
There Is a Door in This Darkness de Kristin Cashore

de Kristin Cashore - Género: English
libro gratis There Is a Door in This Darkness


A magic-tinged contemporary YA about grief and hope from the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of the Graceling Realm novels.
Wilhelmina Hart is part of the infamous class of 2020. Her high school years began with a shocking presidential election and ended with a pandemic. In the midst of this global turmoil, she also lost one of her beloved aunts, a loss she still feels keenly. Having deferred college, Wilhelmina now lives in a limbo she can see no way out of, like so many of her peers. Wilhelmina’s personal darkness would be unbearable (especially with another monumental election looming) but for the inexplicable and seemingly magical clues that have begun to intrude on her life—?ashes of bizarre, ecstatic whimsy that seem to add up to a message she can’t quite grasp. But something tells her she should follow their lead. Maybe a trail of elephants, birds, angels, and stale doughnuts will lead Wilhelmina to a door?

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I need to start this review with saying I think itÂ’s too soon to be immersing myself in books/movies/television that is based around the pandemic. I understand for some writing/creating based on that will heal them, but I read to escape and the pandemic isnÂ’t a place I want to escape to. That being said I d this book even if I had a hard time reading it. This was definitely a book I put down often and if it wasnÂ’t one IÂ’d found on BookishFirst I may not have finished it. I d the magical realism in this book. I d the characters even if the lack of communication between Wilhelmina and her friends was painful. I loved James and his push to talk about what was happening. I didnÂ’t love the combination of the election and pandemic. Those things sucked beyond all words and I donÂ’t need the reminders. The writing was good, but I thought the flashbacks were too long and there were too many mentions of the election. While I loved that he was referred to as the Monster I didnÂ’t think he needed quite so many pages dedicated to him and his hissy fits. I think I would enjoy other things by this author more and maybe I would have enjoyed this book in a few years. I gave it 3.5 stars and rounded up since I think it might have been more of a me problem. 26 s1 comment Chloe Frizzle483 94

I don't object to the politics in this book. I do object to the fact that the many pages of Trying to Make a Political Point in this book are boring, lacking stakes, and don't tie in well with the rest of the plot. Every few pages there's a surprise paragraph about the 2020 USA election, or covid lockdown protocols. It rarely works well with the rest of the book, and feels out of place. This feels less a story, and more the author had many rants and emotions during 2020 that she wanted to share with a weak framing device.

The one Very-2020 part of this book that I feel DID WORK is the ruminations on isolation. This ties in with one of the major conflicts of the book; the protagonist is cut off from her friends and adrift from regular life. I just wish the other points of this book also tied in with the plot and internal conflict.

Thanks to Netgalley and Dutton Books for Young Readers for a copy to review. All opinions are my own. 0-0-twentyfour 0-repeat-author 1-arc-advanced-reader-copies ...more12 s Meredith1,979 19

I went to a library conference recently, and the ARC of this book was the thing I was most excited by. I love Kristin Cashore, and the synopsis of this book was so intriguing. Great news-it's really, really good. Weird, and trippy, but also funny and touching and inspiring. It was slightly stressful to read, since so much of it takes place around the 2020 election and the anxiety of that, and we're currently rapidly approaching the 2024 election with the same participants and we're once again faced with the absolute horror of the orange one potentially being our president. On the bright side, Wilhelmina tries some coping methods in the book that I'm going to incorporate into my own life to help me get through it. teen-books10 s Amna Al29 1 follower

I found this novel incredibly interesting, especially considering how difficult the pandemic was for me. Not only did I graduate during this challenging time, but I also lost a relative to COVID-19. This novel really resonated with me. The characters were amazing, and the storyline was captivating. Normally, I prefer young adult novels, but this one completely changed my perspective. I've already recommended it to two of my bookish friends, and I'll definitely be recommending it to more. Reading this book was a pleasure, and I can't wait for more future books from this author. Lastly, I want to acknowledge all the families and individuals who suffered during the pandemic. Your pain is valid, and we stand with you. May your suffering ease, and may grief be gentle on all of us. A big thank you to Bookish First for giving me the opportunity to review this novel!6 s Maggie272 44 Want to read

"I have a new book coming out next May! IÂ’m really proud of it. ItÂ’s a YA full of magic, and also doughnuts, owls and albatrosses, friendships, mysteries, and even a little romance, plus it happens to take place during election week 2020, during the Covid pandemic, in my own home of Watertown, Massachusetts." -Kristin Cashore

I cannot wait2 s Bethany Gorska1,078 160

4.53 s Sheila Samuelson 1,105 18

Rating: 2.5 Stars!!
Thank you to Penguin Random House for picking me to win this FREE ARC Copy in a giveaway on their website last year.

Honestly I don't know what to say about this book because for me it wasn't a great read for many reasons
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