
Thorn Fall de Lindsay Buroker

de Lindsay Buroker - Género: English
libro gratis Thorn Fall


Delia never thought her love of adventure and artifact hunting would lead her to discover such oddities as man-slaying monsters, magical swords, and elves on motorcycles. Oh, and there’s also the Ancient Spartan warrior who’s been stranded in the present—he’s offering to work as her bodyguard in exchange for English lessons.

She’s barely wrapped her mind around these strange new developments when another monster arrives, this time in Sedona, Arizona. The tourist town is known for its majestic rock formations, “healing vortexes,” and ruins left by the Sinagua, a native people who mysteriously disappeared hundreds of years ago. Monsters are a more recent development. This one is leaving death and destruction in its wake, and Delia and her friends are the only ones who know what’s going on. They’re also the only ones with a weapon that can harm the creature—if they can find it.

To add to their problems, a centuries-old evil has been reawakened, one that threatens to deliver the people of Sedona to the same fate as the Sinagua. And Delia and her friends along with them.

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It's every bad movie you've ever seen but loved anyway tossed into one book. It's derivative, it's cheesy...it shouldn't work, and yet somehow it does.

a-audiobook g-urban-fantasy t-fairies-trolls-goblins-elves16 s ?? Sarah ?? (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)2,417 7,685

DNF at 60%

Lindsay Buroker, a DNF book from you? I still can’t quite believe it! Since I didn’t finish the book I should have given it a one-star rating but I just couldn’t bring myself to it. Buroker’s Emperor’s Edge series is one of my favourite ever so I tend to feel lenient towards her. Besides, Thorn Fall isn’t a bad book, nor is it badly written, it’s simply, horrendously, dramatically BORING.

I have to admit the first instalment in this series was a big disappointment for me but I decided to give Buroker the benefit of the doubt and give Thorn Fall a try anyway. Surprisingly enough, the book got off to a great start: fast-paced, funny and with some great character interactions. I realize now that part of what made the beginning of the book so entertaining was Alektryon, the sexy Spartan warrior who runs around Arizona in a barely there tunic. His character is a great addition to the cast and I love all the scenes he is in. When he isn’t there some of the conversations the other characters have about him are just hilarious, which makes Thorn Fall a funnier instalment than Torrent.

The problem is, the fun doesn’t last long. The storyline is very similar to the one in Torrent and it all gets boring very fast. Alektryon is always running off somewhere so we don’t get to see that much of him and the rest of the characters are just… unexciting really. I guess Delia is alright (although she is definitely lacking in the snark department) and so is Simon I guess but Temi? I don’t her at all. I was actually happy when she wasn’t around.

Poor characterization + nothing happening = fast track to DNF. I really tried to this book but there is only so much boredom I can take.

I have now given all of Buroker’s series a try and although Dragon Blood is entertaining enough, I think I’ll leave it at that. I’ll probably re-read the Emperor’s Edge soon enough but I’m done with the rest of her books for now.2014 decaf-diet-and-gluten-free urban-fantasy10 s Llaph 1,054 27

If Indiana Jones was a chick, had a computer geek sidekick, an ex tennis pro and had space elves....,

I really this series (Rust and Relics) and am glad I bought the Nine by Night anthology, even if I didn't enjoy a few of the stories, it introduced me to Delia. One of the best things about this series, for me anyway, is how much Delia and Simon are geeks. The whole nerdy Indiana Jones thing, exciting action, the usage of tech to find almost everything, and the banter between characters are only a few of the things I found awesome about this book. Id highly recommend reading the first book, Torrent, and the short, Destiny Unchosen.kindle made-me-lol pnr-uf ...more2 s Amanda11

Please continue this series! It is my favorite out of all your series and I can't stop thinking about what happens next for the characters. I've read multiple times and my desire to know more about them grows each time!2 s Miquela137 11

I mostly gave these books four stars because they are not my usual genre, but that is personal taste and not a fault of the books. As with Torrent, this book barrels along with lots of action and banter. My biggest disappointment is that it was published five years ago and still no sequels. I have officially been left hanging. :P1 Beth3,133 282

Thorn Fall is a family friendly, fun adventure; a cross between Indiana Jones and an urban fantasy. This action packed thrill ride will keep you riveted to the pages.

Delia is now our narrator. She and the gang from Rust & Relics are following leads to find the next monster released into our realm…which brings them to sunny Sedona Arizona. Manheim and death from an invisible assailant rain down and everyone is grabbing at straws to defeat this new creature. The creature isn’t their only worry, apparently our world is coming under threat from a faction within the elf creatures. The Rust & Relics gang must decide who they can trust…

Gotta to say I'm really enjoying Delia's interaction with the Spartan. Can't wait to get more.

There is just something about Lindsay Buroker’s writing that sucks me right in. Refreshingly original and fabulously written, this non-stop, adrenaline packed story comes highly recommended for any reader 12 and up.

On a personal note: I’m heading to Sedona, for the first time, on vacation in November and really enjoyed hearing about all the places I will be visiting becoming a part of this fabulous storytelling. Didn't know about the vortexes but planned on hiking around Bell Rock.

Written by: Lindsay Buroker
Series: Rust & Relics
Sequence in Series: #2
Publisher: Lindsay Buroker
Publication date: 9/29/2014
Rating: 5 Stars
Format: eBook
Genre: Science Fiction | Urban Fantasy
Find this book on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

Reviewed for: http://tometender.blogspot.com
action-adventure own paranormal ...more1 Majca45 5

"For most of my people, this world is not considered significant. They are unaware of chocolate."

Great fun again, just a little bit less so compared to the first book. My biggest complaint is that it's too much the same, literary, in terms of plot. Only that the merry band of monster hunters are now tagging along a half mute, half naked Spartan. Otherwise, after finishing the book, we're pretty much as clueless as we were before and accomplished nothing, but adding a new monster trophy to our collection. Thankfully the character development was more prosperous. The changes in Temi were the most interesting. I'd recommend reading the novella Destiny Unchosen though.
“Have you noticed that we’re no longer the weirdest people we hang out with?”
Everything involving Alek was hilarious and I was wondering on numerous occasions what he had to be thinking. Simon too was delightful to watch as he settled into the role of self-proclaimed monster slayer. Merely Eleriss, Jakatra and Delia fell a little short in that department. I did her musing about the morality of her work though and her doubts about playing hero.
But what the blimey heck was the point of Simon's brother? Unless his short appearance is hugely significant in the future, I don't get why he took away so much attention at such a vital point of the story. And did I imagine things or were there jumps between the metric and imperial system?
All things considered it's a good book (the cover is wonderful btw), but it has its flaws. Hopefully the next one actually futhers the plot and brings back the suspense of the first novel. And, though I know it's unly, I'd more focus on the very tentative romance.

beam-me-up-scotty because-its-fun could-have-been-better ...more1 Michael Blackmore250 6

With the second volume this series has gotten to the place where, while not perfect, I want to read more. It hasn't been bad for the previous volume and a half, but it never seemed to fully jell for me either. At this point enough has begun to be developed that it feels a story unfolding - which I didn't have a feeling of before.

I think the other element bothering me is the banter. On one hand the banter between characters is clever, on the other hand it feels excessive to the point of undermining the plot and character development for me. Perhaps a matter of overly focused since they aren't as developed so far, IMO.

Not quite recommended, but I'm hopefully there will be more where the plot and otherworldly backstory can come into greater focus.urban-fantasy1 MikeAuthor 45 books168

If there's a word that defines Lindsay Buroker's books, it's "consistent". She never fails to produce an enjoyable story with action, tension, some of the best banter in the business, and a plucky, ill-assorted team barely surviving mass destruction.

This is another. It's early in this particular team's arc, and they haven't built up a lot of competence yet; they waffle around a bit near the beginning, and make some poorly-thought-out decisions that get them into trouble, but I confidently predict that after a couple more books they'll be much more effective (though still surfing on the edge of chaos and disaster). indie1 SJ Lynn71 1 follower

I enjoyed this book much more than the first in this series. Buroker seemed more comfortable and committed to this world and the characters grew more complex and interesting. And who can't love Alek?

I had taken issue with the lack of archaeological ethics portrayed in the first book and I thought Buroker did a much better job at showing how conflicted Delia was with her looting and selling of artifacts. I have no problems with characters that have ethical or legal issues, but I had wanted it to be clearer what those issues were (i.e looting and selling artifacts by archaeologists and anyone else is wrong) and Buroker delivered.

I am looking forward to another book in this series!1 Susan295

Loved it. It took Book 1, which I did not love, and 1.5, which I d, but now I am all-in. This is the stuff. Not exactly fantasy, though there is that, and not exactly science fiction, though there is that too. The "elves" (or whatever they are, we just don't know), are fleshed out a tease, as is their world, dimension, whatever it is. This was fun and would make a great action movie. I d the voice of Delia picking up the story POV. I am looking forward to more action from this series. fantasy1 Gallagher0111 1 follower

Please write more!

Lord I love thus author! I've really enjoyed this series and can't wait for the next one! You the characters and care about what happens to them. I want Temi to get her game back and to teach the elves that humans are not toys or slaves! I want Alek and Delia to connect and for her to show her professors that she totally worthy! And I want to see Simon earn respect and acceptance from his family! I care what happens to them and will be sorry if I never find out! Please, may I have more? 1 Pepper ThornAuthor 8 books36

Wow! Usually it takes a series several books to reach the levels of intensity, suspense, and adrenaline pumping action that Rust and Relics has achieved in just two. I read this book in a single sitting. I literally could not stop turning the pages to find out what would happen next, because practically anything could have. Where is the series headed next? I have no idea but I can't wait to find out! 1 Eatworm41

Already being a fan of Buroker I really d this book. This book has hit EE (see Buroker's other books) territory in terms of likability and readability with this second full release (for me). It felt a bit book one was finding it's feet, and this is a great second book, fleshier and more balanced than the first.

I'd recommend this series, book 1.5 included, for any fans of the EE series.

Bring on book 3!1 Lindsey57 10

While I wasn't a huge fan of book one, I feel with Thorn Fall, the Rust and Relics series has hit its stride. This was a fun read that gave each of the characters time to stand out.

The environmental destruction theme behind the jibtabs got me thinking about who could be behind them.

Thorn Fall was great and I'm looking forward to the next Rust and Relics book!fantasy1 Deanne1,775 131

Found this second book by chance while wandering around the kindle store, I've been looking forward to this one coming out, Del, Simon and Temi are back together in a series which nods to Indiana Jones, a heroine who is unsure of her place in the adventure.
Have got to the point where I look for Buroker's books, she does make able characters and the banter is often funny.fantasyandscifi1 Lew Bowling4

A very fun read

After being warmed up by R&R 1and 1.5, I really enjoyed continuing with Thorn Fall. It's witty, suspenseful, exciting, and the characters continue to develop consistently. There are also enough hanging threads to make me want the series to continue. Can't wait for #3.1 Lucile321 2

Lindsay's Rust and Relics series is amazing. While I've read and loved her other books R & R is easily my favorite. A woman archeologist who carries a handmade bull whip, a video gamer who drives a van, and former women's tennis champion make an unusual group. Especially when strange things begin to happen out in the desert.20171 Jessica King90


I love the way the story picked right back up without skipping a beat!! I'm so sorry it ended!! Please keep them coming and if you see this series, read it. You won't be able to put it down!!!1 Melissa VeracruzAuthor 1 book33

Witty, engaging, sci-fi-actiony!! I applaud the author for this fun-fun-fun story. Left me wanting so much MORE.1 Jim Basl430 3

A fun read

This was a good exciting read. The plot and character development is well written. Looking forward to reading the next book in the series.1 Jude SamsonAuthor 2 booksRead

Having done the three books back-to-back I can see a lot of technical issues. The most glaring one is too much reliance on the "trick" of asking questions (and leaving some unanswered). This became even more abundant in the second full book and came across more as a lazy attempt to ramp up the tension rather than managing to hype up the reader. Another issue we have is the utter BS faux tension of our two elves. Throughout all the books we get the SAME SCENE with only slight variations.

Gang about to do something. Something usually goes wildly awry. Elves enter the scene just in the nick of time to aid the gang from the mess. Elves say they can't give too much information or help too much because their presence is already suspected/known and they must leave. The gang is pretty chill with this and while they might try to ask a question they're usually "okay, thanks, see ya." Elves leave—then - ABSOLUTE REPEAT. The gang gets into their next mess, the elves appear just when needed, they say they can't stick around, everyone's okay with that, they leave, and...

Still, I will say that the dialogue is witty even if Artemis is still dry as hell. The pace is great - never lingering needlessly long on any one thing and keeping the action just right. Lindsay is a good writer but I have a feeling if I delve into her other books I'll find the same, if not more, issues. If attention is paid to those issues - either as the writer honing their craft or a good editor spotting them - they can become a far better writer and one of wide renown. Natassia48

I am hooked on all of Lindsay Buroker’s work and have breeze through the majority of her series in no time at all. The Rust and Relics series, if it can be called that with two novels and a novella, is really interesting. It’s modern, un most (or all?) of her other series and similarly to the Emperor’s Edge, there’s a mismatched team who all bring their own skills and personality to the group. There’s intrigue and action, and I’m thoroughly invested. Imagine my disappointment when I saw no further novels in the series have been written in the years since Thorn Fall was published. The story definitely isn’t over and I assume it hasn’t garnered as much interest as some of the series in less conventional and more fantasy settings, but it’s definitely worth a read and it would be amazing to see the series continued. It doesn’t end so much on a cliffhanger but it’s noticeably not the end and I’m reading anything I can get my hands on by Buroker, so would be first in line to any sequels to this series. It seems a shame to leave it unfinished when her other series have been so well developed and completed. Barbara1,168 54

Artemis is back from her training with their alien allies, and she and the magical sword will be needed to fight the new monster that has appeared, except it flies, they can’t see it, and it shoots deadly thorns. Alek, the ancient Spartan warrior, is sticking around to help and Delia and Simon are researching for whatever knowledge might give them a clue as to what to do. There was plenty of action as they tried to protect people and get a handle on how to fight the monster, and then they find that there is a mysterious alien working against them, oh boy, just what they need. The crew works together, using all their various talents to fight, but they all hope they can figure out something more proactive rather than just reacting to whatever is being thrown at them. I enjoyed this series, and in the end some things are somewhat wrapped up, but it seems there are more stories to tell. I hope the author revisits the series at some point and comes up with at least one more adventure to answer some of the outstanding questions. Kelly5,095 195

Delia and crew managed to stop the first monster they encountered, but it turns out there are more monsters out there. Or, more monsters being created. Or something. Regardless, they're stuck trying to figure out what they're dealing with while attempting to track it down and keep the general population safe.

For the record, that's NOT an easy thing to do.

But Delia and the others give it the old college try. With Temi wielding the only weapon that can harm the monsters, the elves off doing whatever they do in their downtime, and a brooding Spartan warrior tagging along to help, there's a lot going on and things keep getting hairier every time they turn around.

A whole lot of danger, a mystery as to what the elves are up to, and secrets being unearthed (sometimes literally). Del and crew might not know what's going on in its entirety, but they come out swinging anyway.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
ebooks read-in-2022 urban-fantasy Mrs D C Palin10

Very interesting series

I have read both books and the short story in this series. When I first started them, I wasn't all that sure about them as I had only previously read the Emperor's Edge and Dragon Blood books, and these are totally different.

I loved this series once I got into it. As always they are well written and so imaginative while somehow being credible too. I can't recommend them enough and sincerely hope that there will be others in the series in the near future. I can't wait to find out what happens to all the characters next, and am hoping for some romance too!

Thankyou for a really enjoyable read that I didn't want to put down, or end. Tina Summers72

The next book, please!

I’ve been slowly making my way through Lindsay Buroker’s books - this series, although very different to others of hers I’ve read, is just as awesome.

I have a few questions that NEED to be answered, so I’ll be hoping that the series will continue, and that Lindsay can type fast since there are other projects in progress.

Delia and her partners (teammates, misfits?!) are back again fighting poison-injecting monsters with an alien sword and questioning the motives of the alien elves that helped them.

Guaranteed good read, more sci-fi than fantasy. Funny, sarcastic banter and action packed scenes make this a page-turner. Anne113 4

This is different than her other books, as it takes place on current Earth. I do this series and her heroine. She is not the wielder of the sword (which I , because the protagonist can't always do EVERYTHING), nor is she the tech guy, but I her personality, which is a little different from Lindsay's other heroines. (though a bit in the same vein - sassy and smart)

I really hope she continues this series, I hate for things to be incomplete! So this is me, encouraging her, to continue this series.... C.M. LanceAuthor 6 books14

A typical Buroker series, full of action and humor. Un most of her novels, this is set in the current time and place. I found it added extra interest. I'd call it a great Urban Fantasy, except a lot of it occurs in the Arizona desert and some of it underground in caverns or in underground reservoirs.

My greatest disappointment is that this is currently the last in the series. Please write more! Paul Allum2

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