
Second Down Darling de Lex Martin

de Lex Martin - Género: English
libro gratis Second Down Darling


Lex Martin Series: Varsity Dads 04 Year: 2023

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“Gonna need you to come again. Wanna feel that tight little pussy squeeze my cock.”

THE WAY I LIVED FOR THIS COUPLE!!! This angsty forbidden romance was everything I hoped it would be and MORE! I have adored each story in this series of companion standalones but something about this one just holds a special place in my heart! I just knew Lex was going to wreck me in all my feels! Jake and Charlotte's heartbreaking love story stole my soul! The sexy times were fire, the emotional moments unforgettable and of course I wanted to throw my damn kindle so many times! I wanted one of the secondary characters to be hit by a train, not going to lie! Then there were other secondary characters that had me smiling so big, I can't wait for their story! Lex never disappoints and this is another top read for me!


?Grab your copy here:

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3qrQHiK
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3KAR5SR
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/45pSbsx
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/47nLusZ

If you haven't read the rest of the series, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND! These are all companion standalone with different couples and I adored them!

Start the series here:

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited: https://amzn.to/3s7ZmY6

angst-lovers fave-author feeeeels ...more50 s Elizabeth416 47 Shelved as 'nope-nope-nope'

It's so crazy to me how many authors do the whole sloppy seconds from my sister plot in romance. I honestly don't know anyone who would ever date or sleep with someone their sister has. Does it happen? Yes. Just not enough to warrant how rampant it is in romance. It's such a lazy lazy attempt at angst.44 s Jessica 2,261 14.9k

4.5 stars

Soooo angsty! This one is a romance about the heroine who has been in love with the hero since they became best friends in high school. When she was going to make her move, though, he sleeps with her sister and gets her pregnant. The heroine tries her best to be there and be a good aunt, but she can't bear seeing the hero with her sister anymore, so she cuts off communication and moves to a different college. Now, it's her senior year and the new hotshot football player is the hero, who moved there with his son. There's definitely angst because the hero is basically off limits to her, but they can't stop being around each other and falling in love. This didn't get a full five stars from me because a lot of the drama is other woman drama with the sister, which I don't always love. But I loved their connection and their second chance at a first chance with each other. I definitely recommend picking up this series!! 19 s Sarah1,759 1,329



I couldn’t put this one down. Completely devoured it.
Jake was such a fantastic hero and dad. Yes, he made mistakes and once he realizes that, he is very aware of his actions and making sure the heroine feels secure in how he feels. I also loved that we saw the heroine come out of her shell as she become more confident.

I always love the steam in Lex Martin’s romance, as they really seemed tailored to the couple and their journey to an HEA.

It is safe to say this is one of my fave football romance standalone series, and I already cannot wait for the next one!

ARC review 21 s Vintage2,547 552

Best part is the revenge/pushback against the rotten sister of the h and the H's ex. Forget the high road and maintaining a dignified silence. They shut the evil OW in a practical and satisfactory way.2023 abuse beta-hero ...more16 s Tiffany Johnson1,158 32

This was my least favorite of the 3 Varsity dads books I've read and maybe the problem is me, maybe I'm finally aging out of new adult college romance (say it ain't so! crying face)

I think my biggest issue was it read a high school romance for almost the first 30-40% and I blame Charlotte for that. She was written very shy, fragile, and kind of a doormat and although she makes big strides by the end of the book I just never warmed up to her character. Every time Jake makes a declaration about how he feels, her follow up is always, "do you mean it, are you sure?" That need for reassurance just bugged me and it never went away.

Jake. Jake isn't a bad character but again something was just off for me with this one. I never got the emotional connection between the characters or even with Charlotte, Jake, and his son. Usually cute kids steal the story, but not this time. Too much telling and not enough showing? Too formulaic? I hate to say this but not enough drama? The Dakota drama was over before it even began it seemed.

Again, I think I'm in the minority here but it just wasn't my favorite. It felt work getting through it and I hate that. Maybe give it a go for yourself if you LOVE unrequited love, second chances, single dad, and college football romance.13 s Drea1,286 16

omg I loved it! Y’all I can’t even begin to explain how much I loved this book; or more accurately this series! This book has just taken the top spot as my favorite of this series! It gave me all the feels. All of them! From the moment I started reading this book I was captivated and could not put it down.
Charlotte and Jake are perfect for eachother. The chemistry between them is off the charts! This book has everything I love: second chance romance, swoony AF single dad, teammates and friends that support each other, and a perfect balance of emotional and steamy moments. Lex knocked it outta the park with this one, and I’m so excited for what’s coming next!2023 arcs sports-romance12 s Melissa Barr393 12

Ugh this book! It was so freaking good and I could not put it down. The angst in this is HIGH and i definitely shed a few tears. I loved Charlie's growth in this story and Jake had a pretty epic grovel in this! 2023-favorites 5 5-star-series ...more10 s Jac K2,232 316

This was ok. I don’t mind a sister-sloppy seconds plot (especially if it’s soapy), but this was a smidge bland for me. The blurb sets it up, Jake was Charlotte’s best bud that she secretly loved but was too timid and shy to make her move, so her sister did. A drunken hookup led to a surprise baby, and the book opens with a miserable Charlotte helping the two (Jake and Dakota) raise their son in college.

I had a few issues that kept me from loving this.
? The book starts after all the good stuff.
? The chemistry felt a bit flat. She clearly was the better choice, I just felt if they were compatible, then he should’ve reciprocated her feelings (or at least felt some attraction) before the sister snafu.
? Charlotte’s low self-esteem/virgin status made this feel VERY young adult for much of the book. She grows a tiny spine by the end, but I prefer a mature/confident h.
? There’s not enough drama. There’s a large chunk of the book where nothing is happening besides them hanging out and friend filler. Things pick up when the sis returns, but it almost at the end.

Bottom Line- It had potential, it was just executed with very little drama and a fair amount of friend/life filler making it a bit of a snoozefest. The sis is gone by chapter 1 and doesn’t return until 82%, IMHO, she needed to return way earlier, or another conflict needed to be introduced.

Safety- Jake was unaware Dakota (Kota) was Charlotte’s sister. He was drunk at a party, and she pursued him on purpose to hurt her sis. I don’t think he ever would’ve gone there had he known or stayed if she didn’t get knocked up. So, I don’t really feel the sis was the first choice. Their sex life isn’t really discussed except that they’re not doing it when the book starts, and the sis lies about it. His thoughts were NEVER positive towards the sis, she’s very unlikable.

Random- I know I read a book with the same ending and it’s driving me crazy. Evil sis shows up after sister is raising the kid and demands the h leave or she’ll go for custody. It was a loveless marriage, they decided to get married because they were both professionals. I think the sis might’ve been a lawyer. If anyone knows this book, please let me know.
athlete college evil-sis ...more9 s Sarah~ Book Obsession Confessions1,104 78

This single dad sports romance was so enjoyable; it’s fun, the characters are extremely likable, it’s super steamy and there’s plenty of bigger emotions.
It has some angst, it has life drama that made me really feel for Jake and Charlotte’s situation. And, it’s a single dad, forbidden romance. I love forbidden so much and this great single dad won my heart.
The college world the author has created has character, charm and really great secondary characters that add humor and truly great friendships.
Jake is focused on his football career, he’s a great single dad who’s juggling a lot. He’s under pressure yet he’s such a sweetheart who’s also very sexy.
Charlotte is finally out from under the thumb of her mother and sister who treated her horribly. She’s starting over at a new college, trying to come out of her shell and not be the shy “wallflower “ anymore. She has a big heart, she’s smart and she’s working to find her place in life.
She has an awesome roommate and friend Roxy who is the ultimate wingwoman, I adore her so much, too.
The two characters were best friends through high school and the first year of college with Charlotte secretly pining for Jake. It gets very messy when Jake has an anonymous one night stand that results in pregnancy…. And then he discovers it’s Charlotte’s older sister!! Uh-oh!
Let me just say I really don’t care for Charlotte’s sister. Drama and awkward feelings happen.
Fast forward a few years, Jake and Charlotte have been out of touch and now they are at the same college. They keep being thrown into each other’s lives and what follows is a swoony, adorable and sexy situation between the two that brings plenty of laughs, tons of sexual tension and lots of feelings.
The author tells such a full, well paced story with characters that have depth. I could picture their college life and friends so well as I was swept up in the story and a truly beautiful romance. Their relationship was a bit angsty, so heartwarming and the sexy times are unique and incredibly hot!!
It’s a really fantastic book with such a satisfying story and wonderfully lovable characters.
It’s a great addition to this author’s series of interconnected standalone’s, (it can be read as a standalone.) I’ve loved all the books I’ve read by this author.9 s Brigid Brown866 24

Second Down Darling may just be my new favorite Lex Martin book!! This book has everything I love!!

Second Chance ??
Forbidden ??
Single dad ??
Sports romance ??
Best friends ??
Unrequited love ??

From start to finish, I was sooo invested in Jake and Charlotte's story. If any couple have ever deserved a HEA, it's these two. Being best friends since freshman year of high school wasn't always easy for Charlotte. What with having feelings for him and all. It certainly didn't get any easier one her sister inserted herself into the picture.

Fast forward two years, and Jake and Charlotte are face to face again. I loved watching how this was going to play out, and let me tell you, it was perfect!!8 s Tessa720 68

I know a lot of readers are not a fan of this type of plot... but wanna know who is? This girl right here. I'm a sucker for any unrequited love book throw-in hero knocks up heroine's sister, and it's gold( don't judge me
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