
Invasion de Lewis, Jon S

de Lewis, Jon S - Género: English
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Comic Book Characters Come to Life! ...Lewis is a veteran of the comic-book industry, and his plot is a domestic read-alike of Alex Rider. --Kirkus Reviews

"A fun read." --Publishers Weekly

"...Crackling plot twists, cliffhanger chapter endings, cyber attacks, alien invaders, and an undercurrent of teen romance." --BookViews by Alan Caruba

...Draws readers into the action-packed world of Colt and his friends. The narrative presents several well-defined characters who will draw reluctant readers into the sphere of alien conspiracy and espionage. ...Fast-paced and well-defined world will keep readers glued to the pages. --School Library Journal

Action, intrigue, and even a little romance fill every page. The sci-fi and fantasy themes in Invasion are perfect for boys, girls, and parents who'd like to share in the adventure. Superheroes and villains are around every corner. From death-defying flights by jet-pack and flying motorcycles, to shape shifting aliens, readers will enjoy Colt's adventures. --Portland Book Review

Product Description

He didn't ask for the job, but now all that stands between us and chaos . . . is Colt.

Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.

He's forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Dani. And Oz, a guy he's sure he's never met but who is strangely familiar.

But what if his parents' death wasn't an accident? His mother, and invesitgative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world's largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn't go public?

Vowing to uncover truth, Colt gets drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible getaways.

The invasion has begun.

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I requested Invasion by J.S. Lewis from Booksneeze, so I had zero expectations when I started reading the book, too. Invasion is the first book in the C.H.A.O.S. series, and the first book tells the story of Colt McAlister, orphaned at 16 after his parents died in a car crash. Soon after he moved with his grandfather in Arizona, weird things start happening such as weird creatures chasing him, and random people trying to kill him for some reason. Soon Colt finds out that his mom was about to release a story about mind-controlling chips from a huge and powerful corporation, Trident Biotech. As Colt tries to uncover the mystery of his parents' death, he runs for his life with his friends and he encounters all weird creatures and high technology, and he realizes that there may be more to this than he thought it was.

Invasion has 57 chapters, which I found a bit daunting when I started reading. These were short chapters, however, which made it for easy albeit a bit shallow reading. There is strong world building in Invasion, backed with interesting facts and information with how aliens and different creatures have been hidden among humans since the start. If you d the setting in Men In Black, this book provides the same kind of world. Just other books that involved conspiracies, action wasn't lacking in this book: chase scenes, fights, random people trying to kill the heroes are a-plenty here. There's also enough secret hideouts, mysterious people and advanced technology to excite sci-fi fans around.

However, I never felt invested in the characters. I d Colt, Oz and Danielle, but I didn't feel I knew them for real. It may be because of how the story flowed or maybe even because each chapter is too short for me to glean much about who they are and what makes them tick. There also seemed to be a crowd of secondary characters all over the place, and while I get that it's needed to build the new world that Colt is moving into, it was kind of hard to keep track of them. The overall premise was interesting, and it does make for an interesting read but I felt that I would be more interested in this if it were a movie instead of a book.

I think Invasion is still a good book, but I think it's not for me. Perhaps it's my age, or my lack of scifi knowledge and love. I my aliens and wild worlds with chase scenes and explosions, but this one just failed to capture my interest. Maybe younger boys or longtime scifi fans would enjoy this more than I did. I didn't really finish the book, but I thought it had enough potential to get a 3-star rating.

Invasion by J.S. Lewis is already out in hardcover, published by Thomas Nelson. Thanks to Booksneeze for the review copy.
arc ebooks ya6 s Jerry (Rebel With a Massive Media Library)4,764 70

A crazy, intense adventure novel that feels a cross between a DCOM and a SyFy channel telefilm.5 s Nicole270 14

This book had potential at the beginning, and really kind of drew me in despite some of the weak writing. It didn't maintain the momentum, though. About the time I hit the halfway point, I was getting bored. It was pretty cliched and cheesy, and to a point that's inevitable in most fantasy, but a good fantasy novel puts a twist on things. This one didn't have a twist. It was just a compilation of everything you might expect. I also struggled with how unbelievable it was. I'm pretty good as suspension of disbelief, and I had no problem with six-legged aliens, but the characters' actions made no sense. There were several times where I was just totally stumped by their behavior. And the plot relied very heavily on things conveniently falling into place or deus ex machina eliminating anything inconvenient. Truthfully...this might be a good early draft of a book, but what it really needed were some good revisions (and something to make it a bit more unique).4 s Amelia100

I actually enjoyed this more than I would probably admit XD It's pretty rare that I read "contemporary", and I actually d it. There are some slightly cringy/annoying high school clichés, but I was able to look past that for the most part and enjoy the story. 


Slight Novacom vibes 

There's just a 2000s charm about this that I thrive off of
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