
Craving de Lilian Monroe

de Lilian Monroe - Género: English
libro gratis Craving


Lilian Monroe Series: The Four Groomsmen of the Wedpocalypse 02 Publisher: Method and Madness Publishing, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781922986375

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This was going so well until the 75% when the FMC decided to be a stubborn dumbass idiotic character.

Book info:
- Both MCs are owner of their businesses
- No cheating / opd / 3rd act breakup
- Death of a loved one
- Mention of addiction
- Extortion
- Suspense
- Kidnapping
- Blackmail
- Mention of preying on underaged girls
- HEA with an epilogue (one year later and married)

- Camilla (33/34), baker
- Marlon (37), security consultant

I didn't read the first book, so I don't know much about the relationship between the MCs. I think they've known each other for a while. When the MMC from book 1 asked his brother (Marlon, MMC here) to let Camilla stay with him temporarily, Marlon was unsure because he had been living alone for almost a decade. Yet he still agreed, since it was temporary. Also, because I think he's attracted to Camilla.

They've become roommates, and they're also attracted to each other. The original plan was to stay for two weeks. But then this loan shark came and extorted Camilla to pay another 10K despite the fact that she had already paid in full. Having to save for another payment, Camilla asked Marlon if she could extend her stay, and he said yes.

Marlon has been taking care of himself and his younger brother since he was a teenager. He had an addict mom, and his father was not in the picture. He and his brother grew up with their grandparents until they passed away.

As for Camilla, she left her family when she was 17 and has been on her own ever since. She had a predatory boyfriend that she lived with when she left home. This ex of her also stole some of her money and made her take out loans.

Both MCs were very independent; maybe that was why trusting someone else didn't come as easily for them. But Marlon has always been an honest guy, and he was always there for Camilla. He's patient, protective, sweet, and dependable. He can be grumpy at times, and he's a man of few words. But he's a softie when it comes to her, and that's just so swoony and endearing to read. Though at times his insecurities would pop up and make him doubt himself, saying he doesn't deserve Camilla and all that crap. I'm just glad he didn't let his fears come into play and went after what he wanted.

Camilla, on the other hand, was a lot to take. I'm proud to read that she made her passion so successful, even though there were so many struggles along the way. She was independent and a successful businesswoman. But she also made me want to strangle her for the stupid things she's done in the book. 

1. She took a loan from a freaking loan shark, which she paid for a whole decade. I think she was (23/24) when she took that loan, and there was no detail mentioned about this loan. It's just that she has finally paid the last of it after so many years of hard work. How much money did she borrow so that her payment lasted for ten whole years?

2. She never told anyone about this loan because she was so ashamed of the risk she had to take just to start her business. Which again, I think is stupid. There's nothing shameful about taking a loan to start a business. Then again, maybe it's because her money came from a questionable person.

3. She was having so many problems in her bakery, and she could've told Marlon about her loan shark situation, but she didn't. She kept lying to him by omission, and I really don't appreciate deception.

4. She didn't also tell her friends about her struggles because she had this "what if" about them judging her and cutting her off from their lives. Uhm, hello, true friends would never do that to you. So why did she even have to think about coming clean to them? They could've helped her; she also knew that, but her pride keeps getting in the way, and I'm so done with that.

5. Her attending their once-a-month family dinner, even though all her parents and siblings do is insult her about her "hobby" and weight. They never acknowledged her business; they thought about her bakery as some sort of hobby that she had to get over with. They constantly gave her passive, aggressive comments about her weight, there was something wrong with having curves. They always made her feel less because she's not a lawyer her sister or an executive director his brother. Her parents don't give a crap about her, and all they ever care about is their reputation. They are very toxic, and she keeps going to this monthly dinner, hoping they will change. Newsflash Camilla, they will never change, and you better learn to step away from this negativity. You don't need them in your life, and you've been successful on your own since you were 17. Just because they are your family, it doesn't mean you have to put up with all their BS.

Then the final straw was their argument, which happened in 75%. Someone broke into the bakery and ruined her cake. Marlon came with her to check on the situation, and one thing led to another, and all of a sudden they were arguing, or technically, Camilla was snapping at Marlon. She really annoyed me at this scene; maybe it was the frustration of having to bake again, the pending deadline for her loan, or her issues about control or independence; honestly, I don't know anymore. Marlon only wanted to make sure she was safe and for her to take some rest or calm down a little bit, cuz she was hyperventilating at this point. Then her witch side came out, and she started spewing nonsense crap at Marlon. She hurt him, and I was so pissed at her that I wanted to get inside the book and shake her so hard for acting this.

A lot of things happened over the next 24 hours. She made the cake, apologized to Marlon for snapping at him, went home, got kidnapped by the loan shark, was saved by Marlon, and they apologized for hurting one another. Oh, and she also found out why the loan shark was hell-bent on breaking her business. Apparently, her father betrayed this guy a few years ago, and he wanted to take his revenge on her. And then it's the epilogue; one year later, it's their wedding day.

Overall, this was an okay read. It got me interested in the beginning, but it all went down from 75%. I d that they didn't break up and that once they calmed down, they saw the reasons and apologized for their actions. I mean, they were in their thirties, so I assumed there should be some level of maturity between these MCs. I also d that they were honest and open most of the time when it came to their feelings, and they never shied away from voicing them out. Although they made up after Camilla's secrecy backfired, my annoyance with her omission didn't go away. If she'd only been honest right from the moment they became more than roommates, I think things would've gone smoothly for most of the people involved. Lastly, I d that she finally found the backbone to not just take her parents toxicity and that she told them off—well,  not really off, but she said she was fine with them not accepting her business. Whether they it or not, it's not her problem anymore.

So I guess this is still a good and short read with less than 300 pages. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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