
The Last Time de Kirchhoff, Heather

de Kirchhoff, Heather - Género: English
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Kirchhoff, Heather Year: 2023

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It took me a long time to read this, through no fault of the author. I just...sort of let real life get in the way and at the same time had a love/hate relationship with this story. I'm giving it four stars, because in general it was a great dramatic tale, full of raw pain and anguish, exactly what would come from losing a boyfriend to suicide. I empathized with Sarah because the girl could not catch a break. Here's what I loved about this book: Sarah perseveres in spite of everything. She does not understand why her boyfriend chose to leave her the way he did, and the fact that she hangs on as long as she does is impressive. There were times when the prose was quite poetic; and every word dripped with raw, unflinching agony. Sarah really goes through some shit in this story and you have to give her credit for putting up with it for such a lengthy amount of time.

And then there's the hate: I really, really, despised most of the people in Sarah's life. Her mother is a bipolar, unsympathetic bitch, her father is a flake, her best friend (oh, don't even get me started on her) and then there's all the other uncaring, dehumanizing jerks who threaten to beat Sarah's spirit into submission as she already struggles to get over the death of the person she loved most in her life. She has no sense of self-esteem except for what Ryan gave her, and she gets absolutely no leeway from anyone for feeling confused, ostracized, and completely awful after Ryan commits suicide. The only character who is even a remotely good, caring person is Bobby, Sarah's bratty little brother, who manages to get her in trouble but redeems himself repeatedly with genuine concern. I won't post any spoilers, but it isn't hard to guess why Sarah goes down a road to ruin with these kinds of people surrounding her, and I found myself hoping the story would take a dark turn and she would murder her mother in her sleep or something. Alas, it was truly a tale that reminded me of how shitty it can be to be a teenager. Thank God we have the ability, after a certain age, to choose our family and say Fuck You to the rest who don't measure up.4 s Brenda PerlinAuthor 13 books176

The pain this young girl experiences seems real. The losses she suffers is relatable on so many levels. This girl feels alone in the world, is bullied and misunderstood. She could be any of us. I could feel the pain she was in and the internal struggle she was dealing with. I got so caught up in the story that I didn't want to put it down. It was written with so much real life emotion. I want to applaud the author for writing such a moving yet vulnerable story about a teenager that has to deal with modern day problems. Sadly, so many teens keep their sorrow to themselves. Sometimes no one finds out about the suffering until it is too late.

"More tears crept down my cheeks, leaving them burning. Everything felt wrong. I was wrong. I didn’t belong here. I don’t fit in well enough, I never have. I’m always just that girl. The one who’s so quiet. The one who dated Ryan. The one who is constantly bullied. All because no one sees me for
who I truly am. I’m just there. That’s all, nothing more, nothing less. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall, letting my thoughts go insane, letting everything I’ve ever known slip even farther from me. I don’t try to get a grip on anything anymore. I’m done. I’m sick of being bullied, sick of being ignored, misunderstood. I’m tired of being alone. I don’t want that. I don’t want people to see me differently. I don’t want to go through this anymore. I don’t want someone to become my friend and then leave nor do I want to suffer. I can’t live that. I’m always looking behind me, waiting for someone to expose my secret. I go through the same motions everyday,
burying my thoughts deep down, taking a deep breath, and facing the world. But eventually those thoughts come back to the surface, building my wall once again. I felt it happen, noticed how my hand started to shake as I became overwhelmed.”
3 s Nadège RichardsAuthor 11 books277

I had the pleasure of beta reading for Heather, and I will say that this is not a bias review. I didn't know what I was heading into, nor did I know Heather's writing style. I could have hated it, despised it, but I truly couldn't bring myself to that point. Why? Because this story is one that captures your heart from the beginning and sets it ablaze with all crazy kinds of feels. My emotions were just all over the place; the amount of loss in this book is colossal.

The editing is fantastic. I usually don't comment about that, but as a writer I know it's easy to miss a few things. I was marveled by the lack of typos. As for character development - I loved every single character. Most prominently, Sarah. Good grief my heart broke for the girl! And the ending? It just twisted me up inside.

Great read, down to earth, and it's just up my alley. It's nice to take a break from the paranormal life sometimes.

5 STARS3 s BooksandBeyondFiftyShades1,350 154

After Sarah Hill's boyfriend dies, everything changes. Caught up in her grief and desire to see him again, Sarah is challenged in moving on. She's sucked back into the world Sarah was in before they started dating-being invisible, bullied. She slowly begins to pull away from everyone, unable to do it anymore. Then one day her reality comes crashing down all around her, pushing Sarah to the edge...

This was an immensely emotional book on so many levels. Heather writes with a maturity that is far beyond her 17 years. Sarah’s character deals with a loss that no one, especially not a teenager should ever have to deal with. I truly felt for Sarah while reading this story. There were many times through reading that I wanted to jump on the page and just hold her. I also had to take a break while reading because there was so many strong emotions that I just couldn’t handle it. I tried putting myself in Sarah’s place, how would I react if these things were happening to me? It would probably be difficult for me to deal with them now, let alone when I was a teenager.

Sarah is misunderstood and many of her family, especially her brother, try to reach out to her but she doesn’t let them in. She keeps all of her emotions and feelings bottled up inside until one day they just explode and over take her. It is so sad that many young readers could identify with this story. Hopefully by reading this, they will see that there is always something better on the other side, as long as you are willing to open up about it.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys emotional reads that will leave you in tears with a pile of tissues next to you. 2 s Tammy ~Witching Hour Reads~165 8

I ugly cried more times then I to admit while reading The Last Night. This book took me longer to read then normal, firstly because I was having a hard time, separating myself for the story line, Heather Kirchhoff nailed what it's to go through life as a teenager with the sudden loss of anyone, the questions, the doubt, especially the anger, and secondly it just hurt too much. That being said the emotions in this book are so raw & real, they are honest. I was feeling the same agony that Sarah was going through. I found Sarah, even while she was withdrawing so very strong, I would have broke long before she did. This is a must read...just make sure you've got tissues, lots of tissues.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.e-books2 s Mitsy412 19

Must Read

The Last Night is an eye opening young adult book about bullying, suicide, feelings, and relationships. Written when the author was just a teen herself gives it an authenticity rarely seen in novels. Highly recommended for parents and teens. 2 s Twinkle VarshneyAuthor 6 books12

Teenage author Heather Kirchhoff's The Last NIGHT is undoubtedly a spellbinding,original and captivating masterpiece enticing readers from the starting till the very last line.

It is the story of a teenage girl Sarah Hill belligering from the beefy feeling of being sucked back into the murky hell she belonged to before she started dating her Now- Dead boyfriend Ryan.
Already coping through tangled relations and anathematized past, the young girl's grief is waxed, she yearns to see her boyfriend and if possible to change the past, to go back into time and prevent his suicide , but too late for that she has to confront the ailing and vitriolic present.

It not only questions the social issues bullying and suicide but expresses how it jeoparadize and traumatize people and their lives.
The flow of emotions..the pain,sorrows teenage feels...the misery of being alone, ununderstood, awaif an outsider, bullied, loosing a lover your soumate and self accusation for being incapicitive to save his life....every emotion seems real, lively and relatable. Suffering of teens, challenged by life, imprisoned deep inside, neither said nor expressed, dissolving them inside and out are brought up so felicitly that they touch the soul.

It is not only in the making the character come alive or in the realistic feel given by obssesive attention to every emotion where the reader finds the book's main virtue.
I adulate the author for her extoling work orecticing the reader not only to read it again but to love it and live it!!!1 DesireeAuthor 14 books574

Seventeen year old awkward and unpopular Sarah Hill is fortunate to become the girlfriend to one of the most popular boys in her high school. They had been dating for a year and had fallen in love. Then after a weird argument, the unimaginable happened. Her boyfriend committed suicide sending shock waves through her.

As if that wasn't bad enough Sarah's own home life was unraveling. Her mom was the enemy in Sarah's eyes. She was completely out of touch regarding what was happening with her daughter.

Sarah's dad was trying to be a peacemaker. He wasn't connected either, and tried unsuccessfully to provide a reasonable voice when things got out of hand.

The only one who appeared to have any idea what Sarah might be going through was her pain-in-the-butt younger brother.

Sarah put up a wall to mask her feelings, but she never expected her boyfriends death to change everything she had come to know as a result of being with him. Her journey is tumultuous and has her questioning everything and everyone in her life.

Heather did a fantastic job with this book. I experienced many emotions reading this story. Definitely add this book to your to-read list.
1 I.D. MacEircAuthor 1 book

Heart wrenching, emotion twisting. Pain and roller coaster ride of emotions that pull you down under but then show you the truth from better perspectives.

Heather describes the grief in depth, mingled with guilt, anger, and pain, makes the readers feel it hard to breathe. There are moments when I just shook my head thinking "Oh no, Sarah, don't do it!"

As a writer of harsh battlefields, it is nearly impossible for me to cry while reading a book or watching a movie, but when Sarah and Bobby talked, my tears just finally flowed. The ending of the book embraces your heart but kept you wondering what happens next. Indeed, it came as a blow with a tiny surprise. This is the sweet wrap-up that gains my thumbs up.

This is a good read that I would recommend to all those who are struggling, feeling invisible, or finding it hard to see the light. This book is a wake-up call, and worth sharing. My message to readers who are struggling: It is not easy, but you will go through this. Start by reading this book, or even my books. Read good books instead of dwelling in your pain. These books will give your better perspectives, will let you see many things better.
1 Marjorie832 57

Given To Me For An Honest Review

Heather Kirchhoff's book The Last Night is a must read with a box of tissues near by. For being a new writer she has done such a fantastic job with this book. She is an author to be watched. Once you sit down to begin reading, it be sure to hold on because it will grab you and keep you where you are. The pages will turn and turn and turn and turn some more until you get to the end. Sarah has a boyfriend and all is well. Her boyfriend dies. After that happens, everything changes. She feels alone in the world, misunderstood and bullied. She keeps her emotions bottled up until one day when she explodes. The story is told in first person which I d. It is an emotional one so be sure to have some tissues near. Heather Kirchhoff has done an amazing job with the subject matter. I gave this book 5 stars but it truly deserves many more. I highly recommend it to everyone. I look for much more from Heather Kirchhoff.1 Catherine Wright (Cat's Guilty Pleasure)2,816 1 follower

I was given a copy by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This was a hard book to read, all of the emotions you feel throughout the whole story has you so tied up, you really don't know which way to turn. I really enjoyed this book and I feel I can't really put into words how good this book was. The author takes you on an emotional journey and the way she writes it is outstanding. You really feel for Sarah and all the turmoil in her life. It reminds you of how hard life can be as a teenager, and I for one am glad I made it through those years unscathed. This was an amazing story and I would definitely recommend for everyone to read this book.

Review done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our please visit our fansite at http://www.facebook.com/nerdgirl.ngnerd-girl-1 Brandi Reeves-Pearson385 9

Be prepared to cry several time throughout this book. I honestly loved this book for so many reasons. the way it was written put you right into the characters feeling and i felt everything that she was going through. I wanted to help sarah and tell the kids who was bullying her to leave her alone! This story touched my heart with everything that was written. kids are bullied everyday and nothing is done. kids commit suicide and no one notices. this book really makes u want to reach out and help the kids or just people in general who are suffering as sarah did. I am looking forward to reading more of Heather's, and i wonder what she will throw at me next! Awesome job! 1 Kate RobbinsAuthor 51 books28 Want to read

I absolutely loved this book, though, at times, it was extremely hard to read. Not because it was a bad book, or even that it was hard to get through, but because of the emotions involved. It struck a nerve, tearing me in to. It literally broke my heart reading it, the pain this girl goes through. No one should ever have to endure what she did.

Heather is an amazing author. I am looking forward to what she has in store with her up coming books.1 Sandra Ely1 review5

I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
The author does a wonderful job of making you feel the character's pain. It's a tough issue to write about, and I believe she did extremely well.
I did, however, have some issues with editing. It was, in some places, distracting. It's obvious she has tons of potential and passion for her craft. I look forward to reading what else she has in store for her readers.1 MarkAuthor 79 books229

First of all I'd to say I enjoyed reading The Last Night. This is told in first person from the main character Sarah's point of view, I found her an interesting and unique individual. There were several noteworthy moments at different intervals in this I found quite appealing. Five stars.1 Sandra LoveAuthor 11 books278

Okay my emotions are in check. Wow this book was so sad I don't know how I survived reading this book. This young girl lost someone important and it just ripped me. To shreds. Heather this is one of my favorite books. A must read, but WARNING. have tissues1 Riley RossAuthor 11 books67

This is the first book, I've read by Heather Kirchhoff and it so did not disappoint. She created a story that made you feel all sorts of emotions and I'm not going to lie, I ugly cried. This story did not disappoint at all. I look forward to reading future books by Heather Kirchhoof. 1 Betty VillanuevaAuthor 2 books31

I had the greatest pleasure reading for Heather. The Last Night is an emotional read to say the least. She captures the feelings and true struggle of Sarah after losing her boyfriend to suicide. It is a must read. Definitely need tissues for this compelling read.1 Amy GarrettAuthor 6 books10

good reminder of what high school was

17 year old Sarah's boyfriend kills himself and her life spirals downward and out of control. It's a good reminder of teen angst that we all felt at one point in high school1 Paula Genereau3,020 39

I absolutely loved this book. I'm a new fan to Heathers books.

Sarah was always bullied at school until she met Ryan. When he died she felt so helpless and the bullying began again. Things get bad for her but when she finds out something it changes her and how she feels. 1 Amanda76

This was a very good book. I really enjoyed it. I recommend it! You will not be disappointed. It was an emotional read. 1 LyssaAuthor 49 books115

Great book, I couldn't put it down. Kirchhoff had me turning page after page to find out what happened next.1 Autumn2,243 46

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”
I am not sure where I picked this book up from. I am sure the author asked if I would review it, and I said yes. This was an interesting book, our main character Sarah is in love. Her boyfriend is her whole world, until one day, he is not. Why did he do what he did? How can Sarah just live without understanding why he did it? We see Sarah go through the grief process, and it is heartwrenching. Her best friend, who should be there for her, isn't, and who can Sarah turn to? When Taylor comes into the picture, Sarah shouldn't/couldn't be happy, right? She isn't supposed to, or at least that is what she believes. We see how Sarah ends up growing as an individual and how she really tries to work on herself throughout it all. I was proud of Sarah when she finally started standing up for herself. I wasn't happy knowing that it didn't do any good. In the end Sarah could be any of us growing up to the teenagers now. The most important thing is to understand that being a bully doesn't do any good to anyone. 2024 Blogging For The Love Of Authors And Their Books202 20

***Kim's Review!!***

I received an ARC for my honest review.

This story is about suicide and bullying and its full of hurt and teenage angst. Sara is 17 and the story starts as she finds out her boyfriend has committed suicide. Now she feels all alone with nobody there for her anymore, on top of problems at home and at school.

I honestly thought I'd enjoy this a lot more than I did. It's a great story but I just couldn't work out what was going on half the time. There was a lot of times I just wanted to quit reading because it was just going on and on. There's some important things we never find out. I couldn't connect with the characters and the writing style needs a lot of work. I feel this needs to be re written and more thoroughly worked on. Lydia Thurm13

This book is heartbreaking, beautiful, and hopeful all at the same time. I really felt for Sarah throughout the book, as she kept getting thrown down again and again. Throughout the book, many different emotions related to mental health were explored. I really appreciated how the author took us on Sarah's journey with mental health without dramatizing or minimizing it.

I was a little confused with the timeline throughout certain parts of the book, but was able to figure out what was going on through context. I also had a bit of a hard time getting into the book at first because I didn't understand why Sarah was isolating herself so much, claiming that no one else knew what she was going through. But as I got further into the book and learned more about Sarah and her life, I understood her situation better.

In conclusion, this is an easy read that beautifully deals with the pain of this world.

--I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review-- Nechole32 3

I started reading this yesterday. I have been in a reading slump so it took a bit to get into but once I was I didn’t want to stop. I dealt with a lot of bullying so I could relate to the character in that aspect. This book is very thought out and does well with the topics that it has in here. The characters are well thought out. I thought the grief aspect was dealt with well which many people can’t do. I did wish we knew what was going on in Ryan’s head before he died. I’m glad to have read this and can’t wait to read more of this authors books. Crystal Solis366 21

I went into this story blind, not knowing what to expect without first reading it's synopsis. What I found was an emotional breakdown of a seventeen year old Sarah, who lost her boyfriend to an untimely death.
Sarah was never the popular girl, she was more of an invisible girl that would occasionally get bullied. That was until she met Ryan, the popular boy in school that became the love of her life. Unfortunately for Sarah, Ryan's death meant that she would be bullied to no end because she was no longer invisible.
Sarah could not seem to connect with anyone what so ever after Ryan was gone. He seemed to take her happiness, peace and sense of purpose with her when he left her alone in the world. Sarah bumped heads with her mother causing her parents to argue when her dad defended her. This opened a can of worms to so much more chaos in her life.
This book was such a crazy train of emotions, and the ride took me on one heck of a journey. All the while I had a front seat view of Sarah's struggle to find herself once again so she could remain centered.
This was my first book by Heather Kirchhoff and I must admit that it was really good. I hope that we get to see a little more about Sarah later down the road. I cannot wait to read more from Heather.
Constance RobertsAuthor 12 books50

I received a free ecopy of this book for participating in the blog tour. It was a really quick read and I read it in about 3 days (which is really rare for me)

Holy cow, the feels in this book. I knew that going in, but it was still heart wrenching. The reader is dumped right into the lap of Sarah's grief right after her boyfriend commits suicide. Her family doesn't seem very supportive either. For awhile, it looks the only person who truly understands is her kid brother, which made me tear up a bit.

I'll warn you, the subject matter in this gets a little dark and if you don't take the book in the right context it can be kind of a downer at times. But I honestly think Sarah goes through some feelings that cross through a lot of people at one point or another in their lives. She doesn't deal with them perfectly, but this is a beautiful story if you to read about someone overcoming tragedy. It's a little slow (as is the norm with this genre) and it will make you sad and even angry sometimes, but the ending leaves you with a nice surprise. Donna1,336 23

Holy Shit!!! This Book Is An Ugly Cry And Did I Do That By The Bucket Load, I Could Relate To This Book Is So Many Way, Feeling That You Don't Deserve To Be Here, That You Are Nothing And That You Just Don't Fit In.

This Book Is A Story About Trying To Live When You Heart Is Broken And You Just Don't Want To Be Here, It Is So Beautifully Written From The Heart And Shows Such Wisdom Beyond The Authors Years, This Book Should Be Given To Young Teens Who Have Lost Hope And Want To Give Up, To Show Them There Is Another Way.

This Book Is Eye Opening And Covers A Lot Of Topics What People Hide Away From. Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts And Death. Written Through The Eyes Of A Teenager. Heather Kirchhoff Has Managed To Do For Me What Not Alot Of Other People Could, She Gave Me Strength That I Wish I Had Back When I Was A Teenager To Fight The Demons Of My Past And Live For The Now.

I Recommended This Amazingly Beautifully Touching Book, Although It Was A Hard Emotional Read Its A Book That Is Hard To Put Down. She's a Lip Biter1,336 29

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