
Nobody's Wife de Laura Pearson

de Laura Pearson - Género: English
libro gratis Nobody's Wife


Laura Pearson Publisher: Boldwood Books, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781785136498,9781785136504,9781785136481,9781785136511,9781785136528,9781785136436,9781785136443,9781785136474

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Book Reviewed by Stacey on www.whisperingstories.com

Emily and Josephine are not only sisters they are best friends too. They’ve had to rely on and support one another since their mum moved to Australia a few years back and they had no father in the picture.

The sisters lived together with Michael, Emily’s fiancee, although he becomes her husband at the start of the book. After their marriage and honeymoon, Emily and Michael move into Emily’s old family home that had been left to the girls.

Josephine isn’t sure what she feels about Emily and Michael moving on without her but soon find a new man for herself, Jack, who quickly becomes friends with Emily and Michael. The four soon become inseparable.

However ultimate betrayal and secrets are destined to rip the group apart, forever.

I enjoyed Laura Pearson’s first book, Missing Pieces, this book though I had mixed feelings about. I enjoyed the plot and the writing kept me intrigued and always guessing what was coming next. I even read it in just two sittings. I just didn’t fully the characters.

Michael annoyed the hell out of me. He was too needy and too lovey-dovey – This was a couple who had been together for years and yes they might have just gotten married but he was sickening sometimes with the way he thought about his wife. Such as he was jealous on his wedding day as she was looking at her sister when he was making a speech and not at him.

Emily knew she loved Michael but had big doubts about marrying him. It felt she was going along with it all as she had nothing better going on in her life and didn’t know how to get out of the situation she’d gotten into.

Josephine sometimes felt a spoilt brat in that she often thought about how she felt about what others were doing, how their situation would affect her.

Jack was a strange character. Conniving, completely weird, secretive and wasn’t bothered about hurting others to get what he wanted.

However, this strange and annoying mix of characters worked in the situation that Ms. Pearson had created. Would a able character of been so convincing in dealing with ultimate betrayals? Doubtful.

The book is raw, emotional, and completely enticing and makes you keep on reading with a desire to know what will happen next and which secret will be outed. I might not have d the characters but I feel the book worked better this way.27 s Susan (on semi hiatus)490 162

I wanted to preview the author's writing while waiting for The Last List of Mable Beaumont, her upcoming book.

For my experiance, it was slow but introspective. Also a bit melancholy. I'd expected more mystery and would describe this as domestic without the anticipated suspense.abe-books women-s-stories26 s Aga Durka200 61

3.5 Stars, rounded up to 4.

Sisters. Marriage. Double betrayal.

Is love enough, even if it destroys lives of others? How far would you go for love and your own happiness if you knew that it would cause grief and devastation in its path?

Sometimes it takes just one person in the equation to make everything fall apart. The foundation that the house was build on starts cracking little by little, and piece by piece it falls away causing destruction. Just one wrong person can end it all.

This was a quick, but not an easy read. A slow moving family drama with a little bit of scandal. The descriptions of relationship dynamics between all characters were raw and heart wrenching but for some reason I had hard time liking any of the people involved. Sad, frustrated, repulsed, disappointed, angry: feelings that ran through me when reading this book.

Thank you NetGalley, Agora Books, and the author, Laura Pearson, for allowing me to read an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.18 s BridgettAuthor 28 books514

What would you do if you were betrayed by the two people you love most in the world?

And so begins this intriguing, if somewhat slow, family drama involving two sisters, Emily and Josephine; Emily's husband, Michael; and Josephine's boyfriend, Jack. This is very much a character driven novel...a slow-burning, thoughtful look at family dynamics, love, and marriage. Laura Pearson, with keen insight, has the enviable ability to pull the reader directly into her story, despite an obvious lack of action.

My main issue, and I imagine probably many of yours, as well, is that neither sister was particularly likable. At best, their choices were questionable. Throughout my time within this story, I was screaming to myself, "Why? WHY would you do that?" Personally, I d Michael...and only Michael. Not tarnished by a degree of narcissism...he was the only truly selfless character.

The story lightly skims the surface of a one year time span, often bringing up issues, but never really completing the thought or digging deep. After reading the final page, I was plagued by the number of unanswered questions, and wondered what the point actually was? At no time during the reading of this novel did I find a reason for the two guilty parties to be doing what they were doing. Insta-love? Lust? It screamed of petty selfishness.

Nobody's Wife has the bones to be an incredibly beautiful story. Unfortunately, it never reaches that point. Instead, it feels unfinished, full of holes and, ultimately, never surpasses an average rating. 2.5 stars

"Of the four of us only three remained, and there was no going back from that."

**As always, many thanks to NetGalley, Agora Books, and Laura Pearson for an advanced reader's copy, in exchange for my honest opinion.arc7 s Adele Shea556 16

On the day she married Michael, Emily felt something wasn't right but she just couldn't put a finger on it.
On the day Emily met Jack (her sister's new boyfriend), her world would never be the same again. Her feelings were reciprocated by Jack and this set them off on a collision course of deceit, heartbreak and death.
Very enjoyable read.11 s Eva878 519

I absolutely loved Laura Pearson’s debut Missing Pieces, even though it left me in bits. So I was quite eager to read Nobody’s Wife, wondering if I would once again be reaching for the tissues.

Sisters Emily and Josephine have always been close but their bond has only become stronger since their mother moved to the other side of the world. Now Emily is getting married and Josephine may have found “the one” as well. Naturally, changes are afoot as they both embark on a new adventure in their lives. But neither one is prepared for what happens next.

From the very beginning, Laura Pearson managed to draw me in with realistic and believable characters in relatable situations. While Emma has doubts and suffers from nerves on her wedding day, Josephine tries to figure out the sometimes complicated beginnings of a new relationship. But everything soon starts to fall apart.

It’s obvious from the prologue that something has happened that affects these characters’ lives and the what, how, why, who is slowly revealed throughout the storyline. Laura Pearson’s writing is extremely beautiful and the characters evoked quite a few emotions from me. I felt angry and frustrated at some of their decisions, saddened as well and I became completely caught up in their lives, feeling for everyone involved and having this sense of impending doom.

Nobody’s Wife is an emotional story of love, obsession and betrayal that has devastating consequences. Life often does not come wrapped up in a tiny little bow. In case you wondered, no, no tissues required this time around but I did have problems swallowing past the lump in my throat. Because no matter how I felt about these characters and their actions, or lack thereof, at times it seemed as if I was right there next to them, feeling their pain.

There seems to be something almost effortless about the way Laura Pearson writes. Everything flows quite naturally and it’s always touching and moving, without the distraction of bells and whistles, reaching down into your very core, leaving you wanting to hug those closest to you really tight and never let them go. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.8 s Louise BeechAuthor 21 books333

I felt every moment of this book. It was beautifully written, acutely observed, and utterly addictive. Having close relationships with my own sisters, this tore me apart. I felt for everyone involved, and was speechless as I closed the book on the devastating climax. I think Pearson has upped her game, and this is just stunning. I devoured it in twenty-four hours, and highly recommend.7 s Clair Sharpe575 45

Nobody's Wife starts on Emily's wedding day to Michael - the day is perfect and Emily and Michael move into her childhood home to start their lives together. Emily's only real family is her sister Josephine - their mum has moved to Australia to be live with her boyfriend. The sisters have always been close, were flatmates and are best friends.
Just before the wedding, Josephine meets a new man, Jack who works in a book shop. When Emily and Michael return from their honeymoon, she introduces them to Jack and the couples start to spend time together. Jack is immediately attracted to Emily and before long it is obvious she feels the same way.
Oh my goodness - this is my first book by Laura Pearson and it was exquisite. It is a simple story, told from the viewpoints of all 4 characters and I read it with my heart in my mouth! It is a quick read but not an easy one. As the reader, I was shouting (in my head) at the characters to make different choices. There is a real skill here in writing about something quite ordinary and doing it so well. She captures all the characters beautifully, and I was able to find sympathy with them all.
At it's heart the novel is a study of betrayal. I really think the plot and the characters will stay with me for some time - a beautifully written, yet heart wrenching book.2019 arc book-tours ...more6 s Michelle551 56

Review can be found on my blog here: https://booksonthebookshelf.wordpress...


Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC copy of the book to read.


I’ve read Laura Pearson’s previous novel Missing Pieces, which I LOVED, so when I heard about her latest book Nobody’s Wife I was thrilled to begin reading it! I was not disappointed!

This novel is full of secrets, lies, deception, obsession, and the ultimate betrayal! What better recipe for an amazing book!? I cannot think of one and this book certainly did not disappoint. I loved this novel and all the shocking lies and betrayal.

Nobody’s Wife starts off at Emily’s wedding. She is about to get married to her fiance Michael. Currently, Emily and Michael share a flat with Emily’s sister Josephine. They are inseparable and close friends, but as soon as they are married the couple plan to move into Emily and Josephine’s family home that they grew up in. Josephine is unsure how she feels about them moving out leaving her feeling all alone in the flat. Josephine has met a man she has been dating for a short time, but hadn’t brought him to the wedding as the relationship is still fairly new but cannot wait to introduce her sister and her new husband to this man.

Eventually Josephine introduces Emily and Michael to her recent boyfriend Jack, and they all instantly click. They seem to really Jack, and he s them, and they all quickly form a friendship with one another. That is, until things change and not for the good. What unfolds is the ultimate in lies, betrayal and deception.

I really enjoyed the character development in this novel and the vast set of characters we are introduced to. I really enjoyed Michael’s character. Michael was a loving and doting husband who truly seemed to love and care for his wife Emily. He seemed a fabulous man who any woman would be lucky to be with. I was not much of a fan of Jack. When we are first introduced to Jack I really d his character. He seemed friendly and down to earth at first, but then as we get to know him more we learn that he is selfish and deceitful.

I found myself hooked to this addictive read from the very beginning. I loved how fast paced this novel was and found myself not wanting to put it down. I flew through this book as I wanted to always know what would happen next and before I knew it I was at the end of the novel. And wow!! What a shocking ending it was! Absolutely fabulous novel!

Relationships, friendships, marriage and sisterhood are all put to the test. Will they all be able to escape this spider web of relationships or will the betrayal, lies and deception be all of their undoing? Who will come out destroyed? Will either of them escape unscathed? You’ll have to read this highly addictive and immersive book to find out!psychological-thriller4 s GailAuthor 11 books116

Wow! I loved this beautifully written novel, full of introspection, and the dual viewpoints from Emily and Jack who were engaged in an affair which tore through their tight-knit family group. The emotions were visceral and drove the character-driven plot. What a triumph!4 s Nichole30 28

I do not know I feel about this book. It is a quick read (I finished it in one day), but it was also a very unsatisfying read. The story line also seemed a bit unrealistic. I did not the characters either. They were shallow and boring. This book also just ends, there is no closure. To be filled with so much deceit and drama for it to just end left a sour taste in my mouth.netgalley4 s Meggy Chocolate'n'Waffles526 107

Thank you Agora Books for inviting me to be part of this fabulous blog tour!

Laura Pearson ripped my heart out, threw it on the pavement, stomped on it, and then handed me gloves and Scotch tape to try and mend it.
I had been tremendously impressed by Missing Pieces, therefore my expectations were high when I opened Nobody’s Wife. There’s something grey, gloomy, and terribly sad in this title, and this mix makes it so appealing. I couldn’t resist. I did not want to resist.
Enter Emily, Josephine, Michael, and Jack. Four people, four hearts, four lives. What happens when the ones closest to you cross an invisible line?
I am an only child. I immediately envied Emily and Josephine’s relationship. Their bond felt unbreakable and their love powerful, enabling them to overcome any hardship coming their way. They were a real ‘us against the world’ item, even with the addition of Michael and his marriage to Emily. He somehow fitted into the picture, understanding the women’s indelible link. But the balance is thrown when Jack appears. At least, this is what you’re supposed to think.
Laura Pearson knows how complex people are and she plays with our flaws, our dreams, and the emotions that make us who we are. Emily’s wedding looked perfect. Only a bird’s eye could have caught the first clues… I adored how hints were subtly scattered, offering Nobody’s Wife a familiar authenticity. It went on throughout the entire novel. No black, no white. Just a long and intense line of grey on which the characters must walk to find their way. But to be a tightrope-walker and stay up there, choices must be made.
When life changes and Michael and Emily move into the girls’ family home, leaving Josephine on her own for the first time, the latter doesn’t know how to react. But soon, she finds herself swept away by the handsome Jack, and it looks her own life could take on a nice turn.
Do we believe life is as simple as this? Of course not!
Under Laura Pearson’s quill, this small world starts dancing, orbiting around the sisters, tracing beautiful and painful circles that will change their lives. We think we are in command of our days, of our feelings, but we are just lying to ourselves. The author takes on the role of the angel and the devil, exposing the darkest of thoughts, the urges that we can’t control, and the aftermath of our mistakes. I truly appreciated that Nobody’s Wife is not pointing fingers. The book only shows you the worst scenario that no one could have predicted. Conflicting emotions live between the pages, exploring the ‘what if’s and the risks of crushing a family in the name of love. I was overwhelmed by the raw and emotional journey.
Did I all characters? No. But they all played their parts. I never warmed to Jack, finding him too secretive, a bit manipulative, and playing on both sides as if he couldn’t, or wouldn’t be left with a prize, even if it wasn’t the one he was hoping for. Despite her choices, I was able to understand Emily and I kept wondering about settling for second best, or chasing the wild, pure dream songs talk about.
With such a brilliant and heavily-emotional novel of love and betrayal, characterization must be perfect. Nobody’s Wife makes it happen. Laura Pearson offers a wonderfully addictive tale of family making us think about our lives, expectations, and what the future holds. Can we be happy without sacrificing others’ happiness? 3 s Liz Barnsley3,554 1,044

Intense and beautifully done family drama. Full review to follow.3 s Elaine1,761 1 follower

Thanks to NetGalley for a Kindle ARC of Nobody's Wife.

This is my first book by this author before so I went into Nobody's Wife with an open mind.

Then, I changed my mind.

I wish I knew what the point of the book was. The flimsy plot sounds it was ripped from a soap opera 30 years ago when stuff this was considered shocking.

Emily and Josephine are as close as two sisters can be. When Emily and Michael are married, the sisters grow a little further apart but remain close.

But when Josephine meets Jack and introduces him to her sister, he and Emily discover if 'love' is worth a terrible betrayal.

First, I hate adultering storylines. They are old and played out. But most of all, I hate disloyalty.

Emily's betrayal of Josephine is reprehensible, perhaps forgivable in the distant future but their relationship irrevocably damaged forever.

Second, I couldn't figure out what the author was trying to say, that love does not triumph?

That love is not worth it if it causes incredible pain? That people are idiots?

Third, there was something off about Jack. His childhood was dark and traumatic, a point the author d to mention over and over, perhaps to explain his possessive and obsessive behavior and desperate need to have Emily.

Jack was creepy as heck. Or maybe he's just a mama's boy. That would explain quite a lot.

He kept saying he loved Emily and wanted to be with her, beside her, living with her, but I saw no indication of how and why they were in love.

Were they sexually compatible? Sure. Sexual chemistry exists but does that make a relationship? Nope. Does that mean love? Definitely not.

There was not enough exposition on any of the characters, and the inclusion of Josephine's baby daddy was a cheesy plot device.

Everything was cliche; the sneaking around, the pregnancy (no one has heard of condoms, I guess), the obvious tells the spouse and girlfriend misses (or ignores) and that ending...sigh.

I disd everyone, including Michael, even though he was just too sensitive for his own good.

I won't be reading the author's earlier books.girly-girl kindle netgalley3 s Fiona MitchellAuthor 4 books79

I adored this story about two close sisters, Emily and Josephine, and the infidelity that threatens to tear them apart. On the face of it, Emily appears to be happy with novelist husband Michael, but when Jack, Josephine’s new boyfriend, enters their lives, everything seems set to fall apart. Emily and Jack begin a love affair, taking risks that had me on the edge of my seat, wondering whether this was the moment they would be found out. The foreshadowing is marvellous, the passion intense and the tension just builds and builds. Michael is a gorgeous character and I felt so cross with Emily and Jack for betraying him. Jack, on the other hand, is rather dislikable – selfish and pretentious - but for me this just added to the reasons to keep on reading. And boy did I read quickly - in a matter of hours - that’s a measure of how much I enjoyed this exhilarating book. Although devastating things happen, the tone is light and it is so easy to read. I d that there are no neat endings here - the book is fluid and the writing beautiful. Nobody’s Wife is a complete contrast to Pearson’s debut, but every bit as good.2 s Irene939 9

Two and a half star rating.
Two sisters, Emily and Josephine, who are very close, then Emily marries Michael and Josephine meets Jack which is when things turn a bit sour. A speedy read with an unsatisfying ending - expecting a bit more and instead it’s the acknowledgements! Lots of mentions of “steaming” mugs, cups and bowls plus hair colour which was a bit superfluous. It was hard to get a proper grasp on these four - two selfish, two doormat individuals. I veered between two or three stars for this book and so have gone for two and a half. A fairly decent enough domestic drama which was easy to get into. I was given this ARC by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.2 s Beverley370 38


When Emily marries Michael, her sister, Josephine has to learn to stand on her own two feet. Until now they have lived together, shared friends and their lives are tightly woven together but Emily and Michael are moving in together and despite Emily’s protests that nothing will change, Josephine knows that this won’t be the case. When Josephine meets somebody and falls in love it sets ripples through the already precarious relationship between she and Emily.

An examination of the relationship between sisters this is a short but uncomfortable read. The bonds between Emily and Josephine feel uncomfortably tight and they are very co-dependent upon one another. They have been brought up by their mother who has moved abroad meaning that they have become very reliant on one another. Emily’s marriage is the first time that the two have been properly separated and it is this gap which Josephine chooses to fill with Jack.

I was drawn into this book with its slow, melodic pacing. It unfurls slowly with the marriage, the honeymoon, Josephine falling in love with Jack and then Jack is introduced to Emily and Michael and the tension starts to simmer. This is wonderfully written stuff with loaded glances and weighted words communicating what cannot be fully said. These passages are spine tingling and uncomfortable and absolutely glorious.

I loved the restlessness that was just beneath the surface. Emily and Michael are newlyweds, living together alone for the first time and yet, Emily wants more. It is an interesting premise, to write a person who is never happy with their lot and wants more. Of course, for Emily, this decision will have huge repercussions – is she willing to lose Josephine?

Complicated and melancholic, Nobody’s Wife is a riveting read. Told via a deftly handled multi-person narrative which smoothly moves between our four protagonists, I read it one sitting. I love a book with unlikable characters, with a great plot and understated, subtle writing and Nobody’s Wife had it in spades. It would make a great book club book I think as it has so many themes that it is sure to provoke discussion. Great stuff.20192 s Laurie EllinghamAuthor 7 books19

Nobody’s wife is an honest and heartfelt story of two sisters, of marriage and of love. The author drew me into the story in such a way that I felt often as though I was right there with Emily, Michael, Jack and Josephine, watching their lives unfold in front of me. It was a raw and sometimes intrusive look into a relationship, a marriage and a family, as well as four individuals.

I loved the way the story moved so seamlessly between one character to the next, building a tension in places that made my heart pound in my chest.

It’s a beautifully crafted and deeply honest story of marriage and love.

Thank you to NetGalley, Agora Books and the author for allowing me to read this story.2 s Kelly Van Damme817 29

Nobody’s Wife is set primarily in London and centres around Emily and Josephine: (half-)sisters, flatmates, best friends. The tagline reads: Four people. Three couples. Two sisters. One unforgivable betrayal. For those of you who suck at maths: one sister betrays the other sister by having an affair with said sister’s man, hence: three couples. It’s a tough theme, adultery, especially in this case where it concerns two sisters but there is no judgement from the author, she only reports what’s happening and the reader is free to make up their own mind. I felt so much fatality reading this, I was continuously waiting for the other shoe to drop. While I enjoyed this novel, I had some issues with the characters, especially the adulterous sister: I just couldn’t warm to her. I realise that being in a relationship doesn’t prevent infatuation with someone else, but what matters is how you handle those feelings and I found her very disrespectful towards her sister. While I did feel for her at times, overall I rather disd her and that made me enjoy the story somewhat less. I also felt a little let down by the ending because I’d made some assumptions based on the prologue but what I was expecting didn’t happen (and I loved the ending I’d imagined more
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