
No More Bad Days de Lindsey Whitaker

de Lindsey Whitaker - Género: English
libro gratis No More Bad Days


When a dismembered body is discovered in a suitcase, seasoned detective Kimberly Hall is determined to catch the killer. However, she soon finds herself in a web of untrustworthy witnesses, countless suspects, and tampered evidence.
Once she untangles who committed the crime, things will only get harder for her team. Just as they narrow their sights on their lead suspect, Detective Hall's rookie partner makes a deadly mistake.
Told through shifting perspectives, NO MORE BAD DAYS follows Detective Kimberly Hall's investigation, and the discovery that threatens to shake the gritty detective to her core...M.F

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Absolutely enthralled by the plot line with its swift pace. The writing was detailed, giving me every step of the investigation.
The forensics and ME boosted the story up well. But nothing could beat the careful step by step, following every lead kind of investigation done by the cops.
The partnership between Hall and Diaz was cohesive with good camaraderie. I d how Hall was portrayed as the team leader who could get down and dirty in order to find the killer.
I d the team and wanted to know a bit more about them. Maybe that would come in future books.

There were a few misses for me. The quick jumps to different timeframes were dizzying. Sometimes it was just a month or a week prior and other times, it was years. They didn't allow the prose to flow, too staccato.
The motive of the killer did not come forth clearly, so the book didn't feel personal.
The way or the reason the killer targeted the victims didn't do it for me. The last section felt rushed. It needed depth to become believable for me.

Overall, I quite enjoyed the book4 s Leesa Upham2

This was the first book I grabbed to start my reading journey again to keep myself from using electronics to fill spaces of time.

I loved this book. It kept me interested the whole time, as I am an easily distracted reader. I really enjoyed the layout of the time sequences so I could put myself in the same timeline as the characters. That also helped with keeping me interested, it’s you had to pay attention to remember the timelines if you think you’re going to figure out the “who done it?” of the the book.

This was a quick easy read. Once I finally made the time, I finished it fast as I kept needing to know more. Now that I’m finished , I still need to know more ! Hoping there’s a sequel to this. 1 Kelly Craik1 review8

Must read!!

I would recommend this book to everyone. I was gripped from the very beginning and enjoyed the plot and it’s surprises!!1 Danielle Waugh104 27

Jumped at the chance to support a fellow Murderino. Really enjoyed this book! Maybe it was just a fluke copy I got off Amazon but I will note that I had quite a lot of spelling, grammar, layout and spacing issues in my copy - almost as if it was unedited, but I was able to overlook it and not faulting Whitaker for that. SSDGM! 1 Katie Overmyer75

“If anything can come from a tragedy, it is the embracing of life’s uncertainty—and it’s unavoidable brevity” -Lindsay Whitaker

This book was the first self-published book I’ve read, and I’ll be honest, I probably won’t read another self-published book. Not because the story was bad, but because I did not that the book looked a college paper, with size 12 font and bright white pages. I also noticed a few grammatical errors, and because of that it was hard for me to want to keep reading even though the story was interesting.

Nevertheless, I really appreciated the forensics aspect of this book since I minored in forensics in college. It even felt at some points I was reading an episode of criminal minds which I loved. A body being sawed and left in a suitcase just screams criminal minds to me. The author did a nice job including every step of an investigation that detectives go through when solving a crime so it felt authentic. Detectives Hall and Diaz were easy to , but with the multiple perspectives and timelines of the book it was hard for me to follow at times and keep all the characters straight. Overall, an easy thriller to read with well developed main characters, but it did not grab my attention as much as other thrillers/murder mysteries I’ve read.1 Teresa Collins886 14

This book had an interesting premise and was enjoyable, for the most part. One of the things I had an issue with was that the timeline kept jumping back and forward. Granted Ms. Whitaker heads each chapter well so that the characters and time that are the focus of that chapter are clearly noted. Still, it was distracting for me to be in the present and then the next chapter be in the past and so forth. I'm not sure of another way Ms. Whitaker could have effectively told the story, and it may not have bothered anyone else. The other thing is that the novel needs another read-thru by a proofreader. There are wrong words, missing words, and one occasion where Mr. Gibbons (the victim's father) was referred to as Mr. Palmer. I also could have done without all of the profanity. I know a lot of thriller/crime authors say it has to be there in order to feel authentic, but I disagree. I have read several thrillers that kept me totally engrossed without the use of profanity. Also, I felt the story built up to the almost ending and then fell flat. The last two chapters were anti-climactic to me.
Even with all of this, I very much enjoyed the story. I loved the character of Diaz, even if he is a bit green. He has "good bones" and will make a great detective. I would also have d to see the character of Emily further developed. She is one determined/put-together lady. There was plenty of action and suspense, even though it was laid out in a rather disjointed manner, in my opinion. I would really to see the author make this into a series. Diaz it has "good bones" and with more experience, it could turn into quite an interesting series. Digital Reads Media 29 2

An exciting police investigation into a body sawed in half found in a suitcase.

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