
A Twisted Fate de Kristine Endsley

de Kristine Endsley - Género: English
libro gratis A Twisted Fate


The elven realm cast her out . . . and now they expect her to save them.

The nerve, right?

Hally built a life in exile among humans after her magic caused a tragic accident in the elven realm. A century later, Hally's past walks into her tattoo shop.

Nolan, her charismatic—estranged—fated-friend, upends her exile as he hunts a mysterious mage. Little is known about the mage except she's powerful, ruthless and her curse is decimating the elves. Nolan needs Hally's help in more ways than they realize.

But why should Hally risk the life she's built in Seattle to save the elves that cast her out? Her unorthodox magic might hold the key to stopping the mage's curse. Hally must choose: protect her secrets or prevent a catastrophe in both realms. One thing is clear—her exile is about to get a lot more complicated.

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Kristine Endsley's 'A Twisted Fate' marks an intriguing start to a new urban fantasy series, blending the mystical allure of elven lore with the familiar backdrop of Earth. The story centers around Hally, an exiled elf finding refuge on Earth, and Nolan, her estranged friend seeking her help, creating a narrative rich in character development and magical intrigue.

The main characters, Hally and Nolan, undergo significant development, particularly in the latter half of the book. While the early chapters establish them as likable and relatable, it is in the later stages that they truly evolve, making them compelling figures in this unfolding series. Their journey, marked by facing past fears and embracing new beginnings, sets a solid foundation for their future adventures.

Endsley's portrayal of Earth is immersive, grounding the story in a setting that is relatable yet tinged with magic. The glimpses of the elven realm, though limited, are intriguing and leave the reader wanting to explore more of this mystical world. The contrast between the two settings enriches the narrative, offering a balance between the fantastical and the mundane.

The pacing of 'A Twisted Fate' is well-managed, ensuring a steady flow of events that keep the story moving without feeling rushed. The focus on character and relationship development is interspersed with vivid action scenes, providing a good balance that caters to fans of both character-driven narratives and dynamic fantasy action.

Themes of letting go, facing fears, and starting anew are woven throughout the story. While these themes are not explored in great depth, they are presented in a way that adds meaningful layers to the characters' journeys.

The magic system in 'A Twisted Fate,' especially with the introduction of the elven language 'Aemirin,' is a standout feature. It adds a layer of authenticity and depth to the fantasy elements, making the world of Hally and Nolan more captivating.

While the book may not stir profound emotions, its strength lies in its storytelling and world-building rather than in evoking deep emotional responses. This approach suits the nature of the book, focusing more on the fantastical aspects and the unfolding narrative.

'A Twisted Fate' is unique in its approach to urban fantasy, making it a refreshing read for fans of the genre. Those who enjoy stories set in the present day with innovative magic systems and a new take on elves will find this book particularly appealing.

Overall, Endsley's 'A Twisted Fate' is a promising start to a series that skillfully blends the mystical with the modern. It earns a solid 4 out of 5 stars for its engaging characters, imaginative world-building, and a plot that keeps the reader hooked. As the first book in a series, it sets the stage for what promises to be an enchanting and thrilling fantasy adventure.

I'd to thank Kristine Endsley for providing me with an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of 'A Twisted Fate.' This review is based on my own honest opinions and reflections on the book.arc1 Kaitlyn23 2

My rating: Enjoy

What it’s about:

After a tragic accident regarding magic leaves Hally an exile from her home realm, she passes as human, only moving when her lack of aging becomes noticeable. More than 200 years old, her new home is in Seattle as a tattoo artist. She’s made an amazing family. But Nolan, her fated-friend, comes back into her life after a magic plague struck home, he looks to her for help catching another endai (elf) who is now after her and behind the plague. Afterall, Hally has some unorthodox magic, but unbeknownst to others, she’s sealed herself off from it.. On top of that, her human life gets complicated as a human with a vendetta against her is let out of jail. Can she find her way out of this now complicated exile without exposing herself to humans?

Initial Review (Spoiler Free):

This book was not what I expected… but not in a bad way! It was slower paced than I expected and all took place in Seattle. I was never bored… just waited for more and it picked up in the end. Everything revolves around Hally, who just wants to get on with her exile without being exposed. Her relationship with Nolan surprised me! Nolan and Hally have a relationship that’s basically mates but….. With friendship. Nothing romantic it seems but if one dies the other dies within 10 years. I really wanted more to happen there but it’s so sweet as it is. Things just happen to Hally, which despite her weird suppressed magic, is very timid and lets things happen. I wouldn’t say she’s meek but she’s not the strongest or sassiest MC I’ve read though she does have her moments. The best part of the book was the friendships and found family aspect. I think this book mostly revolves around exploring that.

Read Time: 6-7 hours
The promise?: Elf in exile and her past knocking on the door
Did it deliver?: Kind of? I feel it did but not in the way I expected. If you expect a powerful MC… Hally is just not there yet though she has potential.

Vibe: Cozy with some danger.

arc-reads1 ? Stephanie Reads ?18 2

**spoiler free review**

Urban fantasy
Single POV (mostly)
Found family
Strong FMC
Fae, elves
World building

I have gotten back into reading a few months ago, and this was my first fantasy read since rediscovering my love for reading! I think this was the PERFECT book to get me back into the fantasy genre.

I loved the FMC’s personality! It made this book so enjoyable to read. She was so personable and funny. I have been reading lots of romance where the FMC’s have such poor character development – this was such a refreshing read in this case. The FMC was a badass elf tattoo artist, and while there are elements of romance or romantasy, this was very much in the background and didn’t take away from the storyline.

I think this story was also so captivating because it follows two stories, both of Halle’s worlds. I think the author did such a great job with world building and pulling elements from the elven realm and human world to pull everything together nicely. (sorry, this is spoiler-free so I’m trying my best to stick to that haha).

I was really excited to see at the end of this book that there is more to come from this author, particularly this storyline – book two AND a novella?! – I can’t wait to see what’s next!arc fantasy1 Lærke Lunderskov27 1 follower

In the beginning I was a bit but skeptical but after som time I began to really it, It was fast paste and had both slow burn romance and a great world building (which is some of my absolute favorite things I a fantasy book).
The main character Hallanevaë mostly known as Hally or Hallë, has been exiled from Aemina (her home country) and is now living on earth, but a day one of her old friends and her Muranild Twynolan comes into her life and tells her about an Enda with powerful magic and a curse which Is killing the Aeminan folks.
You are probably wondering what the weird words I have used means, and I have good news, because the words is in Aemirin the language spoken in Aemina, said with other words the book has its own languets that some of the characters speak (there is translations in the book and a English-to-Aemirin Guide (but the translations in the book is enough to understand the sentences) and it is making the book more realistic (as realistic as a fantasy book can be) and I absolutely love coming across lines as “Hallë quessa. Emelasi coj muranildi juetera? Ne-”
The book is super good, and I am so happy it is a series, so I don’t have to let go of the character.
I am 100% going to read it again.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
arc1 Books.withCats117 3

The debut novel of Kristine Endsley was absolutely amazing.
She made a world full of magic and it's own language (and in contrast with a lot of other books everything was explained). She created beautiful characters with dept and issues, and a banter that had you speed reading to see what is coming next! I loved the way everything was explained and all people in Hally's world were so well placed.
I can't wait to read more of her stories and how she will evolve!

*** I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest review ***arc1 Yael114 3

This is a great debut book for Kristine Endsley, it was fun, fast paced, with a strong FMC and lovely secondary characters. Endsley crafted a captivating story about an exiled elf, the life she built herself, found family and friends, and how all that got upended when her past steps back into her life. The world is vivid and the characters are well written, I was pulled in from the start and couldn’t put the book down. Can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
1 Nicole B22 1 follower

This is not my go to genre but this book really changed my mind about fantasy books. I found the characters relatable and the storyline extremely interesting. I had fallen in love with all of the characters. But the book left me with a lot of unanswered questions. Part of the ending didn’t seem very clear to me. But that may be just the author leading up to another book!1 Cheyanne Fletcher-Berger25 2

Hally is stuck in the human world for an accident that happened in the elf realm. Her world is turned upside down when Nolan comes back to get her involved with a curse that is plaguing their home.
With quite a crew of friends and family members at her side, Hally fights to save her other family that she is no longer able to see.
Great amount of character relationships, character building, and a bit of fantasy worlds.
1 Sarah Hancock11 1 follower

One of the best books by a new author that I have ever red.

A Twisted Fate is packed with excitement, thought provoking chapters and sassy characters. The author has really done a wonderful job with world and magic use building. I didn’t ever feel I wasn’t in the know because of how cleverly the author explained everything without it seeming the story was being interrupted.

If you enjoy sassy headstrong characters, great fight scenes, creative use of a new language (short index included for reference), and a thrilling story I would highly recommend this book to you!1 1 comment Melinda Cater160 3

I had an instant feeling the moment I saw the cover and read the description for A Twisted Fate that I was going to love it.

Aaaaaannnnddddd! LOVE IT! I DID!

Hally, tattoo artist, French speaking, friend loving, coffee drinking, little bit of a hot head, has a few secrets up her sleeve. And it’s not just that her pointed ears weren’t surgically created to make her look cool or that she can learn and speak many many languages. Nope the real secret is that she is a 246 year old elf exiled to our realm and just trying to get by, have friends, and keep from being discovered and used as a government science experiment.

But when Hally’s past comes strolling into her tattoo shop in the form of a tall, handsome, ginger elf Hally is suddenly thrust into problems of the past, an unknown and crazy and curse causing assailant, an old friend, dangerous magic, and the best found family an exiled elf could ask for.

I absolutely loved this story! It was fun (Hally was such a stubborn and hard headed character filled with sarcasm and whit), emotional (there were emotions and revelations a plenty), filled to the brim with a plethora of sweet, funny, and completely diverse friendship dynamics, and just the quintessential amount of stress, angst, and battles to keep me glued to my phone.

My favorite character was Nol. He was the perfect combination of bookish genius (if you know me you know I love me a bookish hero) turned badass fighter and I loved everything…EVERYTHING…about him. He was a bit hot headed and said things he often regretted—which in all honesty I could relate to—but he was fierce in his love and bond with Hally. I loved that he had faults and failures but learned from them and strived to do better. He was written just perfect.

The found family aspect of this story was Top Notch! No kidding! There were so many friends and family that all were completely distinct and entirely their own and yet they came together to create this absolutely beautiful and unique family and it was just exceptionally created!

I also loved all the snippets of French and Aemirin—the language of the elves. It was so well done and explained and never felt forced or over extended. I really really enjoyed this aspect of the story.

My only wish was is that there will be a little more romance in future books. I’m a sucker for romance. And am a strong believer that a well written romance will make any story better (also a Kraken! Takes place in Seattle! Could happen! Eh? Eh?). And there was a little flirting and such, which was perfectly done for this story. It was realistic and true to Hally’s character. I am just hoping for more in future novels. Because I WILL BE READING ALL FUTURE STORIES!

So yep! This was a fantastic debut novel by Endsley! I very highly recommend it to all urban fantasy lovers looking for something sweet, funny, but absolutely intrigue filled with amazing characters, cool but dangerous magic, deadly and fierce battles and an exiled elf just trying to just keep it together the best she can.1 Library_of_a_Trashpanda38 6

'Tattoos Hurt. If you can't deal with that, don't fucking get one'

Hook line and sinker I was in with the first line. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this but tattoo artist elves got me. A trope I didn't know I needed.

The first character we get to meet is Hallanevae (Hally for the human world). She's been exiled from her home country and has been living big city life to hide. Suddenly an old friend shows up at her door asking for her help, there's a curse that is targeting her people.

The world building was top tier. It was a new kind of take on Elves, magic, making it stand out on its own. I loved watching the characters evolve through the story and have amazing banter, if that's your thing then you need to read this. Endsley's debut book doesn't at all feel it is. She's weaved and told a story that is immersive and well imaginable. She was able to build a world this yet explain what is needed to understand without dragging it out, but you still understand.

Overall this is an amazing start to this series and I cannot wait for the following books and more from Endsley. Now I have to patiently wait for the next installment ( I won't be patient).

Thank you to the author for this advanced copy. All thoughts and are my own.fantasy2 s Akari3 1 follower

? The stars guide us together tonight

My first ARC, first review and I can't put in words how much I loved reading this book. The blurb called to me and I wasn't left disappointed. I will continue reading the author's future books for sure!

I think this was also the first book where I was so engrossed in a fantasy language. Or maybe the books just never were so focused to show off the languages. For me, the appearance of Aemirin, this world's elf language, was a bright highlight, especially with having a guide as an extra. At the very start of the book, I kept the guide near me as I thought we wouldn't have the translations in the book and would need to translate each sentence. I was really committed to that, ahah. And now that I'm writing this I have 2 words that keep coming to my mind - c'yo and sitam, but I also have a soft spot for olentame (won't spoil the meanings).
Saw another reviewer talking about not having enough romance and while I do agree with wanting to see more romance in the future - it felt just right for the first book.

Thank you to the author for sending an ARC in exchange for an honest review and congratulations on the debut! The star path is bright tonight ?arc fae-elementals1 1 comment Devi Sparks2 1 follower

Peopled with colorful characters, shady dealings, heart-stopping complications, and gripping action, A Twisted Fate is an epic debut from Kristine Endsley.Hally is a 246-year-old elf exiled from her realm to ours more than a century ago for a magical mishap that resulted in the deaths of two other elves. Despite being very careful to lay low, blend in, and stay out of trouble, it turns out a hundred plus years is plenty of time for trouble to find her. Not only are federal agents eyeing her because of an old business partner's illegal dealings, but she learns that a rogue elf has unleashed a terrible plague of magic on her realm and is now in Seattle hunting Hally. Everyone Hally loves most is suddenly in jeopardy, but she is determined to protect them at any cost.1 Debbie Eyre4,898 98

Meet Hally exiled from the Elven realm to earth to make her own way. Fast forward a few years or maybe a hundred and Hally has made a life for herself, owning her own tattoo shop and loving life when one day her past walks back into her world. Hally is a great character, strong, sassy, hard headed and stubborn and her adventure is exciting, thrilling and intriguing. The world building is beautiful and descriptive and draws you close whilst the storyline is a perfect blend of Elven lore, myth and magic and I found myself captivated from the very start.1 Sarah LewinAuthor 2 books8

A brilliant fantasy story. I can't wait to read the next one! 1 Stephie19 1 follower


I found "A Twisted Fate" to be a bit on the unique side - the magic system and the characters having their own Fae language. It was all different (at least to me) and made this book a compelling one. There were some aspects that were confusing for me, some parts I thought unnecessary, and at one point, I got a little tired of Hally's snark and attitude but I loved Nol and the other side characters, especially Charlie and Ray. All in all, I enjoyed reading A Twisted Fate and would recommend it. I am looking forward to book 2 and what lies ahead for Hally, Nol, and the gang. Shruti Gupta284

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