
The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Dying de Lauren Street

de Lauren Street - Género: English
libro gratis The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Dying


In Rush, Northern California, not even the dead can find peace.
Former military police officer Sam Salazar knows what it means to lose everything. After the death of her 5-year-old daughter, she moved to a secluded town in Northern California, surrounded by ancient Redwoods and twisting highways. She finds peace in the isolation.
Until a woman in her Narcotics Anonymous group insists she’s been seeing her sister Dorothy around town.
The same sister who died thirty years ago.
And she’s desperate for Sam’s help.
Sam digs through layers of silence but uncovers no death certificate, grave, or body. Nothing seems right, and Sam’s determined to unearth the truth.
But the small town has a dark side.
The tight-knit community doesn’t like outsiders poking in their business.
More and more people claim they saw Dorothy.
With each ghostly sighting, the mystery thickens, blurring the line between the past and the present, the dead and the living.
With every step closer to uncovering what happened to Dorothy, Sam must confront a haunting Is unearthing the truth a path to closure or a door to untold horrors?..M.F

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I think Lauren Street excels at writing about troubled minds, about the inside of their trauma and the torment in their life. She can render it so well that I sometimes wonder about her daring to immerse herself in the human mind in order to bring forth the pain, the flaws, the suffering and the insecurity of the characters. Her characters can be both strong and weak, and their inner dialogue and actions bring forth all their dilemmas, torment, vulnerability, rage and helplessness,

She also can write a believable story - good plot, good image of what the world and of this society of political manipulation of power for money and status can be. DJ326

Sam, Beth, Jenny & Dorothy - family drama, murders, small town politics controlled by the rich family.
An easy backdrop for many a story. Is the small town a place for someone with ptsd? Where everyone knows you and your business. Are you able to avoid your life when everyone continues to make it their business?

Good twisty storyline. Some easy to see and others a total surprise to me.
Storyline could be a standalone; or ended with a possibility of the beginning of a series. I look forward to seeing which. Lisa Diaz110 2

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The Girl Who Wouldn’t Stop Dying was a pleasant surprise. I’ve never read this author and I was expecting a middle-of-the-road thriller of a young girl in danger. What I got was something more gritty. The mountains of California, my favorite places, were a backdrop to the kind of incestuous small town that produces the kind of men I met in Rush, Ca. And a believable one at that. I live in one of those towns. The amount of time and money it takes to stop being an outsider is pretty realistically drawn.

Sam Salazar is flawed. She’s an addict. She’s depressed. She’s unmoored. She doesn’t very many people. She really doesn’t Beth-fellow addict and town crazy woman. She is still looking for her dead sister. What happened to her sister and others is a well protected town secret.

There are a lot of people in town who are hiding things. The most attractive thing about this book was that almost no one is fully right. These are some well-rounded characters so far. I look forward to where they are going. The actions and motivations range back and forth between horribly realistic and horribly unbelievable. And it’s the first one of a series! Michelle Parker65 3

Thank you to NetGalley, author Lauren Street and publisher Sterling and Stone for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

In my opinion it is a solid 3.5 stars. The beginning hit a ton of bricks and had me completely hooked. There were a lot of characters in this book and I think some of them weren’t really necessary in the overall storyline. At some points the vast amount of characters became confusing.

There were many shocking twists and it was a gripping psychological thriller. Many times I thought I had it figured out only to be shocked at the next twist.

A part of storyline was a little too far fetched for me to give it 4 stars. So much of the plot was so realistic but a few times it jumped into more fantasy.

I feel the storyline could have been more detailed in regard to Sam’s daughter. I feel that would have added a little extra to the book.

It was a great read, I just feel it was missing something to make it that 4 or 5 star read.

Overall 3.5 ?????? that I would recommend and I would absolutely read more from this authornetgalley Sugey Lora48

I just reviewed The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Dying by Lauren Street. #TheGirlWhoCouldntStopDying #NetGalley

OMG, this book was amazing! It was a psychological thriller that keep you guessing all the way to the end. This is the first time I read a book from Lauren Street and based on the twist of this book I will be reading her other books.

Sam is a 41 year old Hispanic that ran to Redwood to get away from her own demons but becomes entangled with Beth's mystery and issues. Beth is a mentally ill person who lost her sister Dorothy in a fire but 2 years later sees her and want to help her find the truth of her death. While trying to solve this mystery Beth becomes more mentally ill and everyone thinks she is crazy for trying to find her dead sister.

I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a psychological thriller with multiple twists. I was not able to put down the book until I knew how it ended.

I do recommend to approach the book with caution because it does have addiction, mental illness, and racism. Cheryl Hancock104 2

This was an interesting read. Sam was a brash, in-your-face, hair-trigger-temper kind of character, and while I did her, at the same time I did not. I'm not sure if that was an intentional character design choice by the author or not. If it is, well done!

The writing style is to the point, with enough descriptors to have you in the scene without being flowery or overly so. It helped keep the pace of the book on the active side so you stayed in the height of the mystery and the suspense.

There are several heavy themes in this book, which include drug/alcohol abuse, PTSD, childhood trauma and abuse, grief, mental health issues, racism, and small-town mentality. There are several 'townie' characters that exhibit the good-ole-boy mob mentality of boys will be boys surrounding one particular incident, which may be triggering to some.read-in-2024 thriller-horror Anne Szlachcic771 17

Sam Salazar is an addict with a past full of dark memories , her depression dragging her down .
When one of her AA group . Beth often seen as crazy , starts telling all who will listen that she
has seen her dead sister Dorothy no one believes her .. she's crazy after all - isn't she ?
Investigating , albeit reluctantly , Sam comes up against a common theme in small town America
............... secrets abound , made to be hidden and those who poke their nose in will have to
accept the consequences .
This is an interesting read with multiple characters , perhaps too many , showing just how a small
town can pull itself in and keep newcomers on the outside . I did find Sam a difficult character to relate
to at times - perhaps she was too real for me !

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own Whispers From2,889

Sam is former military police and while in Afghanistan, her five year old daughter dies. She moves to Rush, California and attends NA meetings. Sam is working at a bar and living in a camper. She has been sober for a year but wants so bad to join her daughter. Sam is not a friendly person but when a woman, Beth who attends meetings with her, claims to have seen her dead sister, Sam decides to help her. The town is corrupted and the man who Beth blames is rich and powerful and not about to go down. Can Sam save herself and her new “friend “?

I could not put it down. Sam is on the road to disaster. Mystery. Secrets. Most of it is told in Sam’s point of view. A little humor between Sam, her landlord and a dog.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed for Netgalley * Lili647 46

I think Lauren Street excels at writing about troubled minds, about the inside of their trauma and the torment in their life. She can render it so well that I sometimes wonder about her daring to immerse herself in the human mind in order to bring forth the pain, the flaws, the suffering and the insecurity of the characters. Her characters can be both strong and weak, and their inner dialogue and actions bring forth all their dilemmas, torment, vulnerability, rage and helplessness,

She also can write a believable story - good plot, good image of what the world and of this society of political manipulation of power for money and status can be. Nataly Aguilar34

Thanks NetGalley and The Author for this arc

I will said I was pleasantly surprised at the very beginning it definitely hooked me in. I did felt at times the story line got confusing :/ they are SO many characters that probably wasn’t needed.

The main plot was interesting but once again a bit confusing at points since there was so much more going. I wish I would’ve been able to see more into Sans past and her own trauma since I thought that’s what the book was about.

Overall a solid 3 starts, I would recommend but with a heads up first
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