
The Doorverse Chronicles: Book 1: Into the Doorverse de Kyle Johnson

de Kyle Johnson - Género: English
libro gratis The Doorverse Chronicles: Book 1: Into the Doorverse


Kyle Johnson Year: 2022

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Hey! my 1000th review here!

A good read, but the supposedly uber-capable assassin seemed surprisingly dense and immature in the early stages. This doesn't detract (too much) from the story, as I feel it was there to provide room for "growth", but there are times I feel there must be better ways to do that.

There is literally unlimited potential with a multiversal setting this, so we'll see where this goes.cultivation gamelit-litrpg portals2 s Johnny1,864 65

book one

I wanted to give this book 5 stars however, it does have a couple of mistakes in it.

There was also the ring that he took from the lady that tried to rob him. Nothing was ever done with it. If it was a storage ring, we don’t know what was in it

The main character I found extremely interesting. Side characters. No not so much. They were interesting. Just not as interesting as the main character.

I’ll give this eight out of 10 stars.1 Jon SvensonAuthor 9 books100

This is my first book by this author. He has plenty of other books out, but I haven't read any of them yet.

Here we have John Gilliam, the faceless man who is an assassin on Earth known for his prowess. Although you might be forgiven for thinking that at the end of his career. He's given a deal that I won't explain before being sent to a world out of balance.

It's a wuxia world, and he shows up in a new body with absolutely no skills. A family takes him in and trains him, which takes up most of the first half of the story. John is coming to terms with his new situation, and no matter whether he s it or not, this is the hand he's been dealt.

I won't spoil what happens after that, but I very much enjoyed it. John plays to his strengths, and while he is willing to fight for what is right, it's usually because he's fighting for himself first and everyone else after that.

This has the potential to be a fun series. The editing is above average, and the stats are clear and easy to understand. The best part is that he's not overpowered, and he has a team to help him.

Recommended. 5/5*action-adventure fantasy litrpg ...more Robert Baucom81 1 follower

Really enjoyed it!

The doorverse chronicles book 1: into the doorverse is well written. A few grammar errors, missing the word and. But nothing that really interferes with the book or your enjoyment. He is a assassin that a deity of power offers redemption when a assassination goes wrong? Or maybe for him goes wrong in the right way? Put into a Cultivation world and he doesn't know how to cultivate. The world building is well designed and the main character does NOT suffer with angst so many writers want to do. Where they want to moralize the main character having to kill an evil person intent on destroying the world.
I am looking forward to book 2 of the series and I only review the books I love. Rob Enderle210 4

OK first, this book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger which is problematic given the next book isn't out yet (but it is due in a couple of weeks). That's the only negative, though as I really enjoyed the concept of someone that could operate in an RPG world but where everyone native was more an NPC. And the concept of going through portals provides for a potentially unlimited story arc without forcing it. I also that while there is some sex, it is minor and not at all annoying. Overall a great read, with good action, decent character and power development, and a theme that should scale well to multiple books. Nicely done! A. RickAuthor 27 books11

Slow over-wordy start, but got better.

I'm not a big gamer and the regular status level stats (and the uneven, sometimes hard to read wonky formatting of those status updates), kind of broke the rhythm of the action. That and the first part seemed to drag on and on with little point other than fluffing up the page count for KU pages read. It took till between a third and half way into the book when they traveled to the city before I began to 'enjoy' the story.

The plot twist toward the end was both unexpected and awesomely welcome and bumped my intended rating of a somewhat boring and over-wordy three to a solid mid-high four stars. invisiblemonki16

Kyle Johnson does it again

This dude is really good at working plausible explanations for LitRPG tropes. And he's a good author, with enough experience in martial arts to make the fights interesting and real. The characters have good motivations for their actions. The universes' rules are internally consistent (my biggest pet peev is when they're not) and he knows how to finish a story arc (and leave you with a rassafrassa$#&*'"ing cliffhanger, dammit). I'm very excited to explore more in this (and his other) world(s). Roberto Flores2,196 47

Well written but has massive plot issues.

The character backgrounds do not align with their choices personalities. There are numerous times that things happen just to add tension and not for any logical reason. This book is an excellent first draft but not any kind of finished work. You are essentially making Quantum Leap but forcing the issue. The MC was suppose to be an assassin but ignored their instincts and never questioned who was offering them a deal, that was a huge red flag and left the backend reveal quite obvious. Dan Welch6


1 star added for decent universe and general premise. The good: For a litrpg, the writing mechanics, grammar knowing what words mean, etc. are OK. There is an actual plot which, for a litrpg, is about average. Characters don’t really exist. Dialogue is standard wuxia and okish

The bad: Otherwise, this is really dumb. If you can get over how all the examples of how clever the assassin is are actually facepalmingly stupid and are used to the general low quality of litrpg it might be possble to read this. I couldn’t. Chris And9

good but needs editing

This is a good book that could be great with a bit of editing. Some of the editing issues were typos, punctuation, missing words, misidentified characters who were speaking at different times.

Awesome story line that will allow for many books to follow. William447 1 follower


Almost 4 stars, but couldn’t quite bring myself to rate it so. Great story idea, and decent characters. The world building and litrpg elements are lacking. If food, it’d be chain restaurant level. William Howe1,553 66


At times, the MC pushed my credulity. So smart, yet so dumb. But I enjoyed watching him develop his system. And the underlying concept has a lot of possibilities.

I am going to buy the next book right now. That’s my recommendation. Geoff Jones10

Just finished this incredible book a day thoroughly enjoyed it. What a spiffing yarn it turned out to be. I would recommend it to anyone who is seeking a good read. I have downloaded book 2 and will dive into it with glee. Thank you Kyle Johnson
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