
Il Boss per sempre de Lexy Timms

de Lexy Timms - Género: Italian
libro gratis Il Boss per sempre


Le vite dei fratelli Reid sono tutt'altro che ordinarie. Dopo aver fronteggiato un attacco interno, la Reid Enterprises è in ripresa. Alex e Jamie cercano di coniugare amore, famiglia e lavoro, ma, ogni volta che le cose sembrano prendere la piega giusta, arrivano degli imprevisti a rimettere tutto in discussione. Riusciranno mai a trovare il loro lieto fine? Intanto, il "Little Lake Golf and Country Club" si sta preparando ad ospitare un torneo molto importante e Mark deve trovare anche il modo di organizzare il suo matrimonio, inseguendo i suoi sogni mentre cerca di realizzare quelli della futura moglie. Che sia un po' troppo, tutto insieme? Nella vita, si sa, non c'è mai niente di semplice, ma i fratelli Reid riusciranno a trovare la felicità, senza farsi più consumare dalla competizione?

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This is the last book in managing the bosses series and I have to say that from around book 5, it started going down hill. This book is the worst of the lot. Sex just for the sake of filling pages to the point where I found myself skipping and not wanting to pick it up.2 s Amanda1,277 5

I must say first off I loved this series in the beginning, but after the 5th book for me it just got to be repetitive. This book should NOT have taken me 7 days to read but it did because I just couldn't get into it, and I think that was because I didn't Erica for one...her and Mark felt forced to me.
I probably won't read any other books by this author especially if there are more that 3 books in a series.

With that said though it took me forever to read this...it wasn't a bad book. If you d the first few books or Mark in this series then you probably will this book. If finishes up all the characters HEA for the most part.3-star-reads 3-star- ebooks-i-own1 Dorian121 5

The perfect ending to a perfect series. I was so sad when i finished this book. Once again the Alex Reid is the handsome millionaire but he only has eyes for his beautiful wife Jamie and their twin children. They are getting over the attack on Reid Enterprises and Alex's brother Mark is preparing for a major golf tournament and plan a wedding. Nothing is ever easy for the Reid brothers. Alex and Jamie have endured many trials and scandals but they make it through stronger than ever. This is not a cheap steamy romance. It is a beautiful love story and it was a wonderful ending that brought me to tears. 1 Kim31 7

This whole series was excellent!!! Sorry that this was last book of series!!! This was the first series I have read of lexy timms! I highly recommend it! Quick reading and story lines were great! lexy-timms1 Ella276 13

So this is a review on the entire series- Honestly, the series was sort of a roller coaster ride... and not the good kind. The first 3 books were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, but the rest of the series was so monotonous and disappointing, it made me want to get up and do stretches every few minutes to stay entertained (i don't mean to be Mean; just honest) . While reading the first three, i kept thinking 'OMG this is exactly what i've been looking for' but after that I continued reading and kept hoping it would get better but as soon as the plot started unraveling, the MCs started pawing each other. It makes sense why the author keeps repeating that it's a romance and not erotica because in each 100+ page novella, there was about 60 pages of canoodling and more(much more). I think if the author stuck to just 1 well written love making scene per book, the story would be completed in 5 books of the same length and it would have been a much better book. I'm sorely disappointed.challenge-2017 uno-2017 B. E. Stalter2

This is a review of the entire series. In mere hours, I managed to devour the first two books in the Managing the Bosses collection. However, it became difficult to stay invested in the storyline from that point. Unfortunately, I purchased all the books in the series after the second book, so I feel obligated to read each book at least once to justify the expense. Even though it's become tedious, I only manage a chapter or two at a time, prolonging the agony. Also, the author didn't seem to be invested either because she seemed to lose interest in correcting grammar and punctuation errors. Dawn Martin7

Managing the Boss series

I really enjoyed this series. I couldn't stop until I had read all of them. It was a series where you wanted to know what happened next. The only thing that could have made it better is finding out more of what Christine's ending was. If they got married or what. But it was a really great series and I would recommend it to anyone who s to read. Ashley Hedden4,984 37

Forever the Boss (Managing the Bosses #10) was a good read by Lexy Timms. Reid Enterprise is trying to re-coop after an attack on the company. Little Rock Golf and Country Club is getting ready for a Pro Golf Tournament. At the same time, Mark is also trying to squeeze in a wedding. I enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more by the author. Anita1,015 1 follower


Well it's coming to and end or is it, I wonder who there mums new lover is?? It looks Christine has her HEA too. Robyn Downie15

Love ever after

I have a five star rating as these series of books have kept me wanting more. Filled with suspense and lots of love ever been after Mandy Sawyer4,290 38

This has been a rollercoaster of a storyline. Throughout the whole series these characters have given so much to us. Very well written by Lexy. I donÂ’t want it to end. Siriniti Sadler411 30

I. can't stand her mother. my mom used to be that way, well not fully but very close. I'm glad they are all happy.great story Cindy Levy203 11

Wow a wonderful series. Denise Koopman1,197 4

WOW! Really?... What a great author. Ramsha Akhtar1 review1 followerRead

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