
Jamie (A Novel) de L. D. Lapinski

de L. D. Lapinski - Género: English
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There's a place for everyone, you've just got to find it. Jamie is a beautiful and uplifting story about how to make your own place in a world that doesn't think you fit.
"Excels at being educational without sacrificing charm, humor, or excitement." Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW
"Essential addition to the growing cannon of queer literature for young people. For readers who enjoy Alex Gino, Kyle Lukoff, or A. J. Sass." Booklist
Jamie Rambeau is a happy 11-year-old non-binary kid who loves hanging out with their two best friends, Daisy and Ash. But when the trio find out that their local middle schools separate into a school for boys and a school for girls, their friendship suddenly seems at risk. And when Jamie realizes no one has thought about where they are going to go, they decide to take matters into their own hands.
As the friends' efforts to raise awareness eventually become a rooftop protest against the...

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An utterly gorgeous story overflowing with compassion, acceptance and heart. This is the kind of story that’s beneficially for readers both young and old. It’s moving, emotional, education and, whilst difficult to read at times, ultimately incredibly hopeful. Books this are going to change the world for the better.

TW: transphobia contemporary lgbtqia-rep middle-grade ...more13 s Ocean126

Jamie and their friends are incredible, and this book is full of hope! The main trio are inspirational, from the rooftop protest to the school pride, they made a huge difference.

I really enjoyed the little tidbits of information from Jamie throughout the book. While I knew the definitions of the words that Jamie told us, the intended audience of this book is much younger than me, and will ly learn a lot from this book.

This is the book I wish I'd had at Jamie's age, and I am so happy for all the nonbinary children who will get to read this and see that they belong.lgbtqia-rep trans-rep8 s anna655 1,938

rep: nonbinary mc, Nigerian British character, Indian British character, achillean character, Chinese British nonbinary side character

well, this is a very sweet story and i'm so happy kids these days are getting these kinds of books! i hope it reaches everyone who needs it

but it also basically feels it was written as an educational manifesto first, and a novel second

(the rep, apart from nonbinary one, was barely there on page but i felt compelled to mention)1-contemporary 3-authors-lgbt 3-lgbt ...more8 s Lizzie Huxley-JonesAuthor 11 books303

okay but I really was crying at the end of this — what a hopeful beam of light this book is. A story of taking up space, of growth and acceptance, of protest and pride, of love and friendship. A necessary, needed novel.

This is LD Lapinski magic through and through — heartwarming characters and an honest story about difficult things in life but how we can seek to change them through radical acts and radical care. I’m just completely blown away by it

I really am not being hyperbolic when I say I needed this book as a kid, and so many other kids need it to, especially in our current climate where trans kids are constantly told they’re wrong. This is a riding tide of hope and love against all that.

Every library needs a copy, every school needs a copy, every kid who has ever felt different needs a copy because this book posits a future of inclusivity, of change, of acceptance, of the power of your own voice and the voices of others together. It’s an instant classic.8 s Courtney Davidson169 12

Hopefully this book will help encourage schools to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA students.england homosexual lgbtqiaplus ...more5 s Odette Brethouwer1,597 288

Dit boek is formidabel.

Het leest ten eerste heerlijk vlot weg. Het is voor het eerst in tijden dat ik tijd maakte om te lezen in een boek, en ook voor het eerst in tijden dat ik bijna te laat op werk kwam omdat ik de tijd vergat omdat ik nog even zat te lezen.

Je loopt een tijd in Jamies schoenen en krijgt mee hoe het voor hun is. Ik geef eerlijk toe, ik vond andere voornaamwoorden taalkundig altijd lastig. Maar nu ik een heel boek over een non-binair persoon heb gelezen, voelt het veel logischer en natuurlijker om de gekozen voornaamwoorden van iemand correct te gebruiken. Ik vind het heel bijzonder dat een boek dat kan doen.

Ook vind ik dat de zaken waar een non-binair persoon tegenaan kan lopen mooi zijn weergegeven in dit boek. Het is een sterk plot an sich, wat ook nog eens een duidelijk voorbeeld is. Jamie gaat volgens jaar naar de middelbare school, en in hun dorp zijn er twee: een voor jongens, en een voor meisjes. En Jamie is geen van beide. Ik vind dit een heel goed bedacht probleem voor een boek. Hulde. Alles klopt er gewoon aan, plotwise.

Nog wat details:

De papierkeuze van deze Nederlandstalige uitgave is heel fijn, er is iets dat opvalt hoe fijn dit boek bladert. Daarentegen snap ik de keuze voor de toevoeging 'tegen de wereld' aan de titel, maar zonder had ik mooier gevonden.

Een mooie vertaalkeuze: de oudere broer van Jamie noemt hen 'brus', mooie combinatie van de woorden broer en zus zodat je een Nederlandstalige variant van het genderneutrale Engelstalige sibbling krijgt.

Een jammere vertaalkeuze: in 1 hoofdstuk komt het én te spraken dat iemand hen behandeld alsof hen geen Engels spreekt, en wordt de naam van een Engelse wet genoemd. Beide zaken zouden ook taalneutraler genoemd kunnen worden (alsof hen de taal niet spreekt, en melden dat het om een wet gaat en hem niet per se bij naam noemen). Als dat gebeurd zou zijn, zou het minder lezen als een vertaling dan nu, vind ik.

Maar dat zijn eigenlijk allemaal details. Het gaat erom dat dit boek me heel veel leesplezier heeft gebracht en iets belangrijks heeft geleerd. Ik raad dit boek iedereen aan. 2023 inbezit4 s Lio229 31

3.5 starts.

I love that there are books this being published and so visibly and wonderfully queer. Kids need books this and it makes my heart sing to see it, and you can bet there will be copies going into my school’s library. However, my personal feelings on it as a story are conflicted.

Jamie’s voice was very strong but unfortunately the story and writing just felt very flimsy and weak to me, and the characters were talking heads a lot of the time. I couldn’t visualise anywhere the characters were really, except the odd occasion where Jamie’s POV was more in the moment, and that felt such a leap compared to the rich description of the Strangeworlds books. Sooo much was just told to us by Jamie and summarised and the actual scenes were too few. Conversations between the kids didn’t sound at all real Y6 kids to me either, which was a shame as Jamie themself was so vibrant as the narrator.

As much as I so badly wanted to love this book, I think that other than it being one of the first joyful non-binary British reps I’ve ever seen in kidlit, it’s quite forgettable as a story. Just not much really happened outside of what’s already told to us in the blurb and cover illustration (absolutely fantastic though the cover is). I think it needed more fleshing out as a story first, teaching tool second. I was so unsure who this book was really for - the non-binary kids who need this rep and message of self love or their cis classmates and teachers who need educating? Too often it felt weighted towards the latter which I don’t think worked in it’s favour. 2023 children-s contemporary ...more4 s Star445 192

This was all kinds of wonderful.
This book is definitely aimed at 10 year olds - as the MC is 10. There are wonderful additions after each chapter in which Jamie explains things that kids might not have ever heard of before - or even anyone older who picks this book up and finds themselves learning things.
Everything about this book is top notch for a middle grade novel about a nonbinary child who just wants to go to school with their friends.contemporary lgbtqia middle-grade ...more4 s2 comments Jamie279 11

a book with my name and a big non binary pride flag on it? it had to be good and it was
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