
Pioggia de L.A. Witt

de L.A. Witt - Género: Italian
libro gratis Pioggia


Sono ormai due anni che Brandon Stewart e Dustin Walker stanno insieme, da quella fatidica partita a biliardo che li ha fatti conoscere. Non è stato facile, per Dustin, fare coming out con la propria omofobica famiglia e ammettere i propri sentimenti per Brandon, ma ora i due progettano di sposarsi. Finché il fratello di Dustin, Tristan, non si rifà vivo sperando di riallacciare i rapporti, e Brandon incomincia a chiedersi se non ci sia un modo anche per lui di far pace col proprio fratello. Sono sedici anni che Brandon non vede Russell: sarà bastato un silenzio così lungo a rimarginare le ferite?

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This was a sweet HEA for Brandon and Dustin. Not a sex-fest the first book, but lots of love and romance to perfectly compliment it.mm-ftl-bisexual prequel-sequel12 s Wendys Wycked Words1,579 3,887

A nice sexy ending to Brandon and Dustins story. Took some of the rage away, that I felt about the ending in book 1.

emotional family-kids gay-love ...more7 s Isabel562 106

HEA for Dustin and Brandon!!! After two years together they decide to get married... their love is stronger and beautiful! Their homophobic relatives won't keep them from being together and their love worth everything!

This book is written from Brandon's POV, and I love it very much!erotica m-m6 s Love Is All Around1,920 65

Voto: 3.5
A due anni di distanza dalle vicende di “Le regole del gioco”, ritroviamo Dustin e Brandon più innamorati che mai ma anche messi di fronte a un qualcosa che è destinato a scuotere le loro vite nel profondo: l’omofobia di entrambe le loro famiglie.
Cosa succederà quando questo influenzerà la loro vita di coppia?
Continua sul nostro blog!recensione-di-slanif self-publisher5 s Claudia2,786 102

This is a nice novella, which brings us back to Dustin and Brandon. this time we view everything from Brandons POV, which is different but unfortunately not as different as I would wish to really distinguish the characters.

nevertheless, it is great to see those two again and I would love to see more of them.contemporary lgbt m-m ...more5 s Kassa1,118 112

Rain is a very good HEA to the book Rules of Engagement. The first book ended abruptly with little to no resolution and no idea about the future for Brandon and Dustin. Rain skips ahead a few years showing the couple happy and settled and ready to be married. This kind of glosses over significant emotional issues but does give a solid ending that was sorely lacking. The highlight are the sex scenes, which are simply fun and entertaining to read, while giving the characters a chance to resolve family issues and end well.

Told from Brandon’s perspective now, he and Dustin are engaged to be married. They’ve been together for two years now and Dustin’s apparently gotten over his fear of being bisexual. It’s disappointing that this is simply skipped since it was a huge issue from the previous book but there are enough issues to go around. Now Dustin’s brother wants to mend fences with Dustin finally and this leaves Brandon wondering if he can reconcile with his own brother. The two brothers have different opinions on Brandon and Dustin’s relationship with two different outcomes.

The plot moves around Brandon as he helps Dustin and his brother, then confronts his own and ultimately how the men deal with the reactions. The story also gives the couple a feeling of strength that was lacking in the previous book. Whereas Dustin pretty much fell apart in the last half of RoE, now he shows much more maturity and emotional strength. He has come to terms with his decisions in a way that’s nice to see, even if we don’t see the struggle to get there. The relationships between both sets of brothers feels genuine and adds a good layer of tension to the story despite that the couple are never in danger of breaking up.

The writing is good but really the sex scenes are pretty creative and entertaining. They are sexy, hot, and fun to read in between the mild drama. Seeing an established couple deal with issues by leaning on each other and offering support without hours of dialogue is a nice change. These two just fit well and that makes the story fun to read. It’s just a quick novella to give a much needed happy ending but fans of RoE will definitely want to see these two ride off into the sunset.
3 s Wendy?Ann1,757 49

I read the initial book “Rules of Engagement” quite a while ago and always wished for more of a HEA ending to that book. Well, voila – here it is! This was the perfect sequel to an awesome book!!

Dustin and Brandon are one of my favorite couples and I’ll never forget the extraordinarily hot scene when they first met. The heat continues in this sequel and can’t be extinguished by the “Rain” that continues to plague some of their momentous occasions;) While the first book was told from Dustin’s point of view, this one is told by Brandon.

Both of the main characters have experienced family issues surrounding their sexuality and this sequel is all about confronting those issues and trying to move on. Let’s just say that the outcome is probably typical of many similar real life scenarios – sometimes people can change and improve, and sometimes they can’t.

The important message here is that love prevails! If you read the first book, you definitely need to see the rest of Dustin and Brandon’s story – it’s worth it!!!

app-kindle loaned series ...more3 s Beck888 49

This was a lovely epilogue for Rules of Engagement ... it was nice to see how Dustin settled into his life as a gay man & I always a HEA ... this story also highlights the difficulties that bigotry create in families ... Dustin got his brother back but poor old Brandon was left without his brother, but given the brothers depth of homophobic idiocy, it wasn't really a loss ... if you enjoyed the first book in the series, then this book is essential reading but it isn't a stand-alone title so it won't make as much sense without book one to give it context.contemporary mm series ...more3 s Cadiva3,637 363

This really should have been in book one, it's a short conclusion to Dustin and Brandon's relationship which beautifully gives them the HEA while still sticking to the sad realities of life that not everyone can deal with people not following "the norm".

While Dustin's brother tries to find a way to deal with his brother being bisexual, Brandon doesn't get the same resolution to his own family's fractures.
It's painful but unfortunately a reality of life for many LGBTQ people.
Thankfully there's also enough moments of light and happiness to go some way towards soothing those troubled waters and the same amazing sense of love and warmth from the connection between these two men.3 s Therese532 8

These guys must not messiness. 2 years together and still using condoms, impressive. And expensive.

Still, I d this more than the first, since it had more closure (and Brandon's POV:-))mm-romance3 s Daphne 715 1 follower

Rain was a much needed extended epilogue to Rules of Engagement. I'm glad the author revisited this couple and gave them their HEA. 2016-books m-m-read3 s ?Michaelle?3,672 217

4.1 Stars

Lovely little story catching up with the boys - mending some fences but finding out others just aren't ly to ever be repaired. Best part was realizing that as long as they had each other those burdens were easier to bear - and isn't sharing that load one of the basic expectations of a marriage? Maybe one day a coda this well be a quaint, confusing glimpse into how irrational people could be over something that their opinion or beliefs had no bearing on.gfy-ofy-bi-demi m-m-romance series ...more2 s Mistral267 3

3.5 stars

Nice sequel to Rules of Engagement... It was good to read more about Dustin and Brandon.2013-gb-challenge-q2 can-t-choose-your-relatives contemporary-romance ...more2 s Taintedskyee (Books Books&More Books)540 66

I should have read the previous story maybe then I would have enjoyed it more.2 s Laura773

Mi sono piaciuti molto questi due personaggi e avrei letto ancora tante pagine su di loro!
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