
Fire of the Sorceress de Krista Walsh

de Krista Walsh - Género: English
libro gratis Fire of the Sorceress


After 900 years, you'd think I'd have cleaned this place up.

Believe me, I've tried, and the only thing I've achieved in protecting the balance between magical and mundane is massive burnout.

My magic has waned, my motivation is in embers, and my social graces are... let's just say they're lacking.

Not helping at all is my ex, the servant of Death binding me to existence. The man I crave with every breath but whose presence in my life risks losing him forever.

I'm ready to swear off this world. But when a blood mage with troubling ambitions sets his sights on the city's covens, the voices of my past refuse to let me sit by and do nothing.

To stop him, I'll need to dust off decades of indifference, gather whatever allies I haven't driven away, and tap into my forgotten power.

It's time to remind myself what I'm capable of. The monsters better start trembling.

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I was Instantly drawn into this story… from page one it had my attention and I was hooked. Kat Palon is the FMC who is a sorceress who has lived nearly 900 years. She works to stop those who use their magic for evil or take their powers too far. She once was a feared sorceress but after her colleague and vampire friend, Adrian, retires and she creates distance between herself and her ex (not sure what his job title would be but dead collector?), Emrick, she struggles to find the motivation anymore to continue on. She continues to fight the battle of those who cross the line with their magic but her magic and powers are not what they once were. When she is shown three witches who died in a horrific way… she knows only one witch can be responsible. This witch she has chased for centuries and she is determined to not let him get away this time. The journey through this book is filled with action, suspense and so much more! Can she find motivation to help her regain purpose and her powers? Can she finally put a stop to this witch who has continued to elude her?

I really loved and enjoyed this book. I found the authors ways of writing captivating. I would love to know more about Kat and Emricks story in the past and what happens in the future. I hope to continue to read more of author Krista Walsh’s work and would recommend Fire of the Sorceress to my friends! 3 s Bevin149 6

CW: violence, gore, loss of family, some others

Thank you to the author for allowing me to be a part of the ARC team!

Being functionally immortal means multiple lifetimes of traumas tend to accumulate, and Kat is no exception. The constant grind that she’s been living for the past 800+ years has finally caught up, leaving Kat burnt out, exhausted, and with a limited supply of magic. So when bodies start dropping, potentially ramping up to an incredibly lethal spell, the odds are most certainly not in her favor.

This book was so much fun! It’s a quick, easy read that still manages to pack a lot of entertainment in along the way. I was fortunate enough to read “Fury of the Sorceress”, a novella that takes place between this book and the next, back when it released in 2023, and I’m happy to report that the characters are every bit as enjoyable now as they were then.

A fast-paced urban fantasy with loads of snark, this story keeps you entertained the whole way through. While the focus is on our FMC Kat, there are several other characters sprinkled in that help the story come to life with their distinctive personalities. The plot was easy to follow and interesting enough to keep the reader engaged. The fairly straightforward nature of the story allowed Kat’s inner struggles and her personality to really shine through, which made it easy to root for her along the way.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It’s easy on the brain and has a decent amount of humor sprinkled in, while still having some depth and background to the characters. This all combines to make an enjoyable read that doesn’t feel mindless fluff. If you urban fantasy with *all* the paranormal categories, strong FMCs with a temper, and a heaping dose of adorable found family, then this is the book for you!1 Tina Miles384 5

I’m a big fan of Walsh’s Invisibie Detente and Cadis series. With this book, Walsh has created yet another terrific series starter and I’m already anxiously waiting to read book 2.
The story is compelling and engaging right from the opening chapter. I’m wondering why Emric can’t be with Kat and what are her powers? Why is she depressed and not at her full strength? Why does Rhys keep Seeing these horrid scenes? Who is Adrien and why won’t he be her partner anymore?
I have so many questions! Krista Walsh writes a fascinating story to answer all my questions and more. The plot moves along quickly with lots of action to keep me interested. Her characters are fully developed, and their actions are consistent with their personalities and goals.
I highly recommend you read this book if you enjoy fantasy, magic and romance.1 Anaïsu Anaïsu140

I d Kat, it's a testament to the author's writing skills that I can relate to a T with a +900 years immortal sorceress, who's having a hard time in life, it's mostly in her head but that makes her even more "human" because we all know sometimes our minds are our worst enemy.

The fact Kat is so relatable makes her characters flesh out and real, even though, we are dealing with magic, paranormal, and fantasy elements. Kat is an excellent FMC.

I love her relationships with Rhys, Maera, and Adrian but mostly Emrick. You can feel the longing, the passion, and the regrets between them through the author's words. It feels a Greek tragedy and I'm here for it, as long as I get my HEA, well... time will tell. (I'm crossing my fingers because our leading sorceress needs more wins in her immortal life)

I removed a start because I didn't Barrett's character, mostly when he interacted with Kat, he was fine with Rhys. It's not necessarily the author's fault; maybe it's more of a personal pet peeve of mine, but in some instances the presence of Barrett as her "partner" made me wish she was just alone... or with anyone else. I didn't enjoy their interactions and I wished they had a bit more of a light frenemies banner type of relationship. I could have been behind that but it wasn't, so this character sucked some of the joy from me.

As a minor "dis" I felt the final battle was a bit too long or at least it felt too long for me. We have been there 2 times already so the final and third time, even though EPIC, it dragged a little bit. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more (the epilogue made me very intrigued... Adrian's words...)1 Beba Andric1,045 52

I read the prequel, completely fell in love with Kat, so it's a no brainer how excited I was to dive into this book! I can so relate to Kat, and let's get real, if I had been doing the same old, same old for centuries, I too would be despondent and meh. Which is exactly what Kat is feeling. Once a fierce and feared protector of keeping creatures in line, the watchdog of magical beings, has lost her mojo somewhat. What doesn't change is the love she feels, for her friends, for Emrick. Yeah, not seeing someone for 75 years and STILL loving them as fiercely shows the depth of the love she holds in her heart. And the reason Emrick reappears is, in part, due to the disturbing visions Rhys is having. Emrick shouldn't be in the mortal realm, one touch by him and you're toast, except for Kat, one touch and her heart, her soul, every cell ignites with a burning desire. Sadly , Kat has to stay away from Emrick, the consequence of him aiding her is soul destroying, quite literally! Which only adds to her desperation....

I do love Kat, I feel her despair, her desperation at her situation, her wanting to leave it all behind, her confusion, her purpose. But Kat, being Kat, still finds she can't shrug off the gory scene she encountered, she has to find out who's responsible. Especially when it's an old adversary at the centre of it all! Except she's....compromised by her very emotions. So relatable, so real. I love a dual POV, it allows me to see each perspective in an unbiased way, THEIR feels and thoughts, no assumptions can be made on my part. So between Kat's version and Emrick's account, the common denominator is fear. Yep, fear of failure, fear of being with one another, fear her magic wasn't strong enough, fear of placing Rhys in danger, fear of Maera leaving Kat, fear of being alone. The author did a fabulous job of hiding the true despondency Kat is feeling under a thick layer of doubts, as with the why, but slowly, slowly opens it up, exposing truths, hard truths. Just as the why Mikhail is striving for becomes clear, so too does the why Kat feels as she does. So flipping realistic, don't we all have issues we'd rather suppress? When Adrian lays it thick, I could almost feel the message resounding in my own choices, spurring both me and Kat to evaluate, which she does in a way I could almost see her standing taller, standing firmer and more resolute, taking back control. What a wonderful moment!

If I ever needed a vampire friend or mentor, I'd hunt Adrian down! He's the best friend a gal can get! Having shown and taught Kat how to focus, how to control her magic, he's kinda special, he's also kinda sweet and caring. His sidekick Barrett though, has a severe dis of anything magic so it's hysterical that Kat and he and his grumpy self have to team up to get the the bottom of these shady dealings, to get to the one who the ringleader, none other than Mikhail, yeah, THAT piece of work! Who somehow slips through their fingers constantly. So when Kat takes the bull by the horns, I couldn't help cheering, I couldn't help WANTING her to succeed. And what a battle it was too! Good grief, so tense I was worried there for a while!

There was lots of soul searching, lots of dramatic memories popping up, lots of emotions spilling out. Maera and Rhys, Kat's rock, who she'll do anything to protect, too discover purpose along the way, as they too confront their fears. So well set up! What burns a hole in my heart is the unfairness of the situation between Emrick and Kat. Geez, heartbreaking! I'm hoping against all hopes the author finds a solution to this dilemma! I'm so looking forward to discovering more unravel in this series, to discover the mastermind who's behind the gory events that took place and for a solution to the romance which, for now, is untenable. Great read!1 Blake602 35

(FYI I tend to only review one book per series, unless I change my mind on a series, so want to change my scoring by 0.50 or more of a star. -- I tend not to read until after I read a book, so I go in with an open mind.)


I d Kat, aka the MC. I felt she and her actions were relatable.

I mostly d Maera and Rhys.

The book lost at least a star with me for the following reasons:
1. Emrick aka the Love interest. He met her after she survived the massacre of her toddler son and all her family and other 300 members of their village. She has survivors guilt. So of course she's not going to be thrilled to find out he's giving up part of his soul every time he interacts with mortals. She loves him and is a good person, so of course she's told him to say away for the last 75 years. If she didn't love him she'd not care he was slowly killing what makes him, him each time they interact etc.
2. Adrian, aka mentor / former partner in stopping bad things. Hypocrite. It's fine for him to want to be retired, when for most of his hunting life he had Emrick and then also Kat as working partners. Kat no, she has to go on battling alone or know she's slowly killing the 'man' she loves every time he works with her!
3. Barrett, aka Adrian's pet. Total and complete hypocrite. Hates magic, yet is Adrian's pet / blood donor. It's fine for Adrian to retire, but oh so bad that Kat left the Witch hunters, etc., to do the job for the last 50 years while she had a break after 800 years of hunting! -- I disd him the most of the 3 and honestly would not care if next book he died.

I could have put up with the first two, but Barrett pushed it into losing a star.

First time read the author's work?: Yes

Will you be reading more?: Probably

Would you recommend?: Yes -- What I disd other's might or not annoy them as much.

How I rate Stars: 5* = I loved (must read all I can find by the author)
4* = I really enjoyed (got to read all the series and try other books by the author).
3* = I enjoyed (I will continue to read the series)
3* = Good book just not my thing (I realised I don't the genre or picked up a kids book to review in error.)

All of the above scores means I would recommend them!
2* = it was okay (I might give the next book in the series a try, to see if that was better IMHO.)
1* = Disd

Note: adding these basic '' after finding out that some people see the stars differently than I do - hoping this clarifies how I feel about the book. :-)0b-3-and-1-qtr-star M Lowe108 2

Krista Walsh is a unicorn!!! Well, one of those rare authors who is able to immediately draw readers into her stories, then immerse and entertain them completely. Time does not pass, the phone does not ring and the tea is always hot!

I love the world she has created for her Sorceress books. A Canadian setting is not the run of the mill but is still relatable, so the towns, streets, shops etc could be our own and this helps with the believability of the storyline. The characters are multi-faceted and so interesting, and for the majority, able. The core group establish a lovely found family vibe and the banter is funny! The action scenes are brilliantly written and very original - not your regular street chases from this author! Or your run of the mill antagonists (the opening scenes are high energy and gripping!).

Kat is our POV for the majority of the book. This allows the reader a strong and immediate sense of her weariness, mental fatigue and depression ... "I was here out of duty, not passion. ". But it also allows us to track the renewal of her energy and understand the reasoning for it. Getting the insight into her tragic history through her memories is incredibly sad. The author is exemplary at depicting these emotions and the scenes are so well crafted that the reader remains empathetic to Kat's situation.

There is so much space and potential for future storylines with this group that I am incredibly excited about more in this series! I can't wait for the next thrilling book. 1 Sarah Metcalf409 1 follower

"Immortality was tricky business. It sounded great on the surface - live forever, stay young, heal quickly, read all the books, enjoy the endless seasons in all their beauty.
It was the fine print that got you."
If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would!! This is the story of Kat Palon, a sorceress who has lived 900 years alongside her best friend Adrian, who is a vampire, and her ex Emrick, who collects the dead. She is struggling with finding the drive to do anything anymore. She was once a feared sorceress - a cautionary tale of what would happen if you crossed the line. But after centuries of living, Adrian retiring and having to let Emrick go to save his soul, she is bored. She wants to hang it all up and live by herself.
When Rhys, her housekeeper's son has a vision of death everything changes. Emrick shows back up with warnings from the same situation. There is a power-hungry witch who will take as many lives as he needs to to become immortal. And this is not the first time they have had to deal with Mikhail. Can Kat set aside her reservations and find her magic, and her will to see justice done, in time to save them all?
This was such a great story and I love how it all came together. From booby trapped "occult" shops to powerful covens throwing potions and magic to just sitting and practicing Kat's magic, the magic system was so creative. And the magical battle at the end was intense!
All the characters have such great depth to them. You can really feel the emotions Kat goes through. She is tired and cannot find a reason to be the person she used to be. And when her back story is finally revealed, you can feel her anguish. Emrick is willing to do whatever she needs him to do, even if it kills him. Adrian is 2000 years old and the brains of the trio (whether Kat knows it or not!). And Barrett... what can I say about him other than I loved him! He is no nonsense and will not put up with Kat's crap! They're begrudging friendship was one of the best parts!2 s Denise418 1 follower

Fire of the Sorceress is the 1st book in the Immortal Sorceress it follows the Prequel where we are introduced to Kat (Katrina) Palon of Palonia where Kat was born and raised. Emerick who is Kat's forbidden love interest as he is a Reaper of which all Reapers help the dead travel to their final destination. Kat's friend Adrian is an ancient vampire of which in Kat's early early years he as in his prime and helped Kat with her Hunts of Evil Magic doers. Barret who is one of Adrian's Thralls, A thrall is someone that freely gives a Vampire their daily blood source from the vein and they take care of the Vampire's home while the vampire is sleeping.
I loved Rhys and Maera.. Maera is Kat's House Keeper and Rhys is Maera's son; Rhys has the power to see future or past events other wise that power is known as being a Seer.
When Death of some witches start to happen and Rhys has one of his visions it sets Kat into a memory of how her family was taken down. She must do something to stop who ever is causing this terrible tragedy to continue.
I loved reading Fire of the Sorceress with it's high energy and action that kept me on the edge and wanting more after reading the last page.
So, if you love Broody men, Forbidden love, a Young Adult with futuristic visions and lots of magical action... Then You will love this series.action battles family ...more B.L.Author 5 books25

Here's the thing about a Krista Walsh book: you know it will deliver.

This is a 5-star Urban Fantasy. Wild magic, found family dynamics, all the PINING, and a strong female lead overcoming her internal struggles while - yet again - saving the world from an arcane threat.

While the story picks up almost 900yrs into Kat Palon's immortal life, Walsh seamlessly weaves in the story of how she gained immortality, enticing the reader with morsel after morsel of juicy backstory speckled through the modern plot, including the history of Kat and her reaper love interest Emrick, and I ATE. IT. UP.

The standouts for me, however, were Poppy the Occult Shop Owner, and the love-to-hate-you frenemy-ship between Kat and Barrett. The way these two despise yet wildly respect each other had me cackling (along with Adrian, I am sure). I can't wait to read more of their exchanges and get more Poppy in future books (please give me more Poppy in the future books).

Pick this one up. Fire of the Sorceress is a blast from cover to cover.

arc female-led Leslie63 1 follower

Although it was not necessary, I re-read Fury of the Sorceress in preparation for "Fire". Fury was a great introduction to the characters and really helped set up Katerina's world. Katerina of Palonia is an 877 year old sorceress whose duty has been to protect the balance between the magical and the mundane. In Fire of the Sorceress Kat has grown weary of the many years hunting monsters and witches and has to face a past that continues to haunt her nightmares. In order to do this she has to draw on all she has become and all of those around her: Emrick, Death, her love; Adrian, 2000 year old vampire and mentor; Barrett, thorn in her side and partner in this case; Rhys, 18 year old seer and her housekeeper's son.
Krista Walsh has the gift of storytelling. Her complex characters are deep and intriguing and her settings come alive on the pages. I definitely recommend Fire of the Sorceress and I can't wait to see what comes next in Kat's world. Caprice128 2

A new beginning

My first ever book from Krista Walsh. It was awesome beginning of new series. Writing flows smoothly and kept me engaged till the end.

Kat has lost her purpose and after 850 years all she wants to do is - nothing... Immortality is a difficult thing, most people only see benefits..but what is another side of the coin?
It's interesting to see how Kat is picking herself up from the depth of her depression, to get back on her feet and fight the evil.

I d the Fire of Sorceress but if I start new series that has no backstory - my personal preference is the inclusion of a new romantic interest. Not that there was much of a romance in this book, but the romantic interest was established many centuries ago, even if they are not together at the moment. This doesn't make the story any worse!arc urban-fantasy Kendra33 1 follower

I received an ARC copy of this story for a honest review.
This is a really nice start to the series and I really look forward to future books. I kind of felt there was a little jumping around and it could of been a longer story with more details. You are just starting to get the know the characters and there are a lot of ??? on backstories. The main character is relatable for a 800+ year old sorceress who is getting a little tired on life. She works hard to keep the balance in the world between good and evil. There is minimal romance but hints at a long ago relationship between Kat and another character Emrick. There is action, adventure, fantasy and wit.
Although not my favorite sstory by Krista it is a worthy read and I definitely look forward to future books. Penny2,482 70

I absolutely adore this author’s writing, and I’m so excited to start this series after the wonderful prequel I read. Kat is so full of despondency about past events, I feel so much for her. I love her journey in this, and how we are introduced to the evil bad…or is he? Adrian, Barrett, and all the other characters. They make the story very well-rounded since they keep each other in line. I really wanted to see more of Emerick and wished he was more involved in the storyline, but I’m sure we will later. I also was a little confused about the island, but I might have just been reading too fast. Can’t wait for number two! Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed. Mariaan Belinfante537 3

Epic storyline. Drawn into the world of Kat drained by the shackles of immortality, she has a real struggle to get her mojo back with the dwindling of her forceful powers to be strong enough to eliminate the thread of what Michael poses to the world. Thwarted every time but unable to get help from Emrick and not wanting to pull Adrian out of his self imposed retirement. Her banter with the stoic Barrett was amusing. Well written and I definitely look forward to the next book to see what the future hold for her, Emrick and Rhys.
I received an advanced review copy and leave this review voluntary. Aighmi*410

What do you do when you are a powerful, gifted immortal who has hit the wall?

The first part of this book could be called Immortality Sucks. Poor Kat is burned out. Fighting evil witches and dealing with cantankerous allies gives Kat a lot to think about and wrestle. Where does true strength lie? What is truly important? Her growth throughout the book is reluctant and tremendous. The action is powerful, and the suspense enough to keep the pages turning well past bedtime.

So what do you do when you have hit that wall? You find your will to hit back. Paula Dawes57

Katerina/Kate/Kat (seems everyone has a different name for her) has a past that she can’t let go of and a future she doesn’t know if she wants. She is missing her old partners as Adrian has retired and she risks losing Emerick forever if she is with him. However, knowing her past will help her with her future if she can accept it.
Time to figure out her purpose and find some new people to fight with as there is a new evil that needs removed from the world.
This is definitely a book that’s hard to put down! Jenny964 3

I really enjoyed this book. A brilliant new series, although there is a 'prequel' (Fury of the Sorceress), but very easy to pick up the background, without long explanatory passages.
Great characters, with some quite funny bits in the plot which I did enjoy. Well written, a good plot, and some captivating twists, which always improve the book.
I did find the interaction between a Kat and Barrett to be particularly enjoyable, and the outcome of the book was good. No nasty cliffhangers, and I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Steve4

Krista knocked it out of the park with Fire of the Sorceress, it delivered on everything I wanted out of the prequel book. We got backstory, we got lore, and we even got Kat getting good again. On top of it all we got an awesome story involving well written characters and big time circumstances all relating to Kat's history. After reading I just need to see these characters grow even more, I need to know whats causing Adrian's paranoia, and I need to know who is giving out long dead secrets. Jillian K68

Krista does not leave fans disappointment with book 1. I was lucky enough to start this series with the prequel and it just keeps getting better and better. We delve more into Kat, Emrick and Adrian, and what makes them tick. I personally resonated with the enui that comes from doing the same thing over and over again, but least I haven’t been doing it for 800+ years. Great story that leaves you wanting more. Highly recommend this read! Sissy Satterfield1,613 20

I will suggest reading Fury of the Sorceress first as it gives a reader background of the characters and the world. We have a Sorceress that has lived for almost 900 years, many of them spent with two companions at her side. Kat has to face an evil that she was not expecting, so it is a suck it up and deal. This story is a fantastic Paranormal Fantasy adventure that I enjoyed every page of. What an adventure it Was! I Loved It!!! No Spoilers! Sascha Missy18

I ve been invited to Krista her arc group, and I was so happy, coz Krista her writing is always delivering.

This book is a 5-star Urban Fantasy. Wild magic, family dynamics, all the points are touched in what you search for an urban fantasy.
and also a strong female lead overcoming her internal struggles while she is saving the world from an threat.

I’m looking forward to the next book.

Really recommend this book. kristyna moses27

Amazing book, full of excitement. Learning kats history and struggles, heartbreaking. But she proves her strength. She overcomes the struggles and gets the job done. She didn't choose her path, but she chose her family. Together, they will overcome the struggles together. I can't wait to continue the series. So much more adventure to come. Highly highly recommend this read.recommendation Wendy Smith8 1 follower

Just finished this book - I want more!! Terrific plot and wonderful characters with the added bonus of
being based in Toronto and Manitoulin Island. This is the second in the series and is building up to a spectacular battle between good and bad...don't want to say more as it might spoil things! Well worth the read so keep an eye out!fantastic Tina Maldonado38

Beautiful story of Katerina and her family. Many trials and bindings. Can't wait for the next. Mybookmemories217 4

This was a good adventure read. I am in love with everything this author writes. JilleenAuthor 25 books93

I've been waiting for this book since I read the reader magnet!

Very interesting tale, with ancient supernaturals, an old romance with a lot of baggage ( 800 years worth), and an evil witch that needs to be put down. You can't beat it for stakes!

Kat, the last sorceress, is out to keep the supernatural world in line. Only she's tired, depressed, and sick of it all. But, there is a blood witch killing people out there for power. Should be an easy fix, if she were at full power, unfortunately, all her stress and despair has worn her down, and her best vampire hunting partner hung up his gear and retired.

She has to find her will and desire and to save the witches from themselves. Luckily, she has friends, and they are on her side!

This was a marvelous story, lots of action, tons of backstory brewing in the background, an old romance working to being rekindled, and lots of found family. This series is gonna be as fiery as Kat herself! Pick it up! You won't be disappointed!action-adventure contemporary-fantasy fantasy ...more2 s Rick Boisclair79 1 follower

Immortality is tiring, and this immortal Sorceress has been given a wake up call.

Kat is an immortal sorceress who has lived 900 years more than she really wanted, cursed really with a long life but bored by the inevitability of evil. Her friends are worried as the omens show a battle ahead with a witch of unbelievable vileness, one who she has met before. Her powers are weakened, her friends are doubtful of her heart and she just wants to retire her BFF Vampire friend. But the evil witch is building to a force she must confront and surprises await her when she sees signs of puppet strings all around him. FionaH65

An excellent beginning to a new series. This book begins with Kat - an immortal, almost 900-year old sorceress - feeling jaded and without purpose. She can’t die, but no longer has a reason for living. As a result, her powers are also jaded. So when an old nemesis comes back, stronger than ever before, she doesn’t know if she will be able to stop him. And if she doesn’t, who will?

Kat is an engaging character, with a tragic past that continues to haunt her. Her struggle to find meaning in the face of endless existence is surprisingly relatable. She has long fought to protect the mundane world from magical harm, so she is pragmatic and world-wise (as well as weary), which makes a nice change from the naive, do-gooder type of heroine that is so common. The supporting characters are nicely fleshed out and I look forward to learning more about them in the coming books. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will definitely read more of this series.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.arcs Darrel Melvin38

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