
Choice of the Cat de Knight, E E

de Knight, E E - Género: English
libro gratis Choice of the Cat


Possessed of an unnatural and legendary hunger, the Reapers have come to Earth to establish a New Order built on the harvesting of enslaved human souls. They rule the planet. They thrive on the scent of fear. And if it is night, as sure as darkness, they will come.
It is the forty-fifth year of the Kurian Order. Lt. David Valentine is a proud member of the Wolves, an elite fighting force dedicated to regaining control of Earth. But a disastrous battle against the enemy has left more than half of his company wounded or dead--and Valentine facing a court-martial.
Resigning his position, Valentine accepts an offer to become a Cat, one of the stealthy warriors trained to spy on--and go toe-to-toe against--the Reapers. Under the command of his mentor, Smoke, Val's first mission is to enter the Kurian Zone and investigate the threat of the Twisted Cross, a strike force of alien-human hybrids possessing the skills of combat veterans and the hunger of the Rearers....

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Typically I'd rate this as a 4 star book. The first book of a great series gets an extra star for introducing me to a wonderful world & this book gets an extra one for introducing two more characters that continue through the series & add a lot. One is a female action hero, the other... well, I don't want to spoil the surprise. Read it!

Again, the world is realistically, but quickly drawn. It's a fairly fast read, but contains enough detail to paint the world in perfect detail. Knight does well with horses, the trials of travel, & with human ingenuity & spirit.

I could babble on, but if you d the first book, Way of the Wolf, which you should read first, you'll love this. If you just have this one, I think it would stand alone fine, though. If anyone does that, please let me know how it went. Knight certainly doesn't bog down with a lot of rehashing of the previous book, but does fill in where needed.

Again, Knight gives a brief foreword that's great, as is the reader. I can't recommend this series highly enough in either written or audio format.1audio 2fiction action ...more7 s Stephen1,516 11.6k

3.5 stars. Very good follow up to Way of the Wolf. This book focuses on Valentine joining and learning the ways of the Cat (the spy/assassin/intelligence gathering arm of the resistance. E. E. Knight has created a superb, post-apocalyptic world as the setting of a terrific battle between the surviving humans and the vampiric, life aura stealing Kurians. Post-apocalyptic, vampire, military SF at its best. These books are a lot of fun. 2000-2005 audiobook ebooks ...more5 s Justin81 29

David Valentine returns home for a break in Choice of the Cat, but his rest is short-lived, as he quickly becomes the victim of military bureaucracy and is given a special assignment: he is to partner with a special agent who goes by the code name Smoke. Smoke, a small, attractive female killer with mild psychotic tendencies, is a specialized soldier called a Cat. While we learned a little about Cats in Way of the Wolf, we get to see what it’s to be one in Choice of the Cat. Valentine (now code-named Ghost) and Smoke are assigned to gather intel on a group of Nazi- super soldiers who are under Kurian control. These “Twisted Cross” soldiers are capable of organized destruction and have been to known to wipe out entire fortified cities overnight. This may sound a little silly, but if you’ve read the first book, you know what you’re getting into (and if you are contemplating reading the VAMPIRE EARTH series, check out our of Way of the Wolf).

The story format E.E. Knight chose is the same as the first book: Valentine is placed in one tight situation after another, and usually cracks a few heads to get his way out. It's fun, a tad bawdy, and exactly what you want from this type of book. There are books that enlighten you, make you cry, or try to change you for the better. Then there are the books that just kick ass and chew bubble gum, and are all out of bubble gum (thank you Duke Nukem). Choice of the Cat is that second type of book. There are no elves, no fairies, and no magical glades of wonder. Guns, explosions, punches to the face, and just a touch of the human spirit are what you get in the VAMPIRE EARTH series.

I listened to Choice of the Cat on Audio CD by Brilliance Audio. The novel is once again read by the talented Christian Rummel. (Go back to my Way of the Wolf review to see exactly how I feel about Rummel.) Suffice it to say that he fails to disappoint in this sequel. As the number of characters increases, so does the range of voices he has to cover, and he manages all of it without ever breaking you out of the narrative flow. This is a fun book and a very nice addition to Brilliance Audio’s library of titles. Highly recommended to those who action-adventure type SF&F.


You can also learn more about EE Knight’s books at the Fantasyliterature EE Knight page

These books also remind me somewhat of the Deathlands series. Though EE Knight is a much better writer. My review of Deathlands is here: Pilgrimage to Hellaudio fantasy4 s Happy Bookaholic59 26 Want to read


Back for more punishment, but only because as awkward as the first book was, it showed promise and I just want to return to the time of the first F-ing scene. This is BS, Knight. Next time start at the beginning. F—. My hopes for excitingly violent scenes were raised by the opening chapter and the rest, though decent and at times good, did not live up to its promise.

Now about this "beautiful" Cat... Love schmove from the first book. Where is she? Conveniently killed off so he can shag, er, fall in love with other hotties? Let's call lust what it is. Calling it love only adds guilt and that ruins sex, not entirely, but it taints the memories a smidgen after you've gotten your rocks off and get to thinking.

Please kill much, sex little and for Grog's sake entertain me.2 s Serenity SnowAuthor 62 books56

This was a decent sci-fi read. A bit slow at times but enjoyable all the same if you're looking for a mostly male dominated story about aliens.2 s Amarinske600 13

A very solid 3 star read. Just a little bit more and it could've been four stars (or a little bit less, actually). I didn't need that weird random sex scene somewhere around the middle of the book. I happened in book 1 as well. Is this going to be a pattern throughout the series? Random sex scenes for Valentine? It's not even that the scenes were poorly done, they just come out of the blue, and to me, they add nothing to the story at all. It makes sense Val would have sex now and then but I don't need to read it. It detracts from the actual plot, especially since he nearly dies twice during the events of this book.
The plot was well executed, but nothing that special. The Twisted Cross seems to be an overarching society that existed over the ages and it also led to Nazism or was at least involved? Not that I mind the alternative explanations, but some of it seemed a bit far-fetched to me. Now that I think about it, even the stuff with the sand bug I've seen before. The renditions had other creatures but it's still basically the same idea and execution. (The most recent example I can think of is the way Aimia is protected in the Stormlight Archive novella Dawnshard). If it ain't broke, don't fix it, they say. And I agree, but you can still innovate a bit, which wasn't done enough in my opinion.
But I did really love the whole deepening of the world. First by exploring the Cats and how their working ethic and method differs from the Wolves. Then we get some nice insight and development of the Grog society and how they came to be on Earth. I'm very curious to see where that goes. And I really d the answer for where those weird, speaking Reapers came from. The fact that the Grogs call them Hooded Ones was really fun. As is the idea that the Grog language has musicality to it yet it sounds a bunch of pig snorts. That makes me laugh.
The contempt the General (leader of the Twisted Cross) has for the Lifeweavers feels it should be there yet I didn't get a proper sense for why it is there. Did they have some kind of heavy fallout centuries back or something? We'll never know because that part of the plot seems to be complete and the General is now dead and I don't really see how it could come into play or can be important in later books.

All in all, I think the world-building and character interactions were the strongest parts of the book book. I'd say the logic and plot were probably less so, especially since the motivations of some of the characters are just not there (or I didn't see them well). Valentine's character development was done nicely as well.3-star adult english ...more Unwisely1,447 15

Opened in a completely unexpected to me way; but still managed to hold me. Okay, I guess we're going through all three of the fighters? Sure, why not.

The male-ness of the romantic plotline got over the top in this one. Also you realize that the author wants to make women and men equal, but can't quite actually envision it. I sort of appreciated the effort, but the way David gets his panties in a twist about Alessa defending herself from sexual assault and spend the rest of the book saying how broken she is gets really tiresome. (How many people have you murdered, guy? Maybe he who is without sin should cast the first stone, dude who was raised by a priest?)

Despite this, I downloaded book 3 immediately after finishing it.2017 post-apocalyptic science-fiction TinaMarie3,491 32

David's road fighting the Kur takes a new twist, trying to uncover the secrets of the new threat byt the Kur. His sense of honor and need to help others leads him to the path of the Cats. It's not a pretty world, but it is interesting reading.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review lonnie fairfax1 review1 follower

This is is a great continuation of valitines great adventure's

These adventures are action packed with all kinds of wounderful characters. It's worth it to read all the books in this series. Kaleb464 25

I thought it was another good book in the series. The author continues to engage with a different type of vampire as compared to the "norm". I look forward to the next book and would highly recommend this if you enjoy fantasyish, post-apocalyptic genres. MICHAEL Jones34

Solid follow-up to Way Of The Wolf. David Valentine learns that even in a post apocalypse world your bosses will screw you over to protect themselves. Paskal47

Meilleur que le tome 1 à mon avis. On suit avec de plus en plus de frénésie les aventures de Valentine ses errements et ses bravades Vera326

So gut wie mir der erste Teil gefallen hat, so wenig hat mir die Fortsetzung zugesagt. Ich hatte furchtbare Schwierigkeiten in diese dystopische Zukunftsversion zurück zu finden. Bis auf den Protagonisten und dem grundsätzlichen Weltsetting gibt es kaum Zusammenhänge zum vorherigen Teil. Das fand ich wirklich sehr schade und hat mir stellenweise das Gefühl gegeben, dass man den ersten Band auch hätte nicht lesen brauchen. Denn zum Auftakt von Wolfsdämmerung gibt es ohnehin erst einmal eine Situation, wie es sie ähnlich bereits im Vorgänger gab. Auch über die Welt und den Widerstand habe ich nicht so richtig mehr erfahren, auch wenn man hier eine andere Elitegruppe etwas besser kennen lernt. Die Charaktere sind mir dennoch meist fremd geblieben und die Geschichte konnte mich bis zum Ende nicht wirklich packen. Wirklich sehr schade, da die Welt in meinen Augen mit dem dystopische Scifi Charaktere ein sehr großes Potenzial für mich hätte. Dieses würde in Teil 2 leider uberhaipt nicht ausgenutzt, weshalb dieses Buch für mich bei Weitem nicht mit seinem Vorgänger mithalten konnte; sehr schade. James Hein907 3

Audio Book

Book about Dystopian future where aliens have control and the humans are trying fight back Kenneth Ezell1 review

Love this series. This book brings you in and continues a well developed story. Benny8

More Sadness, but a bit of hope. Sensitivemuse523 32

It’s best if you read Way of the Wolf before going into this one, as events flow from one book to the other. It was off to quite a slow start although I thought the idea of the Twisted Cross was interesting and worth the read. The action does pick up but not for a while as the reader follows Valentine through his training to be a Cat (uber stealth soldier).

I’m still on the fence about Valentine. Actually, let me take that back. He’s starting to annoy me. However I can’t just drop the book because I find the main character annoying. Why? because the supporting characters in this book actually help and made my reading rather entertaining. I’d have to say Duvalier is awesome. She’s just what this series needs. She may not be perfect (she does carry baggage with her) but she provides that bit of life to carry on the plot and made it interesting. She’s definitely got grit. Now what got to me was Valentine trying to get into her pants or admiring her from every angle possible. Oh for crying out loud. Seriously? Is this series going to be James Bond where he has to do at least one female character in every book? because if it is, I’m afraid of pursuing this series further.

Another character that really stood out was Ahn-kha. He’s hard to describe, although he seems to be this rather large, hairy sasquatch looking furry thing but really overall seems to be such a gentle giant. I d him from the start and was rather glad he joined the plot as well. I suppose, it was his gentle manner that endeared me to him. Not only that but well, he’s really a talking Chewbacca. How can you not him?!

The plot as mentioned before, was off to a slow start, but it does pick up its’ pace with battles here and there. It seems to be the standard method of these books but it helps carry the plot along. It’s not too bad, as the action scenes are well written, but I’m sure it’s going to get old quickly and hopefully things will change as the series progresses. The ending leaves off to the reader looking forward to another adventure and wondering where Valentine is off to next.

Fans of Way of the Wolf will probably enjoy this one just as well. Otherwise it might not be for everybody. I thought it was all right although I’m in no rush to get the next one. I’m just getting ready to roll my eyes at the next love interest Valentine has. Seriously, I do not find the appeal in Valentine. All I see is a robotic super soldier. (Un some book crushes I have) :P but that’s another story. I’d say take it or leave it with this one. However if you do pick this up, read it for its’ great supporting characters, because Valentine just gets annoying after a while. Megan953 7

I enjoyed this second book of the Vampire Earth series more than the first book. This one had a constant story and didn't skip around. We also get to meet Ali, a Cat Hunter and see what that is all about. There is no stop to the action in this book, there's always something going on, which means bad guys dying! I really enjoy Ali's character, she is amazingly violent which makes for exciting fight scenes, but there are times where you really want to smack her and yell "hey stupid". where she gets on the train of enemy soldiers dressed a hooker, well of course they are going to paw at you, what did you think was going to happen? Stupid! I was also annoyed that she didn't stay to help the wagon people, but it turned out OK since she helped in her own way. Other than a few things about her, she is a pretty awesome character.
Not only is Ali pretty awesome, but Valentine does a good job as a one man army and blows some stuff up and kills lots of people! It will be interesting to see if he eventually gets to try out being a Bear, since he has been a Wolf and now a Cat.
There wasn't really anything serious that I didn't about the book, the same awesome action scenes, world building and characters. We get to meet an awesome character towards the end that I think makes an awesome addition to stories to come! Yay, Ahn-Kha! Overall, 5 out of 5 stars, and that is a rating I don't give out lightly!books-i-can-t-live-without books-i-own Fantasy Literature3,226 164

David Valentine returns home for a break in Choice of the Cat, but his rest is short-lived, as he quickly becomes the victim of military bureaucracy and is given a special assignment: he is to partner with a special agent who goes by the code name Smoke. Smoke, a small, attractive female killer with mild psychotic tendencies, is a specialized soldier called a Cat. While we learned a little about Cats in Way of the Wolf, we get to see what it’s to be one in Choice of the Cat. Valentine (now code-named Ghost) and Smoke are assigned to gather intel on a group of Nazi- super soldiers who are under Kurian control. These “Twisted Cross” soldiers are capable of organized destruction and have been to known to wipe out entire fortified cities overnight. This may sound a little silly, but if you’ve read the first book, ... Read More:
http://www.fantasyliterature.com/revi... Norman15

I REALLY wanted to this book a lot more. The first book in this series was a lot of fun, and made me care about the character and the situation that Earth was in (being over-run by these aliens that fed off of life energy). But the first book seemed to me to be one story that just kept flowing from episode to episode. The writing in this novel felt more as if it the episodes were distinct, and were set in chronological order so as to make one story.

Don't expect anything to surprise you in this novel. It's very formulaic, once you get beyond the basic (yet very intriguig) premise. Just because of how interesting I find the premise, I do plan on picking up at least the next book in this series. But if that one feels as flat as this novel did, it'll probably be the end of my reading for this series. Ozsaur835

This one gets off to a slow start but once it takes off, the action is almost non-stop. Choice of the Cat is less episodic than the first book, so the plot is more cohesive, especially when the investigation into the Twisted Cross begins.

There are fewer pastoral descriptions than in the first book, but there is more about the occupied lands, and the way things work outside the free territories.

Valentine's new trainer, a Cat named Ali, is a great character and I would have loved seeing more of her. I wish she had been given more screen time. I also d the new Grog character, a Golden One. He gave a a different perspective on the conquest of Earth.

Still Valentine, but I do hope he either gets into a long term relationship or quits the random female turns up for sex. I guess I'll see what happens in the next book.

60-for-16 apocalyptic dystopian ...more Brian496 30

When last we saw David Valentine, he was an up and coming Wolf in the Southern Command, fighting against the alien Kur race who use "Reapers" to feed off the auras of humans. This time around, Valentine gets caught up in military politics and is forced to resign from the Wolves. However, he quickly takes up with another military faction, the Cats, and learns their stealthy ways. He uses his newfound skills to go after a new group, the Twisted Cross, before they can build up their forces to go after Southern Command.
It's not quite as strong as the first volume, but the Twisted Cross provides a good (or evil, as the case may be) antagonist for Valentine, strong enough for me to eventually want to read the next volume, though I probably won't review any more of them. BillAuthor 23 books40

This follows up the action from Way of the Wolf, the first book in the Vampire Earth series. We now find David Valentine being railroaded by an officer who wants to keep his record spotless in spite of a couple of his own poor decisions, and Valentine makes for the perfect fall guy. Rather than face the stigma of a court martial, even one he has a good chance of winning, Valentine resigns his commission as a Lieutenant and signs up to be a cat, a covert unit of loners who sabotage, spy and otherwise make life difficult for the Kurian Order.

E. E. Knight has a way with character development, making them compelling and sympathetic -- even villains.Choice of the Cat is every bit as engrossing as read as Way of the Wolf; I highly recommend it. Tularia16 3

Definitely an upgrade from the first novel. Less proofreading errors too! I loved learning more about Duvalier; she's become a terrific character with a lot of potential down the road. I'm hoping she makes it a few more novels at least. The later introduction of the Golden Ones (more intelligent Grogs of a different 'breed') and in particular the development of the relationship between Valentine and Ahn-Kha is quite notable and makes it worth the read. So much more is learned about Valentine simply by his interactions with these two characters than could be achieved by standard narration alone. I found myself truly enjoying this part of the tale, and I hope these qualities carry over into the third book.

Nicely done, Mr. Knight! Benjamin Thomas1,979 349

I'm glad to have thoroughly enjoyed the second in this series. I always worry when I read a series because so often the first is full of newness and energy that demonstrates a real passion on the part of the author. But often the second becomes an attempt to recapture the magic and trying to fulfill obligations to publisher deadlines, etc.

Not the case here as Valentine, the protagonist of the series makes some major decisions and life changes. Lots of unexpected suprises and character development as well as a good fleshing out of this world and some of the major characters. Where the first book was a delightful welcome to this world, this second book serves as a welcome back and an invitation to stay a while.

I will certainly do so.sci-fi-military sci-fi-post-apocolypse Nathan39

as they start fleshing out the characters/main character and you start learning about the aliens, that have invaded earth it starts getting a little strange and feeling it is going toward a religious story instead of staying a good Sci Fi read.
The idea of different branches of the military resistance having animal traits is a interesting concept, but definitely written by a American in the way that the animals are portrayed, at times it felt forced with perhaps needing a little more fleshing out of the archetypes.
the aliens, also felt very reused and stereotyped, the difference in feeding on blood vs "aurua" was a little strange.

worth the read, I was just whining about what I did not , read it, books are good. Scott Vout609 4

I Really wanted to give this a 3.5 but of course no half stars available.

I fell into the EE Knight trap by reading his series of Dragon books - i found them to be
a very goood read so i decided to give this series a go.

I read book one of this series a few years ago and it was ok. Took me this long to get back to it.

This one was better then the first in my opinion as the main characters is now established.
This book grows him and his world more.

Plenty of action as well as a potential future love interest (to make him more human).

Overall i enjoyed the book and i will eventually get on to book three.books-of-2011 E.1,916 19

Book 2 of the Vampire Earth Series: David Valentine has served well as a Wolf until he becomes the scapegoat for a superior officer's poor decisions and resigns his commission rather than face a court martial. He is recruited to train as a Cat and learns new skills to aid him in his continuing quest to free Earth from the Kurian oppression. His travels lead him into the realm of the Twisted Cross and he discovers unly allies in the Golden Ones, a different species of the Grogs that have traditionally been associated with the Reapers and Kurians.fantasy An EyeYii3,633 62

***** "Choice of the Cat" (The Vampire Earth #2) sees Wolf warrior David Valentine turn Cat saboteur. E.E. Knight's 2067 future frontier after has fast action, tense excitement, and wry humor. I don't know what real war is , but these books sound close. Earth has little technology since invaded by life-energy sucking creatures who direct blood-sucking monsters. Now Twisted Black Cross directs more hooded vampires by linking each with a human. When our hero chances to help one of the gold furred giant aliens brought for physical work, an unly team is forged.action fantasy Russell243 3

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