
Never Die Alone de Lisa Jackson

de Lisa Jackson - Género: English
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A serial killer who targets twins is loose in New Orleans in this psychological thriller by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Left to Die.

Years ago, Detective Rick Bentz helped put away the notorious serial killer known as 21, who targeted twins about to reach their twenty-first birthday. With merciless precision, 21 would arrange for his victims to die, simultaneously, at the time of their birth. But Brianna Hayward—a New Orleans woman still reeling from the murder of her twin sister—is certain the wrong man is in prison. She's willing to do anything to convince the police, even if it means trusting a reporter who's hiding his own secrets.

Now Bentz will finally have to face the terrifying possibility that 21 is still at large. Twin sisters from All Saints College have just vanished—on the eve of their twenty-first birthday. And as Bentz and his partner, Reuben Montoya, desperately follow the trail, a killer prepares...

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Lisa Jackson is one of my favorite romance suspense authors and I have read a load of her books.

Never Die Alone, the 8th book in her New Orleans Series featuring Detective Rick Bentz and his partner, Reuben Montoya, are on a desperate chase to find a killer, whose victims are young women who are about to turn 21 years and who they believed had been locked away.

A mystery filled with twists and turns and actually a good read.
adventure-mystery-crime-thriller authors-i-o series26 s Sean Peters724 118

Thank You to Net Galley, the publishers and the author for an advanced copy for an honest review.

My first novel by this author.

Never Drop Your Guard

It should be the best day of their lives. Too bad they never get to see it. On the cusp of their twenty-first birthday, he strikes. His victims are always twins, their ritualistic murders planned in exquisite detail, down to the moment when they breathe their last together…

Never Close Your Eyes

Brianna Hayward is a twin-less twin; she lost her sister in high school and it changed her life forever. Brianna is now a psychiatrist who runs a help group for other herself. She is also trying to prove her cousin is innocent of crimes he didn't commit. Her cousin was convicted of murdering his twin sisters on their twenty-first birthday, he was labeled the 21 Killer. Brianna is alone in her belief until one of her friends from the Twin-less Twin group discovers her twin daughters missing.

A possibly innocent man is in prison, and Brianna Hayward needs to convince the New Orleans police. Not just to free her cousin, but to save others who will suffer until the true culprit is found. Reporter Jase Bridges is intrigued. It’s a story that could make his career—as long as Brianna never guesses the secret in Jase’s past…

…Or You’ll Never See Him Coming

Detective Rick Bentz had doubts about the “21” conviction when he worked the case in L.A. Now the real murderer may be loose in Bentz’s backyard. Twin sisters from All Saints College have vanished on the eve of their twenty-first birthday. And as Bentz and his partner, Reuben Montoya, desperately follow the trail, a killer prepares to unite his next victims in death forever…

There was a lot I d about Never Die Alone, but it had some issues that I just couldn’t overlook.

What I d

Lisa Jackson does a great job of characterization and getting the reader to connect with them.

The suspense is kept up throughout the book, and the pacing is fast.

The characters had a lot of secrets, and the mystery about those secrets was maintained

But there were things I did not .

The story was too long at 480 pages.

Was very far fetched and sometimes read a low budget horror film where the serial killer kept coming back !

Sometimes very confusing with all the characters, and a little heavy on the plot who are the main characters in the book?

So some good parts, and some bad parts, so a three star from me. A quite difficult book to review, it had some faults, but was still hard to put down.12 s Rosie104 48

This was the first Lisa Jackson book I have read. I thought the idea of a killer targeting twins before their 21st birthday was an interesting premise for a book. Unfortunately, the story didn't really work for me. There were so many different plot lines that I felt the story just didn't really move anywhere until around the last 50 or so pages. The story was more focused around characters and what they were doing, than the actual detectives trying to solve the case. At around the 200 page mark I began to get frustrated with all the inner dialogue of the characters, and began to skim read. Even skim reading I still did not miss out on anything. I think I may have enjoyed it more if I had read other novels by Lisa Jackson that involved the main detective, Rick Bentz. There was one storyline I did enjoy, though unfortunately this didn't really go anywhere and was still left unsolved at the end of the book.
This was a quick, easy enough read though I didn't find the story very suspenseful. My rating is more 2.5 stars (the half star is because I actually finished it). 10 s Marc Diepstraten801 1 follower

3,5 stars actually. Hmm, i don't know. The writing is ok, the story is ok, but there is something off. The story of the kidnapped girls is central, the other events happening in passing. This I guess is a different view point since it is more common that the police and their search is more present. When I'm reading I don't get myself occupied and start guessing or second guessing the writer; wherever she/he wants to lead is fine by me. What I do found astonishing is that 350 pages in (out of 411 pages) everybody was as clueless, as on the first page. Then in 50 pages the whole thing rollercoasters into conclusion, with an incomplete epilogue of what happens next. I the twin idea, but it really goes to improbable extremes. I heard myself thinking on more than one occasion: "what? .... him/she too?". Again it's not bad, but there far more other books out there....7 s Liz Barnsley3,550 1,043

I've dipped in and out of this series from Lisa Jackson - have enjoyed all the ones that I have read, this was a slight departure for her as it focused more on some of the surrounding characters- I loved that about it, kind of a different angle but with the same feel

It worked really well - the tale is one of a killer, thought to be in jail, who kidnaps twins on the eve of their 21st birthday and kills them at the time of their birth. When another set of twins goes missing the game is afoot. So to speak.

There were some gorgeous little twists and turns in this one, the whole subject of twins I find fascinating. Part of the plot involves a support group for surviving twins - losing a sibling is never easy, with twins if there is any truth to the duality theory must be incredibly difficult. The subject is explored in a really interesting way here as the different participants have different stories.

Then there is the mystery element which is well imagined, often tense edge of the seat stuff, the opening portion sets the scene really well, in a heart stopping way and from there on in it is totally addictive reading.

Overall then another really good novel from the pen of Lisa Jackson that has ensured I will continue to read these wherever possible. And I really should go back and fill in the gaps.

Happy Reading Folks!

received-via-netgalley top-crime5 s MaryG2E390 1 follower

The opening action sequence of this suspense novel was indeed tense and stirring. Unfortunately it all went downhill from there.
For me the major fault with this book was its narrative structure - multiple narrative threads, which did not intertwine in any meaningful way. All they did was distract and confuse. Far, far, far too many narrative voices and points of view made the story disjointed and overly complicated.
One of my main frustrations was the low key and uninteresting role played by the detectives, Bentz and Montoya, who had a very minor role in the drama. They didn't do a lot of detecting until right at the end.
The action sequences were highly repetitive, with the same victims being pursued by the same perp over and over. BORING!
I think there were some clever ideas included in the novel, but the whole thing was very hit and miss. Really sorry I wasted time reading this clunker - there are so many other books sitting on my shelf begging to be read.z2017-alphabetical5 s Nikki Ryan-Kahler52

Loved this book this writer really knows how to keep her readers on the edge of their seats ... Very difficult to put down!!5 s Diane Hernandez2,301 38

It is a really bad sign when an ongoing character says that he feels he is on a hidden camera show because the plot is so absurd. However that occurs within this book.

I have read several of the author's stand-alone books that I really enjoyed. This is the first of her Bentz/Montoya series that I have read and I didn't it nearly as well. The book has so many subplots that it would take 60 pages before the subplot would return. In addition, I was just sick of the plaintive cries of "Zoe!" and "Chloe!" repeated multiple times throughout the book. By the end, the coincidences just were so many and so overwhelming that the plots toppled for me. The most interesting subplot, which appears to be a continuation from a previous book, is not resolved. Another is just left hanging for another book, I guess. I only kept reading because I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway, which didn't impact this review, but this was hours of my life I'll never get back. I can't recommend this book.first-reads4 s Heather1,392 24

Let me just say I loved the Bentz and Montoya novels previously written by Lisa Jackson but since she normally writes romantic suspense, I wasn't sure what to expect since Bentz/Montoya have already found love. However, this book is a bit different in that there is very little romance and we really don't see too much of Bentz/Montoya. Sure they are there but they are more of a background story.
This was a great mystery surrounding the abduction of a set of twins on their birthday possibly by the same deranged killer that police thought had already been convicted.
One thing I love about reading the novels of Lisa Jackson is just when you think you know who the bad guy is, there is a twist in the story and you find out you were way off. Great suspense and great characters equals the perfect combination for a mystery. And fortunately, the ending assures me that there will be at least one more story featuring Bentz and Montoya.reviewed4 s Jessie Henry8 2

This is one of the worst books I've ever read. Jackson jumps from point of view sporadically throughout chapters, literally within paragraphs. She introduces and provides back stories for unimportant characters and continued to introduce new characters up until the very last chapter. The "plot twist" at the end was completely ridiculous, as was the Twins' meager multiple attempts to thwart their captor. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters - the dialogue was stale and cliche, as was the streams of consciousness of each character. I wish I could say there was something redeeming about this book but there really wasn't. I wouldn't recommend this book or any other by Jackson to anyone who has a respect for true literature, because her writing is absolute garbage. 3 s CL646 26

This was an on the edge of your seat thriller. The 21 Killer abducts twins before their 21st birthdays and kills them in a ritualistic manner. The police think they have the right man in prison who has proclaimed his innocence but another set of twins have been abducted and on the eve of their 21st birthday. Can the police find him if he really has returned, can the reporter who has a connection to the killer he is unaware of find him, can the surviving twin who heads up the "twinless twin" support group convince them all that he has returned and abducted the missing twins. I could not put this book down.3 s Sandysbookaday 2,239 2,240

This is #8 in a series of which I have probably read 4.

The police thought they had the "21" killer safely locked away.

But now twin sisters from LSU have vanished, only days before their 21st birthday. And as Bentz and his partner, Reuben Montoya, desperately follow the trail, the killer prepares to unite his victims in death forever. . .

This is a quick, easy read with no great surprises. Never Die Alone would be a great summer holiday read.

Thank you to NetGalley, publishers Kensington Books and author Lisa Jackson for the opportunity to read Never Die Alone in exchange for an honest review.3-star netgalley-arc3 s Hannah2,008 31

Lisa Jackson's ongoing series following Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya two New Orleans Homicide detectives continues to have more then their fair share of the worst of the worst. This is book eight and as far as the series goes this can be read as a stand-alone. It does talk about a past case as it references to a secondary story line Lisa Jackson is building up to for another book. It does get redundant as it is mentioned more then a few times, I think unnecessary but then I have read that book so it just maybe that way for me. Other than that the book is classic Jackson suspense light on the romance but nail-biting suspense I couldn't put it down I didn't want to put it down, I'm glad my kids can find food on their own. The whodunit was a surprise if not a little cheesy.

(***SPOILER***... unless you have read the previous book, Devious... a notorious killer from a previous book is back. It's awesome and because it it just a secondary story in this book and its such a tease!)

Brianna Hayward is a twin-less twin; she lost her sister in high school and it changed her life forever. Brianna is now a psychiatrist who runs a help group for other herself. She is also trying to prove her cousin is innocent of crimes he didn't commit. Her cousin was convicted of murdering his twin sisters on their twenty-first birthday, he was labeled the 21 Killer. Brianna is alone in her belief until one of her friends from the Twin-less Twin group discovers her twin daughters missing.

It should have been the best night of their lives, Zoe and Chloe were turning twenty-one but the night went wrong and now they are both hog tied naked in a basement room with a scary looking naked guy singing Happy Birthday, badly. Zoe always the strongest of the two tries to escape and now she is lost in the swamp separated from her twin. Chloe needs to be the strong one, after their attempted escape Chloe was recaptured; now she needs to get herself out of this before he catches Zoe again.

Bentz has no reason to believe Brianna Hayward, but something about it reminds him of Olivia and how they first meet. So he goes out on a limb and starts to follow up on the missing twins. Also thrown into the mix is crime reporter Jase Bridges. Jase went to school with Brianna and her sister and has a secret he has kept from Brianna for years but the attraction is there and he tries to stay away but the story of the 21 Killer and the missing twins is too good to pass up.

Overall, with all the emotional turmoil from both past and present experiences, and the suspense of being chased by a mad man it ties you up inside. If you haven't read any of the other books this would be a good one to start at.

2 s Gina1,171 98

One of the most suspenseful books from what I think is Jackson's best series, the New Orleans series. The 21 Killer is back in the hunt, which means that the guy currently locked up in California pegged to be this killer, is an innocent man or they have a very knowledgeable copycat on their hands. On the night before their 21st birthday, Chloe and Zoe Denning go missing. It's they just dropped off the radar at 10:00, before it even turned midnight, their actual birthday. Their mother is a wreck worrying what could have happened and the police have their doubts that the 21 killer has truly returned. But as the hours tick by with no word from the girls, the police start to take this seriously, especially when Jase Bridges, a local crime beat reporter, writes a big expose on the return of the 21 killer and the lockup of an innocent man in California accused of these crimes based on circumstantial evidence.

While Chloe and Zoe are held by a madman, the suspense ratchets up with their attempts to thwart the madman.

This is by far the best book I've read by Jackson in quite awhile! She definitely takes the reader in an emotional thrill ride! I highly recommend this to any Lisa Jackson fan or anyone looking for a great mystery/suspense novel. 5 stars!

2015-book-release book-club chick-lit ...more2 s Dan BiermeierAuthor 2 books51

This is not the first Lisa Jackson book that I have read, but it is the first Bentz/Montoya novel.

'Never Die Alone' is #8 in the series but I never felt that I was missing a thing, so it stands alone well. Detectives Bentz and Montoya are secondary characters in this story, if the cover hadn't told me, I would not have guessed that it was part of their series.

It is a well told story involving kidnapped twins. Very fast paced and keeps you reading. Jackson is a very, very, good writer.

The only things keeping me from 5 stars were a few coincidences were stretched a bit far for me, not completely unbelievable, but very close. And the internal lusty thoughts with the two main characters didn't land right for me. But, really those are small disruptions when considering the whole.

If you fast paced, mysteries, you will this book. 2 s Steve734 14

Just couldn't get into it.library mystery suspense ...more2 s Janine2,393 72

Struggled to get into this and suffered from not having read previous books in the series.romantic-suspense series2 s Doris1,952

Took it back to the library without finishing it. Too much horror up front just did not appeal.2 s Doris1,952

This book of twins - and the ties that bind - was shocking, especially as it dealt with the horrible back view of the twin mentality.

"Myra" had me worried, until I realize who she had to be - not her personality but her reality. Then I just grieved for her.

"The attacker" frightened me, not just because of the murders, but because of the harsh reality that none of us is invulnerable.

The father mad me sad and angry and hopeful he would be evicted not just from the homes but the lives of his children.

The police, the parents, everyone, felt as if they were holding their breath waiting for the truth to just appear out of thin air.

Through it all, it felt as if SOMEONE ought to be able to buy a clue, but everyone wandered out wondering what was happening and apparently hoping someone would hand them a clue card. The ending was pretty solid, but it felt rushed and hokey, whereas the rest of the story with the birthday singing and the bare man under an apron felt appropriately scary. It just didn't end right, thus the low rating mystery supernatural1 tchoupi63

C'est un roman angoissant et prenant comme il le faut. On commence directement dans le vif du sujet, et j'ai adoré suivre cette enquête. De la peur, même de la terreur se sont faits ressentir tout au long de l'histoire.
Je ne comprenais pas vraiment tout, comme la deuxième intrigue avec le père John, jusqu'à ce que je comprenne qu'il y a d'autres tomes d'une même série. Cependant, l'histoire principale est totalement compréhensible sans avoir lu les autres tomes.
Lisa Jackson a su me donner des frissons et même me faire angoisser à certains moments. Le rythme du roman est parfait, même si cela le rend frustrant, à cause des différents points de vue. J'ai dévoré ce roman rapidement et il a su attirer, mais aussi garder mon attention tout du long.
Je pense que j'aurai aimé qu'on parle un peu plus des victimes sur la fin, que j'ai trouvée un peu courte, mais cette histoire n'en est pas moins passionnante. Janie Johnson922 159

Ok so this is one of my favorites, (disregard the clueless characters) definitely a huge adrenalin rush from the start, but I could not 5 star it. After 8 novels in the series and 7 years later you would think that there would be answers or an end with Father John. Was there? No! That is very annoying to me. We could have just ended it in this last book of the New Orleans series, give readers a little peace of mind, but I guess we have to wait and see what happens and if there ever is going to be an answer and/or end to Father John.20221 Maye Reding3

Es ist das zweite Buch dieser Autorin, das ich gelesen habe. Ich war sehr gespannt und die Erwartungen waren hoch, doch leider war dieses Buch hier eine Enttäuschung. Der größte Teil des Buches besteht aus bedeutungslosen Aussagen die ins Nichts führen, daher liest es sich auch sehr schwermütig! Es kommt einfach keine Spannung auf, nicht einmal zum Ende hin.
Dennoch vergebe ich 2 Sterne da ich nur erahnen kann, wieviel Arbeit und Zeit trotzdem in so einem Buch steckt.1 Carolyn Jacobs37 1 follower

Another great mystery by Lisa Jackson. Many twists and turns. It will keep you guessing until the end.1 Sandra Alawine978 13

There are too many sub plots, which I found irritating as it delayed finding out what had happened to Zoe and Chloe.

The first sub plot is Father John has come back leading Bentz to go on a drinking spree. Olivia is also urging him to give up police work.

The second sub plot revolves around the death of Brianna's twin Arianna, and Jase's part in it. Arianna had been sneaking out at night to meet Jase, the local rebel without a cause. One night he was late meeting her and she was raped. Jase attacked the rapist and thought he killed him (he still has the knife scare from the fight) he begged Arianna to go to the cops, but she refused, and begged him not to tell anyone. Jase took Arianna home, then asked his Father (Ed) to go with him to the cops, but Ed refused and told him that he and Jase's older brother (Prescott) would bury the body. When in truth the rapist was a friend of Ed's who had merely been knocked unconscious and who left town to avoid rape charges. Shortly after the rape Arianna drown. Jase has felt guilty about her death ever since. Jase also discovers that he has a twin brother he didn't know about. I really feel this revelation should have been left until after Zoe's rescue not before.

Milo, a man from Brianna's Twinless Twin group, has been following Brianna around. Milo tells Brianna he thinks she is in danger because he saw her with Jacob (it was actually Jase he saw her with) and reveals that Jacob killed his sister Myra on their 21st birthday.

Chloe and Zoe are kidnapped shortly before their 21st birthday. The twins find themselves naked and tied up in a basement with a nutcase singing "The Birthday Song" in his birthday suit plus an apron. Zoe manages to free herself while Chloe's whining distracts the killer. Zoe attacks him and both girls escape. Unfortunately while the killer was badly injured he soon regained consciousness and went after them. While trying to lead him away from Chloe, Zoe falls in the river. Chloe takes his truck but soon runs into a gate, the killer finds her at the gate and takes her back to the basement while he goes to look for Zoe. Chloe manages to catch him off guard and escapes a second time but is quickly recaptured. Zoe is almost caught but she manages to get to the road and flag down help before he can shoot her. When she goes to the police station she goes berserk when she sees Jase and identifies him as her attacker. But once she calms down she realizes he isn't the same guy Jase then reveals he has an identical twin (Jacob) he just found out about. They go to the shack the girls were being held at where they find Jacob dead and Chloe close to death. 1 Aparna565 8

Stars: 4 / 5
Recommendation: Bone-chilling thriller with the touches of romance, lust and twisted minds - a perfect medley to enjoy the read despite the shivers it leaves in the reader's spine.

Never Die Alone is the eighth book in the New Orleans series by Lisa Jackson with Detectives Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya published in August of 2015. The plot is set immediately after the events that occur in the previous book, Devious (https://inspirethoughts.livejournal.c...).

After going through a lot of hard work, Detectives Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya, although apprehend the killer of the novice nuns, they fail to get any closer to Father John, the one person who had been eluding them since the events in the first book, Hot Blooded. And now Brianna Hayward wants to prove that her cousin was wrongly convicted of a crime he hadn't committed, a case that Rick Bentz had left 12 years ago in Los Angeles and moved to New Orleans, a case that had haunted him ever since. Was Brianna true? What of Father John? With twisted and mind-numbing killings, Bentz and Montoya are once again on the trail of a serial killer, trying to capture him once and for all.

Remember, in my review of Malice (https://inspirethoughts.livejournal.c...), I had voiced that one of the sub-plots that was following along in the story had ended abruptly and how I thought it could have been more than that and carry on to another book. Guess what, Lisa has indeed carried it into this book. I was right, that sub-plot needed a different closure than projected then. I am guessing Lisa felt the same too and brought it back here to have a proper ending to it.

After reading the previous book, I was expecting Lisa to have had written the next one the following year. However, looks she doesn’t write it until four years later. I wonder why.

She has references to Hurricane Katrina which happened in 2005 still continuing in this book. But no references to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident. I remember her mentioning in one of the previous books that she wanted to wait it out and see what the outcome would be. Perhaps she is still waiting for its after effects to conclude, sadly they aren't ending yet.

I have seen quite a few authors mentioning their female characters enjoying a mint julep under a shady tree or in a canopy or on a porch. Why does an author always pick up mint julep as the go to drink for the female characters while a beer for the male characters? That bugged me always, although I never had a mint julep. May be I should try it to understand the reasoning behind.

She has multiple sub-plots going along-side her main plot just her previous books, and she keeps the reader on track efficiently. She marvels at exposing the human psychology, how something ticks a person, how one is so focused on one track that they don’t see anything else, and how in their psycho brain they cause harm to others. Every time I read her books, my hairs rise along my arms and neck, creating shivers up my spine.

I assumed that this was the last book in the series. However it doesn’t seem so. She again left one sub-plot open-ended with a notion that it will return soon with a vengeance. However, in 4 years Lisa hasn’t written a Rick Bentz / Rueben Montoya novel. Will she be springing one more in the series for the readers?

Eagerly waiting for the next in the series, Lisa has given us another bone chilling thriller with a touch of romance, love and human emotions that a killer normally doesn’t understand. Not a read for faint hearts but for those brave ones who can read it while sitting in a corner in a darkened basement too. If you are one, I would say go for it.

Spoiler Alerts:

1) Plot Reveals:
a. In Devious we had seen that one of the heroines, Valerie Houston and her husband Slade Houston were from a town called Bad Luck in Texas. Well, in this plot again we see that Brianna Hayward had been raised in Bad Luck, Texas. Do the Houstons and Haywards have a connection somewhere? I wonder if Lisa will have this exploited further if she ever continues this series.
b. Father John's character had appeared in the very first book in the series, Hot Blooded. Lisa had given an open ending to the character letting readers know that he would come back soon. He appears briefly, mostly as a reference, in the fifth book Lost Souls. And we see him in action again in the seventh book Devious and now in this plot as well, making a comeback after 10 years when the first plot was set. Yet Lisa doesn’t close his case in this book.
c. Jason "Jase" Bridges, the lead hero of this book, had a love affair with Arianna Hayward, Brianna's twin, when they were young adults. But Arianna was raped by a friend of Jase's father, and although Jase had rescued her, and beaten that person, in the plot Lisa never gives a closure to that assailant. Where is that assailant?

2) Sub – Plots:
a. In Hot Blooded, Dr. Samantha Leeds brother Peter Williams disappears from their lives more than ten years ago. Detectives couldn’t find anything about him either. Will Lisa Jackson bring him back in a future book?
b. Norm Stowell – an FBI profiler – and Andre Navarrone – ex-cop at Houston PD - appear briefly in Hot Blooded. However they left me with an impression that they might come back as major ones in a future book. Have to wait and see if Lisa would resurrect them.
c. What will the fate of Sarah Restin and her no-good husband Leo Restin be? These characters appeared in Cold Blooded.
d. Unanswered questions about Bernadette and Reggie from Cold Blooded also perhaps will be answered in a future book.
e. In Devious we had seen that Montoya's brother Cruz was the high school sweet heart to Lucia Costa aka Sister Lucy, the primary witness of the case in that plot. And at the end of the book, Lucia runs away with Cruz's bike. Now in this plot, we see that Cruz is also AWOL going after Lucia to find her. Another sub-plot I wonder if Lisa will elaborate further.

3) Grammatical / Historical / Location / Character / Geographical Errors:
a. At the end of Devious, the previous book, we see that in the epilogue, Father John kills the antagonist, Sister Devota, in prison. But he does that five months after her arrest. So when this book opened, you expect the plot to move five months ahead. Yet it seems that the plot starts immediately after the events of Devious. Clearly seen from the fact that Rick and Olivia Bentz's daughter is still eight months old, just in Devious.
b. On Pg. 115, Line 1, shouldn’t it be "…for the creep to appear…"? Tom Tischler904 14

Zoe and Chloe Denning go out to celebrate their 21st birthday and
they never return home. Brianna Hayward is convinced that a killer
called the 21 killer and who is in custody in L.A. isn't the real killer
and she thinks that he is now in New Orleans. His murders are exqui-
setly planned and the victims are always twins. Reporter Jason Bridges is intrigued by Brianna's story and he thinks that this could make his
career. Both he and Brianna have big secrets to hide. Detective Rick
Bentz who first arrested the 21 killer is also having doubts. He also
happens to be with the New Orleans police now. As Bentz and his partner
Reuben Montoya follow the trail the killer is preparing to unite Zoe and
Chloe in death The book is sort of a slow starter but if you get beyond
half way it picks up and has a great ending. I gave it a 3.5
1 Karen1,062 12

I love Lisa Jackson's New Orleans suspense stories and this one doesn't disappoint. It has two suspense threats going on: the kidnapping of twins and the second is the return of Father John. The pace is fast with lots of twists and turns. Detective Rick Bentz has his hands full as the clock is ticking for the victims. There was one moment that had me scratching my head as far as plausibility, but that's JMO and it didn't distract me from this otherwise action packed story. Another winner by Ms Jackson!
I received a Review Copy by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review1 Susan208 4

A well written tight mystery thriller. I actually am trying to read different mystery writers to increase my vocabulary of skill involved in doing so. The back ground work is tremendous and I give all mystery writers credit for their research. Because this takes place in Louisiana, I chose to try this writer as I lived in Baton Rouge, LA for two years. I enjoyed how the bayous came to life in words. The subject is twins. In this story twins that turn 21 years of age are potential victims of the most heinous deaths. 1 Diane678 29

Somebody is killing twins on their exact 21st birthday! The basic story line was really good, but I found there was an awful lot of characters to keep sorted out. The original has been happening in a couple of books leading up to this culmination along with a good paced race to the finish, so-to-speak.

Not a bad read, but I found myself getting impatient with repetitive descriptions and conversations. Overall it's worth the read.

a thumbs up and 4 stars2 s Vicky247

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