
Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You de Kris Vanc

de Kris Vanc - Género: English
libro gratis Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You


Kris Vanc Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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Seeing the stating that story had no HEA, I was curious to find out why and started reading the ending to see if I wanted to read it at all. So with that said, I found the last chapter and Epilogue very gut wrenching and emotional Hero dies in the end from a crippling disease, hence for why no HEA. and thought it would be a good read. However, that is unfortunately all that I d about this.

As author rightfully stated in the end, this did not have much plot at all and nothing really to . I struggled to make it to 2-3 chapters in before I finally gave up. The writing (outside of the 2 last chapters) is a mess and very confusing. Un the ending, there was no emotions, no descriptions of what the MCs look or how they met and even fell in love. It reads bullet points with chapter 1 starting in 2022 and ending in 2055. I know this was a series and there are characters I didn't know, but that wasn't the problem. The issue is because every chapter jumps ahead of time from months to years, we don't get any development or slow built, so I couldn't get invested into the story if I don't know who they are, what they do, what they look , how/when & why they fell in love, etc.

Author said she was going through a divorce when she wrote this and felt the death of her marriage. While I sympathize with her, I can't honestly call this a "romance" or place it in any other category. Anyway, this wasn't for me, but maybe others will it.dnf4 s N. BoeyerAuthor 2 books31

This book was heartbreakingly beautiful and is a book I'll hold dearly for a very long time.
This book is REAL. This is as real as it's going to get.

I'm probably not going to do a re-read of this, because it made me cry. In a very good way, but still; It made me cry. And I. Never. Cry.

If you're looking for all the feels, if you want to get ripped apart and immerse yourself in a heart wrenching love story, pick this one up!

the author stated herself in the beginning; It's a romance book but not a romance book, because it doesn't have a happy ending.

But I believe this one does have a happy ending. It's not the happy ending you expect, but it's written so well, that there is some form of closure nonetheless.

The characters feel very real to me, and I think I can speak for all the parents here; there is a LOT of recognition about the married life, about the family life, about life in general. It's what makes this such a good book. It's un any romance I've ever read, and I've read a lot.

I loved it. I'm a big fan of Kris Vanc's work, but this one is at the top of the list.
I can honestly say, I think this is her best work so far. And she's written some gems!

- I'm a beta-reader of this book, and this is my honest review.

3 s R.K. EefeAuthor 3 books7

Okay, so… Let me tell you about this book. Honestly, I'm not sure where to start, so it's probably more of a ramble, but hear me out, bear with me, and all that jazz...

I'm picky about romance (or romance but not romance) books and I usually only read MM and RH. That's why I wasn't sure if I was able to complete it because I knew it's a HFN story. But boy did I complete it. It took me apart, shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces and no… It wasn't put back together again (Kris, I still hate you for that and I kind of didn't you at that moment and wanted to boycott all of your books, but I them too much).

The author takes you on a journey from the first page and builds up not only the story itself, but also the relationship between Angel and Kyle. I've met them in her books before, so maybe that's a little bit of cheating, but you don't really need to read it. It's good if you do, because Deserted Lilies is awesome, but not necessarily needed. You'll understand their relationship just fine. And it's real. With real life experiences, real life struggles and real life reactions. And let's be honest: how many times don't we think someone is selfish when there are people who have it worse? Kris just barges in and had the guts to write the most selfish parts and reactions.

Okay, rambling. I have a point, I promise.

I loved Kyle in Deserted Lilies, I loved Angel in Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You and damnit do I love their family. There is a moment in the book where you'll understand why she chose this title and thát's where you need to grab a big box of chocolate and enough tissues to get you through the story. Trust me, you're going to need it.

Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You is real, it has all the feels, but be warned. It does not have a happy ending. The ending is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it's still not a happy ending.

(I was one of the beta-readers and this is my honest review.)1 Anna7 1 follower

First of all i have to tell i was anxious to pick up this book. Because i was told this book has no happy ending.
But because i just love all the other books of Kris Vanc so much i took the courage and read the book.

This book makes you laugh, glow with love, enjoy loyalty to each other, feel the struggle that Angel and Kyle are facing and makes you cry. (Made me ugly cry)
You'll be taken thru all the high's and lows of their lives. It made me feel i was right there with Angel and Kyle. (our tough bodyguard from Desert Lilies serie)
Kris Vanc is making you feel all these emotions do to her way of writing. Indeed it is not a HEA but...it still has a beautiful ending.

It is a book thats now on my top list of books. And eventho i hasitated to pick this one up i will reread it! It is a book i will recommend (read force feed) to all my friends. And i am positive they'll it too.

=> if you real deal life changing emotional - read this book
=> if you read Desert Lilies serie by this author - this is part of that collection add it!
=> if you need a good (ugly mugly) cry -just read this book Amanda Gard455 12

Never Have I Ever...

...Read a story that has made me cry so much, nor for so long. I did not know what to expect when Kris told us about this story, but I am sincerely glad I read it. It was everything I could have hoped for, including very REAL feelings and emotions. another reviewer, I wanted to stop crying before reviewing, but meh, I can write my review that may or may not make sense. Just know that I loved it all, even when my heart was breaking, my nose was running, and I was literally sobbing. Thanks Kris. Kris VancAuthor 12 books36

This book took half my soul, and still I felt forced by everything I am to write it.mf1 Ines917 23

I considered waiting a few hours before writing this review, but I decided to just go with the flow and let my emotions speak. The thing is: I’m still sitting here with tears in my eyes after finishing this book, and all of those feelings are bittersweet because they make me realize how fragile life is, and how much we should cherish every day…

This book mainly deals with the story after the HEA. After that special moment when people decide they are the one(s) they want to spend their lives with. After the moment vows are spoken, and real life happens. And the thing with real life is: it’s not a fairytale. Real life deals with the good, the bad and the ugly and the biggest struggle we all face is to keep seeing the good in the bad, and the beauty behind the ugly… It makes this book one of the most original things I’ve read lately, exactly because of how relatable to real life it is. And real life hurts sometimes, especially when there is love involved.

So while this book doesn’t have the HEA you might look for in a romance book, it still shows us there is happiness and hope to be found even after all hope seems lost. It shows the power of friendship, and the force of gathering a tribe around you to help you shoulder the pain. The emotions in this book are real and heartfelt, and I’ve been crying ugly tears while still feeling the power of hope and love.

Just a little warning: I believe this book should be read after reading the deserted lilies series. There are a lot of time lapses in this book, and especially at the start I believe they might bother readers who haven’t read the series. I also believe it helps to know the side characters better to truly understand how much they mean to each other and to fully cherish the beautiful moments throughout the pain. This was one of the most emotional books I’ve ever read, and something tells me I’ll be remembering this feeling for a very long time. RainChaser102

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