
Accoppiata ai Berserker: La Saga dei Berserker, #2 de Lee Savino

de Lee Savino - Género: Italian
libro gratis Accoppiata ai Berserker: La Saga dei Berserker, #2


Un Highlander e un Vichingo rivendicano la propria donna...

Per più di un secolo, i guerrieri Berserker hanno combattuto e ucciso per i Re. Ma c'è un solo nemico che non possono sconfiggere: la bestia dentro di sé.

Una strega gli ha parlato di colei che può salvarli—una donna segnata da un lupo. L'hanno trovata e rivendicata. Ma li accetterà come compagni? Potrà placare la loro natura selvaggia prima che sia troppo tardi?

Il lupo mannaro del branco Highland, Daegan, non si sarebbe mai aspettato di sconfiggere la maledizione della sua famiglia. Ma quando una profezia racconta di una donna che possiede la cura per la sua rabbia da Berserker, lui e il suo fratello guerriero vichingo Samuel non si fermeranno davanti a nulla per rivendicarla. La portano nella montagna, la loro dimora, e l'addestrano secondo le regole del branco. Ma il suo potere sarà abbastanza forte da rompere la maledizione dei Berserker?

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When I started this I didn't realise it was actually book 2 so that's my fault.

Now I think this is another case of it's me not the book because this has some fabulous but I found it boring.
Obviously I expected a lot of sex and I don't mind this as long as there's balance, enough story to hold the sex together and here the balance was off, well for me anyway.
I'd say this is about 80% sex or it certainly felt it and while there's a little story there's not much.

My problem was (apart from the ratio of sex to story) it was obvious several pages in that Samuel and Daegan needed to mate Brenna. But this got dragged out and dragged until I was actually telling my kindle to just get on with it. I lost interest early on and started skimming through the sex to get to the story but this meant I ended up skimming most of the book.24 s Meredith797 552

#ReturntheWitch, Review Part II

"The magic gives us many things,” Samuel told Brenna. “Longer life, the ability to fight, to heal. But the beast lurks forever in our mind, waiting to take hold and drive out our reason. That is the gift, and the curse.

“We thought we were doomed, until the witch told us of you. We have no right to ask you to stay, but we do.”

Plot twist in this installment: There is more than one witch character.

Full warning: I'm writing this after having a couple glasses of wine ;) I'm not wanting to take these too seriously. My #Returnthewitch will focus mainly on the witches in this series and how they connect to the plot/MMCs. I'm not going to rehash the context of #Returnthewitch each time. If you're interested in the context of #Returnthewitch, check out the spoiler tag at the end of my review for book 1 to this series...And I am determined to read all the books in this series.

***Spoilers regarding the witch and how she connects to the plot and MMCs***

So, what we have here is a world where there are normal werewolves, but also berserker werewolves. The difference is berserker werewolves are born 'of a witch' and contain dark magic. This dark magic allows them to shift into this ferocious man/beast monster form and they're incredibly deadly. The downside to this dark magic is that the beast can take over and these berserker wolves can go completely mad. When this madness takes over, a killing rampage will ensue that ends in theirs and everyone's death.

Yseult seems to be the main witch character, and my guess is that she is the wanted witch. She told both MMCs that if they found a woman who wore the 'mark of the wolf' she would be able to calm the beast.

A question I have is does the other author in question want just one witch character returned? If so is that Yseult? Or all the witches in the series? I'm legitimately curious.

So anyway, Daegan and Samuel think Brenna is the woman who soothes their beast, and that all is good and well when this book starts.

Yseult appears in this book again and takes on the archetype of the trickster. She seemingly gives them advice, but leaves them more confused and at risk of real danger. Both Daegan and Samuel learn if they don't bond to the one who is truly intended as their mate, they will both go mad and on killing rampages.

Here is where I agree with the top two star review. It was clear they just needed to mate with Brenna, and this was an obvious plot device used to drive conflict/angst/tension in the story. There is alotta sex in this book, and I actually found the sex hot, which is the main reason I'm upping this from 3 stars to 4. If you're not into the sex, it may be more difficult to get through this book. Also, the writing style was an improvement. There was good flow; I was never taken out of the story. I appreciated this book was entirely from Daegan's POV. This is refreshing considering the prevalence of dual POVs. I've already started book 3 and I'm very much into Maddox's story, which is a pleasant surprise. I was more than willing to push through this series, just paying attention to the witch character, and not rating these books if they weren't for me. So, it's been nice to actually get some reading enjoyment out of them.

The big plot twist **spoiler alert**: Brenna is a witch. We find out she's less powerful than Yseult, and a hedgewitch, or spaewife. With earthy magic. We also find out Daegan's mother was a witch, and was killed by his pack (her throat was ripped out). It's implied that Brenna's sisters may be hedgewitches too. My guess is that the rest of the series will be Brenna's sisters being paired with other berserker wolves, since they have the ability to 'soothe the wolf' and prevent them from going mad.

So yeah, I was pleasantly surprised with this installment. If you're into MfM and shifters, this is worth checking out and an improvement from book 1.

“Brenna has magic.” “Witch?” “She’s not a witch. Not quite. Hers is a more subtle, earthy magic.”

“She soothes the beast.” “But she has not fully tamed it,” Samuel said. Yseult cleared her throat. “Power grows with sacrifice. There is always a price.” “What’s Brenna’s price? She already lost her voice, almost her life.” “The same price we all pay,” Yseult said. “Pain.”


#Returnthewitch, Part III

Coming Soon author-lee-savino return-the-witch17 s Leo4,524 479

This was a Reread and I read the collection of 4 (I think) novellas. I only read about two of the four sister as it started to feel a little repeating. But still enjoyed the story but not a favorite of mine.

This took me far to long to find on Goodreads and a different name and cover on my book app (the alphas captive) great erotic story to the emersed with and forget time and place a bit. Will definitely read more by Lee Savino soon17 s ??? Paulette & Her Sexy Alphas???1,019 105

Title: ? ? Mated To the Berserkers
Series ? Berserker Saga #2)
Author: ? Lee Savino

? . As we know Berserkers are not full were, they have magic mixed in & are sometimes controlled by the beast within- Samuel & Daegan want mate with Brenna – but “A true mate means three things: they can bond with us. Survive a mating bite. And can conceive.”

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