
Fluffy, Flip Flops, and Foul Play: A Cozy Magic Midlife Mystery (Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries Book 7) de Leanne Leeds

de Leanne Leeds - Género: English
libro gratis Fluffy, Flip Flops, and Foul Play: A Cozy Magic Midlife Mystery (Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries Book 7)


Leanne Leeds Publisher: Badchen, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798990043404

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Fluffy, Flip Flops, and Foul Play
Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries, Book 7

By: Leanne Leeds
Narrated by: Meghan Kelly

Intriguing, exciting, entertaining, PERFECT!

Overall: 5 of 5 stars Performance: 5 of 5 stars Story: 5 of 5 stars
Reviewed: 05-19-24

When an adorable Scottish Fold kitten is found dirty and bedraggled, with a chewed flip flop clutched in her teeth, Ellie, Landon, and the extended Silver Cat Rescue family have NO idea of the far reaching conspiracy afoot in “Fluffy, Flip Flops, and Foul Play: Silver Circle Cat Rescue Mysteries, Book 7”! This one gets tense, beautifully so, with a clever, involved, delightfully intriguing plot that sees our amateur detectives chasing leads and dodging the nefarious at a breakneck pace! The characters created to make this story work, and good lawd does it work, are plentiful, varied, imaginative and span the full spectrum from quirky “I love ‘em” to “how qwik can I get me a permit” nefarious GOLD! They are all fully defined and not only interacted with each other, but were also “integrated” seamlessly into the world of our series regulars, so much so that a few could even become recurring or new regulars! Our existing series regulars continue to grow and evolve, as do their relationships, beautifully, naturally and realistically! I love how their lives intertwine both with the shelter, and with each other! I love how they deal with challenges, and face real life issues WE face! I particularly love how our author is able to realistically and sensitively incorporate these issues and challenges into the story in a “fit for all manner”! I know I am being a bit, well vague, but I don’t want to give away plot details and ruin anything for future listeners! On to the performance… The narration bringing the authors vision to life is first rate performance perfection! The voices chosen so perfectly fit the characters, that they bring a PERFECT picture alive in my mind! Fluffy melted my heart! There is another character I can’t name here (as it would be a huge spoiler), that brought me to tears at one point! I have no doubt you’ll know WHO when you get there, AND you’ll be reaching for a tissue! Another biggie … I loved that as certain characters “evolved”, subtle vocal nuances indicated that evolution, making the change not only crystal clear, but giving that eye opening “ah ha” moment intended by the author! THIS is what clear, convincing narration is all about, and I loved it! I loved the story, I loved the performance, I loved it ALL! Five fantastic stars! Brenda Gibbons193 1 follower

Love this Series! Audiobook Review
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