
Linda, As in the Linda Murder de Leif G. W. Persson

de Leif G. W. Persson - Género: English
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Winner of the Petrona Award for Best Scandinavian Crime Novel 2014
In the middle of an unusually hot Swedish summer, a young woman studying at the Vaxjo Police Academy is brutally murdered. Police Inspector Evert Bäckström is unwillingly drafted in from Stockholm to head up the investigation.
Egotistical, vain and utterly prejudiced against everything, Bäckström is a man who has no sense of duty or responsibilty, thinks everyone with the exception of himself is an imbecile and is only really capable of warm feelings towards his pet goldfish and the nearest bottle of liquor. If they are to solve the case, his long suffering team must work around him, following the scant few leads which remain after Bäckström's intransigence has let the trail go cold.
Blackly comic, thrillingly compelling and utterly real, Linda, As in the Linda Murder is the novel which introduces the reader to the modern masterpiece that is Evert Bäckström, a man described by his...

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”It would still have made more sense to boil the bastard down to make glue, Bäckström thought. For in spite of his many failings and shortcomings, he was still a man with a strong sense of basic justice.”

Rainn Wilson is Bäckström in the new TV series. They have placed Bäckström in Oregon instead of Sweden.

Stockholm Police Detective Evert Bäckström is assigned to lead a team to investigate the murder of a young woman. She had been going to school to be a police officer in the small town of Vaxjo. She was raped before she was murdered and there is more than enough DNA evidence to make this a slam dunk case.

The perpetrator was obviously stupid to leave so many clues for a detective Bäckström.

Bäckström hopes that criminals will be stupid, expects ignorance from his colleagues, and finds his life to be one ongoing agony of dealing with an idiotic world. Thank goodness he does not say everything that he thinks, but he says plenty. It is a form of entertainment for him to say something crass to illicit a response. Besides the amusement value of watching someone sputtering and become indignant it also frequently gets someone to say something useful to an ongoing investigation. He needles his colleagues generally to get them to leave him alone or do what he wants done. He is a walking nightmare as a co-worker. Women in particular have to suffer through his veiled harassing allusions. If they knew what he was thinking they’d punch him in the nose.

”How can a woman with such great tits be miserable?” Is one such thought he had that I can’t shake out of my head mainly because it is so ridiculous, but also because a part of him does truly believe that women with “great tits” have the world at their feet. What could they possibly be miserable about?

When he is assigned this case he scoops up a months worth of unwashed laundry from his apartment and hauls it to the hotel with him. He turns it over to be cleaned and puts it on the bill that will be paid by the state. It never crosses his mind that he has committed fraud. He is restless one night and wants to watch porn, but realizes it will show up on HIS hotel bill so he goes into a room of a colleague who has went home for the weekend and watches it on his TV. He falls asleep and leaves the groaning and moaning going all night. His rather unconventional version of white noise. When the scandal breaks that police officers were up all night watching porn at taxpayer expense Bäckström’s boss back in Stockholm doesn’t have to investigate to know that it has to be:


This is a really well done police procedural. The author Leif G. W. Persson is an expert on crime. In fact he is considered ScandinaviaÂ’s most renowned criminologist and a leading psychological profiler. He is also a Professor at the National Swedish Police Board. The attention to detail is superb though some other readers find it to be too much, bordering on tedious. I loved the nuances of an ongoing investigation.

Persson does a wonderful job developing all the characters even allowing some of them to take center stage away from Bäckström for a chapter. The book is so much more than just about the 'short, fat and primitive', as Persson describes his lead detective, but it is hard not to focus on his antics because it always feels he is getting away with something that the rest of us would be too afraid to contemplate doing ourselves.

Anybody getting an Ignatius tingling?

I did actually feel sorry for Bäckström when he is accused of sexual harassment not because there aren’t numerous points where he probably should have been drummed out of the service for his suggestive comments to female colleagues, but because in the situation that he actually gets in trouble for he was merely a victim of his own hubris.

This 42 year old attractive reporter agrees to go out to dinner with him, not for the reasons that he thinks, but because she hopes that over a few drinks she will find out something from Bäckström about the case. He asks her up to hotel for a nightcap. She agrees.


It never crosses Bäckström’s mind that she might have less than zero interest in his “sausage”. He leaves her on the couch and goes into the other room. He becomes a helter skelter of flying clothes and emerges back in the room wearing only a towel.

Now imagine Apollo.

Now imagine the exact opposite of Apollo.

He does the big reveal. She flees the room.

He is left holding...well...the towel. He is absolutely dumbfounded.

Now her eyes were harassed, no doubt. Bäckström’s sausage seems to not be the grand event that he seems to think it is, but I believe this is more of a situation where the woman will inflict the most pain by laughing and pointing and leaving rather than filing an official complaint.

Bäckström is not worried. I’m more worried for him than he is. Someway, somehow he knows it will all go away as have every other minor inconvenience he has experienced with official complaints in the past. Just as his boss back in Stockholm has dispatched two more detectives to relieve Bäckström from the case miracle of miracles the murderer is caught.

”Does Dolly Parton sleep on her stomach?”

Leif G. W. Persson knows his character isnÂ’t for everyone.

Reviewers are split on Bäckström. There are plenty of one star ratings for this book because they found him to be TOO crass TOO non-PC which makes me wonder how these readers decided to read this book in the first place given the fact that the book touts the behaviors of Bäckström as part of it’s enticement. Some reviewers have compared this to the Stieg Larsson trilogy which I think is an incorrect correlation as this book has none of the thriller elements that made the Dragon Tattoo series so compelling. This book reminded me more of Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö or Henning Mankell...well the parts of the plot that exist around the rather bowling ball obstruction of Bäckström. If you have enjoyed the invasion of Nordic Noir and can handle the the dialogue of insensitivity running a freight train through the mind of the lead detective you will find this a humorous, and intriguing new series to fit on your shelf with Harry Hole and Kurt Wallander.

If you wish to see more of my most recent book and movie , visit http://www.jeffreykeeten.com
I also have a Facebook blogger page at:https://www.facebook.com/JeffreyKeetennordic-noir98 s Janete on hiatus due health issues767 423

The first 1/3 of the book was great, I was very excited about the story and the irony of the Police Superintendent Backstrom made me laughed. But after this first third of the book, I started thinking about giving up of it, because Backstrom drinks too much alcohol, and is too sexist and misogynist. And the other 2/3 in the book began to follow on paths that didn't concern the rape and murder of Linda, a 20-year-old student at the Police Academy. The author is very wordy and included in the text many unnecessaries parallel stories that didn't add anything to the main story. The author and editor would have to reduce this book by at least 100 pages (my Brazilian version has 429 pages). When I started reading this book, I thought it would be 4 or 5 stars, but unfortunately, in the end, I rated it as 3,5 stars.34 s Karl3,258 323

First the 2014 "Backstrom" TV show:

"Backstrom" centers on Everett Backstrom (staring Rainn Wilson), an "overweight, offensive, irascible" detective who is engaged in a constant struggle with his "self-destructive" tendencies, and is part of a team of eccentric criminologists.

Here is what I can glean so far about what has occurred so far. CBS television bought the rights to this property to introduce it as a series in July 2012. They produced the pilot, filmed in Vancouver. Then dropped it.

20th Century Fox Television shopped it around to other networks before landing a 13-episode series order at Fox to begin showing in the fall 2014 time period.

Now The book(s):

"Linda, As in the Linda Murder" is the first in a series of books staring Everett Backstrom written by Persson and was published in Sweden in 2005 and published in the UK by Doubleday in 2013.

Book 2; "He Who Kills the Dragon" was also also published in the UK in 2013 by Doubleday and was published in Sweden in 2008.

Book 3 has so far only been published in Sweden (2013) and is titled "Den sanna historien om Pinocchios näsa" with no English translation.

Leif Gustav Willy Persson (born 12 March 1945 in Stockholm) is a Swedish criminologist and novelist. He was a professor in criminology at the Swedish National Police Board from 1992 to 2012. His first book was "The Pig Party" was published in 1978.

I emphatically d this book. It is not your normal run of the mill crime story. Yes there is a crime committed. Yes detectives are sent to investigate this event. The magic that was performed was that this book is darkly darkly funny. How can a brutal murder be funny? When the main character is Police Inspector Evert Backstrom thatÂ’s how. First Backstrom, due to so many national crime detectives being on holiday, gets ordered to go by his boss, who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Backstrom is told to choose his own team of six police to go with him and solve this case quickly.
Backstrom is overweight, some would say fat, short, and hygene is not his top priority. Backstrom does not any of his colleagues. He sees the men as incompetent, unfocused, nincompoops, and most are probably poofs. He sees the females in terms of how ly they would be to have sex with him, as long as they are not too skinny. Yes he is a total misogynist. His ego is as large as the empire state building. Yet there is something about him you canÂ’t help but . Backstrom has a pet fish named Eagon who, perhaps is his only friend. He sees the opportunity of investigating this case, hundreds of miles from Stockholm, as a chance to drink copious amount, perhaps sunbathe, and get all his dirty laundry (all of which he packs) done for free at his destination.

The crime is a violent, brutal and bloody murder involving a twenty year old beautiful girl. The killer leaves copious amounts of DNA, his fingerprints, his underwear and even his shoes behind as he flees the scene.

If a comparison were to be made, The 87Â’th precinct novels by Ed Mcbain may be apropos as the bookÂ’s story revolves around all the investigating police both from the national crime unit and the local police.

The police procedural delves into the minutia of the crime. With the ups and downs of a police investigation. The habits of some of the characters enhances the story greatly, plus we learn about the largest strawberry grown in Scandinavia, and the migration of muskrats into Sweden.

The Swedish setting is unique as the politics and behavior of the characters are colorful and idiosyncratic. The writing is compelling. I have no clue as how this will translate into an American made for T.V. series. All I can do is hope for the best.18 s Linda Strong3,880 1,678

It rarely happens that I cannot finish a book. I'm not sure if it's the translation or the author. It rambles on and on and doesn't say much. The main character has 3 things on his mind .. eating, drinking, and thinking obnoxious thoughts about women .. all women. I can certainly understand why he's in his 50s and single.

I am about half way through a 480 page book and there has been nothing of substance. So I'm going to call it quits here. I feel this is waste of my time.

My apologies to the author, and especially NetGalley who furnished a digital copy for an honest, unbiased review.
netgalley-2016 unfinished-could-not-read14 s Paradoxe406 118

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If you're looking for a classical policier, you're in the wrong place, as it can be seen for the rather large number of citizens who gave up reading this one.

But if you a more relaxed and playful story, in the style of Jaroslav Hasek's The Good Soldier Švejk or San Antonio's pseudo policiers, that's your book. Plenty of humor(dark or not), a lot of characters, many stories in story, some quotes about life, that's not a bad book at all...14 s1 comment ????? ????????????????Author 6 books374

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?? ????? fans ??? Steig Larsson ? ??? ??????????? ?????????????? ??? J. K. Rowling, ????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ????????? ??? ? "?????" ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ??????????????? ??????????, ???? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ????. ?????????? ????????? ???? ???? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ??????????, ???? ????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ?? ?????, ?????????, ?????? ?????, ??? ???? ??? ???????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???. ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????????? ??? ???, ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????????, ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????, ???? ?????????? ???? ??????????. ???????, ???????? ??????, ??? ?????????? ?????????????, ?????????? ?? ??? ???????????, ????? ??? ? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????????.13 s Kinga487 2,418

There comes a time in a girl's life when misogyny as entertainment stops being fun and that's why books that end up being nothing but tiresome.

The main character, the detective what's his name is purposely unable. He is misogynistic, lazy, racist, bigoted, incompetent. But from what I've learnt from reading other we are supposed to 'love to hate him', or even worse, think we say what other people think but are afraid to say.

I do not 'love to hate him'. I find nothing entertaining in those constant inner rants and sexist comments. Another sexist, alcoholic asshole detective who somehow manages to solve the crime despite being utterly shit.
How novel.

The only difference between the criminal (because of course the crime the murder of a young, pretty woman) and the detective is that the first one acts more decisively on his misogyny.

Other than that, this book was way too long, because the author, very much his main character, overestimated just how interesting he was.
pub-200513 s Arie946 254

This book will not be to everyone's tastes, but should appeal to fans of Steig Larsson (though I d this better than The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) or J.K Rowling's latest, The Cuckoo's Calling. Maybe not quite 4 stars, but not quite 3.5 either.

Short, fat, lewd and vain, Bäckström is hilariously insufferable, which makes for entertaining reading but can occasionally grate on the nerves. It becomes pretty clear after the first few chapters that if he is the one to actually solve the murder, it will very ly be by accident. Luckily for the citizens of Växjö, Detective Superintendant Jan Lewin is much more onto it.

The book is very character focused and detail oriented in the tradition of Steig Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy, or J.K. Rowling’s latest The Cuckoo’s Calling, and a large cast of varyingly odd and interesting co-workers complements the two policemen. Though it’s worth mentioning that Bäckström is very ly to seriously offend both character and reader a, Linda, as in the Linda Murder should appeal strongly to fans of either writer.

Written by award-winning Swedish Criminologist Leif G.W. Persson in 2005, Linda, as in the Linda Murder has only recently been translated into English by Neil Smith, whose translation is faultlessly readable. That said, the book isnÂ’t perfect, for all its good points. There are places where the plot begins to drag and the dark humour wears thin, but on the whole, Linda, as in the Linda Murder is a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Full review here.

*Advanced review copy received from Random House through Nz Bookloverscrime-thriller in-translation8 s Petra72

It doesn't happen all that often that I stop reading a book. Most of the time, I want to know what happens and as this is a murder mystery of course also know the murderer. Only problem, the book is very slow, after 200 pages hardly a thing has happened and I hate the main charachter.
Read this book in a Dutch translation7 s Elif269 48

Öncelikle kitab?n ismiyle konusunun bir alakas? yok. Bunu bir aradan ç?karal?m.
Ve kar??n?zda Detektif Ba? Belas? Backström. Bildi?iniz bütün pis karakterleri unutun. Detektif Backström sizi bütün pislikleriyle g?c?k edecek. Bu ne biçim detektif diyeceksiniz. Sürekli iç sesini dinledi?imiz ba? karakterimiz son derece tembel. Herkes hakk?nda argo konu?up bol bol küfür eden manya??n biri. Kad?nlar hakk?ndaki cinsiyetçi iç sesi beni hasta etti. Ço?u zaman onu tokatlamak istedim. Belki de bu yüzden gerçekçi geldi bana. Ben Backström’ü sevdim.
Polis te?kilat?ndan biri tecavüze u?ray?p öldürülür. Backström tembelli?i b?rakmadan davay? nas?l çözsem diye k?vran?r. Her mesai sonras? biras?n? al?p keyif yapar. Mesai ücretini fazla fazla almaya çal???r.
Sonunda buldu?u katil beni tatmin etmedi. Herkesin hakk?nda i?renç ?eyler yazd??? bu kitap ortalamaya ula?amam?? bir polisiye. Ama ben Backström’ü sevdim.
Kitab?n hakk? 2 y?ld?z.2019-da-okuduklar?m12 s Lea New Chapter6 4

Jedva! Dobro zamišljena radnja, ali previše nepotrebnih opisa.. O?ekivala sam više, mislila sam da ?u ju pro?itati za par dana, a odužilo se na tjedne.. Ima dijelova koje vuku na ?itanje i baš kad se ufuraš postane mlako, premlako..5 s Ivana Oltovska578 204

I enjoyed it really much best of the best1002-before-i-die4 s U?itaj se! | Martina Štivi?i?723 120

Prvi roman iz serijala o policijskom inspektoru Evertu Bäckströmu kriminalisti?ki je roman na kakav još nisam naišla. Svi elementi koji i ina?e ?ine dobar skandinavski krimi? su ovdje, ali ve?inom zahvaljuju?i spomenutom policijskom inspektoru, ovaj je roman druga?iji od drugih skandinavskih kriminalisti?kih književnih ostvarenja.

Evo o ?emu se radi:

Mlada policijska kadetkinja Linda ubijena je u svom stanu u Växjöu tijekom jednog od možda najtoplijih švedskih ljeta ikad. Lindin slu?aj nekako zapadne inspektora Bäckströma, koji nije baš presretan što ga je zapao, ali odlu?i iz novonastale situacije izvu?i najbolje (za sebe). Uz podršku dodijeljenog mu tima, Bäckström se polako probija kroz slu?aj Lindina umorstva koji (barem u po?etku) oskudijeva ikakvim tragovima, pri tome paze?i da dodijeljeni mu novac za financiranje istrage troši baš na prave stvari (prave za Bäckströma, dakako).

Radnja ovog romana odvija se postupno, sporije no što smo navikli kod kriminalisti?kih romana. Nekome možda ovakva brzina odvijanja radnje ne?e baš odgovarati, ali za mene je ona bila dodatni plus. Kriminolog po struci, Persson je u ovaj roman unio sva svoja iskustva i znanja vezana uz istraživanje jednog kriminalisti?kog slu?aja i to se jako dobro vidi tijekom ?itanja. Zahvaljuju?i Perssonu, dobili smo uvid u to kako te?e stvaran proces policijske istrage, kako se svaki potencijalni trag otkriva postupno i uz puno uloženog truda (ponekad i uzaludnog, koji završi u slijepoj ulici) da bi do njegovog otkri?a došlo.

Govore?i o uloženom trudu i naporima da se slu?aj umorstva zaklju?i i otkrije po?initelj, Bäckström, kao glavni lik ovog serijala, uop?e nije onaj koji se tu trudi najviše. Baš suprotno. Dok Bäckströmov tim poslušno izvršava zadatke, preuzima inicijativu i op?enito se trudi do?i do rezultata, sam Bäckström svoje vrijeme radije troši na obilne obroke, ismijavanje kolega i brigu za to da se uvijek na?e nešto hladno za popiti.

Bäckström je vrlo neobi?an izbor za glavnog lika jednog kriminalisti?kog serijala. Za razliku od uobi?ajenih detektiva kakve susre?emo u ovom žanru - genijalne, nerijetko požrtvovne, hrabre i odlu?ne ljude spremne da daju sve od sebe kako bi riješili slu?aj - Bäckström je nešto sasvim drugo. On je primjer lijenog šefa koji pušta svoje zaposlenike da odrade sav posao, nakon ?ega se besramno kiti njihovim perjem i preuzima njihove zasluge. Bäckström, doduše, i jest šef, i kao takav nije baš posve loš, ali ne može se re?i da je u rješavanju slu?aja Lindinog umorstva imao ikakav zna?ajan doprinos.

Tako?er, Bäckström nije tip lika kojeg ?ete zavoljeti. On je lijen, bahat, ?esto nepristojan, snishodljivo gleda na sve oko sebe i u sebi za svakoga koga sretne ima za re?i nešto pogrdno. K tome, on je šovinist, seksist, pa i rasist, iako svoje neprimjerene komentare usmjerene prema ženama i strancima zna zadržati u sebi. To, ipak, ne umanjuje ?injenicu da kolegice ?esto promatra samo kao par sisa, a poštovanja nema spram nikoga osim samoga sebe. Bäckström je doista grozan lik, ali ?ak i s njim kao glavnim protagonistom, ovaj serijal nije uop?e grozan. Ni najmanje.

Prave zvijezde ovdje prezentiranog kriminalisti?kog slu?aja zapravo su ?lanovi Bäckströmovog tima. Oni su ti koji pronalaze tragove, hvataju sumnjivce, te, u kona?nici, rješavaju slu?aj. S Bäckströmom na ?elu, s njime kao šefom, te uz na?in na koji je ova pri?a ispri?ana, ona djeluje vrlo realisti?no, te je lako mogu?e da upravo ovako izgledaju dani pravih policijskih istražitelja: uvijek zaposleno, uvijek istražuju?i i ganjaju?i tragove (?esto i uzalud), dok sve zasluge za ono što se otkrije preuzme netko drugi - neki 'šef'.

Što se ti?e samog slu?aja, on je zanimljiv i vrlo zagonetan, te je u ve?em dijelu romana teško uo?iti kako bi sve moglo na kraju ispasti. Slu?aj je, tako?er, iznesen vrlo detaljno, s istragom koja se odvija korak po korak, prate?i svaki trag, istražuju?i svaku mogu?nost. Bäckström je možda grozan lik, ali njegova pojava doprinosi nekoj pomalo satiri?noj atmosferi romana, koja je u nekim trenucima ?ak zabavna (onako, pomalo crnohumorno zabavna).

Ukoliko tražite malo druga?iji krimi?, pravu policijsku proceduralnu pri?u, s malo neuobi?ajenijim likovima, ne tražite dalje. Tu je.finished3 s Steven Z.619 142

There is nothing as satisfying as a Swedish noir on a cold winterÂ’s night. I had hoped that Leif G.W. PerssonÂ’s first installment of his Evert Backstrom series, LINDA, AS IN THE LINDA MURDERS would meet that need. After reading one of PerssonÂ’s earlier works and being quite satisfied, the current instance produced nothing but disappointment. Persson, the winner of numerous crime writerÂ’s awards begins the novel with a phone call to the Vaxjo Police Authority located in southern Sweden which would lead to a flat in town that contained a scene reflecting the rape and beating of a female victim. Immediately it became obvious that a murder had taken place and that the victim was Linda Wallin, a soon to be twenty-one year old who was due to start her third term of the police course in Vaxjo.

At issue was the fact that Wallin had been involved with another police trainee, Erik Roland Lofgren. Since Lofgren was black, the racist element in Vaxjo enjoyed writing nasty editorials in the newspapers. His race also figured in DNA testing when the perpetratorÂ’s analysis pointed to a non-Nordic type. The question was who then was responsible for the murder?

Persson does a reasonable job developing his story line – but he draws out his work to the point that the reader can become confused by what is presented. The local police force is supplemented by members of the National Crime Force sent from Stockholm in the persons of Detective Superintendent Evert Backstrom and his investigative unit. Persson describes Backstrom as “short, fat, primitive, but when necessary he could be both sly and slow to forget things. He regarded himself as a wise man in the prime of life, an unfettered free spirit who preferred the quiet life of the city, and since a number of sufficient appetizing scantily clad ladies seemed to share the same view, he had no reason at all for complaint.”

Persson uses Backstrom as a vehicle to express his opinions about police work, journalism, and society in general. If one could imagine a cartoon character with the bubble above his head rendering expressive thoughts to himself then you have our protagonist. BackstromÂ’s thoughts and commentary are racist, anti-gay, and misogynistic. Despite his negative personality traits, he is an excellent investigator despite what some would describe as an unorthodox approach to crime solving.

The use of Backstrom as the lead character detracts from Persson’s writing and plot development. It is clear he is not the warm fuzzy type, but he drives his unit to solve the murder which is negatively affected by his colleague’s low opinion of him as a person. The only member of his team that he can stand to be with who he might call a friend is Deputy Inspector Jan Rogersson, an old colleague from the violent crimes division in Stockholm. Detectives Erik Knutsson and Peter Theron are too often the victims of his nasty commentary. Other characters who play significant roles are Lilian Olsson a psychoanalyst attached to the Vaxjo Police Department, a woman Backstrom despises; Detective Superintendent Jan Lewin who is an excellent investigator; his civilian assistant Eva Svanstrom; Lars Martin Johansson, head of Operational Security who despised Backstrom; Detective Superintendent Bengt Olsson in charge of the investigation; Bengt Karlsson, a former abuser who now was a member of the Växjö Men Against Violence to Women Committee; Bengt Olsson, another Deputy Superintendent; and Bengt Mansson believed to be the killer. This leads to repeated comments that there are too many Bengt’s involved in the story by other characters!

Persson’s novel, is in part an ode to good old fashioned police work. Backstrom’s commentary about computers and other technology employed in scientific police work is not useful nor is his repeated need to drink beer. It seems that in every scene he longs for a “lager” and can’t seem to get along without one. Backstrom’s remarks about “poofs,” dykes, tits, queers etc. gets old after a while. If they had been used sparingly perhaps it would be acceptable, but it is a constant barrage. If you this type of character then Persson has created the perfect one. It is a shame because Backstrom as a character has potential because of his quick wit and policing skills and had Persson employed him differently it would have made for a better story.

Perhaps the best part of the book involves the post-investigative dive into the murdererÂ’s background and the events leading to the crime. The questioning of the accused by Anna Holt of the National Crime Unit of the victim is incisive and brilliant as she led the murderer down a path that reinforced his guilt even though he refused to accept that he had perpetrated the crime. PerssonÂ’s focus on cognitive interviewing is important to the structure of the culminating investigation and provide important insights into how police solve crimes gaining the cooperation of the accused.

Persson does make a number of important points concerning police work and investigative journalism throughout the novel. First, his description of the dysfunctional relationship between National and local police cooperation or “hillbilly cops” and “city police” only hurts the investigative process. Second, the tabloid approach by the press only hinders investigations, hurts the victim’s family, and makes police work that much more difficult.

As to whether I will read another of Persson’s novels – the jury is still out. Perhaps I will give him another chance, but if I do I hope Mr. Backstrom’s character has undergone a great deal of therapy. At the outset I had hoped for a novel on par with Henning Mankell, but the one I read does not measure up to the late Swedish mystery writer’s work.

3 s Bihter ?yidir192 12

Kitab? almadan önceki yorumlarda dedektif karakteriyle ilgili pek çok olumsuz ?ey okumu?tum, okuduklar?m az bile kalm??. Irkç?, ya? ayr?mc?s?, seksist, tembel, yüzeysel, ç?karc? k?sacas? berbat bir ki?ilik kendisi ama bu durum kitab? okuma keyfini hiç de kaç?rm?yor. Yazar?n okudu?um ilk kitab? ve oldukça be?endim. Karakterin bu özellikleri güzelleme ya da olumlama ?eklinde verilmemi?. Aksine yazar?n da kendi dedektifinden pek de ho?lanmad??? hissi uyand? bende. Takip etmeye de?er bir seri. 3 s Dimitrije Vojnov297 291

Pro?itao sam LINDU G.V. Pešona, prvi roman o Bekstremu, njegovom signature dtektivu koji je potom dobio i nažalost kratkotrajnu televizijsku seriju. Bekstrema sam prvi put gledao naravno u ameri?koj seriji, potom u vedskoj seriji nastaloj po serijalu Pešonovoh elrojevskih romana o ubistvu Ulofa Palmea gde ima epizodnu ulogu, i kona?no sada u prvom romanu iz njegovog serijala.

Bekstrem je u osnovi Falstaf savremenog švedskog krimi?a, dionizijska figura spadala, neradnika i smetala kroz kog Pešon želi da kanališe sve frustracije i ?italaca i napravi kop?u u identifikaciji. U tom pogledu, Bekstrem je inovativna postavka jer donosi jedan potpuno nov sistem identifikacije ?itaoca sa policajcem. Naime, Bekstrem nije tipi?ni sposobni policajac autsajder. On je policajac autsajder koji je u konfliktu sa hijerarhijom iako esencijalno nije u pravu. Ipak, kao takav on i dalje ostaje nosilac osobina sa kojima se ?italac identifikuje, pa i u ovom romanu, iako on zapravo nema nikakvu zna?ajniju funkciju za sam zaplet, on ostaje osnovna kop?a ?itaoca sa pri?om.

U uobi?ajenim okolnostima, naravno, postojao bi ameri?ki princip u kome je detektiv autsajder najsposobniji i jednim delom ulazi u konflikt sa starešinama baš zbog svoje esencijalne superiornosti u odnosu na fundamente, da ne kažem supstancu policijskog rada, odnosno ono što je “u njemu važno” po mišljenju široke pub a to je kažnjavanje “zlikovaca” i osvarivanje subjektivnog ose?aja pravde, sa zanemarivanjem procedure.

Pešon dakle donosi novinu, u entropiji policijskog rada, imamo junaka koji je prototip amri?kog policajca otpadnika, sa novom osobinom - nije sposoban policajac, ?ak naprotiv.

Pešonov lik je u odre?enom smislu mutirao u svoje tri inkarnacije, dakle krenuo je iz epizodnog lika u hronici hladnoratovske Švedske u kojoj se volja velikih sila i klanovi naci-policajaca prelamaju na štokholmskim ulicama, potom je dobio svoju glavnu ulogu u romanu u istrazi u kojoj on ima sporednu ulogu - dovode?i do razdvajanja osnovnog slu?aja - zapleta od detektiva, a to je zanimljiva formalna inovacija; i kona?no Bekstrem dobija svoju ameri?ku televizjsku seriju, komi?ni krimi? u kome on jeste politi?ki nekorektna len?uga ali kada ga slu?aj “uzme pod svoje” ispostavlja se kao kriminološki genije i vo?a efikasnog tima.

Dakle, mogli bismo re?i da je unutar ove transformacije Bekstrem komodifikovan, krenuo je od epizodiste u romanu koji fikcionalizuje istoriju, potom je na atipi?an na?in uba?en u sopstveni serijal sa idejom da se od njega napravi nova senzacija Scandi Noira u ?emu se delimi?no uspelo, da bi na kraju u ameri?koj seriji bio uklju?en u prili?no tvrdu konvenciju te vrste programa.

Sama LINDA je neobi?an roman u kome kako ve? rekoh glavni junak nije klju?ni detektiv za rešavanje slu?aja, tako da se postepeno interesovanje ?itaoca na nivou zapleta razdvaja od interesovanja na nivou lika i rezultira romanom koji je strukturalno krajnje dekomponovan.

Jednim delom, Pešonov rukopis je vrlo mek u pogledu karakterizacije, sa dosta blagim opisima istrage, bez mnogo žestine, ali je sam proceduralni deo dosta detaljno iznet. Posebnu specifi?nost donosi i izlaganje policijske istrage koja je usledila posle identifikovanja i privo?enja po?inioca gde se krimi?i obi?no ako ne završavaju a ono privode kraju. Rezultat je roman koji svojom neobi?nom strukturom ipak ne uspeva da nadoknadi utisak da je mnogo obimniji nego što sadžaj iziskuje i što je najvažnije opravdava.

Sre?om, Pešonov stil je pitak i roman se brzo ?ita ali nema nikakve sumnje da je brzina ?itanja srazmerna i niskoj kalori?nosti onoga što na tim stranicama piše.3 s Wren228 5

Reading is supposed to be fun, an easy way to distance oneself from our trivial daily lives and small problems. However, what happens when the escape becomes hard work instead of an amusing hour?

There is only one word to describe this book: Tedious. Would have only given it half a star but couldn't figure out how. As a police procedural it is a remarkably over-detailed smorsgabord of every burp, hiccup and triplicate form the far too many characters experience or deal with in a given day. The reader never learns too much about the victim even though the author is some kind of profiler as a day job. The victim is just a body and personally I couldn't care anything about her. I did care that the author is a total misognyst and his male characters sexist in the extreme.

This is dullest book I have ever tried to read for Saturday Slaughters and I cannot recommend it to anyone. I tried to speedread it but it was too dry I kept falling asleep. I do admit to skipping most of the middle and jumping right to the end after the first 129 pages.

I've done the hard work, don't read it. I hope it was better in the original Swedish than it was in the English translation. Horrible. Someone tell the author to get a new hobby, writing doesn't suit him.3 s SueAuthor 5 books5

This is the 1st in a new series by Leif Persson. Or rather it is an offshoot of the Fall of the welfare state series, in that Evert Backstrom, a minor character from those books becomes the protagonist, and major characters (Lars Martin Johansson, Holt, and Mattei) become minor ones in Linda. Backstrom is familiar as an egotistical detective who has risen to superintendent due to being promoted as a way of getting rid of him from numerous teams. He is widely seen as lazy, devious, racist and misogynistic. Despite this, he manages to have key insights while detecting that show some skill as a detective while following his own path. I found it hard not to root for Backstrom, wanting him to succeed. Un the Fall of the welfare state series, Linda is easy to read, and very funny, although the message about Sweden's appalling rate of female murders is sobering. Even readers who found the Fall series bewildering should enjoy this one.21st-century-fiction scandinavian-crime-fiction3 s Kim14

Disappointing. It won a major Scandinavian prize so I was excited to find a new author. But the main character is a misogynistic asshole. I know it is deliberate, supposedly adding humour to the book but it comes across as dated and forced.3 s Rowena Hoseason460 23

A meticulous Scandi crime police procedural, one told with wit and intelligence and no small measure of on-the-job experience.
When a young woman is murdered during an unusual heatwave in a Swedish summer, all the competent cops are sensibly on holiday. The flaky chief of police despatches one of the National Crime SquadÂ’s least effective detectives to head up the task force assisting the rural police.

Backstrom is a brilliant creation. Lazy, bigoted, boozy and not beyond fiddling his expenses, heÂ’s supposed to be safely stashed away reviewing cold cases. Instead his mismanagement of the investigation forms the backbone of the story, as his team and the locals follow the inevitable dead ends, dubious suspects and dodgy information.

Throughout it all, Backstrom slyly sidesteps any real work, misleads his superiors, schmoozes psychologists, rubbishes his colleagues and denigrates female officers. Yet heÂ’s far from stupid and isnÂ’t always entirely wrong. Backstrom is one of those irritating creations who you love to hate but who frequently says what everyone in the room is thinking but dare not voice aloud.

Persson has crafted a resolutely solid murder mystery, in which the loose threads of the victim’s life – and the activities of those around her – knit together to reveal the killer. Persson avoids most literary contrivances and instead concentrates on the nitty gritty of the investigation. Forensics, witness statements, interviews and background; all are considered by the true detective of the story. He has his own story, too, and his haunted memories of summer biking rides with his father are particularly poignant.

As with PerssonÂ’s other books the activity in the margins is almost as important as the story itself. Some readers wonÂ’t enjoy the meandering narrative or the ambling pace. This isnÂ’t a thriller nor is it particularly noir. It is hugely rewarding and entertaining; an ideal place to start if youÂ’re new to the author and have a few days to dedicate to some excellent prose.

There are stacks more of crime-thrillers over at http://www.murdermayhemandmore.net20182 s Ionu? Anastasiu455 13

Prima parte a unei trilogii atipice, în care totul se învârte în jurul personajului central, inspectorul Evert Bäckström, ce este departe de a reprezenta un model pentru cineva. Literatura poli?ist? de calitate nu a propus decât foarte rar exemple de poli?i?ti al c?ror comportament s? fie irepro?abil, îns? Evert Bäckström reu?e?te s? dep??easc? multe grani?e: este misogin, extrem de egoist ?i chiar meschin, fiind posesorul unei gândiri destul de rudimentare ?i nici nu exceleaz? în ceea ce prive?te investiga?ia poli?ist?, a c?rei rezolvare o prive?te ca fiind mai degrab? de apanajul tehnologiei, a test?rii ADN-ului. Îns?, în ciuda n?ravurilor sale, totu?i el reu?e?te într-un mod destul de ciudat s? câ?tige simpatia cititorului, chiar dac? acest lucru nu este valabil odat? pentru totdeauna.
Intriga romanului nu este deosebit de complex?, punctul de plecare fiind reprezentat de uciderea studentei de dou?zeci de ani, Linda Wallin. Linda urma s? devin? poli?ist?, iar acest fapt, a?a cum era de a?teptat, suscit? un interes enorm în jurul cazului. Îns?, Evert Bäckström, nu d? semne c? se gr?be?te foarte tare, mizând pe faptul c? identificarea criminalului nu va fi dificil?, deoarece exist? probe biologice ale acestuia la locul crimei. Dar a?tept?rile inspectorului nu vor corespunde întru totul realit??ii. Lectur? pl?cut?!2 s Rosália Ramos 198 15

O enredo? O que prometia ser emocionante tornou-se bastante maçador ao fim de poucas páginas, a acção é bastante lenta e pouco cativante.

As personagens? Eu bem tentei gostar do inspector Backstrom mas faltou-lhe algo que capturasse a minha atenção, a ideia de um inspector à moda antiga era encantadora mas tornou-se monótona, no pouco que li apenas mostrou gostar da bebida, de seduzir mulheres e com muito pouco interesse na resolução do crime.

A escrita? Considerei como falhadas as tentativas de humor e a ironia presentes no decorrer da leitura e uma escrita deveras entediante fazendo com que a leitura fosse bastante lenta.

Conclusão? Mais um livro sueco que me deixou insatisfeita. Como leitora esporádica destes género de leitura, achei este livro aborrecido e por isso desisti de o ler na página 112.emprestados leituras-2015 o-segredo-dos-livros2 s Vichy695 46

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non so perchè continuo a leggere mattoni di 600 pagine di letteratura gialla svedese. Dopo l'opera omnia di Mankell e di Nesser, ora questo qua. L'unica cosa che i giallisti svedesi mi hanno insegnato, o che almeno ricordo, dopo migliaia di pagine è che gli svedesi tra loro si danno del tu. Forse esiste un modo più comodo ed economico per scoprirlo. Alla fine, comunque, il bello è che questi gialli mi piacciono pure. Tra qualche altro migliaio di pagine forse scopro il perchè.resto-del-mondo2 s Dorthe Pedersen354 6

For at finde denne bog læseværdig skal man for det første kunne lide en krimi, hvor der absolut ingenting sker i opklaringsarbejdet de første 400 sider.

Dernæst skal man holde af stereotype, flade personbeskrivelser og en hovedperson, der er udpræget racistisk over for kvinder, indvandrere og homoseksuelle, og hvis ordforråd i foruroligende grad består af "patter", "kællinger", "bøsser" osv. osv. osv.

Så nej, jeg er ikke så begejstret :-)2 s Anna DalviAuthor 4 books21

Makes the police sound a bunch of morons fumbling around in the dark. Ok, perhaps a few exceptions, but the main character basically spends his time drinking, thinking about drinking, and thinking obnoxious thoughts about women and about other police.

Also, absolutely nothing happens in terms of solving the murder in the first 400 pages or so. And that's an awful lot of rambling in order to advance the story.2 s ? Carol jinx~?~????253 1 follower

I love Swedish authors and this one can now be included in my list. It's a murder mystery and each character is so well-developed, I can almost visualize them. Backstrom is one of the main detectives and is good at his job, loves beer and seems a bit sexist.2 s Helga218 18

Cheguei á conclusão que este homicidio não ficou deslindado... mas pode ser só o meu mau feitio...20152 s Snejina175 17

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