
Crazy de Kylie Scott

de Kylie Scott - Género: Italian
libro gratis Crazy


Autrice bestseller del New York Times

Eric ce l'ha messa davvero tutta per meritarsi la fama di donnaiolo insensibile e superficiale. Non vuole che le ragazze si facciano strane idee, con lui: apprezza le avventure di una notte con donne bellissime, ma non è un tipo da relazioni a lungo termine. Quando Jean entra per la prima volta nel locale in cui Eric lavora come bartender, però, tutte le sue certezze cominciano a vacillare. Specialmente perché Jean non è intenzionata a cedere a nessuno dei suoi complimenti. Possibile che sia immune al suo fascino? Jean ha tutt'altro per la testa: aspetta un bambino e ha deciso di cambiare città per dedicare tutta sé stessa alla nuova vita che porta in grembo. Di sicuro non ha alcuna intenzione di perdere tempo dietro al donnaiolo di turno, anche se... 

Kylie Scott

è un'autrice bestseller del «New York Times» e «USA Today», da sempre appassionata di storie d'amore, rock'n'roll e film horror di serie B. Vive nel Queensland, in Australia, legge, scrive e non perde troppo tempo su internet. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato la Lick Series: Tutto in una sola notte, È stato solo un gioco, Nessun pentimento, Doppio gioco e la novella I disastri del cuore. Con Crazy continua la Dive Bar Series, iniziata con Dirty e Pretty.

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This is one of those books that I expected to love, but that ended up falling flat for me. Most of my friends really d this one and I loved the 'Stage Dive' series by this same author. Maybe I just expected too much, based on how much I loved that series. Whatever the reason, this book was just good and not great for me.

In the beginning, I thought I was surely going to love it. Lydia was hilarious in her heartbreak and I could not stop laughing. It still makes me smile when I think of her scaling that fence in her wedding dress.

Her first interactions with Vaughan were promising. Their banter was highly entertaining. I was certain that I was going to be hooked on this story.

Then, somewhere along the way things just fizzled out for me. I had trouble buying Lydia as the heartbroken bride-to-be when she was able to get over her heartache almost immediately. Really, she wasn't heartbroken as much as humiliated and scorned, which she had every right to be. However, it made it hard for me to think of her as a "victim".

Within a matter of days, Lydia and Vaughan are engaged in a no-strings, sex-only relationship. While their was some humor and a sweet undertone, their interactions came across as very immature to me. I just couldn't see two adults, with their life experiences, carrying on the way they did.

Overall, it was an okay story. It didn't wow me or make any sort of lasting impression. I'm going to say it was probably just a case of "It's not you, it's me." I was in the minority with this one, so if you're interested, give it a try.listened-to-audio-version might-piss-your-pants-laughing rock-stars ...more218 s Patrycja639 4,068

Title: Dirty
Series: Dive Bar #1
Author: Kylie Scott
Release Date: 5 April, 2016
Rating: 4.5 stars
Cliffhanger:. No
HEA: Yes

I am a great fan of Kylie ScottÂ’s books, as they are simply the most entertaining, the cutest and the sexiest of stories; I always have so much fun while reading what sheÂ’s written. She really knows how to mix silly humor with some drama and lots of hot between the sheets action. Her stories albeit simple and entertaining feel real to me.

People whoÂ’ve read her Stage Dive series will definitely agree with me - Kylie is a great author and her books are just ideal for a lonely evening. Dirty is no exception. It is exactly everything I imagined it would be. Pure fun, dirty sex and crazy banter!

The story starts on the day Lydia’s getting married. She’s already put on a perfect wedding gown, spent hours on her hair and makeup only to find herself becoming a runaway bride because her fiancé has done quite a number on her. After some shocking news, Lydia decides it’s a great idea to run and hide in someone’s bathroom...

You can imagine VaughanÂ’s face when he found a woman in a wedding gown sitting in his bathtub. It was priceless! Those two had weird first encounter that quickly led them to become friends who are very attracted to one another.

Kylie started her new series with a bang. It will not disappoint fans of her previous books, on the contrary it should make them crazy for more.

The story is pretty fast paced, everything happens in just few days. But it worked here.

Lydia was very able character - she was a little bit crazy and impulsive yet funny and I just couldnÂ’t help but smile at her antics.

Vaughan on the other hand was a sexy specimen! Together they were hot to read about. Had an amazing chemistry and the teasing was great.

Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely. IÂ’m still smiling while thinking about this story. I really cannot wait to see what else weÂ’ll get from other Dive BarÂ’s characters. They all seem to be individuals, full of sass and wit, which makes me excited for the future! My mind is spinning from all of the possibilities that next books are full of.

I'm absolutely counting the days till the sequel appears on my kindle!


2016 april-2016 arc-s ...more144 s Baba 859 3,953 Read

DNF @56%, no rating coz I wanted to review it. Review posted February 22, 2016

In order to avoid ridiculously stylized controversies, I decided a while ago to not review books anymore that get less than 3 stars from me. Now, in this case, I will forego a rating because I wanted to review Dirty. So let me cut right to the chase of the matter.

Dirty didn't meet my expectations. I tried to excuse the beginning with some kind of situation comedy, but even then I was annoyed with the clueless heroine who could and should have exposed her jerk of a groom in front of the posh audience. Though it's always the same old in romance books, isn't it? Let's run for the hills and stir up some drama, shall we? And before she meets her "real" dream man in all his naked glory, she has to endure a few awkward moments. Easy peasy. Right, babe?

Overall impression
Everything was too fluffy and shallow and, to me, instead of an adult romance novel, I felt I read yet again one of those common cheesy NA books. I guess what should have been endearing and humorous was too awkward and silly for me. Besides, I did have issues with the narrative and the heroine's inner ramblings got. On. My. Last. Friggin'. Nerve. I also wanted to tell her to stop calling Vaughan pretty. *swoon* Not. In the end, Dirty failed to engage my heart and mind and I decided to throw in the towel because I was, quite frankly, bored out of my skull.

Vaughan and Lydia hardly met and the hero called the heroine the b-word. Babe here and babe there and babe everywhere. Stop. It. #babebabebabebabebabe #inbadstyle

A word about the heroine
Anyone who can mentally babble so much nonsense while being kissed, has yet to be kissed properly, IMO. I guess here comes the lack of experience into play, but also how one reacts during a kiss. I'm sorry but this story and these characters, especially the heroine, were too comedian-esque, way too girlish and too awkward for me. A really hot and passionate kiss is going to fried my brain and I won't have time to hardly think, let alone produce any kind of rubbish. And after a mind-blowing kiss, I sure as heck won't think how pretty the guy is. Pretty? A man with completely tattooed arms is pretty? Isn't he sexy? A little bit dangerous or edgy? Oh, excuse me. He acts a pretty and very, very sweet young boy. That kinda negates the sexiness factor, to be honest.

A word about the awkward sex
You can talk a sex scene to death. If that's what you , then that's fine. But it's neither what I want nor what I enjoy. And who the f%%% is rambling in real life about their overexcited clit and every muscle down there contracting in glee while being on the verge of having an allegedly hot roll between the sheets? No one, that's who. Not even a fifteen-year-old teenager, let alone a twenty-five-year-old woman. Well, my nether regions dried up and truly shriveled when confronted with some of the painfully embarrassing descriptions.

“In two and a half days I think I’ve honestly come to feel more for you than I ever felt for him. It’s different, though. I thought I knew exactly how life would be with Chris. What we’d do, how we’d be together. He fit into this mold that I thought I wanted and understood, and you don’t.” I rolled my eyes back, moaning at my own drama-itis. Nothing made sense. Everything perplexed me. Vaughan Hewson had my vagina on insta-dial if he could just figure it out. Pathetic, crazy, and all the rest. Hang my sad sore heart to dry and be done with it already. Gah.

Gah. Alrighty!

Hey presto, the man stood before me in no more than a snug pair of blue boxer briefs, which happily left little to the imagination. He was so pretty. When it came to Vaughan Hewson, words were insufficient. I could spend all day trying to describe every curve and plane, each subtly delineated muscle. His long lean body was pure poetry. Poetry or porn, maybe both. My brain and vagina were still at war over that one.

I'm not slow on the uptake. He's so pretty. I got it. Let's move on.
Poetry and porn going hand in hand. Nice. #brainpoetryversusvaginaporn

He pulled aside my panties and slid a finger carefully into me. Though there was no real need to be careful. Lubricant factories would have been envious. The state of my underwear was a damn disgrace.
"Hot and wet," he said.
I frowned. "Was I not supposed to be?"

Come again?

The finger inside of me swirled around, pumping in and out, doing everything good. Every muscle down there contracted in glee. I could feel my pulse hammering between my legs.

Yep, I gleefully abandoned Dirty.

The truth was, I d his touch far more than I should have. Definitely far more than was wise. Also his smell. Man, he smelled good. Soap and him and sex. Though the sex was probably just my fevered imagination.

*cue eye roll* Yes, that's your thriving imagination, babe.

“Nah.” I leaned a hip against the driver’s side door. “That’s just me complimenting your rear and practicing my come-on lines now that I’m swinging single again.”
“I’m glad you felt my ass worthy of your attentions.”
“No problem.”
“And I want you to know, minute you give me the signal and lift-up your shirt I’ll be more than happy to give your breasts all the best lines I’ve got.”
“That’s sweet.”

I'd rather not comment that little tidbit.

Who would talk that in real life? Both of you need to work hard on your abilities to talk dirty. Not sure if you're aware of a little important detail: dirty talk is not sweet at all. It's commonly known to serve as a huge turn-on - provided it's done right.

Slowly, I turned. He stood in the long grass, watching, waiting. Honestly, it was hard to look at him. The expression on his face and the way he held his body, the emotion in his eyes. My world was so colored when it came to him. Every detail so vivid and real. He shouldnÂ’t have that power. It would have been so much easier to leave him otherwise. IÂ’d broken into his house, but heÂ’d somehow broken into me, cracked me wide open, exposing me to so much more of life than what had existed before. And to think IÂ’d genuinely believed I loved Chris. What an idiot. I didnÂ’t have a fucking clue about love. I got and lust, things along those lines. But the rest was an abyss, a big black hole, and I couldnÂ’t see the bottom. CouldnÂ’t even begin to fathom the depth of it. Inside me, there lived a big ball of emotion to do with my friend Vaughan.

That's bad. Really bad. The cheese is melting.

He took one step toward me, and then another. With him standing at the bottom of the stairs and me on the second, we were eye to eye. His hands tangled with mine, first one then the other. God, his skin was so warm. Our bodies gravitated toward each other. The pull of one messed-up heart to another. I watched him warily, trying to hold something back for safekeeping. It didnÂ’t really work.

When his lips opened a little, just enough to softly kiss my bottom lip, I swear I swooned. Over and over he kissed my lips, first the top then the bottom, the sides and the corner from where my smile started. No part was left untouched. My smile grew wider, my nipples hard and my loins Vaughan-addled. ThatÂ’s a medical term.

“Was it?” God, he was pretty. The prettiest man I’d ever met. “Do you believe in crazy at first sight?”


I looked down. Yes, something was definitely hardening in the front of his pants. Huh. We hadnÂ’t even used tongue. And they said romance was dead.
Time on the mattress sounded great, but while we were short on time, I also didnÂ’t want to rush things. What if we had sex and then the build-up, the rush of all those good hormones and hopes and dreams through my, body was over? No. We needed to take it slow. Man, it was so hard to judge the ins and outs of this situation.

Huh. Man, tell your brain to stop prattling.

I suppose the added drama between Nell and Pat is a harbinger for what's to come in the near future. Although it's definitely not something I'm interested to grapple with anytime soon.

This might be yet another situation of it's not you, it's me, but I honestly couldn't have cared less.

All quotes are taken from the pre-published copy and may be altered or omitted in the final copy

**ARC courtesy of St. Martin's Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**


Pre-reading Dirty:

I'm totally reading this for the sexy cover!bad-awkward-or-boring-sex beauty-worship inner-ramblings ...more125 s Wendy'sThoughts2,665 3,272

5 In the Kylie Scott Groove Stars
* * * * * LUCKY YOU, IT'S LIVE!!!!!!
Spoiler Free-Warning, A Long Ass 2016 Review
To Do A Full Review, Or Not... That is the question...With this coming out in April and it being only February....should I hold back the goods to a more appropriate time...

Hell, No!

For this is Vintage Kylie Scott storytelling at its best. This is the Scott writing which drew me in with Lick and then made me actually do a real review with Play https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1.... This is my favorite book of the series. Mal is a once-in-a-lifetime character. He made me actually try to write that sort of made sense... because I just needed to let everyone know how much I loved him and Scott's talent

It was experiencing all the Yummy goodness of reading seriously complex characters written so well, you thought you could enter the backstage of the Staples Center and they would be waiting to perform. They weren't caricatures of Rock Gods...they were hysterically funny, sexy, caring, and confusing Men/Children... and you wanted to know them, hang with them, yes dream of fucking them but also loving them with all their warts and all...

No, they didn't have any sexually transmitted diseases to worry about... Just beautiful, thick, extending dicks.... yes...lollypop time...and moves and grooves to make you howl... with an added benefit of unparalleled hand and mouth action....kissing lips, all kinds of lips...

But they were as real as Rock Stars could be and Scott created magic with outstanding humor, zaniness, and heart. The Stage Dive series had magical moments in many of its books, some more than others for this reader. Yet in every single entry, they all had their bravery and Scott made us part of the journey from the first page.

Dirty (Dive Bar,#1) is no different.
It captures you even before the first page...The blurb sets the coaster on the bar...the cover art enhances the anticipation of the drink hitting your lips... and the first taste of the frosty concoction just barely coating your tongue and hitting your taste buds starts to explode into mind bubbles of glee...The taste is sharp, cuts through whatever you had thought were coming, and adds an extra zing.

What we have is Lydia Green; a woman whose disconnected parents with their child-rearing skills and lack of affection have set her on a path that has her sitting in an over-inflated Mc Mansion master bedroom about to marry a man who systematically pursued, wooed, and made her believe he was her happily ever after.

He fit all the rules she had been lead to believe would make it so:
He was a part of his family's successful Real Estate company
He wooed her, not pushing for anything inappropriate
He texted her in the morning and then a good night, every night
He was polite, caring, and promised the dream...all in the FOUR MONTHS of her moving here

Wasn't that supposed to be perfect...
Especially for a woman who was not the cookie-cutter image of J.Crew or Ralph Lauren...Who had curves, breasts, and thighs most of the womanhood had...

So we meet this accomplished real estate professional as she is seeing the reality of her life playing on a smartphone with the soundtrack of moans...visuals of groping between her minutes-away-soon-to-be-husband and his best man...Lydia is stunned, yet also realizing she was not about to let this be her life. in all the movies, she figures out a way to run... to escape, and somehow just in fairy-tales, she goes over woods and through the glen and finds her hideout to regroup.

If that sounds vague, it is.
Due to the wonder of reading this specific section. Never let it be said I would take that pleasure away from you.

Lydia finds herself in the bathroom of the little house that backs up to the one she ran from...she is sitting in the tub trying to gather her thoughts....she has no idea of how much time has passed ... did she blank out while crying...it doesn't matter because now the noise of a person in the other room has her on alert...The door opens and a hand reaches into the shower/tub area turning on the shower...Yes... water is now falling on her in her disheveled wedding dress, ripped stockings, and bruised face...running for your life will cause all of that...

As she sits there trying to figure out how to explain her presence, the curtain is flung open and Lydia meets Vaughan Hewson in all his glory.

Time out for a Moment..
Let's just say all of the things you read about him in Deep are front and center in this scene. Again, this is another fabulous moment you can ponder and imagine...I will tell you the reading experience is worth the price of admission

Vaughan Hewson, V-man ... the bass player for the opening band for Stage Dive on their last tour. We had a taste of him, were very intrigued and here he is...confronted with a woman in his tub looking she has been on the Amazing Race without any assistance from her teammates...
The timing couldn't be worse...he just arrived from a crappy flight, driving to get here and collapse. He doesn't even want to be here... it is his family's home... but all of the memories and good feelings it should stimulate...are lost to the heartbreak of his parents' death. The only saving grace was they both died together in a terrible weather-related car accident. Vaughan was hit hard and escaped from the pain by not being around the home or even his sister. He couldn't be around the town or in the house without everything flooding back... it was too much. But now he has no choice... the band is no longer... meaning the money for the mortgage isn't there. He hopes he won't have to sell...but this woman is in his tub... so as tired as he is...he will have to deal with her...

Lydia seems to have lost her words...Once the two of them are out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, she begins to explain the deal. It all comes out... the wooing, the "sweet, polite kisses" and then it seems once she starts talking she doesn't stop. She doesn't quite understand it, but she is more comfortable around Tattooed, Bad Boy Vaughan than she has ever felt with anyone else. The both of them slip into an easy way and Vaughan being from the area, puts two and two together and shares more information about her ex-fiance as they all went to high school together.

This is good; painful because now she knows she really was targeted by his family and the swine but comes in handy when things escalate. Also, Vaughan is a "what you see is what you get" type of fella...has given her a sense of self...to move on and just realize how worthy she is...

This story has so many pieces. We have the budding friendship of Lydia and Vaughan...and what exactly will it be...Both of them are at a fork in their emotional roads... It takes some hard realizations for the both of them to make it over this obstacle course called life. They are lucky, though, because the people who surround them have helping hands out...to get them over the really tough stuff. The best, though, is knowing the hands are there... but being able to pull yourself through it on your own.

Then we meet all of the characters who will inhabit the Dirty Bar series. The intros are classic Scott- Real, Fun, Gut-wrenching, full of backstories and heart. There is so much given... with equal amounts teased... for us to want more... More of Vaughan's sister Nell... more of Andre, Pat, Eric, and even a possible love story for the asshole ex-fiance...Hey, it is Scott- she could make him redeemable...

This new series will have all of the Stage Dive fans so happy...because it wouldn't be a Scott book without some tease and delivery of a Mal Sighting....yup... my fav is there and maybe making other visits too...

So even though this is being published in April 2016...I hope I gave you enough to hold on...Your entry into Dirty (Dive Bar#1) will be here before you know it.

Dirty (Dive Bar, #1)
Twist (Dive Bar, #2)
Chaser (Dive Bar, #3)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
*UPDATE* Didn't win Powerball but that's ok...
NetGalley pulled my number and I am about to get...
DIRTY (Dive Bar, #1)!!!!!
Did someone just say there will be a new series by Kylie Scott????

And it is going to be a bit rougher...a little more raw....

And with Vaughn....

Well, Hot Damn...sign me up!

A gifted copy was provided by St. Martin's Press via NetGalley for an honest review.

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109 s XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy1,483 480

I fell in "crazy at first sight" with this book. It's sweet, funny, romantic, and sexy all rolled up into one. Vaughan and Lydia don't meet under the best of circumstances but watching their love blossom was a delightful treat. Lydia is this curvy, sassy chick with a big heart whose had some tough breaks....The latest being a cheating fiancé, which gets outed on their wedding day. Vaughan is trying to find his way after his dream just crumbled. He's resistant to binding ties but he's just to darn amazing for Lydia (and us) not to want. The characters are complex and imperfect bit somehow they complement each other so well that it IS perfect. Their banter had me laughing out loud and their sweet moments had me sighing. Then we get to the sexy times and forget it! If you weren't sold before, that seals the deal ;) I am really interested and invested in what happens next for a few of the side characters. It's obvious that a lot of planing went into secondary plots and characters and if they're anything this one, they're sure to be a hit. Count me in as a new but very enthusiastic fan. Safety gang: No rape/abuse. No OW/OM or sharing for our heroes. Neither are Vs. Condoms except for one overly passionate moment but it is addressed.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review. favorites105 s Sabrina3,592 2,289

*Amazon US*Amazon UK*Barnes & Noble*

I have to say that Dirty wasn't exactly the type of book that I was expecting. I was thinking it would be more the Stage Dive series, I guess, but even though the storyline wasn't I thought it would be, the book kicked some ass and I ended up loving it. .

Reading the story was really fun, and the whole book was enjoyable. I loved Vaughn, his personality was playful which was something you don't normally see in these types of books but it was a refreshing change that I enjoyed. I adored how he was with Lydia, and it was great to see how patient he was with her and how their romance had a slow build up. Lydia was a good character also, I d seeing her become more sure of herself and of her future.

Overall, this is a great book that I think any fan of a sweet talking, guitar playing, sexy man will . It's not Kylie Scott's previous book story wise, but it was just as good as them! I love her writing style and will always be a fan of hers.

ARC kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.arc-edelweiss-netgalley deliciously-tattooed-pierced rockstars-musicians89 s Olga therebelreader888 746


Overall it was an amazing book that I'd recommend to anyone who loves friendship to romance stories. Imagine discovering on your wedding day that the love of your life is cheating on you, only to find out that the person he has been seeking late night dalliances with is not a woman but actually a man. And, this is exactly what happened with our heroine, Lydia. Suddenly, her world is turned upside down. She is shocked, surprised, crushed and crazy angry! Her fiance’s betrayal knocked her into another dimension. And there is Vaughan, a handsome and dryly witty man whom she meets only hours later. He helps her distract from her emotional turmoil and makes her feel sexy again. And she falls in love with him. She wanted nothing more than a bed warmer, but his wit and animal magnetism become irresistible to her. Her friendship with him soon turns into strong love. Lydia becomes stronger and discovers that she can endlessly renew her love in others – and in herself.

I loved Vaughan, heÂ’s respectful, kind, not to mention his joking attitude was just so perfect. I have to admit IÂ’m a BIG fan of dual POV, so IÂ’d prefer Dirty to have been a dual viewpoint novel. Overall, I loved the story, it was strong and sexy, both in equal balance. The plot tangled and untangled perfectly, the dialogue crackled. For readers that enjoy stories about friends to lovers, I highly recommend checking out Dirty!

ARC kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

arc-cc-final-review cheating contemporary-romance ...more72 s ??Arianna??790 2,560

3.75 ‘To bullshit and broken hearts’ Stars

Kylie Scott delivered an entertaining story filled with humor, sweetness and plenty of sexy times. This was only my second book by this author, but for sure it wonÂ’t be my last since I enjoyed this one, so IÂ’m looking forward to read more books by her. 'Dirty' is the first installment in Kylie ScottÂ’s new series entitled 'Dive Bar' and tells the story of Lydia and Vaughn.

"Do you believe in crazy at first sight?"

Lydia, our heroine needs a new life plan as soon as possible. And I mean it! ASAP! Because Lydia discovered on her wedding day that her soon to be husband has an affairÂ…with his best man. Needless to say, she can believe it, at least at first. She needs to escape. She feels cheated, humiliated and she only wants to forget about the a$$hole who took her for a foul. She runs away from her own wedding, climbing over a fence and breaking into the first house she sees. She believes no one is home, so she gets in the bathtub having a meltdown, but surprise, surprise, someone is home.

"Nothing wrong with a man admiring a fine female chest. but if you disagree, feel free to hold it against me."

Vaughn is a musician, but with his band no longer together he returned back home, even if for the past several years he avoided the place for multiple reasons. The last thing he expects is to find a brokenhearted woman in his bathroom. He is taken aback by LydiaÂ’s voluptuous curves, but also by her drama, wanting to help this woman offering a place to stay, support and...so much more.

“No part was left untouched. My smile grew wider, my nipples hard and my loins Vaughan-addled. That's a medical term.”

None of these two expects the attraction between them to be so strong. Lydia doesnÂ’t need a relationship right now and Vaughn doesnÂ’t want to startÂ…something since he wants to leave town as soon as possible. What comes next are plenty of sexy and sweet times and many lough out loud moments, engaging supporting characters and delightful dialogue.

“I just want you to know, I will not be falling slave to your devil dick and demon tongue. No matter how good they are."
Is that your way of saying you how I fuck?"
"Yes. Basically."

This was a very enjoyable read with pretty much a little bit of everything. This one turned out to be a very delightful read and I mentioned above IÂ’m looking forward to read the next installments in the series. Both Lydia and Vaughn were endearing, well-portrayed characters and I had so much fun reading their story. Our heroine was pure and simply entertaining. She was funny, quirky, a genuinely good woman and overall a very able character. She has her own flaws and insecurities so I think she was pretty relatable. I had a blast being in her head! Vaughn was charming, kind and able as well and believe me when IÂ’m saying that he will leave you hot and bothered manyyy times. He was perfect for our heroine and I have to say I enjoyed very much their teasing, their entertaining dialogue and of course their sexy times. Oh, myÂ….their sexy times were so deliciously sexy. Vaughn was sweet, caring, protective, thoughtful and so good for Lydia. I d the way he was with her and also their connection and friendship.

What it didnÂ’t work for me so well was these two charactersÂ’ relationship development. They fell for each other pretty quickly. I canÂ’t say it was any instaÂ…something between them, but I must admit I would have d the story to be longer, because I truly believed the ending and what happened between these two characters was a little rushed.

That being said, I enjoyed this one and IÂ’m anxiously waiting for the next book in the series! 154 s Alp738 438

Absolutely loved this book!

ItÂ’s been a long time since I last read a great NA Romance story. Kylie Scott's officially become one of my favorite authors. This was my second time reading her book and I can tell I had no idea that my socks would be this thoroughly knocked off. I was pleasantly surprised with how very well it worked out for me in almost every way.

The story started off very interesting and it moved along at an excellent pace. It continually got better and better the further I read, and by the end, it was a total winner. The story itself was hardly ever dull, had me hooked right from the first page to the last. Once I got started I just couldn't stop. The author did a great job of writing such a funny yet beautiful story.

In this book, we meet a perfect couple, Vaughan and Lydia.

**Some spoilers ahead!!

Last minute before walking down the aisle, an anonymous person sent a video of LydiaÂ’s groom and his best manÂ’s sexy time to her cell phone. Shocked and humiliated, her only thought was that she had to run away so she climbed awkwardly over the high fence in her wedding dress and then landed in the neighborÂ’s yard. In her desperate need to find somewhere to hide, Lydia decided to break into the neighborÂ’s bungalow rather than waiting until her groom discovered her. Then she climbed in through the bathroom window, pulled the shower curtain closed, and sat still in the bathtub. Finally, she was there alone and completely lost in her thoughts, until the sound of approaching footsteps roused her from her stupor. Then the footsteps entered the bathroom and a large hand reached for the tap and turned it on. Icy cold water soaked through her ruined wedding dress. And suddenly, the shower curtain flew open. She looked up and the man was standing there, completely naked and undoubtedly furious, right before her eyes.

And this is how Vaughan and Lydia first met.

I loved Lydia. This woman is incredibly adorable. For the fact that I'm very picky with my kind of heroine, Lydia surprised me with her sense of humor, her wit, her sauciness, and her smart mouth. Reading her inner dialogue made me laugh uncontrollably. She's very funny in a lovely way.

Even though the book was told through Lydia's POV only, I could connect with other characters as well as I did with her.

No matter where he went. No matter what he did. IÂ’d lost a part of myself to him that IÂ’d never get back.

And I loved Vaughan, too! His character is so true to life. HeÂ’s not perfect but heÂ’s LydiaÂ’s perfect match. And most of all, he made my heart flutter!

I loved that Vaughan and Lydia were there for each other at their worst time as same as their best times. It was so heartwarming to see the strong bond between Vaughan and his sister and the true friendship between him and his friends. They fight, they argue, they get mad at one another at times, but they still stand by him, remain loyal to him, and support him in every way possible.

The Notlydia princess story had me smiling a Cheshire cat all through this scene. Vaughan and his dirty mind!

There was no stupid drama in this book, just a bit of a misunderstanding/miscommunication between these two. The ending was so sweet, perfect in its own way!

“But you’re in me. Have been since the first day I met you. I fought it for a while, but that’s over.”
“You’re in me too.”
“Good” The tip of his nose rubbed against mine. “That’s good, Lydia. ‘Cause that’s where I’m going to stay.”

On the whole, this was a very lovely and funny story. I enjoyed every page of it. Highly recommended.


**BR with lovely ladies at Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas.contemporary-romance new-adult rock-stars-romance63 s Lilyya ?328 1,995

3.25 stars

I guess after a heartbreaking read and way too many crazy-plot novellas I needed a fluffy and classic —kinda cringe— Kylie Scott novel?

We got a runaway bride —from a gay ex-fiancé—, a fallen rockstar with a certain amount of depths and ?a break-in accessorized with a wedding grown?.. the perfect combo ? Yeah.

While the romance was fast-paced with a total of 24h between the female protagonist moving on from her ex and falling into the mmcÂ’s arms, the chemistry between the protagonists was undeniable. There was way too many second characters it was kinda predictable knowing the authorÂ’s penchant for irrelevant drama in storyline but nonetheless, I d seeing Mal from ' Play' -Stage Dive being included in the last part.

I read it in French and by that I complete my 2 monthly books in french so here is my favorite quotes.

« Tu faisais une mariée magnifique, Lydia. »

« Il me bouleversait. Si seulement il n’avait pas ce pouvoir. ǒaurait été alors tellement plus simple de le quitter »

« Nous étions simplement deux personnes en train de regarder les étoiles au cours d’une nuit d’été. Tout allait bien.
— Tu te trompes, dit-il doucement. Je te connais »
66 s Kelly (and the Book Boar)2,582 8,796

Find all of my at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

3.5 Stars

Dirty ended up on my TBR for reasons that I could not even remember. I figured it was every other book and a Goodreader had just read it, but Future Jess was only “currently reading” it and had not yet posted a review/update that would have made me request this from the porny librarian. Turns out it was a baseball mom! Not exactly sure how she figured out I'm a filthy smut monger, but I’m so glad she did.

Lydia was all ready for her happily ever after, but on her wedding day she received a text containing a video of her soon-to-be husband getting his happy ending from his best man . . . .

any rational woman, Lydia hightailed her ass out of there pronto, hopped a fence and broke in to the nearest house in order to escape the reality of her situation. Lydia’s boo-hooing in the house’s bathtub is soon interrupted, however, when the resident, Vaughan, turns on the shower. (Pretty good meet/cute, right? Right – it was.) Vaughan is just passing through long enough to sell his deceased parents’ house before he goes back to his life as a hopeful rock star and Lydia is pretty much up poop creek with no paddle, so after getting the whole story Vaughan offers for Lydia to stay with him for a few days. After about 12 seconds Lydia’s ladybits start beeping for a hot beef injection and eventually we get down to business and Kelly was . . .

The smexies in this one delivered. Just ask the husband. The only thing that I didnÂ’t ????

Unless youÂ’re a sparkly vampire, keep your effing teeth off me sucka!

Anywho, we get some shibibbidy dibbidy mixed with a bit of angst for the duration and then the ending which was . . .

But pretty much par for the course when it comes to a HEA romance so I canÂ’t really even bitch about it.

Aside from the instalovey and the make-up/break-up umpteen times within a week bullshit, this one was pretty decent. IÂ’m used to reading female main characters with red hair (you know, because itÂ’s soooooo very common in the real world for errrrryone to be a redhead), so I appreciated that things were mixed up a bit this time around . . .

It was hard not to get a chuckle or two from VaughanÂ’s subtle approach too . . .

“No straight guy could stay away from that rack,” he said quietly. “Just saying.”

“Not everyone’s a tit man.”

“Well, they should be,” he scoffed. “Breast is best.”

And Lydia and Vaughan together (when they werenÂ’t being a couple of drama llamas) were pretty excellent . . .

“Working on a new song?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, sitting down across the table from me. “It’s called ‘You Say Funny Shit When You’re Drunk.’”

“I it. Sounds a winner.”

“Yeah. It’s going to be by the Devil Dick and Demon Tongue Band.” He took off his sunglasses, placed them on the table. “What do you think?”

“That’s the name of the new band? Sweet.”

“Classy, right?”


If itÂ’s 100 degrees with 100% humidity where you are but you are still interested in turning up the heat, this might the book for you. Unfortunately the library doesn't have the second in this series, but I would definitely continue and will keep my fingers crossed for the book about Joe the . . .


crunken-love hide-the-salami liburrrrrry-book ...more53 s • Lisa •559 1,562


"... Hearts are so stupid."

It feels I've been waiting forever to read more from Kylie Scott and at long last I've finally got my hands on her newest release to date. Falling in love with this author has always been easy and when I heard the news that there was plans for something new I couldn't have been more excited. Kylie Scott always delivers romance with plenty of heat and loveable characters. 'Dirty' was exactly all that I was hoping it to be and with a hero as rough and ready as Vaughan Hewson there was barely anything left to be disappointed with.

What's it all about?
'Dirty' is book one in a brand new series by New York Times best selling author, Kylie Scott. The first in the series features a scorned bride to be and a band member who has fallen on hard times. Kylie Scott takes the reader right into the action and tells the tale of a unly friendship and an unforgettable love story that's definitely worth falling for.

What did I love?
Scott, certainly brings the comedy side of her story telling into the limelight with this story. If I wasn't laughing, I was smiling. And if I wasn't smiling then I was certainly swooning. For me any romance novel that can make me fall in love with the heroine is already onto a winner. Lydia Green was the perfect leading lady, with her quirky ways and no nonsense approach at life, I loved reading about this heroine and I only wish other authors would take a leaf out of this authors book, because this heroine was perfect to read about. I really enjoyed the build up in relationship between hero and heroine and I loved getting to 'know' the up and coming cast of the 'Dive Bar' series. Yes, once again Kylie Scott has got me well and truly hooked.

Why not five?
This was a fabulous start to a new series by an author who always ticks my easy read boxes. This time around the book lacked a little in the romance story telling for my personal tastes and the book felt a little more a story of a pair of friends. Which isn't a bad thing, it's just not what I was looking for when falling into five star love with a book. Nevertheless this book featured a diamond of a heroine and a hero that got my knickers in a twist on more that one occasion and I was happily riding my cloud of four star goodness. Kylie Scott, I'm ready and waiting for more.

Final thoughts ...
If you've not yet had the pleasure of falling in love with a Kylie Scott book then this is the perfect opportunity to dive (see what I did there?) right into a brand new series. Plenty of giggles, friendship, steamy kisses and a love story that will keep you guessing to the end, this book is the perfect antidote to a romance addict short of a fabulous read.

**ARC provided via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.** 95 s Isabella. R930 1,736

5 Bullshit and Broken Heart Stars ?

It was instant connection, instant affection, yet the build to love was perfectly paced in this story of new beginnings. It's no secret that I am a huge fan of KS. The wittiness and dry humour her characters deliver, is my jam. Every single time.

His hand rose to the back of my neck, stroking, drawing me closer. Hot damn, did he have the moves. The man turned my mind to mush. “Something you need to know,” he said. “Before tonight.”
“What’s that?”
“I put out on the first date,” he told me with a perfectly straight face. “That okay with you?”

Oh the horror of finding out that the man you're supposed to marry is actually gay and banging his best man. Worse is establishing that you're the last to know. In an act of desperation, runaway bride, Lydia jumps the fence only to land in 'new gorgeous man's' land.

Vaughan has just gotten back into town for a very brief stopover. The tying up loose ends kind of trip. Only to find Lydia in his bathtub. It's pure madness, yet there's something about this girl that grips him. And his obsession for her tits; there's that as well. Ha!

“No straight guy could stay away from that rack,” he said quietly. “Just saying.”
“Not everyone’s a tit man.”
“Well, they should be,” he scoffed. “Breast is best.”

How quickly these two ease into togetherness. Delicious intimacy and endearments. However it's only for a short while, since Vaughan is leaving and Lydia needs to get back to reality. In the meantime theyre working together at the Dive Bar and living together. How can this be brief? Not possible.

Why have I not read this sooner? Dirty is everything I adore in romances. Blue collar heroes, real life backstories, banter and sexual tension that makes me giddy. How thrilled am I that there are two more books in the series. Fucking chuffed, that's how much!blue-collar-lumberjacks contemporary-romance favourites ...more48 s2 comments Kathleen691 91

Release Date: April 19th 2016
Story Rating ~ 4 Stars
Hero Rating ~ 5 Stars
Heroine Rating ~ 4 Stars
Romance Rating ~ 4 Stars
Heat Level ~ 3.75 Stars
Ending ~ 5 Stars!
Overall Rating ~ 4 Stars

I have really been wanting to read a Kylie Scott book, I was SO excited when I saw Dirty was offered up on Netgalley and even more so when I got the email letting me know I was approved.

I REALLY enjoyed this read, from page one I was hooked in. I felt so bad for what Lydia had gone through finding out what her fiancée was really up too. Of course she ran on her wedding day, she ran and ran until she hit a big brick wall and then she proceeded to clime said wall wedding dress and all. Once over the wall, she sees an open window on the property, the house looks abandoned so needing a place to hide to collect her thoughts, she climbs into the window ending up in the bathroom. She ends up in the bath tub and cries. The next thing she knows, she hears someone come into the bathroom. She has NO idea what to do, how can she escape?

Vaughan just arrived home late last night. His life and dreams have all come to a standstill. As he is about to take a shower, he is shocked to find a woman in her wedding dress hiding in his bath tub.

This was such a fun read. It was packed with some wicked humor and quite a few SEXY scenes that were SMOKING HOT! I LOVED reading how Vaughan and Lydia became friends and then lovers.

My favorite character of this read was Vaughan. He was a super sexy, super sweet guy, just donÂ’t make him angry because he seems to blow up a bit. He had a lot of issues but they all worked out in the end.

Lydia was also a good character. I loved that she stood back and mostly kept her own thoughts. I thought it was great that she was a little on the plus size, you donÂ’t get that too often in our reads.

There were also a lot of fantastic secondary characters that added so much to this story.

I was a little worried near the end, wondering how everything would work out. As it turned out, the ending was SO GOOD, I had happy tears in my eyes.

IÂ’m glad I finally got the chance to read one of Kylie ScottÂ’s books. I very much looking forwards to reading many more.

*I received an ARC from St. MartinÂ’s Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
55 s Anniebananie581 466

Dieses Buch hat mich positiv überrascht!
Anhand des Klappentextes war meine Stimmung/Lust zum Buch eher so "meeeeh", aber schon der Anfang war so witzig. Kylie Scott versteht es wie keine andere unsere Protagonisten möglichst abgedreht und peinlich aber sogleich möglichst unterhaltsam aufeinander treffen zu lassen. Das mochte ich schon bei "Kein Rockstar für eine Nacht" und "Wer will schon einen Rockstar?" von ihr. Band 3 und 4 dieser Reihe mochte ich dann aber nicht mehr soooo gern, daher vielleicht auch meine Skepsis gegenüber dieser Spin-Off-Reihe.

Wie man vielleicht daran ablesen, dass ich dieses Buch heute komplett verschlungen habe: ich mochte die Geschichte furchtbar gerne. Lydia ist mir direkt ans Herz gewachsen und auch Vaughan kann man eigentlich nur mögen. Klar ist die ganze Handlung total überdreht, zu dramatisch und für mich ging die ganze Entwicklung der Beziehung auch dezent zu schnell... allerdings war das Buch dadurch nie langweilig und auch einfach super unterhaltsam.

Obwohl das Buch doch recht drama-lastig war, muss ich sagen, dass es für mich trotzdem unter "Wohlfühl-Buch" einzuordnen ist. Ich liebe das Kleinstadt-Setting samt cooler Bar, Bungalow, Häusern am See und achja einem See :D Auch sämtliche Nebencharaktere schließt man direkt mit all ihrem Drama ins Herz. Die Clique hat einfach so einen schönen familiären Zusammenhalt. Daher freue ich mich auch schon sehr auf den nächsten Band :)

Das Buch enthielt für mich die perfekte Mischung aus Humor, sexy Szenen und Gefühlen!43 s Aileene243 116

I swear Kylie Scott created a monster out of me.
She really messed with my brain.
....mind was thoroughly fucked in the best way possible.

Vaughan, babe, I want you in my bed. NOW.

“Even with no clothing to take cues from, the dude was clearly the epitome of cool. He looked about my age, or maybe a little older. He had longish red-blond hair, dark blue eyes set in an angular face, a lean but muscular torso covered in tattoos, and a rather large cock.”

I would've thought that I would lose interest because with the all the things that keeping me extra busy nowadays but (what do you know) I found myself reaching for my e-reader every chance I get just to read sexy Vaughan and our sassy and busty heroine, Lydia.

Well, it all started when Lydia was just few hours away to recite her vows and claim her happy ending. But she received a video message from an unknown sender showing her soon to be husband getting his jollies from his best man and best friend at the same time, Paul.

any sane woman, she did a runner and broke into the first house she saw. Stayed in the bathtub, bawled her eyes out and just fell into stupor.

Enter (*mouths* sexy) Vaughan Hewson, the owner of the house where Lydia took refuge in to escape from reality. All naked and ready to take a shower, only it didn't happen.

“It might have been due to my not seeing one in so long, but his dick seemed almost hypnotic. The thing had magical powers, I swear.”

2 different souls met in a very unusual circumstances.
Lydia, running away from her wedding and her cheating fiancée while Vaughan who was picking up the pieces after his band disbanded, back in his deceased parent's house but has no plans to stay permanently.

I have to say, IÂ’m absolutely in love with Vaughan and Lydia.
TheyÂ’re both amazing.
Lydia, who has a lot to offer on the chest department but doesn't have a model body, who rambles a lot that was highly entertaining and WAAAY too cool.

“I apparently made Moby Dick look anorexic and I needed to get a life.”

“Yes, your sofa is cunningly hidden down the front of my dress. You won’t believe where I fit the TV.”

“There’s a reason titillation starts with the word “tit.”

Vaughan is so vulnerable, and he tries to hide that vulnerability from Lydia.
He was shaken up badly by his parents' tragic death that he couldn't grieve and still bottling up that emotion but lucky for him, he's got Lydia. She wasn't just a distraction to him. She was more.

But let me tell you this too, this wonderful and gorgeous man had me swooning big time.
He was pushing all my buttons.
All the right buttons.

I can't believe that I would say this but he's so adorable how he ogles Lydia's breast.

“No straight guy could stay away from that rack,” he said quietly. “Just saying.”

“Not everyone’s a tit man.”

“Well, they should be,” he scoffed. “Breast is best.”

He's TOTALLY mesmerized by them....

“And anyway, it’s only happened with you. I’m fine around every other rack. I can discreetly appreciate and move on. Yours are different.”

....and I totally appreciated his honesty.

“First, a gentle tug on my ponytail, then his lips brushed my ear. Christ, I d that.”

F*ck me, I d that too.

“Vaughan’s hand moved to the back of my neck, giving it a gentle squeeze.”

“A squeeze and another kiss to the back of my neck.”

THAT'S IT. That's the last straw. I'm touching myself in not so decent way now.

*clears throat*

Bottom line is, this is one of the sweetest, cutest, sexiest and strangest meet cute of any book I've read.
Not to mention insanely superb cast of secondary characters (I look forward to reading their own sequels) , smart and LOL dialogues that bantered its way into almost every page of the story and a story telling that made it extremely difficult to ignore and put down the book.

*looks up and reads top bit of the review*

Now, that's all said, Vaughan, I'm claiming you.
Yes, I know, I had claimed others tooÂ… but this time I'm serious.
YouÂ’re perfect for me.
Sweet, hot, sexy, dirty talker, no filter, SQUEEZER – in short, my perfect half.
You need a woman and that's ME , so ditch that chick of yours now and come home with me and let's make little Vaughans and little Aileenes.

Goodness! I've fallen hard and you need to catch me now.

Rating this 5 Vaughan-huney-let's-bump-pelvis Stars


With my The Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas on 1 July 2016

I'm few days late to this party - diving in soon!
casserole-dicks geisha-buddy-read gimme-gimme ...more42 s Pavlina Read more sleep less blog 2,434 5,107


I have to admit that I was so excited for this new series! I love Kylie Scott and her Stage Dive series! I have met Vaughan and his character was so interesting that really wanted his character to get it's own book! Dirty is a funny, sweet, hot and emotional story!

The beginning is really good and so funny, the way these two meet is hilarious! I loved how the story developed!Vaughan is amazing, I'm in love with his personality! He is sweet, protective, funny and super hot! I loved how he cared about Lydia and the way he treats her! Lydia is also a great character who developed through the story! What I loved more is their instant connection and how they developed a friendship without stopping flirting with each other! And the sexual tension between these two is fantastic, I couldn't stop smiling the entire time!

“Do you believe in crazy at first sight?”
“I’m not down with the whole L-word and I don’t think this, whatever this is, is that. So don’t freak out and suddenly accuse me of being a stage-ten clinger or something, got it?”
“But what if there was crazy at first sight? Because I think we have a credible basis for that.”

Overall it was a fun and refreshing story! I can't wait for the next book in the series! I highly recommend it to everyone!

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

arc best-cover favorite-boys ...more99 s Dilek VT1,545 1,493

I think I love Kylie ScottÂ’s writing. Light, fun and carefree. Her books usually put a big smile on my face. I loved her Stage Dive series, Play, being my favourite and Mal, being the unforgettable hero of the series.

This first book in Dive Bar series has two lovable characters: Lydia and Vaughan. The side characters are also awesome. And, there is a surprise appearance of Mal from Play, yay :)

The first meeting of Lydia and Vaughan was real fun. She discovers that the man she is about to marry is gay on her wedding day by watching a video sent to her and flies away from the wedding place, ending up in the former musician VaughanÂ’s house, in his bath tube, specifically. Well, that is a story you should read :)

“You touch any of my stuff?” he asked. “Take anything?”
“Yes, your sofa is cunningly hidden down the front of my dress. You won’t believe where I fit the TV.”
Again, his eyes narrowed dangerously. “Between you and me, probably not the time to be funny, babe.”

Then, the funny chain of events follow one another. I really had so much fun reading this book. The dialogues are fun, LydiaÂ’s inner monologues are hilarious.

The book is told by Lydia and she is one hell of a story teller.
For example:

"Primitive man might have worshipped the sun, but IÂ’m pretty sure the sun worshipped Vaughan...

Look up “hot” in the dictionary and there’ll be Vaughan, making eyes at you from on the page...

The manÂ’s smile would have made a nun think twice. I never stood a chance...

His long lean body was pure poetry. Poetry or porn, maybe both...

Hell, he had my whole bodyÂ’s attention, apart from my brain. It was swimming with happy hormones, drowning in them.
“Huh,” I said, because I’m an intellectual genius that."

There was one moment in the book when I thought a cliché plot twist was coming but thank God, it didn’t. Still then, I continued to anxiously wait for something to ruin the sweet story but it was an "angst-free" or "stupid plot twist-free" reading. There were normal problems as natural as there would be in such a quickly-developing relationship.

I loved how it ended... It was a book that gave me laugh-out-loud moments and it was heart warming, especially the cute fairy tale scene in the bath tube was my favorite :)

Was it dirty? Well, yeah, it was, in a sweet way, except for the vampire bites!

I recommend this book whenever you need a sweet story with a lot of laugh in it...insta-lust loveable-heroine romantic-funny-hot40 s V. A Court of Wings and Ruin is NEW ADULT/EROTICA but Goodreads editors won't tell you to include it in the choice awards266 493 Read

Still at 1.99! I assume that's the regular price for Americans? Why is this book so overpriced in Australian retailers? Not fair. Now I don't want to read.
*********** UPDATE MARCH 9TH, STILL AT $1.99*******
*****Discount alert ******
March 8th

ONLY 1.99

American friends I haven't read this one but it's for low-angst fans and I have heard great things about this one. Take advantage of the price!!

Aussie friends, don't even look up, not for us.38 s Michelle1,534 162

Vaughan is just so great.

This was just brilliant. I really enjoyed it he story is so good. Vaughan is a great character he is a great guy. He is going through a few issues with his life and coming back to his childhood home doesn't make this easy. His childhood home holds a few bad memories for him but there is also a lot of great ones to. His career is a lil al over the place and he needs time out. But things didnt really go to plan.

Lydia life was goin well until some sent her a message that would change everything. Her whole life came crashing down on her life was what she thought it was it had already been a lie. She needed to get away from the people that had done that to her. Lydia didn't have any people to go to but she needed to get away. This is where she meets the sexy Vaughan they didn't meet under great circumstances it was a lil weird for both of them. But there was just something that made each other comfortable with each other.

I really enjoyed this story I couldn't put it down. The story was really good I luvd what Lydia and Vaughan had. There were times when things got a lil rough but they were there for each other. They were both goin through a lother in there life's and maybe being together at times made things harder but there feelings for each other was getting strong in such a short time. Vaughan was so different to what Lydia was used to but he made her laugh and his obsession with her boobs made me laugh so much. He is crazy sometimes I luvd his personality. The sexually chemistry between these 2 was crazy they are so hot together. They couldn't get enough of each other.

I m dying for more of this series. There was a few characters in this book that I want more of Nell being one of them. Her story is going to be great i need more if that. I would highly recommend this book. It was brilliant. I enjoyed it so much and I m looking forward more.

alpha-male bad-boys hot-men ...more36 s S.M. WestAuthor 39 books1,206

4.5 Babe STARS

I became a Kylie Scott fan with my first read, Lick, and for that David and Ev will forever have a special place in my heart. Even with that, I loved her Dive Stage Series and was super excited to read Dirty. KylieÂ’s books are entertaining, sexy and an all-around good time. I must say that this was just as good as all the others but itÂ’s different. Not different bad but itÂ’s got a whole other vibe and it totally worked for me. I really enjoyed it!

From the first sentence, Kylie had my attention and from that point on, I was hooked. I laughed, I got the sniffles, I oohed and awed. This was a fun, sweet and good read.

Vaughan Hewson and Lydia Green meet under rather strange and memorable circumstances. SheÂ’s just escaped her own wedding, breaks into a house and is hiding in a strangerÂ’s bathtub. Vaughan's! Talk about an opener! And then the confrontation with the groom and familyÂ…it only upped the drama, hilarity and tension.

And from this point, Vaughan and Lydia clicked. Vaughan was really likable and while very sexy, he was also sweet. And LydiaÂ’s funny, a whole lot of wacky but easy to relate to. TheyÂ’ve both got baggage but together, they were a whole lot of fun with their witty banter, silly jokes and sweet moments.

”Vaughan Hewson had my vagina on insta-dial”

“I’d broken into his house, but he’d somehow broken into me, cracked me wide open, exposing me to so much more of life than what had existed before.”

This story was such an easy and seamless read and I caught myself smiling throughout it all. We also get a Cameo of my fave funny man from Kylie - Mal! Also, the secondary characters, an eclectic bunch of friends all linked to the Dive bar, are spunky, funny and intriguing individuals. I'm excited for their stories. KylieÂ’s got another great start to what promises to be an entertaining, wild and sexy series!

**ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

For more and blog posts.


Before reading:

I got approved! I feel getting DIRTY!!

arc feel-good-sweet hot-rock-star ...more73 s ?? Angie ??324 158

Good... not great.
d it... didn't love it.
And, that's just the way it goes.

I enjoyed the humor, the crazy characters, the cameo from Mal of the Stage Dive series, the sexy times. I just didn't feel the connection between the two MCs. I couldn't get behind them and root for them considering their circumstances. I just didn't buy it.

Now, I'm super stoked to read a
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