
Lovestruck de KT Grant

de KT Grant - Género: English
libro gratis Lovestruck


CEO hotel mogul Barbara Jennings has three months to decide whether to close her Manhattan hotel or cut costs by firing some of her employees. She meets her much-younger employee, Jennifer Caffey and is instantly smitten. Now Barbara has another mission, and that is to seduce the innocent Jenny.

Jenny is also attracted to the powerful and beautiful Barbara, but has never really had a steamy love affair with another woman. Unwittingly, she allows herself to be swept away by her passion for this older woman who may ruin her life.

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Nice easy read with the rating hovering somewhere between three and four stars. Jenny first meets Barbara when she spills her coffee on her briefcase in Starbucks. A couple of weeks later Barbara, the CEO of the St Jennings hotel, finds Jenny, employee of the hotel, crying in the bathroom.

The characters had much more promise than they delivered on. They lacked depth and motivation. The story was fairly sexy but the flatness of Jenny and Barbara reduced the chemistry they could have had.

Good for a quick read but doesn't challenge emotionally.3 s Dide1,354 49

Entertaining read just not realistic of a CEO with a chain of hotels personally interviewing her lower tier staff.2 s Mandi2,313 727

Why I read: KT Grant, aka Katiebabs, is a friend and I definitely said yes when she asked me to read her debut book.

Favorite Quote: “Oh Jennifer. You undo me.” Barbara whispered against her mouth and then dipped her head to suck on her neck.”

Jenny works at the St. Jennings Hotel in New York City, a prestigious, world wide chain. Although her boss, Jeffrey, gives her lowly assignments and is usually the butt of many jokes Jenny tells her friends behind closed doors, Jenny loves the hotel and it is a very big part of her life. Her roommate Mike works there as well as her best friend Tonya.

Word comes down the grapevine that the owner of St. Jennings, Barbara is about to make an appearance. Little does Jenny know that Barbara, also known as the barracuda is actually the woman, the very beautiful woman, Jenny made eye contact with at the Starbucks recently. When they see each other again at the hotel, sparks fly.

Barbara is extremely wealthy, and very sad that the St. Jennings may have to be closed down after years of losses. She decides to start meeting with the staff to get a better picture of what is happening at the hotel.  But once she meets Jenny, it is hard for her to focus on anything else. She wants the young, messy, naive Jenny with a passion she hasn’t felt for years. She puts a plan in motion to seduce Jenny, and Barbara always gets what she wants.

Lovestruck is the debut novel by K.T. Grant and although female/female romance is not first on my list for turning me on, I was impressed by this debut. K.T. Grant gives us a May-December romance with plenty of dirty, dirty action. Barbara is used to getting her way, and when the shyer Jenny plays coy, the chase turns Barbara on big time. She knows what she wants and she is not afraid to tell, or show Jenny what she is all about.

I get that Jenny hasn’t had as much experience, but once in awhile her simpering was a little too much to take. At one point she asks Barbara, “Um, okay, but what if I want you to stop?” I could have done without so much of Jenny’s feeble attempts at playing innocent.At the same time, Barbara came across harsh at moments, angered if Jenny did not give in to her demands, but she is the driving force behind this relationship.

The romance is hot in this one, with plenty of sex scenes. And with Mike, Jenny’s gay best friend and Tonya, Jenny has a great support system going on. I very much enjoyed getting to know these friends and I hope K.T. Grant revisits them in future books.

When I read a friend’s book, I found myself turning to the book gods in hopes of a worthy story, and K.T. Grant pulls it off. I think many will be discovering her very steamy reads appealing and I look forward to more.

Rating: 3.5/5
1 SussexCat154

Some sexy and sweet rich woman, poor woman power smut wrapped up in a pleasant story.
Yes please and thank you very much.
LVLMLeah315 34

Lovestruck is one of those cute, fresh, contemporary love stories that was nicely written and a lot of fun to read.

This is the first novel of from this author, and I commend her on starting out with a genre that’s not exactly leading in the must read charts. She did a great job, not only in her writing style but in capturing sweet romance in all of its elements.

Barbara and Jenny are two characters who really stand out and are very much their own person. What I d especially was that the dynamics between both women kept shifting, which gave it a kick that’s hard to achieve in a love story between two women.

Barbara, at first, is the dominant one. She’s much older than Jenny and she’s a powerful, rich CEO of a major hotel chain who’s used to getting what she wants. She’s immediately smitten by Jenny and wastes no time in seducing her even though Jenny is younger, and her employee. It would seem then that this is how it will be between her and Jenny, Barbara controlling the relationship. But Jenny shows Barbara that Barbara is more vulnerable and not as in control as she thinks.

At first I was a bit worried about how things would go between these two. Jenny does act a bit childish at times and there is a stark contrast between Barbara’s maturity and Jenny’s youth in their initial interactions both sexually and outside of that. However, as things progress, Jenny steps up to the plate and makes it clear that she won’t be coddled, nor will she be taken advantage of because of the disparity in their ages, life experience or social status.

This made both women a bit more complex and well rounded as characters, which I felt made this story. The only complaint I did have about how the women interact is that Barbara calls Jenny kiddo and kid all the time. I felt that even though it’s clear that Barbara has full on fallen for Jenny and thinks of her as her equal, the use of kiddo kept giving it the feel of an older sister type thing. It didn’t cloud the feeling of the actual type of relationship they had, but that was one thing about how they interacted that bothered me a bit.

Outside of that, all of the characters come across as genuine and real and it had the feel of hanging out with your best buddies.

The story itself was not farfetched and I could see it actually happening. And the writing flow was just right, with clean dialogue that was snappy and natural at the same time.

For those who want to know, there’s lots and lots of steamy sex. Depending on your mood or preference in reading erotic sex, it could be a bit over the top, especially in the beginning where it seemed fairly non-stop. However, the requisite romantic and relationship foil enters in soon and there was a nice period of time getting to know the characters and getting more story development. The timing of it was just right.

And speaking of the foil, Ms Grant kept it at the perfect balance so that it was clear that these two really want each other, but not so angsty that you’re OK already, let them get together. Moreover, it didn’t come across as contrived, but a perfectly reasonable reason for some problem in two people getting together.

All in all, this was a juicy, light read and sweet love story. I’m quite impressed with Ms Grant’s first published book and look forward to some more. I definitely recommend Lovestruck for a satisfying, erotic romance. Smokinhotbooks K.C.211 218

Read Full Review Here
Barbara cut off her words with a kiss, pressing her lips gently but insistently against Jennifer’s mouth. Jennifer sat there in stunned silence. When she didn’t respond, Barbara raised her head. She held Jennifer’s face in a tight grip and moaned. She wanted to feel Jennifer’s tongue against her own.

“Jennifer, please le me in. Let me make you feel good.”

“Yes please.” She whispered, ever so polity. She touched her tongue against Barbara’s.

“Oh Jennifer. You undo me.” Barbara whispered against her mouth and then dipped her head to such on her neck.”

Now, we all known that I was a bit scared to read a full on F-F book. I dipped my toe with an urban fantasy F-F, but KT Grant was asking me to go boldly where Smokinhotbooks had never gone before. A May-December female love book. Or as I to fondly call this genre, a femfest book. Was I a little uncomfy with some of the more erotic scenes of the book? Sure, I'll confess to being a bit of a prude. However, after finishing this book I can say that enjoyed the erotic aspects of the book and didn't look through my fingers during the characters naughty time. KT Grant has busted me out of my male-male only rut, and now I can brag to all my more worldly friends that I can join the female love group too!

Normally May-December romances don't really 'speak to me', but I put my prejudices aside and really enjoyed this aspect of the story. The author definitely made a hypocrite out of me as I thoroughly enjoyed the older woman/younger woman love angle with Barbara and Jennifer, and found the dynamics of their relationship really worked for me.

Barbara, a successful (billionaire) hotel owner runs into young, Jenny Caffey in a local Starbucks, only to find out that the hotel Jenny is working (St. Jennings) out is owned by the sultry older woman nicknamed The Barracuda. As Jenny and Barbara start a sensual relationship can it survive when Jenny finds out the hotel might be closing…?

Lovestruck is an apt title for how I was ‘struck’ on how much I d this book. As I mentioned above, the older woman dating a younger, more innocent woman really worked for me. Even though I prefer my erotic with two guys or heck if I’m feeling adventurous throw in another one, I was surprised on how much it didn’t matter that I was reading about two females. This is a testament to the writing – a good author; no matter the sex of the characters can pull you in with great character development and writing.

Although I won’t be putting away my 'I heart man- love t-shirt' anytime soon, maybe there is room in my closet for 'I heart girlie love'…?

Lovestruck is a sensual, contemporary romance between two women from different worlds that find love in one of my favorite coffee shops (Starbucks). Did I mention intimate scenes were verra (x2) sexy? For those of you readers that want to branch out into something different, Lovestruck is a well-written female/female contemporary erotica book.

P.S. I'm really hoping that Mike (Jenny's adorable gay roommate) gets a book of his own *crosses fingers*



Have you read any girlie love books? What did you think? erotic Julie535 140

I was really happy (and honored) when KT Grant asked me to read her debut novel. There were many reasons why I was excited to read it. For one thing, I’ve been following KT’s blog for quite some time – it’s one of my favorites. On top of that, the buzz surrounding this book has been hard to miss.

I downloaded “Lovestruck” onto my shiny new eReader, totally stoked. I settled into my recliner with it…and then my Kobo died. *stands up, punches fists in the air, jumps up and down a two year old* *sigh* I have trouble reading on the computer – the screen tires my eyes. But I really didn’t want to wait another couple of weeks for my eReader to be repaired, so I sucked it up and read “Lovestruck” on my laptop. I’m glad I did because it was well worth it.

KT Grant did a nice job with this story. Barbara is a very compelling character, one who is used to getting her way. (How else would you become one of the most successful hotel CEOs?) She is instantly drawn to Jenny, a college student lost in the midst of her life. Jenny’s internal struggle about Barbara is well written, and naturally she makes the right choice in trusting her gut. Not only do Barbara and Jenny bring out the best in each other but they also help the other let loose and have fun. Of course, love ensues along with lots and lots of sex. *winks*

The secondary characters are wonderful to read. I felt especially drawn to Mike and Kyle. I would love to see a book where Mike is the hero, and maybe even a book for Kyle. Imagine a series consisting of three books – one f/f, one m/m and one m/f. How neat would that be?

Overall, I found this book to be quite fun (“hee hee, they meet at Starbucks”…), charming (“it’s so cute how Mike looks out for Jenny”…) and educational (“so that’s how two women get each other off…over and over again…and again”…). Oh, and steamy…very steamy. Nice job KT. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

3.5 starsread-in-2010 Liza1,355 149

I copied my review from my blog over for this book.

Lovestruck is described as a May/December contemporary lesbian romance on the author’s website. I honestly didn’t know what to expect since I’ve never read either F/F or M/M romances before. I can honestly say Lovestruck is one of the most romantic and passionate stories I’ve ever read. Both Barbara and Jennifer are attracted to one another from the first time they see each other. Of course the fact that Barbara is the boss and Jenny the employee, is just one of the obstacles they have in their way. Barbara is a successful business woman who has never made public her sexual preference and Jenny is a younger woman who is still stumbling along in pursuit of the right woman. The first time Barbara and Jenny give into their attraction, Jenny totally freaks out and runs away. Barbara knows she has found someone and something special with Jenny and has no thoughts of ending it yet. As the two women continue to explore their relationship, work-life gets in the way. Jenny learns Barbara only came to the hotel to possibly close it and Jenny is so worried about not only her job, but the jobs of her friends, she puts distance between Barbara and herself.

The resolution of this story is absolutely beautiful. I saw this story as the happily ever after of two people, who just happened to be women. I thought I might be put off by a F/F relationship since I’d never read a story about one before, but found myself cheering for Barbara and Jenny from early in the story. Congratulations to KT Grant on writing an absolutely sexy, beautiful, and enchanting love story that pulls the reader in from the beginning. I look forward to many more books by KT Grant in the future.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review TamAuthor 21 books99

Why are there two women on that cover you ask? Is it a generic cover? Nope, two women and I read it. Jenny is a 25 year old business student who works part-time at a very upscale hotel. One day the hotel mogul shows up to interview the staff. Barbara is struck by Jenny (who she literally ran into a while ago at Starbucks) and is determined to get her into bed despite the fact that Jenny is 10 years younger and an employee. They finally hook-up and things are going along not bad until Jenny finds out the real reason for the interviews and feels that Barbara was hiding things from her. They have a falling out which of course because it’s a romance, they work out. So how was my first all f/f book? Hmmm. I don’t think I’ll be changing genres, but it wasn’t bad. I saw lots of parallels with m/m, the more aggressive alpha who is rich and gets their way, the younger innocent who makes them behave out of character. Although despite Jenny being 10 years younger she seemed to have her head screwed on straighter than Barbara who did stupid things have sex with her in a public bathroom at work. Sheesh. But then Jenny got that “frozen deer in the headlights” thing going on, but I d her more than Barbara who was soooo aggressive and was all just sex sex sex. Now I’m wondering if that was my innate prejudice coming through and if she’d been a man if it would have annoyed me so much. Made me think anyway. So if you’d to give another genre a whirl I would recommend this book. It’s nicely done, the sex is pretty steamy (even if words for girl parts always sound more rude than boy parts) and I d Jenny’s friends that she works with a lot. I’d love to read her male roommate’s story. He needs a man. LynnMarie857 79

Angelique’s Review

I will admit to having doubts about whether or not to review this book since contemporary is not one of my favorite romance sub-genres, but I was very pleasantly surprised by “Lovestruck.” This novella was passionate, aggravating, inspiring, and sexy – all at the same time.

The characters Jenny and Barbara are very much opposites. The women end up fitting together well after they get rid of some of their personal baggage. I really d how they went full circle with the Starbucks scenes at the beginning and end.

This story was very easy to read with clear and descriptive language. The plot was believable and well executed. I was close to tears in the end when they announced the fate of the hotel. It was really an emotional rollercoaster.

The love scenes were amazingly detailed and incredibly hot. There was just the right amount of emotion, action, and fire. Some authors write awkward f/f scenes, but Ms. Grant nailed them.
I will most definitely be looking to see what else I can read from this author!

4 Tea Cups! Kristina126 68

I have to say that I really enjoyed this fast-paced F/F romance!

KT Grant's writing is smooth and flows well. (even though I have to admit that sometimes it seemed all odds were against the characters) She created a fun and sometimes serious story of two women from different walks of life. I often found myself rooting for them.

I'll say that this author can also write some extremely steamy "scenes." *ahem* (In keeping the site pg I'll leave it at that) I've seen this book being called erotic but my thought is this...I think (personally) it's classified that way because it's F/F. It has the same amount of "intimacy" you'd see in a M/F romance. Maybe I'm wrong but I saw it as just that, a romance.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters, the storyline, and the fast pace of the book. If your looking for a good F/F romance or just something different in your romance reading then maybe this one is for you.
M A151 16

I read this book last year. I found the main characters sympathetic and engaging with great chemistry. I had a great sense of who each woman was and what she wanted and needed that made Jennifer and Barbara a compatible couple. Grant also did a lovely job with secondary characters, mainly Jennifer's co-workers at the hotel Barbara owns.

As much as I enjoyed the love story component, the novel overall was a "miss" for me in the sense I felt the primary conflict and challenges in the book were not that credible. Much of the conflict revolved around Barbara's business decisions concerning her family's hotel and Jennifer's concerns about her and her colleagues job security. I worked in hospitality for over a decade, and I just found many of the situations presented in the book lacking credibility. bisexual-f-f erotic-romance romance-contemporary Anna497 162

Jenny and Barbara are total opposites, but they do have similarities. While both are insecure about certain things, they are also independent women. But there is that one thing missing for both of them. Love, a companion, someone they can share their life with.

This story was fun to read. I'm definitely out of my comfort zone genre wise. Contemporary Romance or Female/Female isn't usually something I read but with this one, I ended up enjoying the story. Lovestuck is fun, intense and steamy. I d both the plot and characters. Jenny especially, I thought she was a great character. Mike and Kyle were two characters that stood out for me too. Ms Grant's writing is creative and seductive. This story was written in such away that makes the characters believable and true.contemp-romance Bells114 151

I thought I would take that chance and read something entirely different than what I am used to. A f/f book. I have to say, it was just as romantic and erotic as a traditional m/f. Maybe a little more because it was something I wasn't used to reading. You could really feel the attraction between the two main characters in the book. That attraction led to some very hot scenes between the two of them. I also felt the story truly flowed and that made it an easy read. I feel that KT Grant did a great job for being a new writer. I am looking forward to reading more of her books in the future. Miranda174 3 Read

A good light read for someone curious about f/f romance.

Visit me at Sweet Vernal Zephyr for my extended review and some eye candy too. :D Wicked Lil Pixie (Natasha)272 61

Review to come Tracy's Place2,561 44

. Tara783 360

I wasn't sure I was going to this one and then I realized it's a lot a Harlequin Presents, but with two women, and then I had a lot of fun with it. age-gap business-execs ceos ...more Elaine867

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