
Take Me I'm Yours de Lili Valente

de Lili Valente - Género: English
libro gratis Take Me I'm Yours


Lili Valente Publisher: Self Taught Ninja, Year: 2024

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4.5 Stars
This is a beautiful love story. It's a little bit out of my reading comfort zone, but one I'm so glad I read. Fate made it so these two could meet and have one incredible night together. Then all shocks their real lives collide between the two. To the reading outside my reading comfort zone with the praise kink and the ex boyfriend's dad situation, but Lili Valente weaved her magic with her words and had me falling in love with these characters. You can't deny these two have a true connection though navigating it is a little tricky. I loved Sydney's friends in Maine. I want to be part of their book club. Fun times to be had for sure plus rescue kitties are involved! This book made me truly happy where the characters end up. Sydney has an old soul compared to her peers and her caring, giving heart fits perfectly with Gideon. I can see those two changing the world for the better. Be prepared for things to get very steamy between Sydney and Gideon. They burn up the pages, but it's special because of that deeper connection of their souls. I gobbled this book right up!age-gap-romance forbidden-love praise-kink1 Michelle20

Cute, feel good story.1 Kim Nicole459 1 follower

I knew about this book months ago and couldn’t wait for it to come out. I enjoy Lili’s books and it was nice to read something different than what I’ve read of hers in the past or what is still going on. This book had all the sweetness, tender moments and innocence you can get without being too naive or young adult. It knew when to be sweet and when to include heat and passion. I immediately knew where this story was going to go upon the first couple of chapters. The book wasn’t rushed and I felt it built up Gideon and Sydney’s relationship. I thought for sure there would be feelings of regret, guilt or fear of falling in love and allowing yourself to become vulnerable. This book didn’t have any of this and it was so refreshing! You got two people who felt the chemistry with each other and weren’t afraid of it. The only thing that bothered Gideon was her age and that takes him a little longer to get over. What starts off as a one night stand, ends up setting the stage for lingering feelings and missing each other. Gideon and Sydney felt they were each other’s halves and felt empty without the other. It brought feelings of loneliness and missing something out of life. Gideon helped her realize she needed to take a step back from her career and duty and just enjoy life and gain a sense of well being and mental health. Meanwhile, Sydney helped him rediscover his relationship with his son and allow love back into his life after getting put through the wringer with his ex. Gideon didn’t scorn love, he just felt it wasn’t meant for him because of his mistakes, until he met Sydney. It was just nice to read a book with essentially little drama and no miscommunication. In this case, any concerns both of them had with anything, they talked about it or it was cleared up almost immediately. There was a lot of assumptions in this book and it was reflecting with what I was thinking as well, only to be surprised when what we think a situation might play out ends up being the total opposite. This book had surprises but was also predictable, everything I love about books and reading romance. Their lives were complicated but it didn’t steer them away from each other, instead it brought them together and you feel it in this story. You felt their honesty, but you also got a lot of vulnerability in this book too. I’d even say this book was full of vulnerabilities that both Gideon and Sydney weren’t afraid to reveal to each other because of their unjudgemental nature. It was nice to read about a hero and heroine that didn’t bump heads or argue with each other. It was a definite feel good story, and I am so happy I was able to read this and conclude that it absolutely deserves 5 stars. Jen3,291

Dare I say that this is Lili Valente's best book to date? I adore reading her romantic comedies, especially the ones that she's published over the past year because they've brought a much needed light in what's been a trying time for me; but Take Me, I'm Yours was more witty than humorous, and it just had this oomph to it that not only set it apart from the author's more recent work, but also from other contemporary romances that have the age-gap trope.

Twenty-four-year-old Sydney Perry-Watson and thirty-nine-year-old Phillip Gideon Gabaldon meet, they agree to one night and nothing more. But as fate would have it, not only would their paths cross again, but the reality of who they are and the ties they share make anything going forward unthinkable. The thing is, they haven't exactly stopped thinking about that one night, nor can they deny that the connection they share is far more than just lust. Are they ready to risk any and all the consequences that come with finally admitting that he's hers and she's his?

From the get-go, this story had me, and there was simply no way that grip Sydney and Gideon had on my heart was going to slip. That's in large part due to Lili Valente's writing, which just felt so inspired from start to finish. I loved the element of the forbidden, more so the acknowledgment that as hot as things were between them physically, this was true love for both and how they were willing to fight for what they had as a couple. There were pleasant little surprises when it came to the direction the story took, and I'm always a fan of an author who manages to do that, especially in an admittedly crowded genre romance. Five-plus stars for the very worthy Take Me, I'm Yours. Trish- Late Knight Luna Reads1,698 9

Is it hot in here or is it Gideon and Sydney… “Take Me, I’m Yours” is a steamy and heartfelt age gap romance that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let go of me the whole time.

Sydney is in Maine for the summer visiting friends and also helping out an animal rescue. When she gets the call one night that a pilot needs help and shelter from a storm coming in, she instantly steps in. Gideon is a businessman and pilot who volunteers to help fly animals to new homes. The moment he lays eyes on Sydney, he feels an instant attraction to each other. Both agree to one night. And both are surprised when they see each other a month later and share a mutual connection neither was expecting.

From the first chapter, I was 100% hooked on this story. I loved Sydney from the beginning and instantly connected with her. She’s caring, loves animals and loves to read. Gideon had me swooning throughout the whole book. A pilot, businessman, and an older man who knows exactly what he’s doing. Their connection was sizzling and grew hotter as the story went on. I loved how they reconnected a month later and their connection that came to light. The two had a 15 year age gap and that was the perfect amount of years. She is 24 and he’s 39. They have some bumps to work out and do it with respect for each other and their situation. The ending was so sweet and the perfect way to wrap up their story. BookAddict1,775 148

There are few authors who can take tired old tropes, turn them on their head, and make me love them, but dang if this talented wordsmith hasn’t done exactly that.

We start on the east coast where Sydney is doing a summer internship. During a terrible storm, she agrees to give a ride to a pilot who's flying some rescue pups to their new home. Of course, the storm strands Phillip, and he and Sydney spend an unforgettable night in a lighthouse. It's a memory to hold close since they'll never see each other again.

Fast forward several weeks, and Sydney is back home in Manhattan and attending a fundraiser party as a favor to her ex-boyfriend because he needs a date. She's shocked to see Phillip there, and even more shocked to find out he's her ex's father. Not only that, Phillip is a colleague of Sydney's father. The Universe sure has a weird sense of humor sometimes.

While this one is a fun, entertaining read, I love the complexity of the characters. Sydney may be young, but she's an old soul, wise to the ways of the world, incredibly kind, and so smart. I loved watching the character growth, especially between Phillip and his son, and the twists and surprises were breath-taking! A top-notch, phenomenal read from beginning to end, you definitely won’t want to miss this one!
Lisa64 3

Overall 4.75 ?? Typically, the secretly-dating-my-ex’s-dad is a trope I despise, but something told me to give this one a shot and I’m glad I did. I appreciated there was an actual plot and storyline and that the author didn’t fill the pages with a dozen close-call scenes of the ex finding out, which seems to be the norm with this trope. The MC’s relationship was a good match and there’s a perfect amount of spice.
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