
Finding Answers For Confused Succubi: Obscure Academy #10 de Laura Greenwood

de Laura Greenwood - Género: English
libro gratis Finding Answers For Confused Succubi: Obscure Academy #10


Laura Greenwood

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A most intriguing romance story. Also a journey of discovery for a young woman struggling with her magic and her feelings. I found this to be most educational and also wonderful that there’s such inclusivity in this series. While this may not be your typical romance it is heartwarming and comes with a most welcome hea.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Lola1,691 267

I received a free copy from the author through Booksprout and voluntarily reviewed it.

I was really excited for this one and I really enjoyed it. I just love this series with it's theme of acceptance. The stories are all very fun to read and this latest book was no exception. Finding Answers for Confused Succubi is about a succubi who struggles to recharge her magic. She meets Darius through her study group and when's she's looking for a cupid to help her with her problem, she runs into Darius again.

I d reading about Mandy and seeing her figure things out about herself and her magic. I thought the asexual representation felt very well done. It was an interesting to read about how these two characters are ace and I thought it was a good fit for this series that's all about being yourself and acceptance. I how Mandy and Darius are both asexual, but this book also shows there are different ways of being asexual. I loved how accepting these two are of the other and I really d seeing them grow closer and figuring out what worked for them. I d how supportive Darius was and how he helped Mandy figure things out. I also appreciated the way Mandy's problem with recharging her magic got resolved.

I also d seeing some of the recurring characters from previous books as well as some new ones who will be main characters in future books. I really enjoy reading about Obscure Academy and the characters who study there as well as the different paranormal species. It was fun and interesting to learn more about succubi and cupids in this one and how their magic works.

To summarize: I really enjoyed this book. I just love this series with it's themes of acceptance and being yourself. It's a fun series with various supernatural species and lots of interesting characters. This book follows a succubi who struggles with recharging her magic and goes to a cupid for help. I really d reading about Mandy and Darius. I thought the ace representation was well done and also showed how this varies from person to person as they both experience things differently. I really d Mandy and Darius as a couple and how sweet they are together. Darius is so supportive and accepting of Mandy and I how he helps her figure things out. I d seeing more of characters from previous books as well as some new ones. I can't recommend this series enough!1 Annette3,161 147

This series has quickly become one of my favorite Greenwood series ever. I'm therefore always looking forward to the newest installment. This time I was even more excited. I absolutely love succubi and I was very curious what Greenwood was gonna do with them in this novel. Luckily BookSprout made it possible to grab an arc.

I absolutely loved this book and these characters. I think combining ace characters with a story about a succubus and a cupid is a stroke of genius. It not only makes it possible to explain being ace, but it also comes with its unique challenges, questions and doubts. Therefore both characters can grow and learn a lot in this story.

And it is quite a journey. How can you give relationship advice if you have no experience with dating and don't feel being in one? How can you feed if your species feeds on sex, but you're asexual and your body shuts down whenever you try to feed yourself? Greenwood not only shows the struggles of these characters very well, but also eventually comes with satisfying answers and solutions.

I also really d the relationship between these two characters and how the author showed the difference between sexual attraction and emotional attraction. I also d how different both characters were, despite the fact that they were both ace. And despite the fact that they're both supernatural, I do think a lot of humans will recognize their struggles.

I can't wait for the next installment!review-copies Kathy296 28

Mandy has increasingly been feeling distracted and dismayed. As a succubus, she feels broken because she’s not interested in sex, which her magic needs. Her friend, Evie, convinces her to go to a Cupid’s advice night to see if they can help her figure out what to do. When Mandy arrives to her appointment, she sees that Darius, a new friend in her study group is her advisor. Darius is able to understand Mandy because he is asexual and helps her learn to accept that part of herself. They also are able to find a way to fix her magical cravings without her having to do things that make her uncomfortable. Their emotional connection to each other also deepens as they spend time together leading to a romantic relationship.

Ms. Greenwood uses a delicate touch to write a moving story about a young woman grappling with her identity. Making it clear that asexual individuals all have different types of experiences and that Mandy & Darius are only some of the representations. Also emphasizing that feeling things differently than what others expect of you doesn’t make you broken or defective. As with all her romances, communication, respect, and healthy boundaries are all at the forefront. A sweet story that shines the spotlight on underrepresented people.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Toni1,475 9

Mandy and Darius meet when they are in a group trying to understand Supernatural Psychology lectures. As the group introduces themselves Mandy tells then she is in competitive cheer and she is a succubus. Darius is a cupid and a first-year psychology student. He jokes that he doesn't what he does as long as it's away from his family arguing about what they want him to do. Darius is in another group of cupids and they have gotten the go ahead for advice sessions for students. Mandy as a succubus has a particular problem and that's feeding her magic side. She doesn't know what to do about it. She talks to her bff and gets told to talk to the cupids. Will Darius or any of the other cupids be able to help her with her problem? Being a cupid or a succubus have interesting problems will they be able to help each other?
A cute story in this continuing series.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Julie578 7

I am such a fan of Greenwood and this series. Obscure Academy's culture and development is amazing and this book continues to expound on the groundwork laid by the previous books. Mandy was previously a secondary character and I was happy to see her get the spotlight. She struggles with not enjoying intimate touch. That's an issue as she's an incubus and requires it to feed her magic. UGH!!

Darius is a Cupid in her psych class study group. He's drawn to her, but not necessarily physically since he's assexual. (This book does a nice job of explaining some of the different sexuality options.) When things for Mandy reach a critical point, she eventually asks Darius if he has any ideas or solutions. Will they be able to find an answer for Mandy's problem? Discover what happens during their search for answers.

I received an ARC and voluntarily provide this review. This was an interesting book to read and I definately enjoyed the experience. Happy Reading Y'all
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