
Un gioco rischioso de Kylie Scott

de Kylie Scott - Género: Italian
libro gratis Un gioco rischioso


Dall'autrice bestseller del New York Times e USA Today

The Lick Series

A volte la ragazza dei tuoi sogni somiglia più a un incubo

Sam Knowles è il responsabile della sicurezza degli Stage Dive, uno dei gruppi rock più famosi del mondo, e ha molta esperienza nel risolvere problemi. Ma la viziatissima Martha Nicholson potrebbe essere la cosa peggiore che gli sia mai capitata. La bellissima piantagrane sostiene di essere cambiata, ma Sam sa che deve stare attento a pensare con la testa. Sfortunatamente, il suo cuore non è altrettanto facile da mantenere nei ranghi.

Martha ha messo gli occhi su quel bellissimo esemplare di guardia del corpo da anni. Tranquillo e silenzioso, non è neanche lontanamente il suo tipo. E allora perché diavolo non riesce a toglierselo dalla testa? Lei non è più la ragazza frivola e festaiola degli anni passati. È arrivato il momento di farglielo capire...

Kylie Scott

è un'autrice bestseller del «New York Times» e «USA Today», da sempre appassionata di storie d'amore, rock'n'roll e film horror di serie B. Vive nel Queensland, in Australia, legge, scrive e non perde troppo tempo su internet. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato la Lick Series: Tutto in una sola notte, È stato solo un gioco, Nessun pentimento, Doppio gioco, Un gioco rischioso e la novella I disastri del cuore. Con Crazy continua la Dive Bar Series, iniziata con Dirty e Pretty. Con Audrey Carlan ha scritto Il mio bellissimo vicino di casa.

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4 stars!!!

I love Kylie ScottÂ’s Stage Dive series, so when I saw there was a new novella coming out, I was more than a little excited to read it! When I saw it was MarthaÂ’s story, I had mixed feelings. Martha is a character you kind of loved to hate and hated to love in these books. Either way, I was still excited to get to it. And I'm pleased to say I found myself really enjoying it!

??Martha is DavidÂ’s ex and BenÂ’s sister, so sheÂ’s a big part of the Stage Dive family. She has made mistakes in her past, but I feel she genuinely has changed. She is still herself, but she regrets things sheÂ’s done in her past. Her love interest is Sam, the head of Stage Dive security. Sam is a big old teddy bear. I loved him! He and Martha together seemed an unly couple, but they made sense. And their chemistry was off the charts!

After reading this novella, I want to go back and read some of my favorite books in this series. I miss these characters! They are so much fun. This novella was a fast read, but it was full of heat and heart. Definitely one IÂ’d recommend for all fans of the Stage Dive series!
“You’re so beautiful, Martha. Every part of you. I want you to feel cherished.” 74 s Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••987 1,920

Quick, cute, and sweet.

This book is a fast read but one to add to the StageDive pile for this author.

Sam Knowles the strong body guard for the Stage Dive Group somewhere along the line in the many years heÂ’s known Martha Nicholson, fell deeply in love with her. So when he finally makes his move itÂ’s a fast moving romance that sweeps us off our feet.

This story is told all in the Heroine POV. I wish we could have gotten more of SamÂ’s view. I would have felt more connected to him. But heÂ’s impossible not to love.

Definitely a nice fast sweet read. Can be read as a stand-alone

arc-to-review42 s ? Liz ? 1,365 1,318

?4.5? “You never used to be nervous around me.”

Strong is a novella featured in the 1001 Dark Nights. As we return to the Stage Dive world, we finally get a glimpse into the heart of Martha. Martha is one character that we all love to hate and yet, she somehow redeems herself. Martha shows a tender side that we never knew could possibly exist when she allows herself to find happiness with Sam (Stage Dive's head of security). It takes Martha a while to trust Sam and allow him in but once their connection is forged sparks fly and neither will ever be the same again.

Overall, this steamy novella offers a sweet read with passion and tender romance. It was quite a treat to be back with the band and all of their antics! I never thought I'd be a Martha fan and yet, somehow Kylie Scott made me a believer. I am a huge fan of this series and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a steamy rock romance!

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