
Delighted: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella de Lexi Blake

de Lexi Blake - Género: English
libro gratis Delighted: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella


Lexi Blake Publisher: 1001 Dark Nights Press, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781951812935

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If you love a dominant cinnamon roll hero, you need Boomer in your life! I fell so hard for this man, and I didn't think that was possible.

Truth be told, cinnamon rolls aren't usually my thing. But I've absolutely adored Boomer as a secondary character, so I knew I'd need his book. And as a main character? This man was everything! I loved him so hard. This big, tough military man with a heart of gold who rescues animals was just impossible not to love.

Boomer has so many things going for him, yet he doesn't think much of himself. And when it comes to his brainy, single mother neighbor? Well, she's beautiful and everything he wants, but he knows he's not smart enough for someone as intellectual as her. And the neighbor? Well, she would never think someone as devastatingly handsome as Boomer would be interested in her. They make quite the pair.

Daphne's daughter was such a wonderful secondary character. Stuck in the middle between her domineering grandparents and her mother who revolves her world around you is no easy place for a young girl to be. And when there's danger, her animal loving neighbor seems the perfect one to go to for help. Daphne has been trying to make a life for herself and her daughter following her husband's death. His pretentious and super controlling mother don't exactly see eye to eye with her.

This was a super cute and steamy novella with plenty of action and spice to make for a read in one sitting sort of read. It hit the spot nicely to tide me over until the next Masters installment and highly recommend for anyone looking for something short but super satisfying.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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contemporary-romance novella romantic-suspence22 s Mindy Lou's Book Review2,789 724

Boomer was amazing! I adored everything about him. His love of animals, how he protects and heals any animal that needs it. His incredible generosity and kindness. He's the first guy to help anyone in need, even if they aren't a nice person. I found that to be amazing. To look past a rude person and still see someone who needs help. My favorite thing about him is how he was with Lou, the heroine's daughter. He was so good to Lou right from the beginning. I don't see many heroes this and sure wish there were more. Daphne, the heroine was such a good mom. She put up with so much to make sure Lou was taken care of. She couldn't have done better than Boomer for her and Lou. For a kid, Lou was also a really fun character to get to know. She's genius level IQ and I loved how her mind worked. When she connected with Tag's kids (main hero in book one) she really came to life. And of course seeing Tag, his kids and a whole bunch of other series characters made this story so much more. I love these guys!2022 favorite-hero kids-part-of-story ...more10 s Nadine Bookaholic3,642 462

Not only did I fall for Boomer but Lou totally stole my heart and I cannot wait until Lexi Blake starts writing about all of the M&M kids as adults.

I've always wondered about Boomer, he's the quiet guy that eats a ton amongst the group but the truth is that he is more an onion and has layers that needed to be pulled away before you can get to the core of him. Don't get me wrong, he's the guy that takes in all kinds of strays and cares and loves them while protecting everyone around him....He may seem hard on the outside but he's soft and gooey on the inside. I really enjoyed watching Lou and her mom Daphne rip apart the layers and make their way into his heart.

Daphne is a single mom raising a daughter, Lou, who has a genius level IQ and trying to keep her bakery a float all while trying to keep the peace with her former in-laws...only they don't make it easy. The problem with that is they pay for Lou's private school.

Boomer and Daphne are neighbors, and if you have ever had a neighbor you know you check them out and they have found the other attractive but never acted on it, heck they never said more than a hi while passing one another in the hall after their first encounter on the day she moved into the building. That all changes the day Lou goes to him for help.

Boomer and Daphne have great chemistry and I loved the way the whole group rallied around Daphne and Lou when they needed help. Tag's girls played a big part in this story with Lou and I really can't wait to see all of them grown and getting their own HEA's.

This was a great story and a quick steamy read that I would recommend to anyone that has enjoyed the Masters and Mercenaries Series, especially the Reloaded one, if you enjoy Steamy Romantic Suspense, Single Parent Romances, or an Alpha Roll Hero (cross between Alpha and Cinnamon Roll) I highly recommend this book to you too.

Happy Reading!!!

Read an Excerpt here ? https://bit.ly/NBReviewD24

**I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books
**I also pre-ordered a kindle copy
You can find me here:  https://linktr.ee/NadineBookaholicarcs-read2review-completed body-scars-disfigurement genre-romantic-suspense ...more6 s BookAddict ? La Crimson Femme6,799 1,381

I am addicted to the sugary goodness of Ms. Blake's Masters and Mercenaries Series. Her 1001 Dark Night novellas are decadent cupcakes to her full novel multi-tiered gourmet cakes. This novella features Boomer. I LOVE boomer. We learn why his call sign is boomer and we learn a little bit about his life growing up. Let's just say, I'd to dropkick his family and gather Boomer up and let him know he is neither dumb nor unwanted.

To read the rest of my review, click on the image below to see it on my website.

arc novella romantic-suspense5 s Kelly_Reads_Books1,984 148

I have not read any of these books and when I realized this was number 24.5 I was concerned I would be lost. But no, this story was fabulous and exciting! I did not miss anything but now I’m antsy to read the previous 24 books!
Daphne is a single mother of her daughter Lou’s. She has noticed the very hot male that lives next door to her but it isn’t until Lou calls her and says she was followed home from school and found a safe have in “Boomers” apartment that Daphne goes into mama bear mode. Racing to their apartment complex to find her daughter quite content with her manly neighbour.
Attraction happens, complicated by in law interference, throw in a unique and non traditional family of the Taggart’s and you have the makings of a spectacular story.
I will definitely go back to the beginning and read more of the Masters and Mercenaries series.
arc loved-it4 s 1-Click Addict Support Group3,749 483

Loved it!

I’m been a fan of this series for a while now and even though this is number 24.5 (wow!), the characters and the stories remain unique, refreshing and highly entertaining. The Taggart/McKay crew can never get too big. Thank goodness!

A single mom doing her best for her super smart daughter. A man who cannot resist the underdog. Bring them together and what do you get but a story full of sparks, love and commitment.

Boomer and Daphne were drawn together by Lou but the sparks between them could not be missed. Independent woman meets highly protective man and you know the arguments would be fast and furious. What also grew between them was trust and understanding, an appreciation for the many strengths they both possessed. Lou was spectacular as an extremely bright child who, despite her intelligence, struggled with all the usual growing pains. Keeping her happy and safe soon became a favourite thing for them both.

Funny, flirty and full of all the emotion, this is one of my favourites in a favourite series. If you haven’t met them yet you are in for a whole lot of stellar reading! ~Diane, 5 stars5 s Amy Dickinson1,401 39

Overall Grade: 4.5 ??

I want to tell you that Boomer and Daphne’s story in Lexi Blake’s Delighted is a revelation. It isn’t that it isn’t exciting and everything you love about Lexi Blake’s Masters and Mercenaries series. Even more, as a 1,001 Dark Nights, it’s a bite-sized bit of fun in this world. Make no mistake. I’m a HUGE fan of Brian “Boomer” Ward. In this book, there is talk about the simplicity of his character, or rather, his mind. However, for anyone who has been reading her Reloaded version of this world, there is nothing truly simple about Boomer. He is a devoted friend and oftentimes the levity in Blake’s stories.

In Delighted, he’s a savior for Daphne. Not in any way that undermines her own authority or sense of self. Instead, through his care of her daughter, Lou, Boomer’s heroism shines as he’s compassionate and caring for her and Lou, especially as Daphne is served up the ire of her former in-laws. Un the other Masters and Mercenaries stories, we aren’t dealing with a huge external threat. There is the promise of it, but the threat is easily managed. Instead, the tension of this book is Daphne’s need for control in a lifetime that has seemed out of control. Boomer is incredibly supportive, but she pushes him away at times out of the fear of losing control. This push and pull doesn’t last long because Boomer’s perseverance and respect for her boundaries regarding Lou win her over. All of this is lovely and makes for an engaging read

But the true “delight” of Delighted is Lou and the next-gen of the Masters and Mercenaries world. Blake mentions it in her Acknowledgments from the Author at the beginning of this book, but there is a promise of more stories from an engaging group of M&M youth. Lou is incredibly intelligent, having skipped two grades. And she’s different. This has not won over her schoolmates. When she meets the children of the Masters and Mercenaries, her mother, and the stories prior to Delighted, she finds her found family. That message is strong in this book. It reminds you that, no matter your past or present experiences with your biological family, you can craft your own. We find Lou thriving as she has found her “home.” I finished Delighted with so much excitement and anticipation for future stories, and if you’re a dedicated Lexi Blake fan, I think you will too. Even if you’ve never read her stories, you can jump into Delighted today and find a family of characters.edge-of-your-seat-romance masters-and-mercenaries single-mom ...more3 s Sally351 4

Ahhhh where do I start with the King of all cinnamon rolls Brian “Boomer” Ward.

I’ll be honest I might be a little biased with my review as Boomers character has had my heart for a long time, he’s been someone that has caught my attention in other characters books, he’s a sweetheart, brave, funny, thoughtful, drop-dead gorgeous and he’s a loyal steadfast friend to everyone in the McKay & Taggart close-knit work/family group

This is his HEA and the author has done it soooo well that I wanted more, and don’t get me started on how good the 12 years later epilogue was!!!!
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