
Myths Of Old de Krishnarjun Bhattacharya

de Krishnarjun Bhattacharya - Género: English
libro gratis Myths Of Old


Krishnarjun Bhattacharya Series: Tantrics Of Old 3 Publisher: Fingerprint! Publishing, Year: 2020 ISBN: 9789390183135

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Myths of Old is the third part of The Tantric Trilogy . As the Title suggests it is a fantasy read . It is very rare to find a good fantasy good by Indian authors with backdrops of Indian places . This is one of them . Just look at the intricate cover I mean its jaw dropping !

You can expect everything in this trilogy ! From humans to Demons to bewitching magic !
Involved in Tantra that is necromancy Adri has only 1 day to save his soul . Four horsemen and devil himself waits to get the possession of his soul . As Adri embarks on an eldritch
journey to save his soul while believing it is not only his that for which the devil waits but to reveal many more truths, we readers get to have a ride into the other-worldly
dungeons of this cryptic world of a forgotten Kolkata a dystopia in itself , Blood spilling flesh eating Demons , Dragons , ancient rituals , forgotten folklore , Serpents , Horsemen, the assassin's almanac , ancient knowledge carrying texts , humanoids and many extra mundane beings that are spine-chilling . The enigma that was woven in the previous two parts , in this last part , all will be answered making providing answers to the puzzles that hang loose in the dark

Truly it was I kept waiting to read more to meet more of the preternatural upcoming . Legends will come to existence and myths were unveiled with a lot of challenges and twists. In the hazy surrounding every now and there a new form will appear to untie the knots . I d it specifically because first its created in an occult world that has ancient beings , magic exists , influence of myths , spine-chilling beings are added and then human beings who have to cover this lands for the secrets . Definitely the way this cabbalistic story is plotted is a mystery revealing slowly keeping you at the edge . With all the spooky atmosphere that the author very aptly painted on a canvas of illusory fantasy filled story along with death with its many blood-curdling hues , Adri 's story proved to be an unputdownable riddle solving journey that was a entralling read . If you fantasy read with dense plot , fast pace and narration griping you till the end ? Grab this series. 3 s Shifad413 32

Tch... tch...Why are people going bonkers over Meluha when we have a world-class book with us. The Tantrics series should receive more acclaim. The author should be more widely known for his work. Reading this series was actually a stab in the dark. Got enraptured by the cover, when I was browsing for offers in amazon. The premise sounded promising and decided to take a chance. 1 month and 3 books later, all I have to say is - Time and money well spent.

We are yet again hurled unceremoniously into the world of tantric. The myths are many and they are real. The protagonists's character arcs are well developed and I appreciate the effort the author put into crossing all the t s and dotting all the i s . The author could have added another 400 pages and I wouldn't have minded in the least. That is the scope of the story written in the book. The premise holds, the tale delivers and all in all its a solid read.

But, it's not without its faults. First of all, the world-building. The world-building in this series is solid, however it still lacks a lot of clarity. He could have done wonders with the building. Next, the arc of the antagonists suffered a lot. The reason why Victor Sen did all the things he did fell short of expectations, and Victor Sen is the most underdeveloped character in the book.

However, these are all minor things and shouldnt stop you from picking up this series. Grab a copy before the Horsemen rides.3 s Monalisha2 3

Truly, a masterpiece.
Where to begin.... There are so so many things to say.
This book was an absolute delight to read. A long awaited ending to the Tantrics trilogy, this book was everything the last book of a trilogy should be, and more! I do not know of a series which manages to wrap up all the loose ends as well as Myths did. The author has outdone himself.
All the characters' journeys have been so incredible throughout the series. And there were so, so many questions which needed to be answered. I kept wondering how the author would fit everything into one book. But he pulled it off. Hats off to his skill.
I could not put down the book from the moment I picked it up. It grips you in its thrall and doesn't let go, even after it ends. It leaves you with that feeling of a book that managed to surpass your expectations. Yes, it's THAT good. The book does justice to the title, because it is truly about myths of old. So much of the story is told through stories the characters tell each other, myths and legends which have come alive. I absolutely love this narrative technique to bits, because it gives a glipmse behind the veil; gives a depth and richness to the universe. It assures the reader that there is so much lore behind every character and every other thing in this universe. The myths do not disappoint, too. They are dark and tantallising and downright horrifying at times. the myths and legends stay with you even after you finish the book, which I think is a sign of incredible talent.
We as readers have come so far with the author. And so has he. The story that began with Tantrics of Old, has morphed into such a confident piece of writing, that you can tell the author has complete control over every single sentence. He knows what he is telling his audience, and the reaction he is gonna get. He has you in the palm of his hand. Even the smallest threads have been tied up. For example, the author even explains the meaning behind the cover image of the first book in the trilogy! How incredible is that. Such foresight. It took a decade to bring the story of Adri Sen to a closure, and it was done, so, so well that I am running out of words.
It's a trilogy worth reading. It will not disappoint.2 s Prerna Sharma17

I was expecting so much from the ending.. It was really disappointing for me2 s Aryan SarathAuthor 5 books35

What should I say about this book?
I am dumbstruck with the sheer brilliance of the book. It would give you a feel of watching the movies “The Lord of The Rings” and the ever-popular tele-serial called “Super Natural”
I also do not use this statement “Value for Money” that often but for this book, it would perfectly fit the tag line.
Firstly, it is a great story.
Secondly, the volume. Yes. The story runs for close to 600 pages which means it would take not less than 2 days (if you are a speed reader) to finish reading it and for normal/slow readers, almost a week.
Here, you should note that the volume is close to 600 pages (572 pages to be precise) after the editing. So the actual story would have been not less than 1,000 pages. What a work…
I must give you a word of caution here that you may not get to remember all the characters in the very beginning as there are way too many. If you have a good memory, it is well and good else I would recommend you to take notes. I did the latter not because I have a bad memory but I wanted to go with the flow rather than getting stuck somewhere in the middle.
The story begins with Dhananjay - hunter & the holder of Keeper Piece. He gets followed by a stench smell though he could not figure out what it is all about since his wife Era was with him. They were in search of their son Wodan.
What happened to him?

Then there is this demon Chaya who comes as a messenger of Asag (very powerful demon which is hell chained) seeking help from Adri.
Below are some of the characters/names you might want to remember:
Horsemen of Old – who cannot be killed
Horsemen of the Apocalypse- Death
Merkan – an angel gets killed by own men
Gael & Virgil - Executioner & Redeemer
Maya - Ardak’s(Spider King) descendent
Daan - The Whisperer. Maya learns shadowblink from him.
Aki Asu - Shade ( Maya & Daan)
Maya leans shadow blink technique from Daan. She was too good for him.

Adri Sen – the protagonist of the story and the son of Victor Sen who is the first and the only one to break out the unbreakable Bagchi prison. Initially, he was a prisoner along with Gray(Spider Lord),Fayne & Zabrielle. They were held as prisoners by Sentinent who has promised to help them.

Then there was something which Zabrielle was hiding.
What was Zabrielle hiding?
Even before Adri could figure this out, she gets kidnapped.
By who? Motive?

Captain Brahms - Leader of the Sentinent

Farzaaya - Demon title given on one’s deeds. One could not pick one’s own Farzaaya. 100’s of them. Adri asks for a chalk to summon someone. Why did he insist on using the chalk and who did he summon?

While they go searching for Zabrielle, they heard of someone from a forbidden place who could help them out with some crucial information. Hence, they visit Moonless Dilhi where Martial law was imposed by The Faces.
It is from here; the story takes a lot of twists and turns which would keep you captivated until the end. There is no dearth for unexpected events. The flow was picture perfect. I said in the very beginning, the story gives you the feel of old and the new ideas comprising The Serpent, The Dragon, The Tantric, The Horseman, The Blade Saint, The Demigod, The Dark Master coupled with Hammer of Numen and the Paladins of Light.
I am also doubly sure that this story could make it to small/big screen if it finds the right person who is willing to produce and direct and would be no less than the movie/serial, I have mentioned in the beginning.
India’s answer to J.R.R.Tolkien is here……
1 The Bookish Elf422 51

Myths of Old is the final instalment to Krishnarjun Bhattacharya's Tantric Trilogy. If you haven’t read Tantrics of Old and Horsemen of Old, I would advise you not to read this instalment until you have. Myths of Old's world is constantly evolving and author Krishnarjun doesn’t waste his time catching readers up to what they should already know, which I have to admit, is part of what I love about his writing.

One thing I really d about this finale was how many twists there still were. After everything that was thrown at us in the first and second part of the trilogy, it seemed all the secrets were out and this book would be about getting free and saving those in trouble. But no, more information was thrown at us from all sides. People we thought were trustworthy turned on us. Everyone was shady and it was a game of 'Who to trust' the entire time.

The climax is wonderful, breathtaking, with all the characters you love and hate from all three books playing their part with some powerful punches.

Tantrics of Old introduced the world, the characters (most of them), the magic system, and the stakes. Horsemen of Old upped the ante, widening the scope of the world, but also deepening it, and ended with the characters facing the biggest challenge of their lives so far. Myths of Old is almost in its entirety devoted to confronting that challenge, the whole book is the climax of the series, but it also has its own climax that is even more intense than the rest of the book. And the rest of the book is a giant rollercoaster ride of emotion and action and scary stuff trying to steal your soul.

There were several compelling plot points going on in this chilling tome, but somehow they not only found a way to co-exist, they actually enhanced one another. The idea of necromancers alone was an eerily intriguing concept but to then confound it with a blood spilling and flesh eating Demons, Dragons, ancient rituals was sheer sinister brilliance. That is evil genius on the author’s part, and I ate it up! Popular culture references and snarky humor tie everything together into an enjoyable bow. I had so many conflicting emotions while reading this book, though suspicion and fear ruled more often than not.
1 Preeta25

*4.5 stars*
I would recommend that everyone should read the three books almost back to back, or else would miss a lot of the story.


I cannot believe I finished this, finally. I started reading the series way back in 2015, and did a re read of the first two books before finally getting to this one.

I wouldn't lie, it lost me for a while when I had maybe finished 1/3rd of it, but the pull started a couple of days later - to finish the story.
And woah. I had been thinking of what might happen.... Absolutely did not imagine that ending! I am not sure where I stand with it yet - do I love it or not? Maybe further pondering would tell me something a few days later....

The way everything was intertwined, and the way the story left tiny clues for us to decipher...... I felt happy to figure out different things just a few pages before it was revealed, Adri's true identity.

The fact that the whole story was based totally in India, specially in Kolkata, was the best part for me. It showed me links to the world I already live in, and yet it couldn't be further from our real lives.
A good, unique fantasy story is already hard to write I reckon, and on top of that this had a vast yet vivid landscape. I can still see the picture of Frozen Bombay painted in my mind.

The storylines wove in and out of each other beautifully, and I am glad, so glad I spent my time reading and finishing this story.

I think, this world has a lot more to offer, and can be explained and expanded so much more..... We saw so many creatures and beings, and each of those can have a story of their own. It's a vast world, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it, either in future works, or my re-reads of this trilogy, cause I can see myself reading this again.2022 owned reviewed Sagar Chamoli185 14

This was a fantastic end to the wonderful series. Deducting a star as I felt it to be a bit lengthy.fantasy series1 Sameer Gudhate834 20

Get ready to be transported into a world of darkness and mystique with "Myths of Old: Book Three (The Tantric Trilogy)" by Krishnarjun Bhattacharya. This final instalment promises an immersive experience that delves deep into the realms of fantasy and dystopia.

The blurb hints at a riveting tale that revolves around the ominous rise of a dark master, with elements of fairy tales, revenge, and ancient myths woven intricately together. The book seems to encapsulate the climactic confrontation between light and darkness, taking readers on a journey filled with spine-tingling twists and turns.

Krishnarjun Bhattacharya's writing style seems to be both evocative and rich, promising a sensory experience that paints vivid imagery in the reader's mind. The blend of fantasy and dystopian elements is ly to create a unique atmosphere that keeps you hooked from beginning to end.

The blurb alludes to a cast of characters and ideas that are intriguingly interwoven. The mention of the serpent, the Dragon, the tantric, and the horseman hints at a diverse range of characters with distinct roles to play. These characters could potentially offer complex layers to the narrative.

With promises of revenge, hunt, and the end of the world as we know it, the plot seems to be structured in a way that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The idea of myths and legends converging in a dark fantasy world is captivating and holds the potential for an intricately woven narrative.

From the blurb, themes of darkness, revenge, the struggle between good and evil, and the interplay of myths and legends are evident. These themes could offer readers thought-provoking insights into the human psyche and the consequences of choices made.

The blurb's mention of "spit and blood and bone and venom" suggests an emotional intensity that could evoke a wide range of feelings, from tension and fear to exhilaration and awe.

The strength of the blurb lies in its ability to create an enigmatic and captivating atmosphere. However, its abstract nature might leave some readers curious yet unsure about the specifics of the story.

From the blurb alone, "Myths of Old: Book Three (The Tantric Trilogy)" seems to promise an epic culmination of a dark fantasy saga. As a reader, I'm excited to explore the intricate web of myths, characters, and emotions that Bhattacharya has woven.

In conclusion, "Myths of Old: Book Three (The Tantric Trilogy)" appears to be a promising finale to an imaginative trilogy. With its dark, dystopian fantasy elements and captivating writing style, it holds the potential to be an engaging and immersive reading experience for those who enjoy tales of epic battles and mythical realms. Shreesha Ganesh1 review

This is one of the series I’ve practically grown up with. I read the first book when I was 14 and now as a 19 year old, I finish it with my heart heavy. I enjoyed every second of it. I’ve always loved story telling and this series just captures the art so well. I do have some criticism for the plot conveniences but I enjoyed it thoroughly so I’m gonna focus on all the emotions I went through while reading.

For a while before the last chapter, I was feeling uneasy. I had no idea what this road would lead the protagonists to take and at this point I was sort of annoyed with some of the plot devices and bombarded with so much information and new c
characters; I had no time to think, so I chose to feel.

As Adri killed Death, I felt sorrow for the trapped soul. As he uttered the words “Thank you, old friend”, I had this dreadful feeling. And as Adri began shifting into the Horseman he brought death to(pun intended), I felt goosebumps.
“Adri killed Death.
Now Adri was death”
Fucking brilliant. And the epilogue? Couldn’t have been better.

The other negatives I’d say are all the beautiful side characters who deserved more time but I’m glad they get to fight for their lives. They get to choose and I hope the Serpent is ready for what’s coming.

PS: this has to be made into an audiobook c’monThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Shreyasi Basu271 17

After Tantrics of old and horsemen of old, Myths of Old is the third part of Tantric Triology by Author Krishnarjun. Fantasy lovers are already aware about this amazing and mind-blowing series and I am one of them undoubtedly. This book, the story is the complete satisfaction for readers indeed. After finishing I was blissful to get all kinda answers of previous uncovered questions .

Isn't the most important thing A reader expect from the last book of a trilogy? So, There is not a single thought has left behind. Everything has been answered with perfection.

I am very familiar with author's writing style. It's classy and very engaging as well. There was no leisure to feel bore during reading. Every single page consists something unexpected but connected story lines that is Impressive . All characters have its own depth in story and their journey was awesome. Every character and sub characters are well introduced and defined. They have been developed slowly with the rhythm of time. Without any question, it's very fast paced book and page turner in sooth. Author's imagination power is admiring truly. The way he has penned down all of his thoughts by words, is genius. I will recommend this book to all fantasy, fiction lovers. Md Akhlaq349 11

One of my favourite things about reading a book is reaching that point where you just can’t put it down. It’s always magical to feel immersed in another world. Some books draw you in right away.

Loved this beautifully articulated mystical story. The character introduction and the alluring storyline keeps you wondering about what will happen next. I could precisely visualize the story while reading through it. 

Myths Of Old is the book three of the Tantric Trilogy and it is a magical fantasy fiction based on Indian backdrops and props. The author has set up a whole new world within the confines of the oldest city of India through the pages of this trilogy which is a centre of attraction of this story. The book tells us a well-plotted story of a fictitious world where Tantrics, Necromancers, Monsters and Angels are real.

This is an incredible book that can depart you wanting for more at the end.

The plot of the story flows a river with many twisted turns. What is more immersing about is it the fact that you will feel a movie running in your mind as you read.

The writing style is enthralling and the story is written in such a way that you will be bound to turn the page to know more.

Rating: 5/5
Published by: @fingerprintpublishingbooks
Written by : @krishnarjun_b Bikash Jha27

Simply Outstanding

I remember picking the first book tantrics of old and absolutely loving it.

The characters in the books are well written well fleshed out and the overall adventure throughout the country in a fantasy world is simply marvelous
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