
Say Yes Summer de Lindsey Roth Culli

de Lindsey Roth Culli - Género: English
libro gratis Say Yes Summer


Perfect for fans of Morgan Matson and Netflix/Hallmark Channel rom-coms, this is the story of a girl who decides to give in to the universe and just say yes to everything, bringing her friendship, new experiences, and, if she lets her guard down, true love.
The perfect book to kick off summer! For as long as Rachel Walls can remember, she's had capital-G Goals: straight As, academic scholarship, college of her dreams. And it's all paid off—after years of following the rules and acing every exam, Rachel is graduating at the top of her class and ready to celebrate by . . . doing absolutely nothing. Because Rachel Walls has spent most of high school saying no. No to dances, no to parties, and most especially, no to boys.
Now, for the first time in her life, there's nothing stopping Rachel from having a little fun—nothing, that is, except herself. So when she stumbles on a beat up old self-help book—A SEASON OF YES!—a crazy idea pops into her head: What if she just said yes to . . . everything?
And so begins a summer of yes. Yes to new experiences and big mistakes, yes to rekindled friendships and unexpected romances, yes to seeing the world in a whole new way. This book is a fresh and fun take on the coming-of-age novel that explores the quintessential themes of growing up: taking risks, making mistakes, and, of course, love. And who knows? Lindsey Roth Culli's hilarious and heartwarming debut may just inspire your own SAY YES SUMMER.

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I read this completely in one sitting! Overall, it was a super cute, fast-paced, summer romance story. It was a bit simple, a story I’ve read or watched multiple times before, but still enjoyable! Just the description says, if you’re into Morgan Matson, you’ll find this enjoyable I think!29 s Olivia (Stories For Coffee)646 6,274 Read

If you’re ever looking for a quick, summery read that’s an instant dose of happiness, this book is the one for you. With major Morgan Matson vibes, Say Yes Summer was a book that I almost read in one sitting. It gave me the nostalgia of being a teen during the summer along with a cute romance to bat.

I absolutely loved Rachel, the protagonist, whose personality is/was just mine in high school where I played it safe, never said yes to new opportunities, never tried to hang out with new people, etc. Seeing Rachel say yes to opportunities I wish I had said yes to was so heartwarming, and I really related to her character and where she was coming from.

This book was just an absolute treat! I had so much fun with it and the shenanigans Rachel got into with her friends. It’s the perfect read while stuck at home, unable to do the fun things that are mentioned in this book.

I do have to say I wish the ending was fleshed out more by a few chapters because it felt a tad rushed, but other than that, I adored the story it had to tell.contemporary friends-to-lovers wholesome27 s Alaina6,533 214

I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars of cuteness!

Say Yes Summer introduces you to Rachel and her two love interests Miles and Clayton. Both are pretty easy to fall in with but only one is completely and utterly lovable. I'll let you decide who for yourself.

Now this book was a really cute romcom. Heck I read it one little sitting.. which I thinks was maybe an hour or two? Not quite sure but I definitely flew through this one. After meeting Rachel, I knew she was going to have face a ton of tough decisions. This is her last summer before heading off to college, the real world, and she's trying to break out of her little turtle shell.

It was kind of cute how she thought no one really noticed her at school. It doesn't help that she said no to anything that remotely sounded fun due to being an introvert. She also worked at her family owned restaurant all the time too. So yeah.. she didn't do a whole lot of stuff throughout her high school years. Or any school years really.

This is her one summer to say yes.. to basically everything. Which is why she found herself in a little love triangle and getting in trouble, a lot. Of course, the romance thing didn't last long. It also didn't take long for everyone to find out about it and to be hurt either. Yet, she somehow made amends to everyone because really.. this wasn't her at all and she didn't mean to hurt anyone either.

In the end, things worked out. My ship sailed and it made me all gooey inside. I am very happy with this book and can't wait to jump into my next little romcom!2020-arcs 2020-ng contemporary ...more14 s Alexandra Szalontai76 7

3.75/5 ??.
O avem pe Rachel, personajul principal, care ajunge la sfâr?itul liceului ?i î?i d? seama c? a ratat o mul?ime de lucruri, iar în vara dinainte de facultate vrea s? ias? din zona de confort. In aceasta vara vrea sa spuna da tuturor experientelor.
Pe parcursul c?r?ii o urm?rim cum cunoa?te oameni noi, merge la petreceri, se îndr?goste?te, dar ?i cum face alegeri bune ?i mai pu?in bune. Totodata, Rachel înva?? despre percep?iile gre?ite pe care le-a avut asupra diferitelor lucruri, evenimente ?i oameni, ?i î?i d? seama de faptul ca oamenii sunt mai mult decât ceea ce aleg ace?tia s? arate.
La capitolul poveste de dragoste placut ca n-a fost chiar clasicul trope de “tocilara se indragosteste de atlet si de cel mai bun prieten”. De asemenea, ?i restul personajelor au fost mai mult decat clasicele trope-uri cliseice.

A fost o carte u?urica, dr?gu??, numai potrivit? de var?, dar totu?i si cu o mic? lec?ie de ?inut minte. Mi-a placut mai mult decat ma asteptam. 10 s Samantha (WLABB)3,688 271

She worked hard for the past four years, earning the title of valedictorian and a spot in the freshman class at Northwestern University, but in order to accomplish her goals, she had to miss out on many things. That was why Rachel decided to stop saying NO, and to make this her SAY YES SUMMER.

• Pro: This book was the super-fun rom-com I was hoping for. It was great watching Rachel expand her social circle, as well as, reconnecting with a childhood friend. We went to parties, crossed the boarder, and even climbed over 300 steps together. I had a terrific time sharing all these experiences with her, and I, more or less, had a smile on my face the whole time.

• Pro: There was also some substance to this book. As Rachel said YES, she was experiencing many notable firsts and teen rites of passage. All this YES led to some mistakes, and she sort of lost herself in all of it for a bit. But, have no fear, she quickly found her way back. This idea of risk taking, but staying true to yourself was prevalent, and I quite d the way Culli wove it into Rachel's tale.

• Pro: I adored Rachel. Her determination, focus, and dedication were admirable, but I also d seeing her explore new options. I loved being in her head, because Rachel with no filter was fantastic, and I just found her so honest and real.

• Con: Alert! Love triangle! I am not a huge fan of these, though, it was, thankfully, short lived, and I was ok with the way it worked out.

• Pro: Rachel's family was so fabulous! They had some ups and downs with Rachel during her summer of yes, but they were patient, and always loving. I especially adored her Nonna, who was wise, and often, hilarious. She was a straight shooter, and had no problem setting Rachel straight, but she did it with lots of love and affection.

• Pro: I already mentioned the love triangle, and I have to admit, both the suitors were pretty wonderful. On the one hand, there was her crush, who she had pined for throughout high school. On the other hand, there was the boy she grew up with, shared a million memories with, and who she suddenly started seeing in a different light. I will admit, I enjoyed the bit of romance she shared with both of them, and that sort of made me this particular triangle a bit difficult for me.

Overall: You know what I don't regret? Saying YES to this book, because I had the BEST time reading it! It was fun, sweet, touching, and it left me with a gigantic case of the warm-fuzzies and a HUGE grin on my face.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

BLOG | INSTAGRAM |TWITTER | BLOGLOVIN | FRIEND ME ON GOODREADS5-stars arcs contemporary ...more9 s Kelly1,324 530

Say Yes Summer is a YA Contemporary Romance where you meet Rachel and her two love interests, Miles and Clayton. From the beginning, I knew I loved one a lot more than the other.Miles!!! The chemistry & banter was there and I was so excited during the whole book to see how and if they would end up together and I'm glad to say Rachel ended up with the best choice ;)

Now I know I'm not the only one who got annoyed by Rachel when she messed up pretty badly by being with both of the guys without them knowing about the other and I was frustrated to see it all go down I knew it would. However, the way she reacted after it, I felt she learned from her mistake and wouldn't do anything that ever again. I also loved her grandmother and how she taught her that saying yes to someone means saying no to someone else (that's not the only thing but it's one of the things that marked me.)

Overall, this was such a cute and addicting read. I'm so glad I read it but I'm also mad at myself that I didn't get to this book before today but better late than never!

(Thank you for letting me read and review an ARC via Netgalley) 9 s Danielle (Life of a Literary Nerd)1,310 286

3.5 stars

What a perfectly entertaining (and enjoyable) summer romcom. It sorta reminded me of Booksmart in the beginning - overachiever regretting missing out on the high school experience and decides to broaden horizons the summer before college, so if you're looking for something to remind you of a great movie, look no further. Rachel has a very eventful summer after taking a self-help book to heart and starts to get outside of her comfort zone (and juggle 2 guys affections). There was a lot of really cute moments and I was happy to see her reconnect with an old friend who had drifted apart. Say Yes Summer is a sweet summer read that is just a lot of fun.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.arcs contemporary cover-envy ...more6 s Laura Frunza377 79

O carte pentru adolescen?i care trebuia s? fie o lectur? lejer?, dar care mi s-a p?rut mai mult de atât. Este o carte despre etichetele pe care ni le punem reciproc, f?r? s? cunoa?tem cu adev?rat oamenii, bazându-ne doar pe ce aleg ei s? ne arate, pe rolul pe care îl joac? în societate. În carte avem, evident, Fotbalistul, Populara, Tocilara, Rebelul, Prietena Haioas? etc.
Când Rachel, ?efa de promo?ie, „tocilara”, î?i d? voie s? exploreze rela?iile sociale, î?i d? seama c? oamenii sunt mai mult de atât. Descoper? ?i c? pecep?ia oamenilor asupra unor evenimente este gre?it?.
Cât timp Rachel st? „în banca ei”, cât timp nu exploreaz?, nici nu gre?e?te. Rachel alege calea cea sigur?. Când începe s?-?i dea voie s? cunoasc? lumea din jur, are parte ?i de bucurii, dar face ?i gafe ?i e nevoit? s? se confrunte cu ni?te consecin?e. Astfel, Rachel descoper? c? via?a e o sum? din toate astea ?i nu exist? doar momente bune sau doar momente proaste.

„Dac? e s? fiu sincer? cu mine, a fost aproape o u?urare s? cred c? a dat-o în bar? a?a de repede. (...) Desigur, par?ial, era un scepticism s?n?tos, un mod de a m? proteja, dar adev?rul este c? o parte din mine voia s? cread? ce e mai r?u despr el, pentru c? asta dovedea c? nu am gre?it când m-am izolat atât de mult timp. ?i cât de aiurea este asta? S? î?i dore?ti ca cineva - s? î?i dore?ti ca lumea - s? fie un dezastru, doar ca tu s? sim?i c? n-ai gre?it când ai ratat diverse.”

Din cauza fricii de abandon, Rachel se ?ine departe de oameni. A?a evit? s? fie dezam?git? de ei. Dar la 17 ani e bine s? la?i loc ?i pentru neprev?zut, un neprev?zut care o sperie pe Rachel cea perfect organizat?. Ea ?tie deja ce va face în via?? ?i nu las? loc pentru un poten?ial e?ec, fiind convins? c? nu va p??i a?a ceva. La polul opus, majoritatea prietenilor ei nu ?tiu ce vor face în via??, ?i-au ales ni?te facult??i, dar nu ?tiu unde îi vor duce aceste alegeri, ei î?i las? loc pentru a descoperi ulterior ce anume îi atrage sau ce le place.

”of, fata mea, vreau s? faci gre?eli, s? faci o gr?mad? de gre?eli. Pentru c? ie?ind singur? din încurc?tur? o s? înve?i ?i o s? te dezvol?i. Dac? totul merge întotdeauna perfect, conform planului t?u, vei pierde atât de multe surprize ?i aventuri. (...) Dar, în mod clar, dr Paula Prescott nu a auzit niciodat? de costurile de oportunitate. (...) Când spui da la ceva, în mod inerent, spui NU la aproape orice altceva. (...) Fiecare alegere are încorporat? în ea un cost de oportunitate. S? spui da nu este gratuit. Când spuneai NU petrecerilor ?i b?ie?ilor, spuneai da familiei tale, prietenilor t?i ?i responsabilit??ilor tale. ?i uneori asta - s? înve?i când s? spui NU ?i mai ales la ce s? spui NU - reprezint? un lucru la fel de important.”6 s Christy631 39 Read

This book dragged me kicking and screaming back to every horrible, grotesque, laughably unfunny moment of trauma from high school ???

Totally a me issue so I'm not rating. But if I could take a hot brand and sear away the horrifying memories from the past, I would gladly take it.6 s Stacee2,803 734

3.5 stars

I really d this synopsis and the blurb from Kasie West, so I jumped in.

I really d Rachel. She’s smart and once she realizes that she’s kept her head down all through high school, she’s determined to try something new. There’s a pretty small group of characters here and I will say that Nonna stole every scene she was in.

Plot wise, it was good. There’s a lot of fluff and fun experiences coupled with boys and rekindled friendships. I loved the growth Rachel had and this slice of time was perfect for what she wanted to do.

Overall, it was a quick and super cute read with a character I could easily root for.

**Huge thanks to Delacorte Press for providing the arc free of charge** netgalley read-in-20207 s Ana Ramos79 23

2.75 tho I really enjoyed the synopsis.
These were my expectations as I kept reading:

I feel bad giving this rate because I actually enjoyed the last 50 pages and the route it took towards the end and I'd to say it justify the annoying cliche characters at the beginning and a too predictable start plot but unfortunately it was too slow for me and at the end it didn't paid off6 s Kara116 2

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thoroughly enjoyed how quick and light this book was. With that being said, I felt the main character’s family extremely overreacted when they told her she hadn’t been herself. To me, Rachel’s decision to say yes was admirable. She didn’t say yes to absolutely everything that came her way and (at least I felt ) she had stayed true to who she was...she was just branching out more. She never did anything dangerous or awful. She just stepped a little out of her comfort zone which is extremely brave and admirable. With that being said, essentially dating two guys at once is a huge no but she never did anything outrageous and I felt her family made it seem she basically began to act completely differently and ....I don’t know....turned to drug dealing or something. Her actions didn’t seem to warrant the reactions she received from her parents.

Also, this might just be me because I have read way too many romance novels (YA or not) but I am just so sick of love triangles and the one in this book didn’t seem to make any kind of sense. The entire thing with Miles felt disingenuous and out of left field.

Otherwise, a solid 3.5/5 for a quick escape from reality. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review5 s Joee (booksandacupofjoee)1,124 164

This was such a sweet YA Summery story about a girl learning to say yes to new adventures after graduation which did include 2 very cute boys.
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