
El cazador de suenos de King, Stephen

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King, Stephen Year: 2009

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Dreamcatcher, Stephen King

Dreamcatcher (2001) is a novel, by American writer Stephen King, featuring elements of body horror, suspense and alien invasion.

The book, written in cursive, helped the author recuperate from a 1999 car accident, and was completed in half a year.

Set near the fictional town of Derry, Maine, Dreamcatcher is the story of four lifelong friends: Gary "Jonesy" Jones, Pete Moore, Joe "Beaver" Clarendon and Henry Devlin.

As young teenagers, the four saved Douglas "Duddits" Cavell, an older boy with Down syndrome, from a group of sadistic bullies.

From their new friendship with Duddits, Jonesy, Beaver, Henry and Pete began to share the boy's unusual powers, including telepathy, shared dreaming, and seeing "the line", a psychic trace left by the movement of human beings.

Jonesy, Beaver, Henry and Pete reunite for their annual hunting trip at the Hole-in-the-Wall, an isolated lodge in the Jefferson Tract.

There, they become caught between an alien invasion and an insane US Army Colonel, Abraham Kurtz.

Jonesy and Beaver, who remain at the cabin while Henry and Pete go out for supplies, encounter Richard McCarthy, a disoriented and delirious stranger wandering near the lodge during a blizzard talking about lights in the sky.

The victim of an alien abduction, McCarthy grows sicker and dies while sitting on the toilet.

An extraterrestrial parasite eats its way out of his body and attacks the two men, killing Beaver.

Jonesy inhales the spores of the strange reddish fungus that the stranger and his parasite have spread around the cabin, and an alien entity ("Mr. Gray") takes over his mind.

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Four old friends catch up in a snow laden Maine, when things get FUBAR. Their friendships and their take on reality, are tested to the utmost by the ongoing events, that see chaos, death and the US Army enter Maine!

First time reading (this is my 2002 review!), and what starts off as a horror read, somehow turns into a sci-fi one, a bit The Tommyknockers. Loathed by many, and d by many! I'm a bit on the fence, in that I d the initial build up, and the core sci-fi concepts were pretty cool, but it's the backstory of the friends that is golden that proves yet again how well King can write about friendships adn what they can bring. 7 out of 12.
constant-reader-balloon-spells sci-fi-beam-me-up136 s Misty Marie Harms559 583

I know I am in the minority again. I did not this one at all. Not only that, but I hate when a good horror book turns into science fiction and throws aliens at me. If I wanted aliens, I would go read Aliens (shout out to Ripley and Jones). King builds a world no other. He has the ability to transport you anywhere with his words. However, don't transport me to the mothership in the middle of a horror book. He has done that in several books. So yeah, if you want baby aliens using your butt hole as a means to take you over, this is the book for you. As for me, I was afraid to use the bathroom for weeks after seeing the movie.
fiction horror mysterious-monsters ...more125 s MarioAuthor 1 book206

As I was going up the stair
I meet a man who wasn't there;
He wasn't there again today!
I wish, I wish he'd stay away.

Well, what a ride that was...

Rating this book was quite hard. I'm still not sure if I'm okay with giving it 3 stars, because it had so many good characters, parts and plot twists, so one part of me feels giving it 5 stars. But then again, at some parts, it left me feeling miserable and asking myself if I was ever going to finish it, so because of that, the other part of me think that it deserves only 2 stars. So I guess I'll just have to settle and give it 3 (3.3) stars. But still, I don't think I've ever wished that Goodreads had a half-star system, as much as I do now.

Dreamcatcher is a book about alien invasion, but it's un any other alien invasion book. Also, it is un any other Stephen King's book that I've read. The book started out great. I actually loved the first half. I loved getting to know our main characters, I loved the plot, and I loved how King introduced aliens. There were even some scenes that creeped me out, and at some parts I even had to stop reading for a few seconds. But then, somewhere in the middle, something happened, and the book unfortunately got worse. It started dragging on and at some parts it became flat out boring. Then, maybe 50 pages before the end, the pace picked up again, and it got back to being amazing. I absolutely loved the way it ended, and how everything came together.

When it comes to characters, just in any other King's work, they were my favorite part of this book (well, at least some of them were). I loved our main four characters (Henry and Jonesy especially). I also loved Duddits, and even Owen. But, on the other hand, there is Kurtz - a character I absolutely despised. And he is the main reason why I had problems with this book. I think that his character was completely unnecessary. I loved reading from everyone's point of view except from his. And the irony was that his chapters got bigger and bigger as the book went on. In my opinion, he brought nothing to the story, and was only there to make it longer. If his character was removed from the story I don't think that anything important in the plot would change.

In the end, even though this book made me question my sanity a few times, I'm still glad that I've read it. Even though it had some bad parts, it also had so many more amazing parts.own own-read97 s LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah! 670 401

Just another King book that I've read at least 3 times. I loved it! No review. Everything has been said. It's classic King.83 s Kay ?*¨2,174 1,083

King 's books are a hit or miss for me. This is one of those rare occasions that I enjoy the movie adaptation WAAAAY more than the book itself. One of King's best books to movies!

There's no reason for this book to be 23 hours long, the rambling is so tiresome. It started out great before the four friends knew what was up, and I thought I will love this one. Then I was lost after 10 hours into it. I had a hard time picking it up, and it took me 2 months to finally finish it.
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