
I Confess: A private eye historical crime thriller (Jake Adkins PI) de Leopold Borstinski

de Leopold Borstinski - Género: English
libro gratis I Confess: A private eye historical crime thriller (Jake Adkins PI)


Leopold Borstinski Publisher: Sobriety Press, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781913313470,9781913313494

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Jake Adkins is a Private Eye. He takes on a new case with a bit of a twist. The woman hiring him wants him to prove that she killed her husband.

I d the story and there were a lot of suspects that cropped up along the way. I had my own theories, but got it wrong, which is always shows a well written story. As with a PI, Jake put himself in some awkward and dangerous situations to try and get to the truth. The woman didn't give him much to start with so he did well to spot the clues and run with them.

The only thing that did bug me was the constant references to women 'having curves in the right places'.2 s Siobhain (whatyoutolkienabout)615 31

I was given a copy to review by ZooLoos Book Tours. My are always honest and all opinions are my own. #ZooLoosBookTours #BookTour #BookTourReview #IConfess #LeopoldBorstinski #gifted #adpr #bookreview #crimethriller
I Confess by Leopold Borstinski was a really fun and interesting read. I have always loved the romanticised 40s and 50s hard boiled detective trope probably from watching and reading too many things that follow that vain and some that stick close to it but with twists The Dresden Files. But while Private eye, Jake Adkins might not be a wizard or dealing with demons he is certainly a fun and interesting character. And with an interesting case to boot!

Adkins takes on the strangest case he’s ever had from a French dame who wants him to prove she DID kill her husband. Needing money makes a man do strange things so Adkins accepts not asking too many questions of his client. Only the more he delves into the circumstances of the husband’s death the more strange and complicated the situation becomes. Jake becomes convinced his client is hiding more than she is showing. Now Jake Adkins PI is facedwith a difficult choice how far is he willing to go for the person paying his wages when that very same person could put a bullet in his back?

Firstly the story is brilliant, it has equal amounts of intrigue and humour with just the right amount of each to make it work. A varied cast of interesting characters all with their own motives and desires. While I did mention about romanticised 40s and 50s PIs I loved and also disd how much of a womaniser Jake was (it really fits in with the character and theme though!). It was equally frustrating and entertaining to hear his asides about the women he meets but obviously this would not be the case in real life. However within the setting it helps show case just what kind of a man Jake Adkins is. A man with arguably a grey moral code at best.

The other thing I adored was the writing style, while told in the point of view of Jake I enjoyed his commentary the build of the mystery and case as he learns and so do we. It was nice having a narrator who learns with us so we don’t really know what’s going on and aren’t just waiting for the PI or detective to put the pieces together and solve the case. In this way it kept me hooked and invested. On top that the style is light and easy to engage.

I think I will definitely be getting the second book in the series. If you, me, are a fan of works that leaving you guessing till near the end, you are unsure who to trust and who is good or bad, main characters that aren’t exactly saints, a sprinkle of humour and in the style of old school PI novels and media you are sure to love this one!
#ZooLoosBookTours #BookTour #BookTourReview #IConfess #LeopoldBorstinski #gifted #adpr #bookreview #crimethriller #BookReviewer #BookBlogger #BookHoader #FantasticRead #BookDragon #BookShark #BookReader #Bookstagram #BookNerd #BookReader #BookLover #BooksBooksBooks #BookAddict #Book1 Sonja Charters1,333 78

I love starting a new series and getting to know our new main character.
This is book one of a new series featuring Jake Adkins PI whose first case is a little bit of a strange one.

Jake is booked by a woman who wants him to prove that she's guilty! I loved this twist as normally we see the accused trying to prove their innocence rather than this way round.

Jake isn't given much of a headstart but he soon digs and delves to find out what's going on and along the way he comes across quite a few interesting characters who all had something to hide or something that made them look guilty. But who was getting rid of them?...

I quite d Jake as a main character. There were lots of references to women as objects which although not the current way, did fit in with the general feel of the book and the stereotypical PI.

This was well written and paced. Not hugely fast-paced but did hold my interest throughout. I made theories on the suspects but didn't guess who and why which is always a good sign.

An enjoyable read and I wouldn't mind continuing the journey and seeing what's next for Jake.1 Patrice Gotting - #prdgreads307 12

My Thoughts: this is a brilliant opener to what has the potential to be a brilliant new series, we meet Jake a Private Investigator , who has just been offered double his usual fee for one of the weirdest jobs he’s had as a PI, his client wants him to prove that she killed her husband!

Knowing he’s already on the back foot he starts immediately asking questions and trying to put things together, to begin with the people he talks to and the places he goes aren’t very forthcoming with information, but he knows all it takes is one key detail for things to start falling into place!

The writing is engaging and had my interest piqued throughout! – a book full of secrets and lies and I really enjoyed watching Jake uncover the truth.

The pacing was a bit slower than I’d have but that’s to be expected with this kind of mystery, especially with it being the first book a lot of the beginning has to be dedicated to introducing the repeat characters.

I’m already eagerly awaiting the next instalment ??1 Donna MorfettAuthor 2 books56

This was an intriguing idea for a story, Jake, a private eye, is hired to prove his client is guilty of murder. She confessed by the DA dropped the case.
As Jake investigates he finds he's coming it with a lot more questions and a much bigger scam in place than he could possibly have imagined.
Hes willing to go to any lengths to get his answers and suffers because of it more often than not.
I mostly d Jake, he worked hard and stuck within his self imposed rules as much as he could. This book is set in America some time back, its not specified, but attitudes towards women etc were different then. It was quite odd to read some old fashioned terminology, but its of the time and in keeping with the book.
A really enjoyable easy read. I hope there's going to be more.1 Charlotte KaneAuthor 26 books33

This is not normally a style of book that I would read, but I was offered it in exchange for an honest review, and I have to say that I was not disappointed at all with this book. I found it really enjoyable and it was a fun read. From the first page you are introduced to Jake Adkins and throughout the book you see his character growing, going through the motions of a PI and as a human male. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and the characters that Leopold has created. There is definitely something likable about Jake, although his motives and actions are not always agreeable. I would recommend this classic noir story to anyone who wants a cosy murder mystery story.1 Claire Cobb497

This was a really fun read. I enjoyed the plot as it was a little bit different with the woman paying the PI to find her guilty of murder instead of innocent. I didn't the fact that Jake was such a womaniser, with the constant 'she had curves in all the right places'. I did that it had multiple suspects and different theories that Jake shared throughout the book, which kept me guessing. I honestly didn't guess right with this one as it seemed that everyone had something to hide. Really good. 4.5??1 kirsty1,034 73

This book is well written with an interesting and compelling storyline and well developed characters. I would definitely say that this book is more of a slow burner at first but then picks up in pace as the book continues and the tension grows.

Even though it was slow burning, I still found myself gripped and needing to know what happened. There was a good number of twists and I definitely didn't guess the ending.

A quick and easy read that leaves me excited for the rest of the series1 Claire Ball184 14

I really enjoyed this! The story involves a private detective trying to prove that his client is guilty - weird! I enjoyed seeing Jake (well that’s what his friends call him!) navigate through the story to try to get evidence. It was a really easy read for me with not enough detail to bog down into the crime but enough to keep my interest. I did kind of guess the outcome but would certainly read the next book in the series!1 Philip Van399 5

Private eye's client asks to be arrested for murder - 5 stars

A most unusual and entertaining story of a woman who wants to be arrested for murdering her husband. The writing is stellar. The theme is unusual; the setting is September 1953 in Los Angeles.

Conventionally for a mystery, Jake Adkins is an ex-cop and has a pretty secretary. Everything else is unconventional. Not only did his new client have blood on her hands at the time she called the police to report a murder, but the police recommend against prosecution. How can that be?

By the time you finish this gem, you will have listened to eavesdropping neighbors, another private investigator (PI), assorted police personnel, waitresses, bedroom confidences, and witnessed an attempt to run Jake over with a speeding car. Whether peeping in windows, rummaging through trash cans, or simply overcoming a plethora of locked doors, you will have a seat on Jake' shoulders and a few peeks into his thinking as the number of suspects decreases and the possible explanations get more fanciful.

In an era long before cell phones, Jake operates on coffee and pie with occasional libation changes to imbibe beer and scotch with a discerning pallet. Gathering facts, clues, and photographs has always been the stock and trade of a PI. Jake enlists his secretary, Sylvia, police friends and even a newspaper reporter with different incentives for their help. And in the end, a snub-nosed handgun raises the anti for an explosive ending. Go for it! sineadsreadingcorner O12 2

After initially putting this book down, I decided to give it a second chance, and I'd to give it 3 stars. I found the plot quite engaging, which kept me reading as I was intrigued by the mystery surrounding the murders. However, I had some reservations about the main character, Jake Atkins, who I found rather unlikable. I usually prefer books with more relatable main characters, but Jake's behavior towards women left me uncomfortable. It seemed that every female character he encountered was overly sexualized and objectified, which made it hard to connect with him. It's also revealed that Jake had a complicated history involving infidelity with his late partner's wife, which didn't sit well with me. Despite his skills as a detective, his actions and choices outside of work made him a complex and not-so-able character.

Thanks to the author for an Arc in exchange for a honest review. Tom Casey670 1 follower

An interesting story with a lot of suspense. I the characters and descriptions of people and places.
I found it to be easy to read as it is well written.
I received this arc for free and I wanted to leave an honest review. Sue Wallace 6,555 81

I Confess by Leopold Borstinski.

Jake Adkins PI.

Private eye, Jake Adkins takes a case from a French dame who wants him to prove she killed her husband.

Can he prove it?

I did enjoy this book. I d Jake and how he was. I would to read more from Jake. 4*. Jackie11.3k 165

What an amazing story. PI Jake has a strange request, he takes the job anyway. Will he be able to solve this. Suspenseful, full of action. Can’t wait for more. Padmajha [PJ] Me and My Bookshelf333 6

This intriguing read marks my first encounter with the author's work, as we follow the journey of PI Jake Adkins who takes on a perplexing case involving a French Dame accused of murdering her husband, delving into a web of suspects and unraveling clues that leave him astounded.
Set in the 1950s, the story offers a nostalgic glimpse into an era of reliance on printed photographs and phone books.
The storyline introduces us to a diverse cast of characters including AJ, Franny and Elmo Inspector Lou, Jake assistant Sylvia and many more, where each character is intricately crafted with flaws and depth.
I appreciated the author's portrayal of Jake as a relatable character, avoiding the stereotype of a superhero private investigator. Jake's penchant for coffee and his womanizing tendencies added a touch of realism to his personality. As he delved into the case, he encountered his fair share of danger, leading to moments of genuine shock and concern. This humanization of Jake's experiences heightened the stakes and makes him more relatable to readers.
The narrative maintains a steady level of intrigue, keeping me engrossed as I unraveled the reasons behind the subsequent deaths following Kole's murder.
The unexpected twists in the finale left me astonished, particularly AJ's true motives for seeking Jake's assistance. With its fitting cover and satisfying conclusion, this murder mystery deserves a solid 4/5 star rating, sure to captivate fans of the genre.
2023-reads ebooks review-copy1 Alyson Read974 46

Private Investigator Jake Adkins is a Sam Spade type character from the 1950s with an easy manner and an eye for the ladies. Some of them give him the eye right back. That aside, he seems to make a very good job of what indeed is a very strange request from a new client- to prove her guilty of killing her husband, something to which she has readily confessed but which the District Attorney declines to press charges for. Jake’s mate, LA homicide detective Inspector Lou Granger, agrees there may be more to this cool, calm and collected widow and helps Jake with his theories. With only five days’ work paid for in which to prove the case, Jake soon finds he has opened up the field of potential suspects for wanting the man dead, all somewhat shady characters with something or other to hide. But just why on earth does Avril Langchamp want her day in court?
This was a fast and engrossing read, a little too heavy on the lusting after the ladies and other people’s wives which at times detracted a bit from the mystery element of the story but Jake is a great stereotypical gumshoe and I guess some of that goes with the territory. I found myself enjoying the story more and more as the plot unfolded and was really liking Jake by the end, although Lou and Jake’s secretary Sylvia were definitely my favourite characters. I would certainly read more in this series. 4.5*1 Naturalbri (Bri Wignall)1,143 110

Private eye books, I’ve found, can be hit and miss, but this book was a hit. It is full of brilliant detail, that brings the scene to life. You can easily join in the thrill and feel as though you are trying to solve the mystery.
I love the cover. It is vivid and has a very noir feel to it, matching the exciting style and feel you always get with private investigator films and books. It definitely drew the eye and grabbed my attention.
The pace of the book was good. It also went well with the overall feel of the story and the private investigator plot. The pace allowed for the tension to build and you to get excited about the moment of discovery or the twist that may be thrown at you.
Overall, a good read and great cover to match.1 Bonnie DeMoss894 150

This is a hard-boiled detective story set in 1953. It's the first book in the Jake Adkins PI series. There is plenty of 50's terminology, such as using "dame" for woman. Jake is a no-nonsense detective whose mind seems to either be on his case or the opposite sex. There is a lot of objectification of women, but it is generally true to the genre and the 1950s setting.

There is a bit of humor in the book. I d the opening after Jake found out that his client wanted him to prove that she was guilty, and I enjoyed this line: "..this was the first time a prospective client had walked into my office protesting their guilt."

The plot needs to pick up pace at times and could use a bit more action. The reader follows Jake's every move, even when he's not doing much of anything.

However, the ending was good, and overall this is a true hard-boiled detective story that fans of that genre will enjoy.

My rating is 3.5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book via Zooloo's Book Tours. My review is voluntary and the opinions are my own.crime-thriller6 s Colin Spencer87

I do enjoy books from Leopold they really set the scene well be it these Jake Atkins ones or his other Mafia ones. This late 1950's set PI thriller has a few twists and turns in the plot that keep you guessing as to who the murderer is and why they have committed the murders. Particularly as the death count ramps up and potential suspects diminish. A nice easy read that I really enjoyed. John Bitsko90

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