
Una detective con olfato de Krista Davis

de Krista Davis - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Una detective con olfato


Se acerca Acción de Gracias y el pequeño pueblo de Wagtail bulle de turistas que acuden a la famosa localidad pet friendly para participar en el popular concurso de galletas de jengibre para perros y gatos. Todo está a punto para que empiece el evento cuando el gran roble centenario que preside la entrada se desploma y deja al descubierto un cuerpo. ¿Pero quién es? ¿Cómo ha llegado hasta allí? El sargento Dave con la ayuda de Holly Miller y sus mascotas, la gatita Twinkletoes y la perrita Trixie, se pondrán a investigar para descubrir qué ha sucedido. ¡Nadie tiene mejor olfato para resolver crímenes que un verdadero sabueso!

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This is a cozy mystery, and this is the first book in the Paws and Claws Mystery series. This was just an ok cozy mystery, but I will be reading book two in the series. I am hoping it gets better. I love in this book it takes place in a small town that is very pet friendly. All the business lets pets in and dogs are all over in the book. I am a dog lover, so this perfect small town will be so great if it was real.audiobooks cozy-mystery read-in-2020 ...more43 s Julie1,904 570

Murder, She Barked
Author: Krista Davis
Publisher: Berkley Publishing
276 pages

I have to admit I picked this book up at Barnes & Noble because the title reminded me of Murder, She Wrote. :) There were even a couple Jessica Fletcher allusions in the book. That made me happy.

Holly Miller has lost her job, so she takes a road trip to see her grandmother. On the way, she rescues a dog and witnesses a car explode. Things aren't all peaceful at her grandmother's Inn either -- an employee was run over by a car and a local man is found murdered outside his house. Holly teams up with locals to discover the murderer before her grandmother becomes the next victim.

I enjoyed this cozy mystery. The characters were a bit stereotypical and the plot wasn't deep, but a cozy mystery is meant to be a fun read not intellectual. Holly Miller is a likable main character, and the story line kept me interested til the end. I do have to say there were times where Holly's reactions were slight facepalm moments, especially when it came to her fiance, Ben. She just seemed unable to comprehend the situation or to stand up for herself. I don't know a single woman who would have reacted that way, given the situation. Just sayin'. It didn't hurt my enjoyment of the book though. :) There were also two minor characters that I wanted to punch in the mouth. If you read the book, you will know which ones. Davis obviously meant her readers to want to punch these people. It worked. I did.

The book includes several recipes at the end, including four for dogs. :) I will cook the pumpkin cookies for my chihuahuas and see how many stars they give them. :)

All in all, a fun read.

My Rating: 7/10
Ages 12+

RE-READ 3/2019:

Holly Miller gets an emergency call from her grandma's best friend and rushes to Wagtail, VA without even packing a suitcase. She arrives to discover her grandma has been in an accident, one of the employees at the Sugar Maple Inn has been killed in a hit and run, and a thief has been stealing valuables all across town. Soon, another resident of Wagtail is dead and Holly finds herself in the middle of the investigation.

I enjoyed this book. It's a light cozy mystery.....no blood, no graphic violence, no sex, cursing, etc. The plot is light and a bit cozy-tropey, but I didn't care. The story is fun to read! The setting is fun -- a tourist town catering to pet owners. The characters are tourist-town quirky. The main character calls her grandma "oma' -- my grandkids call me Oma. :)

Favorite characters? Trixie and Twinkletoes, of course! The dog and kitten steal the show all the way through the book! :)

There are five books so far in the Paws & Claws series, with a sixth coming out in October 2019. I've had the series on my TBR shelf for quite awhile. I read this book in 2016 and then got sidetracked by life and other books. I listened to the audio book this time to refresh my memory before reading book 2. The audio is about 9.5 hours long and narrated by Jeanie Kanaley. I have hearing loss but was easily able to hear and understand the entire book. Happily moving on to book 2 -- The Ghost and Mrs. Mewer!

Krista Davis also writes the Domestic Diva Mysteries and Pen & Ink cozy series.donated-traded-2016 read-audiobooks-201935 s SheriC694 35

So this was my first foray into the cozy mystery genre, and it was really cute. , super cute. I figured, how can a puppy dog themed mystery story go wrong? And sure enough, whatever flaws this book had were certainly forgivable, because doggies.

The plot was... I don't know, DOGGIES
The characters were... Uhhhmm, DOGGIES
The murderer was... Who cares, DOGGIES

I will say that this would probably have been better in a text format than on audio, because the performance by reader Jeanie Kanaley was substandard. The pacing was excruciatingly slow with a very careful enunciation of every word, her voice was almost girlish, and her European accents were... not any I've heard in real life. 0-owned 1-rec-by-friend 4-format-audio ...more23 s Kirsten 1,660 283

A wonderfully satisfying cozy! I would've read it anyway as it had dogs.

First, the setting: an entire town where the cats and dogs are welcome EVERYWHERE? Can I move there?

Second, the main character and her ... erm ... love interests? She did irritate me a little if only for the fact that she actually considered Ben an adequate boyfriend? He wouldn't let her have a dog, he didn't want anything in his car... Let's not worry about murder, car accidents, thefts...

Third, there were way TOO many nice people in this book. It left you with only a few suspects since there were too many that were too nice to commit a murder.

All in all, I was delighted with the book. (Other than the fact, that I'm really not that fond of Jack Russel terriers. Or as I call them, Napoleon dogs.)11 s Lisa Kay924 524

????½ I want to move to Wagtail...sans murders, of course.animal-cat-in-story animal-dog-in-story authors-d ...more10 s Christyn587 22

Murder, She Barked was a cute cozy mystery, with animals (mostly dogs). This book gets an extra star simply because I loved the idea of a small, pet-friendly community, and the animals featured in the book. I enjoyed getting into the book, the setting, details and characters (even if it seemed to have a very large cast of characters - I'll probably get more familiar with them as the series continues but for the first book there are quite a few characters to remember - most with names some, the housekeeper, without).

The mystery was good, actually better than I originally thought it would be. One of the culprits was fairly obvious early on (but the how was trickier), but the other wasn't quite so clear as there was a fairly large pool of suspects. There was a lot going on in this book, some things (and characters - "Runemaster" and Chloe) appeared and disappeared just as quickly leaving me with some questions but they weren't huge issues. There were too many characters being introduced or even just mentioned so it got confusing at times but not a huge issue. Since is the first book, I'll let slide things that might normally bother me in a standalone ( the crowded storyline and all the characters).

What stopped this from being a great book is that it was a little rough some times with some things/scenes that didn't transition well or make sense and Holly. The big one in this is Holly. If I don't "click" with or a main character it is usually pretty hard for me to fully immerse myself in the story. There were a few things about her that made her hard to connect with - mostly her treatment of and attitude towards Ben, which just jarred me. There was also Trixie. I have two dogs and would be devastated by the loss of either one of them - that being said, why did Holly not go to the vet to get her checked up or see if perhaps she was microchipped/stolen? That is the first thing I would do if I found a lost dog (or if a lost dog invited themselves into my car), simply because if that dog did come from a loving family I know they would be devastated (even if this scenario isn't ly given Trixie's circumstances and behavior early in the book, it still kind of bothered me).

As for Holly's boyfriend Ben. I wasn't impressed with either of them. It was just completely puzzling - I don't even see how these two had a relationship. As far as I can tell these two were only together out of what, obligation, because it's part of some kind of life plan/what's "expected" of them? There were no feelings, it was almost completely apathetic. When the nicest thing you can say about your boyfriend is he is a "solid person", I mean really? It seems every time he came up in her thoughts (mostly as an afterthought) he was complimented in a backhanded way that was really more of an insult (at least half the time). And since she would've dropped him in a heartbeat if she had a remote chance with Holmes (who she hadn't seen in how many years and never been involved with romantically), she didn't particularly impress me with that aspect of her character either, even if it did "crush" her (since I saw no real "crushing" of her emotions because of Ben through the story).

At least Holly wasn't an idiot, though occasionally I didn't understand her reasoning. She talked to Dave, the police officer, didn't always agree with him, but she didn't put herself in (too many) dangerous situations or try to do everything herself without telling him (about what she was doing/what she found). She cared (about Oma and Holmes and Trixie at least), but I don't feel a huge emotional connection (yet). I get the feeling she was just kind of going through the motions before coming back to Wagtail so it'll be interesting to see how/if her character changes as the series goes on and if I'll connect with her.

There were some characters I d, Oma and Zelda were warm and interesting characters, and on the animal side we have Trixie, Twinkletoes, Gingersnap and others who delight in only the way animals can. They bounced the book up a star. I d the setting and some of the characters and the mystery was pretty good, so I'm actually looking forward to continuing the series and seeing where it goes. 3.5 stars.animals cozy-mystery mystery ...more8 s Jan654 33

I really tried to this! I usually enjoy cozy mysteries, especially ones with animals. But I just could not get into it. It seemed to lack continuity and had way too many characters, none of which were especially able or rememberable. And I felt it lacked that touch of humor which most cozy mysteries have. Very disappointing :(cozy zz-finished-in-20168 s Dawn Michelle2,605

THIS was a very fun mystery - it really kept me guessing until the end. I d the characters [even some I should not have LOL] and felt it was really well written. I read the author's other series Domestic Diva and I really love those books; I am glad that I can add another series to my ever growing list of really good cozy mysteries. already-own books-read-in-2016 cozy-mystery-read ...more7 s Peggy1,012 65

This was a fun, entertaining read. It had a great setting with the pet friendly tourist destination and well written, quirky characters. The mystery was solid and the writing flowed smoothly throughout the book. I'm looking forward to reading more in the series.2019-craving-for-cozies-challenge 2019-goodreads-reading-challenge cat-dog-cozy ...more7 s Jammin Jenny1,464 216

I really enjoyed this into to the Paws and Claws Mystery series. I read book 2 before this book and wish I'd started with this one. It really showed Holly ion all her elements at the inn, and Oma was just wonderful. I loved all the characters: Rose, Holmes, Zelda, Chase, even Aunt Birdie. Kim, not so much, but just because she's a vamp. I also loved that Oma called Holly's boyfriend "The Ben" to show her dis of him. Hilarious.
animals audiobooks cozy-mystery ...more6 s Linda2,031 46

Good start to the series. I d the characters, setting and the pets were so cute. I had no clue whodunit until the reveal. Looks Oma and Grandma Rose have at least a two phase plan going and phase one was a success, looking forward to seeing if they get their plan to work.author-of-the-month challenge6 s LORI CASWELL2,615 300

Holly Miller’s life has gone to the dogs. She has no job and her boyfriend’s old girlfriend wants him back and since she is his boss’s daughter she is always around. Then she gets a phone call to return home to Wagtail from her grandmother’s friend saying her grandmother needs her. She wastes no time, hops into her boyfriend’s car, tells him she will call when she knows more and heads to Virginia. She makes a quick stop for gas before heading up the mountain and picks up a “hitchhiker” – A Jack Russell Terrier who has been left behind by someone makes himself right at home in the car.

When they reach Wagtail both are welcomed with open arms. Her grandmother seems fine but Holly decides to stick around. It’s been a long time since they have spent time together and she thinks her grandmother is keeping something from her.

Then she learns there was a hit and run accident and one of the Inn’s employees was killed. Holly thinks it may not have been so much of an accident. She is a dog with a bone as she and her furry friends do their best to sniff out the killer.

Dollycas’s Thoughts
What a wonderful idea for a cozy mystery series – Paws & Claws!! Wagtail sounds an animal lover’s paradise. Imagine a town dedicated to pets and their humans. Because you know we don’t own out pets, they are part of our family and they each have their own person/s. My husband is definitely our 2 dogs person. They tolerate being left here with me while he is at work but when he gets home I no longer exist unless they want to lick my ice cream bowl. The Jack Russell and a cute little calico kitten have both chosen Holly as their person.

Krista Davis has created a wonderful setting in Wagtail. There is no way to describe this idyllic place in this review, you will just have to read the book. I would love to live there 365 days a year.

She has also given us a wonderful group of characters both 2 legged and 4 legged. Unique, colorful and real and they span all ages. Add to that a well-plotted mystery that keeps us guessing to the finish.

If I had a tail it would be wagging in pure delight. I loved this story!! A fantastic series debut!! I cannot wait for my visit to The Sugar Maple Inn. read-20136 s Leslye?310 92

Silly, cheesy, quirky... yes, it was all of that and more! A giant leap from the heavy thrillers I've been reading lately.

Holly Miller lives a high-powered life in Washington DC. When she gets a distressing call from a family friend, she rushes to Wagtail, Virginia to see her grandmother. Little does she know that when she arrives she will find herself in the middle of a murder investigation and everyone is suspect. I really enjoyed the characters and connected well with Holly. She loves animals as I do, and it would be hard not to her. Trixie, her Jack Russell, is a funny little dog with her own antics.

Wagtail sounds a dream come true. Who wouldn't want to go to a quaint mountain town that caters to pet lovers? I wish I could live in a place this with my own little dog. I would visit all the pet-friendly shops, eat fabulous gourmet food, have funny, quirky neighbors and just enjoy all the adorable weirdness.

I was a little hesitant about this book at first because I thought it was going to be too childish- with talking animals and such. It was not, and I ended up enjoying this charming story very much. I was able to read this so quickly that I was actually sad to finish it. Lucky for me I can read the next in the series, so I don't have to leave Wagtail behind quite yet.cozy-mysteries6 s Tracy WeberAuthor 7 books545

A very fun book in a town I'd to live! able characters and I look forward to seeing how they continue to grow throughout the series.6 s Michaela395 34

More for dog lovers than mystery lovers.6 s Yvonne1,197 256

After losing her job in Washington, D.C., Holly Miller gets a panicked phone call from her grandmother’s best friend. She is needed at the family inn in Wagtail, Virginia immediately. Holly doesn’t have a chance to pack and has no choice but to borrow her boyfriend, Ben’s car to make the six hour drive. Her boyfriend stays in D.C. for business reasons, not to mention his ex-girlfriend is occupying his time.

It’s been a long time since Holly was at the Sugar Maple Inn, but she’d do anything for her grandmother. She makes the drive in the pouring rain and is immediately adopted by a Jack Russell terrier. She seems to have been abandoned in a gas station and she promptly makes a mess of Ben’s very clean car, but Holly falls in love with her and names her Trixie.

When Holly finally arrives in Wagtail, she discovers that the small town has been converted to a vacation spot for both pets and their owners. The restaurants not only bring a meal to the owners, but a similar one for their pets as well. So, Holly’s new friend fits right in, not to mention that she’s also adopted by a kitty named Twinkletoes.

It may be a small town, but they have some big town problems. Holly learns that one of her grandmother’s employees has been killed. Her grandmother is obviously keeping secrets and she wonders if perhaps her grandmother was the intended target. When Holly’s dog goes missing and another townsperson is murdered, she is determined to find out exactly what’s going on in her quiet hometown.

What a fun story! A whole town devoted to pets. I’d love to vacation there! This is the first of a new series, “A Paws & Claws Mystery” and it’s perfect for animal lovers. Krista Davis knows how to write a mystery, that’s for sure! She keeps readers guessing throughout the story and creates able characters, with a few not so able ones tossed in to give us the perfect story. I can’t wait for the second book to come out. Write fast, Krista!

FTC Disclosure: The author provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.5 s Linda Langford1,334 14

A 5 Star cozy mystery with more twists and turns than a mountain road!! Holly Miller loses her job as she is urgently called to Wagtail Mountain by her grandmother, Oma. Oma owns the Sugar Maple Bed & Breakfast Inn. On the way up the mountain, Holly picks up a stray Jack Russell Terrier she names Trixie; almost hits a strange man standing in the middle of the road; witnesses an explosion which turns out to be a car pushed over the mountainside; and arriving at the Inn, finds Oma with a sprained ankle and one of the inn's employees, Sven, dead by hit and run!! A calico kitten adopts Holly and Trixie! and Holly names her Twinkletoes!!

The town of Wagtail is a charmingly designed Haven exclusively for pampered pets and their owners. This story captivates from beginning to end with never a dull moment. The death count rises, and suspects and their motives are expertly woven into the story. A must read for pet lovers and mystery lovers a!!

I was really impressed by the thought and creativity the author, Krista Davis, put into the names of the pet shops in Wagtail, and all the details about how the Inn catered to the pets meals and all their other needs....very original and enjoyable for a pet lover such as myself! I eagerly await the next Paws and Claws Mystery!cozy-mystery5 s Donna2,723

Holly gains a dog on her way to Wagtail to help her grandmother run a pet-friendly inn.

I was not a fan of this cozy mystery. Holly drove me nuts - a lot of her actions just did not make sense. Let's say you were called late at night and told that you must rush to the town because they imply they're worried about your grandmother. What would you do first thing when you drove six hours to get there? Find out if grandma's ok. Holly went a few days before she nailed this down as grandma and friends said vague things and said they'd talk later.

Then add in a boyfriend who texts you a marriage proposal (which you don't bother to reply to) and shows up a day later. Another quiz - your next move would be to say 'what the heck's up with that text?' right. Nope. Instead you ignore it.

Too far-fetched for me though I loved the idea of the town and Trixie the dog and Twinkletoes the cat.

This was a joint read with my 89-year-old mom, who said "This book doesn't make sense. We don't need to read any more in this series, do we?"mystery-thriller5 s ~Teresa156 27

This is a Cozy Mystery that takes place in Wagtail, Virginia at the Sugar Maple Inn. The Sugar Maple Inn caters to pet owners that just have to take their beloved dogs or cats with them when traveling. It’s a premiere pet destination! My kind of place.

Holly, the main character, loses her job in scandal and decides to visit her grandmother the owner of the Sugar Maple Inn. The day before Holly arrives Sven, a good friend of her grandmothers and a trusted employee is killed by a hit and run driver. Then the mayor, a rather unlikable fellow is murdered in his home and Holly’s childhood friend, Holmes, is accused. Holly sets out with the help of a calico kitten named Twinkletoes and her newly acquired rescue dog, Trixie, to solve the mystery or the murders.

This was a cute book but truthfully I would have read it just for the animal population alone. I am ready for the second book in this series and even more dogs!!5 s OpenBookSociety.com 3,939 125

Brought to you by OBS reviewer Daniele

*Beware of Spoilers*

Murder, She Barked opens shortly after the protagonist, Holly Miller, has lost her job as a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. While she and her lawyer boyfriend, Ben, are attending a winery dinner with Ben’s boss and family (which includes Ben’s former girlfriend), she receives a phone call from her grandmother’s best friend that Oma needs her. Thinking that her grandmother, Oma, is ill, Holly leaves immediately to drive the six hours southwest of Washington to Wagtail Mountain. The drive through the mountains is miserable; Holly is full of worry for her grandmother, and it is raining heavily and foggy.

Along the way, Holly stops at a gas station and a stray Jack Russell Terrier jumps into her car and will not leave. The station attendant tells Holly that the dog has been there for a couple of weeks and has refused to go with anyone. Resigned to the notion that the dog has adopted her, Holly continues on with dog in tow (she eventually names the dog Trixie). Not far from her destination, she almost has an accident when a man suddenly appears out of the fog in the middle of the road. But when she stops to check on him, he has disappeared, and then there is an explosion in the valley near the road. After Wagtail’s only police officer, Dave, comes to investigate her 911 call, Holly finally arrives at the Sugar Maple Inn.

Holly spent summers at the inn as a child, and though she has not been back in five years, she still considers the inn her home. A lot has changed since she was last in Wagtail. Oma has renovated and expanded the inn. It has become a premier pet resort destination. In fact, the whole town of Wagtail has morphed from a small mountain community with a lake and natural springs to a pedestrian and golf course community with shops and restaurants, all catering to vacationers and their four legged companions.

Since she arrived during the night, Holly does not see her grandmother until the next morning. She finds that Oma’s night auditor and local ski instructor, Sven, was killed in a hit and run accident the day before. Oma was also grazed by the car but only has a sprained ankle. Soon after meeting the town’s mayor, Jerry, Holly and her childhood crush, Holmes, discover his body in his office. He had been hit on the head and then strangled with a dog choke chain collar. There have also been a string of thefts in neighboring Snowball Mountain.

What is going on in this quiet community? Are all of these incidents connected? Was Oma really the target of the hit and run? Who had it out for Jerry? One of the guests of the inn is attacked outside the inn; what is he up to? Who was the man, or was it a ghost, in the middle of the road? The explosion on the side of the mountain turns out to be Ben’s boss’s stolen car. How does that fit in with everything? Why did Ben’s boss’s daughter, Kim, come to town to deal with the stolen car, and why did Ben come as her escort? Have they rekindled their relationship? Is Oma really sick and just not being forthcoming or is she planning to retire and sell the inn? The townspeople surely have some secrets.

Ms. Davis does a good job of describing the inn, the town, and the various characters (potential suspects). Oma’s staff obviously cares for her and welcomes Holly into the fold, and they are not stock characters. There are a few nasty folks in town (Peaches, Prissy and Holly’s Aunt Birdie), but they are not so obnoxious that they put off the reader. This is Dave’s first murder investigation, but he handles it well and is not portrayed as a buffoon or bully. Kim, Prissy, Brewster (the local pub owner), and Philip (the ambitious owner of a rival B&B) all make good, viable suspects. The animals are featured throughout the story, and Trixie plays in integral part in solving the crimes.

The mystery itself was solid. I appreciate that Ms. Davis does not leave any plot thread unexplained by the end of the story, and nothing seems to be filler. The novel concludes satisfactorily (no cliff hanger and no pending love triangles). There are plenty of characters and potential situations to develop into further installments of the series, and I look forward to getting to know them and their adventures. There are recipes for people and dogs featured in the back of the book. Is the idea of a whole town centered on pets a bit cheesy? Yes, but I want to go there (I am one of those crazy people who considers her dog her child). I would recommend this to pet lovers and readers who enjoy the author’s Domestic Diva series.daniele4 s Ronna515 61

If you are a pet lover, this book is definitely for you. Even the Inn at Wagtail, Virginia caters to pet lovers and their pets, with special menus for every cat and dog at every meal. The rooms are set up with play areas for the pets and the Inn has it's own on sight house cat named Twinkletoes. All the businesses in the town welcome pets, and most pets can expect loving from everyone around them.

Then there is Holly Miller, the innkeeper Oma's granddaughter. She's just lost her job, so when she's called by a friend of Oma telling her to immediately rush to the Inn because her Oma needs her right now, she borrows her boyfriend's car and leaves without even a change of clothes. Before she actually reaches the Inn, she's acquired a scruffy stray terrier dog, and sees a car go up in flames. Things don't get much better at the Inn because her boyfriend shows up with his old girlfriend, and there are more dead bodies. What's a girl to do? Trixie the terrier, who has decided to adopt Holly, has plenty of ideas of his own.

This is truly a pet lover's delight. Trixie drives much of the plot and Twinkletoes helps in her own strange ways. I fell in love with Holly and her Oma immediately, and I wanted this fictional town to be real. The mystery was definitely strange and kept me interested from clue to clue. This book is the start of the Paws and Claws mystery series, which I hope goes on and on forever!
4 s Rebecca1,740 3

I was a little disappointed by this one. I had read an installment later in the series and absolutely loved it. This town where pets are welcome and even catered to everywhere was wonderful. I could absolutely see myself visiting the Sugar Maple Inn and I loved the special cat wing.
My biggest problem was that it was too much for a first novel in a series. We are introduced to Holly the MC and even though I really d her, I also felt I barely got to know her in this one. So many characters and suspects were thrown at the reader that some I could never really knew track of. Also there were about 4-5 different mysteries going on at a time and that made the story a little too overbearing, but also jump around too much. I had absolutely no idea about the identity or identities of the culprits because I simply couldn’t remember who was who was related to whom.
I love that there is a love interest brewing and hope that continues (but I also suspect a love triangle). I can’t wait to see more of this pet vacation town and to grow more attached to these characters with time.5 s Brooke Blogs639 197

I enjoyed reading this first-in-a-series cozy mystery from author Krista Davis. I purchased it for my Kindle a couple of years ago and I'm so glad I finally made time to fit it into my reading schedule.

Holly finds herself heading back to Wagtail, Virginia, to help her grandmother (Oma). After murders and some unsolved crimes, Wagtail, a premier pet town, is feeling uneasy. Wagtail sounds the perfect town, and I would love to stay at the Sugar Maple Inn with Oma and Holly.

The mystery kept me guessing, as I tried to figure out just how the crimes were connected and who could be the guilty culprit. I am looking forward to my next visit to Wagtail. If you cozy mysteries with a smart female sleuth, LOTS of pets, and an endearing town, look no further than Murder, She Barked.2018-challenges books-i-own cozies ...more6 s Kimberly399 50

Ohhhh, I am so in love with the town of "Wagtail". I enjoyed all of the characters, the descriptions of the streets in this town, the homes and gardens..I totally loved how everything is geared towards animals, our "fur babies", the hotel, the pet shops, the treats and foods made specifically for the pets, I couldn't put this book down.

I wanted to crawl into the pages and come out standing in one of the rooms at the hotel with a chocolate on the pillow waiting for me. You will not be disappointed with this, I love Krista Davis. She is a Virginian lady myself and really describes mountains, curvy roads, fog, stone homes and warm twilit streets perfectly well.

Krista always gets 5 stars from me.goal-of-52-books-in-20154 s Cat Freeman181 12

This book is so much fun! Just the idea of a town that caters to people who vacation with their pets would've made for a great story, and then of course there is the twisty-turny mystery that kept me guessing. The characters are {mostly} lovely, and I was fully charmed by the pets as well.

It was a serious page turner and I got most annoyed whenever I had to put it away and attend to other things. I probably could easily have read all of it in a single go if I'd had the time. I love a book that. And I couldn't wait to start the next one.

*5 Stars4 s Heidi966

This one was a little too cutesy for me. It seems a lot my GR friends loved it but it was just ok for me. ho-hum-books-everyone-loved-but-me read-in-20144 s Leanne183

I may go into a diabetic coma from the sweetness, but this a light relaxing read with plausible characters and lovely setting. Thoroughly enjoyable. 4 s Minxy Melissa2,553 70

It was a cute little mystery. The MC drove me a little batty though, she is not my favorite but not enough of a turnoff to stop reading the series. mystery-cozy-mystery read-in-20184 s Thereadingbell1,393 33

Holly Miller’s life in this cozy mystery has gone to the dogs. She has no job and her boyfriend’s old girlfriend wants him back and since she is his boss’s daughter she is always around. Then she gets a phone call to return home to Wagtail from her grandmother’s friend saying her grandmother needs her. She wastes no time, hops into her boyfriend’s car, tells him she will call when she knows more and heads to Virginia. She makes a quick stop for gas before heading up the mountain and picks up a a left behind dog – A Jack Russell Terrier who has been left behind by someone makes himself right at home in the car. The dog's name is Trixie.

Wagtail is a community for pet lovers. When they reach Wagtail both are welcomed with open arms. Her grandmother seems fine but Holly decides to stick around. It’s been a long time since they have spent time together and she thinks her grandmother is keeping something from her.

Then she learns there was a hit and run accident and one of the Inn’s employees was killed. Holly thinks it may not have been so much of an accident. She is a dog with a bone as she and her furry friends do their best to sniff out the killer.

It was a fun read and I love the idea of a community built around pets. What a novel idea. This was a great fun read and I recommend this cozy to anyone who loves cozies.3 s Hayden44 1 follower

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