
Murder at the Spelling Bee de Lee Hollis

de Lee Hollis - Género: English
libro gratis Murder at the Spelling Bee


The murder of a moderator for a school competition spells trouble for Portland P.I. partners and moms Maya Kendrick and Sandra Wallage . . .
Twelve-year-old Rocco Fanelli is a spelling bee champ in the making. He's the odds-on favorite to win the local middle-school bee and go on to the regionals, the state, and ultimately the nationals. Which is why someone is trying to intimidate him to drop out with a threatening note in his locker. Rocco's concerned parents hire Maya and Sandra to uncover the culprit and ensure their son's safety.
But the competition turns killer when a high school teacher who's running the bee, clearly favoring certain students, is found dead in the school supply closet. Sandra had already confronted Ellie Lambert over unfairly grading her son Ryan—which now makes her a suspect.
She's not the only one who tangled with the teacher, however, and with suspects ranging from helicopter parents to the school custodian, Maya and...

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It's been a while since I caught up with Sandra and Maya from Lee Hollis's school series. When I saw the latest was available from NetGalley, I was granted my wish. It hit my queue today (as I'm surprisingly very current with my TBR for upcoming releases) and it accompanied me on the couch this morning. A wicked schoolteacher who deserved to die (yes, I said it) and a collection of parents who all push their children to win the upcoming spelling bee for 12-year-olds. Toss in Sandra and Maya's teens who are dating one another, and Sandra's own budding romance, and it was a super fun and easy read. I devoured it in two hours, and thought it was quite strong, probably 4.5 stars. I only wished there were more explanations for some of the backgrounds, as well as little comeuppance for the ne'er-do-wells in the story. Maybe next time!1-fiction 3-multi-book-series 4-netgalley34 s Carrie3,378 1,617

Murder at the Spelling Bee by Lee Hollis is the third book in the cozy Maya and Sandra Mystery series. As with most cozy mysteries the Maya and Sandra Mystery series is one that has a fully solved mystery within each book so they can be read as a standalone or in any order if choosing to do so. There will be of course be character development that carries over from book to book for those reading from the beginning.

The Maya and Sandra Mystery series is a little different than your average cozy in the fact it has two lead characters and changes the point of view between them to give both sides to the story. Sandra Wallage is a housewife and the PTA president that is married to a scandalous politician. Maya Kendrick is a an ex cop whose husband went to prison and now had become a private investigator that has a huge workload with her partner being pregnant and close to giving birth.

When Sandra’s husband became a victim of a gossipy website called Dirty Laundry outing him as a cheater and then the woman running the Dirty Laundry website was murdered it brought Sandra and Maya together to work the case. After that was solved Sandra found she enjoyed helping Maya and proposed being her new partner. Now Maya and Sandra have been hired by a spelling prodigy’s parents when the boy is threatened right before his big competition. The ladies find that there is a teacher at the school who is clearly favoring some students over others and she just happens to be in charge of the spelling bee. Sandra and Maya of course find themselves attending the competition only to end up as suspects yet again when the teacher in charge is found murdered and before long they have a long list of other suspects to hopefully find the murderer yet again.

I have been reading the Maya and Sandra Mystery series from the beginning and have been a little up and down with my feelings on each book. I really that there is a real investigator as one of the major characters solving the crimes right along with the other protagonist who is the fish out of water in this case. However some things get a little too political to me at times in the series but thankfully this installment went back to the school setting again so I was more into the story than the previous book. I’d say if you something a bit out of the ordinary for a cozy though this series might be a good one to try.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more please visit https://carriesbook.com/netgalley26 s Anita2,318 186

I have enjoyed this series and as Sandra and Maya's kids get older, I expected to see the duo branch out, so their cases are not so kid-centric. Having kids who went through the system, working in schools and volunteering, I've seen a nasty teacher or two who should never have been granted a teaching credential, but this plot was just so over the top, it was extremely difficult to believe. But what do I know? Helicopter parents just weren't a thing when my kids were in school. I d seeing Sandra moving beyond her divorce and Maya making a real concerted effort at putting her family back together.

When a 12-year-old spelling phenom, Rocco Fanelli, gets a death threat before the school spelling bee, mama bears Maya Kendrick and Sandra Wallage are determined to find out who left the note in his locker. Is someone trying to throw him off his game or is it something more serious. At the competition the moderator turns out to be a high school teacher, Ellie Lambert, that literally no one s and with whom Sandra has a real problem over the grade her son, Ryan, received from this teacher. She isn't the only parent upset with this nightmare teacher. At the end of the competition Ellie is found dead and Maya and Sandra have no shortage of people who are popping the champagne that she's dead, including Sandra, figuratively, of course.

3 1/2-Stars

My thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.arc mystery-cozy16 s Susan Reads Cozies181 9

I love Sandra and Maya. I feel I am a part of their team when I read their stories. I was not too sure about the whole spelling bee competition. It certainly made for a different yet interesting storyline. I did not feel as much excitement as I normally get when reading one of the other books in the series. I am not sure if it had to do with the spelling bee or not. It was still an enjoyable read for me, but I do wish there was a little more drama. This felt a little more laidback. One of the things I love about this series is following the day to day and the lives of Sandra and Maya. I do hope there will be more in the series.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy in exchange for my honest review. 4 s Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier1,916 69

#MurderattheSpellingBee #NetGalley is a great addition to this series.
Maya and Sandra, private investigators are hired to find out who left a threat in the locker of an elementary school student, who's in the spelling bee.
It seems the parents of other students take this competition very seriously, even if it causes unnecessary pressure on their children.
I found this story to be well written and interesting, and the portrayal of the characters felt very real.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of the book.4 s L.M.Author 3 books13

Maya and Sandra have been approached by the parents of a spelling bee participant to find out who is threatening their son to drop out of the upcoming competition. They quickly find out who delivered the note and the parents are satisfied with that but the women can't rest until they know who was actually responsible. Meanwhile an unpopular local teacher who is taking out all of life's frustrations on a few targeted students gets murdered at the spelling bee and when Sandra, whose son was one of the unlucky few, is pegged as suspect #1 the women switch gears. Who killed everyone's least favorite teacher? Was she responsible for the nasty note? Did the note have anything to do with her death?

Lee Hollis is one of my favorite cozy authors. Even though Maya and Sandra are probably my least favorite of the series Hollis writes, I still love them. I also have to give Rick Copp huge credit for how he writes female characters. Not many men can write believable and sympathetic female MCs and I would venture to say no one writes a cozy MC of the opposite sex as well as Copp does. Maya and Sandra are great, they're strong, smart, capable, independent women. Copp also does a great job of portraying super-hateable suspects that are actually very ordinary people.

One thing that's been interesting to me with this series is that the main characters are in such flux. Maya's husband was in prison and now he's out, Sandra has been going through a divorce and is now dating, their children are becoming adults and both women are about to be empty nesters. There's heavy stuff going on and though these two women, a former cop-turned-PI and a former Sentator's wife, don't seem to have anything in common they're banded together. Now that their kids are going off to college I'll be really interested to see how everything plays out.

Murder at the Spelling Bee is fast-paced and there's never a single moment of rest between interviews and information gathering and investigation. You'll be on the edge of your seat waiting to see how it all shakes out and to answer the question, who wrote the note?!?

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.read-cozy-mysteries2 s Vintagebooklvr3,619 54

Maya and Sandra face another mystery that centers around the school their kids attend. A local high school teacher who is running the local spelling bee is found murdered during the competition. The woman clearly favored some students over all and leaves behind many angry parents any one of them who could be the murderer including Sandra who faced off against the woman for threatening to fail her son. Now, the partners, in business, not life, will have figure out who wanted to school this teacher.

It didn't seem to me that the murdered woman would have been able to get away with how she acted for very long. The accusation of plagiarism is a serious one and I think there would have to be more proof than the woman just saying that person writes too well for a high schooler. A lot of her other behavior was so blatant, it just seems that tons of parents would be knocking on the principal's door and at the Board of Ed.. On the other hand, the action of some of these helicopter parents is unfortunately too real. You just have to look at the news sometimes to realize that.

Maya and Sandra are a little bit different than the main characters in most cozies. They have complicated family lives and not everything comes up rays of sunshine. However, they still show compassion and have resilience. These are not bitter people. This is a pivotal book. Their kids are graduating from high school and Sandra is moving on from her soon-to-be finalized divorce. I wonder if future books will expand beyond being school focused.

Overall, a good mystery with plenty of suspects and red herrings. I look forward to more of this series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion. maine-mystery Anne2,555 21

Murder at the Spelling Bee by Lee Hollis is about a couple of private investigators, one of whom is the ex-wife of a senator and the other is an ex-cop whose husband, the ex-chief, had been sent to jail on corruption charges. Their children were high school sweethearts. This is the fourth in the series and I am embarrassed to say, this is the first I’ve read. Not really sure how I missed the others. It is a complex story of the murder of the organizer of the middle school spelling bee, a woman who, pretty much everyone agreed, was not a nice person. Sandra, the senator’s ex, found the body and was a suspect because she had recently had a disagreement with the woman about her son, Ryan’s, geography grade; failing could mean he was unable to walk int the graduation ceremony. It was all very complicated as many others had had run-ins, too.

This was a very entertaining book about two intelligent and clever women: Sandra, making it on her own, and Maya, living through scandal and coming out on the other side. The fact their teens were so involved with them and one another, made it an ever-more-compelling read. The senator had pull, and Sandra, even as the ex, was able to use some of that pull to open doors otherwise closed to them. They did solve the murder, and it’s solution was shocking to all involved, and came about in a very odd way, but that is why they are private investigators, is it not?

I was invited to read Murder at the Spelling Bee by Kensington Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #KensingtonPublishing #LeeHollis #MurderAtTheSpellingBee boogleloo429 8

Cozy Mystery that features Maine PI partners and moms who find their case looking into the intimidation of a middle-school spelling bee champ turn deadly when a teacher's killed.

5/5 stars: This is the fourth entry in Hollis' Maya and Sandra Mystery series, which is a Cozy Mystery that takes place in Washington and features friends, moms and private detective partners who find their newest case looking into the intimidation of a middle-school spelling bee contestant turn deadly when a troublesome teacher's killed. With plenty of twists and turns, Kelly has masterfully crafted a mystery that deftly balances the suspects, clues and red herrings and will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. Additionally, Kelly's writing and character work is stellar; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining incredibly likable. It's always fun to catch up with Maya and Sandra, their kids and family. I especially got a kick out of the spelling bee competitions and all those great w-o-r-d-s. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading the series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, Murder at the PTA.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing | Kensington Cozies in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.mystery-cozy netgalley Cozy Reader Lady641 54

"Murder at the Spelling Bee (Maya and Sandra Mystery #4)" by Lee Hollis is what I would classify more as a PI Cozy Mystery. It's not your standard cozy mystery in that it's an amateur sleuth just meddling for their own reasons. Maya (an ex-cop) and Sandra are private investigators who seem to get involved in lots of murder cases. This time it starts with a spelling bee and the threats a kid is getting if he doesn't drop out. Then there's a very sled-important teacher playing some major favorites and taking out some grudges people's kids. Any mystery reader knows what that's a recipe for. Of course Maya and Sandra get involved.

The main person I was narrowing things down to, I was also really hoping it was them. They were just a terrible person overall. I briefly thought it was someone else though. In the end it did end up being my primary suspect.

My main annoyance with this book was the time line of some events. At times it felt things were weeks apart but then they'd be talked about it was just a day or two before. Then somethings felt they should have happened already or a lot further apart. It got a little confusing sometimes.all-my-cozies posted-on-instagram Tari2,815 84

This might be the first time I’ve ever been right in guessing the perp and some reasoning behind it especially in a more complex cozy mystery this one, lol. It was lotsa fun going down the various rabbit trails and speculating, but I kept my perp in mind most of the time from one point fairly early on. I didn’t guess who wrote the note in Rocco’s locker though.

While this series doesn’t have the laugh out loud hilarious moments that the author’s Hayley Powell series has, I still love how Maya and Sandra, different as they could be had become best friends and now professional sleuthing partners. The scenes in this series are more the cool “gotcha!” moments when they figure out clues and confront killers. Or just have a revelation in a family issue. Can’t wait to see what these two soon-to-be empty nesters come up with for their next adventure!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Kensington Cozies via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.
netgalley LittleRead1,823 46

When parents hire Maya and Sandra regarding a spelling bee their son is in, no one expected M-U-R-D-E-R to be on the list. But with there we are when the teacher running the event is found murdered.

Having shown favoritism for some students over others, did a parent kill Ellie? With so many suspects ranging across the school community, the ladies have their work cut out for them. Here’s to S-O-L-V-I-N-G the case without more bloodshed amongst the cut throat competition.

This was a fun read. Maya and Sandra always bring the giggles along with their investigative work. So different, yet they are so well matched and work together fine tuned machinery. I’m glad they’re back in the saddle again. Lori Bonkoski890 11

Sandra and Maya are asked to look into a threatening note left in a locker about the upcoming spelling bee. When they begin their inquiry they are unable to find the culprit. Sandra does discover the body of an unlikable teacher. She becomes a suspect, so the women are on the case. The real culprit is fairly obvious, but the winding road to that person has several twists. Both of these women are facing big changes in their lives. Both of these women have kids graduating from high school. Sandra is in a new relationship and Maya and Max are back together. This is an enjoyable read and it's fun to catch up with these likable characters. Kathleen Gray10.5k 174

When parents go just too far. It's spelling bee season and someone is threatening 12 year old Rocco, a spelling whiz. Maya and Sandra discover the underside of the 8th grade when they take on the case. Sandra also find herself a suspect when the horrible Ellie who has given her own son Ryan an F is found murdered in a closet at the school. Who did it? Well there are lots of suspects. I've enjoyed this series for the family issues of Sandra and Maya and because those are more or less pushed aside here, that makes this a fine standalone. There are smart funny and sad portraits of the spelling bee contestants and their parents. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read for cozy fans. Melissa701 11

When 12 year old Rocco receives a death threat if he doesn't leave the spelling bee competition, Sandra and Maya must put on their sleuthing hats to find the culprit. Why would any one want to threaten a child? Everything changes when the teacher responsible for the spelling bee is found dead in the supply closet. While the teacher was known to favoring certain students, who had the most to gain from her demise? Will they find out in time? I received a copy through Netgalley. A review was not required.1 Jeanne1,107 6

Murder at the Spelling Bee is book #4 in the Maya and Sandra Mystery series by Lee Hollis.

A spelling bee competition taken to a whole new level in this book. I Maya and Sandra. They both have a lot going on in their personal lives regarding their relationships, kids, and being PIs. This was an enjoyable story.

Thank you to the author, Kensington Publishing, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Vivian Oleen9

Another Winner!

Although it soon became apparent who committed the crimes, reasons other than suspense contribute to the enjoyment of this book. The cast of characters is well developed including those from previous books in this series. This is great escape reading--keep the series coming! Barbara Tobey2,467 68

This was an engaging cozy mystery. Interesting look at helicopter parents. I've read only the first one and did not recall it. The story reads quite well as a standalone. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary. Judy Engell66 1 follower

great read!

Another great episode of private investigators Maya and Sandra! This was a terrific mystery with lots of twists and turns. Those women always get their culprit! Kelly - Words We Love By666 14

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