly respectful of strippers but the end especially with how fast things are introduced and dropped was badly written even for this author's standards.

The introduction of the next book was just laughable and I'll probably won't be reading it considering that they'll try to turn a kidnapping, molesty, baby killer wannabe, stalker into one of the next book romantic interests -.-

Anyway, as proven by my insistance in reading all the trashy series this author pumps out, I'm willing to ignore a lot of issues for the dramatic goodness she manages to put in most of her series overarching plots, however this series is missing that and so it's just left with flat and boring character, no interesting plot dramas and a bunch of relationship issues due to miscommunication/no communication at all and I'm just not interested in that.a-adult genre-romance-paranormal read-in-2023 ...more1 Sue61

Book 2 in the Arrowtown series

First this is a M/M pregnancy book if this is not your thing don't waste time and read this book.

This is the story of Simon a snake shifter and Darwin a mouse shifter. Yes mice are food for many breeds of snakes and the irony is not lost on me. Darwin works hard and is working when Simon finds him. Darwin bitten by life, fearful and distrustful, must overcome his fears, his past, and the demanding nature of Simon.
The story is fast paced and picks up around a year after the events in the first book. many Lisa Oliver books you can read this 2nd book as a stand alone, but reading the first will enhance the reading experience.
Note Lisa Oliver has introduced Liam's mate in this book, but the author has a tendency to let things cook a bit so please do not rage if Liam ends up as book 4!1 llv2,109 12

Rating: 4 stars

I am a big fan of Lisa Oliver. I really d the first book in the Arrowtown series and I d this one a bit better. I think it was more focused than the first book. Simon and Darwin were wonderful as the MCs. I really it when mates don't automatically get along. I it when they have to work at their mating. It seems a bit more realistic to me. Once again, I loved all the other characters that make up this pack. I honestly can't wait for the next book in the series.

If you want to skip the first one and start here, I think you would be okay. However, I do recommend both this book and the previous one. Both are really good books.
2017 borrowed1 Leigh379 1 follower

Lisa Oliver does it again!

I loved Simon and Darwin. Who would think a snake and mouse would make such a cute couple. I can't wait to see what happens with the rest of the group. Especially poor Liam. 1 lucy duncan86

Love is inconvenient

Simon a snake is the fated mate to Darwin a mouse , Darwin is not very trusting of people . When they meet they have to learn to trust and love each other .1 Brandy R.Author 33 books

Loves it but

I loved Darwin and Simon but hated Western he was pity, greedy, slimy and Liam deserved better.
Cam was great, I love the town is supportive of the club.
Brutus makes me laugh, he lives by his stomach.1 Deanna2,635 66

So Cute!

Who knew a romance story about a snake shifter and a mouse shifted would so sweet? Only Lisa Oliver knew. On I must read the next book in this series. 1 Lila HunterAuthor 11 books86

Rating: 3.25 stars.

Quick and easy summer read.

There's no secret that I'm a big fan of this author, but I'm having some trouble getting into this particular series. Not enough to stop reading it, though, but the "light" plot takes away from the overall enjoyment.

zz-08-uc-mm1 TT2,019 5

Ugh, I really, really wanted to this one-look at that yummy cover! But alas...snake birth. Among other things!para-mm-shifters1 kerryann williams262 1 follower


Book two is a fast paced on the edge of your seat read, lots going on. You cheer, are nervous for the boys and stay emotional with them. This is a great addition as book two
and am looking forward to more books on the boys and on Tarrytown.1 Gerald Sessions1,107 6


Book 2 did a good job of changing things up wasn't a copy of book 1. Left some things open for later1 Jennifer Hayford2

Cute book

This book was really cute. Darwin is adorable and Simon just sexy. It starts out from the beginning raring to go.1 Thomas Fox67 1 follower

Loved it!!

As always a 5 star read I would give more but we only 5 to choose.
I for one will be waiting expectantly for the next installment. kindle1 Blaine Hall104 16

I swear, every time there is a new book by Lisa Oliver it's my own personal Christmas Day! Her new series Arrowtown is a wonderful addition to her amazing shifter series! I love how she pairs up opposite shifters with each other, one being a predator and one prey. This book was no exception. Simon is a snake shifter (haven't seen many of these written about) and Darwin is a mouse shifter. You'd think that being a mouse, Darwin was going to be meek and mild, you'd be completely wrong! Lisa writes her characters with their own back bones and they are WONDERFUL! There was so much going on in this book, you'll have to read it yourself, since I'm not giving anything away. Just sit in your favorite reading place, grab yourself something to drink, maybe a snack, and enjoy the roller coaster ride Lisa Oliver is about to put you on!!1 Dottie Mae289 1 follower

Snake Snack by Lisa Oliver

I enjoy reading all books written by Ms. Oliver. This book was all that I needed on a rainy Friday morning with romance, mayhem and hero to the rescue, earning the five stars and more. 1 Barbara Lampron297 2

I loved it!!!!

I loved the story Lisa. And I how it's being played out. But poor, poor Liam! I feel so sorry that he doesn't get his mate. But I am glad about the Mayor\Police. Out with the bad and in with the good!! Keep writing Lisa.I will keep buying!1 Nicole2,020 1 follower

Book 2 of Arrowtown. Story of Simon a Snake Shifter and his Mate Darwin a Mouse Shifter. MM story with Male Pregnancy. Great addition to the series. Highly Enjoyable and Entertaining Read. Highly Recommend. Can't go wrong with a Lisa Oliver Book.1 Morgan Scott239 1 follower

Amazing as usual

These books get better and better every time I read them! They're funny and sweet and heart wrenching but these books are some of the best I've ever read. I love them and cannot wait to read the next book!1 Suzy 748 1 follower

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