
Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love de Kim Fielding

de Kim Fielding - Género: English
libro gratis Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love


Kim Fielding Publisher: Carina Press, Year: 2020 ISBN: 9780369702630

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**I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you so much for approving me!**

First of all I’ve to say that this book was really cute and that Teddy and Romeo were just adorable. When I started to read this I was in dire need of something sweet and fluffy and this was exactly what I got. So on that front “Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love” delivered exactly what I was looking for. It was a fast and very enjoyable read and it had me smiling while I read the book.

Secondly I’ve to mention that I loved the reps in this book. We have Teddy who is gay, Romeo who is black and pan and we even have a functioning polyamorous side-character relationship which truth be told, is a pretty rare treat to find in a contemporary romance book. This said I’ve to note that in my opinion the romance between the two MCs doesn’t fall into the category of the "enemies to lovers trope". It’s pretty obvious that Teddy is attracted to Romeo and all their initial animosity is due to the fact that they don’t know each other and just assumed things. So it’s no wonder that once they hit it off they do it big time. ;-)

I guess that’s the main reason why their relationship didn’t feel insta-love for me and why it also didn’t feel it was progressing too fast. They’ve been working in the same company for quite a while and they’ve been attracted to each other for months so to be head over heels when your feelings are finally reciprocated isn’t all that unrealistic. Plus we all know how fast you can fall in love.

As for Joyce Alexander and her crazy tasks that seemingly don’t have to do anything with either the two boys or their commitment to their product: She’s an elderly eccentric fashion icon that had enough years and especially enough freedom to develop her quirks so I wasn’t the slightest bit surprised by her actions. Quite the contrary, people her actually DO exist and it felt pretty realistic she’d do something that. *lol*

All things considered I thoroughly enjoyed “Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love” and even though the ending was kind of fast and felt slightly unrealistic I still found enjoyment in it. From the tasks they had to tackle up to their very fair and loyal boss at Reddyflora and right to the "sleeping-in-one-bed trope" this was super cute. Yes, there could have been more depth to the characters but since this is supposed to be a short and light rom-rom I didn’t really mind it. After all there’s only so much you can pack into a 250 pages book. All told, I d it and I hope a lot of other people will enjoy it too! =)

3,5 stars rounded up to 4!


I got this ARC from NetGalley a while ago, but I still didn’t manage to read "Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love".
Well, at least not up until now.

250 pages and I only have a few days left!
Challenge accepted!

I’m going to read this or die trying because this sounds amazing! <3
- Enemies to lovers trope!
- LGBTQ+ rep!
- Diverse characters!
- And apparently a lot of humour and funny moments!

I’m ready to tackle this!
Are you too? =))77 s Heather K (dentist in my spare time)3,977 6,103

I really didn't Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love, but I settled on two stars because I was feeling a bit generous. Kim Fielding is usually a very reliable author for me, but this one just missed the mark.

I found the book an odd combination of very slow and very fast. I found Teddy to be a tiresome character, so the story felt it dragged on and on from being inside his head. However, on the flip side, the romance also moved way too quickly once it got going. It was a weird mix for me. I struggled to get through the story at all.

I also was expecting an enemies-to-lovers, but the drama felt manufactured in Teddy's head. He made all of these assumptions about Romeo, so the enemies thing was pretty one-sided.

To top it off, I didn't enjoy the set-up to the story. First of all, SMART VASE?? Come on, Kim Fielding, you could do better. Of all of the useless things to invent... I also usually forced-proximity romances but it was just too far-fetched here, and, to be honest, pretty unprofessional.

I didn't jive with the story at all, and I'm mostly giving 2-stars from nostalgia for this author. A miss for me.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

goodreads|instagram|twitter|blogcontemporary m-m net-galley ...more54 s Jonetta2,318 1,154

Teddy Spenser is responsible for design and marketing at Reddyflora in Chicago and is teamed up with Romeo Blue, their software engineer, to create a smart vase. Teddy is a free spirit with an effervescent personality while Romeo is über reserved to put it mildly, though he’s beyond gorgeous. They’re struggling to get the design right, have it work perfectly and keep the cost manageable. It’s a tough collaboration for both since their personalities are so different but it’s made even more challenging when they’re sent to Seattle to pitch the company to a new investor. Everything is on the line as without the funding, the company faces layoffs.

The narrator was outstanding in giving voice to Teddy who delivers the only point of view. He’s funny, witty and self deprecating in a healthy way. I’m unsure if I would have captured the true essence of the character in any other format. He made me want to be in his orbit. His evolving relationship is described as enemies to lovers but it is more perceived rival to trusted ally. Teddy had a misconception about Roman completely based on his looks and quiet persona, thinking he looked down his nose at him; Roman actually craved Teddy’s acceptance and was just socially inept.

I enjoyed how these two transitioned first into a friendship, then as workmates committed to seeing the other succeed and then step into a romance. Despite the stereotypes they were wrapped in, I d these two and their repartee (I wanted to be Teddy’s friend and take Roman under my wing). I only wish they’d been given less predictable backgrounds because they ended up being so much more than that. Otherwise, they made me laugh and root for their relationship. Even though I often say this, listening to this story made it a much more pleasurable reading experience. 3.5 stars

Posted on Blue Mood Café

(Thanks to Harlequin Audio for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)2021-audiobook-challenge 2021-beat-the-backlist-challenge 2021-in-2021 ...more32 s Lauren Lanz770 276

“You shine bright, Teddy Spenser. So bright I’m almost blinded.”

Contemporary romances are typically a hit-or-miss for me, so I was surprised to discover that this one fell somewhere in the middle. It was enjoyable, though not without faults.

~?~ What is this book about? ~?~

Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love is an enemies-to-lovers romance where the protagonist (Teddy) and his workplace rival Romeo are sent on a business trip together. The two are meant to pitch their product to a famous businesswoman, but the trip doesn't turn out as expected. Teddy and Romeo are forced to undergo bonding experiences which reveal their complicated feelings towards each other.


The first few chapters didn’t really capture my interest; hearing about Teddy’s life and workplace habits weren’t enough to get me truly invested in the story. As soon as Romeo was introduced, however, things changed for the better. While the whole “enemies” part of the enemies-to-lovers romance didn’t last long, it wasn’t a huge deal for me; I really enjoyed the playful dynamic between Teddy and Romeo!

Kim Fielding’s writing was pretty ordinary, though some of the humour between characters made up for what the diction lacked. This was a very trope heavy romance, which made for an entertaining though not very memorable story. A lot of the events that took place during Teddy and Romeo’s business trip felt unrealistic, but I tried to look past that for the sake of personal enjoyment. Essentially, this is a fast and fun read, but also one that I’ll forget entirely within a few weeks. There a ton of more memorable / well written romances out there!

Thank you to Netgalley and HARLEQUIN for the arc!3-stars arcs31 s Larry H2,650 29.6k

4.5 stars, rounded up.

Darned tear ducts!! Kim Fielding's Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love is another sweet rom-com which made me tear up more than a little!

Teddy Spenser has sworn off looking for love or a relationship of any kind since his last one went sour. He enjoys his design and marketing job for a floral company, and while his life is far from perfect, it’s not bad.

If there’s anything—or anyone—that annoys him, it’s Romeo Blue (best name ever), his company’s IT engineer. It’s not just that Romeo’s technical demands crimp Teddy’s design vision, or that Romeo has an office and Teddy has a cubicle. It’s that Romeo barely talks to Teddy and seems irritated every time he must.

So of course, the two get sent on a business trip to make a presentation to a crucial investor (and a design legend). It’s not long before both realize there’s so much more to the other than they originally thought. And when they have to share a hotel room—and the only bed (ah, that classic rom-com trope)—the dynamic between them really starts to change.

But is this shift in their relationship one of proximity, or one with potential? What happens when they get back to Chicago and to work—will they slip back into their old roles? Can two people not looking for love find it anyway?

You know I’m a sucker for rom-coms, and Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love was just so enjoyable. There was much more depth to each of these characters than I thought, and while sure, we’ve seen this story before, it just worked for me. It made me tear up more than once (whatever) and I was totally smiling, too.

I would love to see a TV or movie adaptation of this book because I’d love to see the casting of all of the characters. This may be my first Fielding book but it won’t be my last!

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2020 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2020.html.

Check out my list of the best books of the last decade at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-favorite-books-of-decade.html.

See all of my at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.31 s Trio3,285 182

Absolutely adorable! I was so in the mood to read something sweet and light and funny and romantic, and Kim Fielding's Teddy Spenser was just what I needed.

A truly fun romantic comedy, with wonderful characters - I think I smiled the whole way through.

a copy of Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love was provided by NetGalley for the purpose of my honest reviewnetgalley romance-mm travel-vacay-road-trip22 s Guy Venturi981 1 follower

But Teddy will find what he needs most.

Romeo is a name that attracts Teddy Bears and friends. Working together brings them closer in amazing ways that compliment the color of their eyes and attract the attention of others Both are sent on a trip to Seattle that changes their lives for the better. Coming back to Chicago adds pressure with the funding requirements that will change things. But love has grabbed Teddy and Romeo with change for the better and expanding family.16 s Ami5,982 491

2.5 stars

Kim Fielding is one of my solid go-to authors. Unfortunately, this upcoming Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love didn't work for me and I have to agree with several early .

First of all, the set-up was RIDICULOUS. Look, I can take the "one bed" trope, really. Or people in forced proximity. But the whole "eccentric investor who didn't feel the vibe and forced two men to work together" was just too weird. WHY?? Why not use a more reasonable set up, a company bonding session or something. You can "force" two employees to STAY in one room. I've done that at ALL of my company's outings. See. Easy peasy.

Second, for two people who, at first, didn't really know each other well, it only took merely DAYS for Teddy and Romeo to, "yes, I you, let's have sex, call each other babe, meet my parents, move in together, and GET MARRIED. WTF?!?"

Third, smart VASE? Why?

I am never huge on "enemies-to-lovers" trope; and in the beginning, I never really think Teddy and Romeo as enemies anyway? They are just two co-workers who don't really interact a lot, and maybe have different working style, ethics, interests, etc. Hey, I have co-workers that. So it's nice that they learn about each others during their trip to Seattle.

But yeah, the whole "tests" from the investor ruin the thing for me, as well as the instant-love. The epilogue was cute (and reason for my extra 0.5 star) but it couldn't save the book for me. Sorry, Miss Fielding, this one is a HUGE MISS for me

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2-or-2-and-a-half-stars-rating arc-books mm-contemporary ...more15 s Carol2,968 114

Teddy is somewhat of a loner and not the easiest person to get to know, much less . He has some preconceived notions about his co-worker, Romeo Blue...which are mostly misinformed. Their boss tells them they have a potential investor for their barely surviving company, and stresses to them how important is to please the investor to assure the company will survive... so off they go to Seattle. Here is where the story, for me, began to drag down and not make a great deal of sense. Up until this time I was able to go with it well enough. Sure it’s a little unly but I’ve gone along with far less ly setups before. But I did get a little squinty-eyed when Teddy and Romeo meet Joyce, the investor, only to find that she doesn’t really want to hear their pitch, but rather has a series of “tests” for them to complete over the next three days so she can assess how well they work together...something that will somehow help her decide whether or not to invest her money. Really??? It was a bit too unly and over the top for me. I didn’t really understand why even an eccentric rich old woman would do any of these things and I didn’t really understand what she expected or wanted to achieve as a result of them. Of course, there was a reason for her doing this, but it made no sense that an investor that didn't know either of these men would even conceive this plan to begin with....so by this time I was pretty much done with Teddy and Joyce...Romeo still had a chance. He was the best character in the entire book. Once the guys started talking and working together and were actually honest and open and vulnerable enough to reap all the rewards of a healthy relationship...you knew where the story was going but it went an unnecessarily long way around to get there. The romance itself is sweet and fairly conflict-free and low-angst. I still don’t understand exactly what Joyce was trying to achieve though.14 s Caz2,908 1,092

I've given this a C- at AAR, so 2.5 stars

Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love is a quick read that promised an enemies-to-lovers rom-com but didn’t deliver.  I really d the author’s voice and humour  – the writing is really sprightly - and I d the snarky, awkward and belligerently extroverted Teddy, but the romance happens so fast that it’s ly to give you whiplash, the love interest is pretty bland, and the set-up is so ridiculous that it stretched my credulity to breaking-point.

Teddy Spenser works for a small interior design company, where he spends his days (according to the book blurb) “selling design ideas to higher-ups, living or dying on each new pitch.”  Well, I’m guessing he works for an interior design company because it’s not really made clear; in fact the plot revolves around the creation of a single item – a smart vase (yes, really) – and it seemed as though that was the company’s one product as nothing else was ever mentioned.  Anyway, this vase is supposed to be all clean lines and simplicity – but while everything is working well, the housing for the software needed to run it is impinging on the design and ruining the look of it.  The project is dangerously close to the wire as far as the budget is concerned and there’s no more money to spend, so Teddy’s boss and the owner of Reddyflora tells him that he and the software engineer, Romeo Blue, have to come up with a solution fast, as she’s due to present the product to a high-profile potential investor in three days.

Teddy and Romeo don’t really get on, so this isn’t exactly ideal for either of them.  Although actually, it’s not so much a case of their not getting on as it is one of their never really interacting with each other very much and not knowing each other beyond a nodding acquaintance.  Teddy – who is the single PoV character - is a snappy dresser with a good eye for line and colour, Romeo wears boring dark suits and his office is devoid of any personal touches;  Teddy is confident and fairly outgoing (if a bit neurotic), Romeo is quiet and keeps himself to himself…  so it’s all pretty one-sided and the dis is entirely in Teddy’s head.

As luck would have it, they turn out to be able to get on and work together quite well, so the enemies-to-lovers thing goes out the window quite quickly after that, as Teddy starts to see a different side to Romeo (as well as to allow himself to recognise how hot he is.)

After they present their solution to the software vs. design issue, they then discover that they’re being sent to Seattle to meet with the possible investor, former model, creator of a lifestyle brand and fashion icon, Joyce Alexander. Teddy can barely restrain his impulse to do a Wayne’s World “we are not worthy” while Romeo (or course) has no idea who she is.

Arrived in Seattle – to find that their hotel room has Only One Bed – the story then takes a turn into the truly ridiculous. When Teddy and Romeo meet with Joyce, she decides she doesn’t have enough information to make a decision. (Which isn’t surprising considering she won’t listen to Teddy’s pitch or look at any of the presentations they’ve put together.) But her concerns aren’t to do with either the design or the technology; no, she’s worried that Teddy and Romeo’s personality clash will impact the project (a personality clash that doesn’t really exist) and proposes that they should stay in Seattle for a couple more days and undertake a little test she’s devised so she can see if they possess the three key characteristics she thinks are essential to success. (And she’s not going to tell them what those are.) This made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever and actually felt really unprofessional; if the author was attempting “kooky”, it didn’t work.

And the thing is, even going along with that as the reason for Teddy and Romeo’s enforced proximity, the romance itself happens incredibly quickly. In the space of a week (?) they: a) decide they each other; b) decide they each other enough to have sex; c) meet the parents; d) decide to move in together; e) decide to get married. And I haven’t even mentioned that Teddy appears to be hung-up on his ex – who is name-checked forty-one times (I counted) – and preoccupied with showing him how well he’s doing without him, or the fact that both characters come off as much younger than I think they’re supposed to be; Teddy’s relationship with his ex lasted a few years, so I’d guess they’re meant to be late-twenties, but they read much younger than that.

Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love was a big disappointment. Stereotypical characters (Teddy loves fashion, design and musical theatre; Romeo is black and grew up so poor his family didn’t have a TV), a romance that moves at the speed of light and an utterly ridiculous premise (a Smart Vase and a ‘Mysterious Quest’ – seriously?!) earn it a below average rating, and the only thing that saves it from a D grade is the author’s breezy, very readable style.aar arc disappointing ...more11 s laura?1,868 103

“You shine bright, Teddy Spenser. So bright I’m almost blinded.”   
2.5 stars. Prior to this, I read and really enjoyed two novellas by Fielding, and was really excited to finally read a full length romance from her. I requested this without even reading the synopsis. Sadly, other than a few parts here and there, this was pretty much underwhelming. I didn't dis it, but I didn't love it either. This didn't elicit any strong emotions from me either way!

This is a sort of opposites attract office-romance, with some enemies to lovers elements. Teddy and Romeo are working on a project together, and have to travel to another city to secure financial backing from an eccentric donor on behalf of their company. So  far so great. It had all the elements of something that I'd love reading. And the thing is, I don't think I can really pinpoint where exactly this fell flat for me. The characters were fine. The plot was fine (if sometimes a little farfetched). There was nothing objectionable about the writing. But I suppose I wanted more than 'not objectionable'? I remember being really taken with the writing in The Golem of Mala Lubovnya, being struck by the whimsy of Treasure. There was nothing that here. Maybe because this is contemporary? Idk.

The romance was okay. Teddy and Romeo had a cute couple, but I didn't fall in love with them. This was pretty insta-lovey, and that in itself was a bit of a plot point, as Teddy isn't looking for love and doesn't believe in falling in love quickly. The circumstances of the book change his mind, but the thing is, even if insta-love wasn't involved, I think I would still have the same opinion on their romance. It was just okay. Also, the romance wrapped up pretty early, around 75% or so, and the rest of the book was spent on another minor conflict and relationship stuff. This can absolutely work for me in books where the conflict is interesting and I'm obsessed with the couple. Unfortunately that wasn't the case here. 

This was fun in a rom-com kind of way, I d the conversations about family, and some of the romance-based writing near the end was touching. Otherwise, I'm having trouble thinking of things that really stood out to me. I'm also having trouble thinking of the other issues/critiques I had, because even though I finished this book about an hour ago, it's already seeping from my brain. Shame!

I'll definitely try Fielding again, but maybe I'll stick to her backlist/fantasy romances.

? Review copy provided via NetGalley.arcs contemporary-romance lgbtqia ...more9 s Flor ):)716 153

Well that was a disappointment.

I received an arc of the book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review and unfortunately it was very problematic for me.

We follow Teddy a designer who’s paired up with Romeo a software engineer in a project that involves sharing the same bed and some odd tasks in order to convince an important lady that their company is worth of her money.

But yeah, it feels odd. The plot starts taking some turns (in order to get to the romance) in very unrealistic and just strange ways. I don’t see any of this happening in real life.

And even so, I could have let that go if it wasn’t for the romance itself. The book sells it as an enemies to lovers but instead they became an insta love, two days and now they both want to be with each other forever? Excuse me, did I miss something? That made no sense. And that’s very hard to achieve because this is a contemporary, it’s supposed to make sense.

I’m just very sad about this book, I was looking for a fluffy lighthearted fun read and ended up with a rushed and nonsensical mess. bane-of-my-existence8 s Gustaf1,441 158

Uh I'm not sure what I just read but it wasn't good...sh-2021-tbr8 s Bree Hill892 580

what in the whole hell?

This had a lot of potential. It has this adorable bright yellow animated cover. The premise of the book sounds fun and is marketed as a romantic comedy. I was all for it! I started reading and thought, wow this is cute! It felt it was on its way to becoming another book I wouldn’t be able to shut up about! Then, I kept reading and paying more attention to certain things and very quickly this book became a train wreck disaster that I couldn’t stop watching!

The main characters are Teddy and Romeo who are two guys who work together in Chicago. It is marketed as enemies to lovers but really what it really is, is Teddy being a jerk to Romeo before really getting the chance to know him and justifying his being a jerk to him off of assumptions. Oh, did I mention that Romeo is black? Insert eye roll here, because speaking for myself as a woman of color, I have dealt with jerks who justified their being a jerk based off assumptions before. Anyway though.. this is an “enemies to lovers work place romance.” BAM!

The problems that I have with this book are the characters themselves. Now, first and foremost: I am a straight, married woman and would never want to offend anyone so if anything in this review is offensive please let me know but I couldn’t stand the way KIM FIELDING, wrote Teddy and Romeo. It broke my heart how freaking stereotyped these two characters were. I know this is fiction but Teddy never once felt a real person; the entire book he felt a caricature of what in KIM FIELDING’S mind, she believes is how gay men are, how they present themselves, how they interact with people. Teddy embodied the gay man stereotype and the more and more I read from him, the more and more I cringed. And honey, I listened to it on audio so I think that made it an even tougher blow!

Romeo was the stereotyped black man. He mentions more than one time that he grew up poor. He tells us that neither one of his parents graduated high school but that they worked their butts off to make sure all of their children went to school. He tells us how for the first few decades of his life that he shopped at Goodwill, because again, TWO POOR BLACK PARENTS! There is a scene where they are discussing food to cook. Of course, Teddy doesnt know his way around the kitchen but voila! Romeo does however, they are cooking for a rich white lady and all Romeo knows is the meals his Mother cooked which IS ONLY SOUL FOOD because she’s originally from the south! When I tell you, I almost threw my headphones and iPhone!

After all that, I honestly lost focus with this story. The focus became more about watching the audacity of this writer with these two characters. I did love the moments with Romeo’s family which I think is the one thing the author got right but other than that, I lost so much interest in this book. I am really disappointed. I’m not saying there weren’t sensitivity readers but if they were, they should be ashamed for letting this get a pass. We should have grabbed strangers from the street, book bloggers, Dairy Queen workers, the author’s teacher from 3rd grade..a couple of extra SOMEONES to read this prior to publication and tell the author, that this isn’t it!10 s Eugenia1,746 291

Nope. DNF @30%. I got tired of being in one MC’s head. So disappointed because I really Kim Fielding.

Also, I don’t think the narrator added anything to this story.

My rec? Not a must read.bipoc mm-romance7 s True Loveislovereview2,519 1 follower

Teddy and Romeo are colleagues and Teddy knows for sure he diss Romeo.
They have to do an important job together and sharing time day and night it seems Teddy has a lot of misunderstandings and misinterpretation about Romeo.
Instead of being a haughty guy Teddy always assumed, it seems Teddy was the haughty one.
Something sweet blooms and Teddy who doesn’t believe much in love wonders what is happening.
The story around their job and the challenges they had was absolutely brilliant.

I loved Teddy so much, his beautiful creative mind, his insecurities, so sweet vulnerable and Romeo gosh he’s soft, kind, a family man, the perfect boyfriend!
Hiking, playing games, cooking, telling each other their dreams, it was everything!
Teddy wants to win all contests but in the end, he wanted Romeo to win. Watch that balloon!!

There are some delightful finest humorous moments to find! The author has a wonderfully engaging way of storytelling, the characters were lovable and the story was well developed.

All the love for this narrative !2020 lgbtq6 s Pam867 31

2.5 stars

I think going in with low expectations salvaged this book for me, so a big heads up to any Kim Fielding fans: This is very different from anything else I've read of hers, and I don't think the tone/humor was completely successful. Luckily I had advance warnings from some early GR and was able to adjust my mindset.

I d the romance development overall, but it got *extremely* fast-paced/insta- at the end, which was just a fresh reminder of how ridiculous some of the plot points are throughout this whole thing.

It all feels a little surreal in a way that's constantly being amplified, and I don't really understand what the goal was there. Kim Fielding's characters always feel so real, even in fantasy settings, so to get a contemporary from her that feels more a fever dream is just jarring.

Without those aspects, it's a solid romance -- at least in the sense that I love Romeo and want him to be happy, and it's clear that Teddy makes him happy. I really d them together, but the sole POV is from Teddy and I had a hard time relating to him. There were strange choices made with some of his hangups, and he felt too much an author trying to force a character to be extra snarky in a way that didn't feel natural, but once again the low expectations saved the day.

I can't say I'd recommend it, but if snark for the sake of snark is your go-to and realism is not a priority, you'll probably be fine.

**This book was provided for free by the publisher in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley**read-20216 s tessie219 46

usually i can overlook a ridiculous plot BUT combined with some uhhhhh interesting insta love this book made it VERY hard for me to suspend my disbelief

i have a few other problems with it aswell but i’m just going to leave this at a 3 star rating and say !! this was decently enjoyable and the romance was cute at points but the pacing of the relationship was toooo much for me and ( these guys really became boyfriends, decided to move in together and got engaged within a period of THREE DAYS)

there were also uhh,,,some very cringe plot points that i shall spend the foreseeable future blocking out of my mind djdkdood6 s Nursebookie2,410 378

I am swooning so hard on this funny, witty, sexy, and fun HEA contemporary office lgbtq+ romance.

This was a great quick read I really enjoyed and highly recommend!

I loved it!!
5 s Tara210

I received a DRC of this book from Carina Adores via Edelweiss. I recommended to the publisher in July 2020 (the publication date is December 2020) that it should see a sensitivity reader. It is possible that they did this, so the final copy may be different to the copy I read.

For reference, one of the key selling points of this novel on Edelweiss was that it was an interracial LGBT romance. As far as I can tell, this is not an 'own voices' novel (although the author's banner on Twitter says she is an 'authentic voice').


• This is a fast paced, light read. It uses tropes to its benefit. It doesn't waste any of its 250 pages and just jumps straight in and maintains that momentum.


• For a book that isn't from an 'own voice', the two main characters are very stereotypical. Teddy Spenser is a short, effeminate gay man. He s fashion, Broadway, interior design, rainbows etc. Romeo Blue is a black man who grew up poor, so poor that they didn't even have a TV. His childhood of poverty is discussed several times. This is not executed that well. Romeo describes in detail the soul food he ate as a child because his family were so poor and rural. This narrative essentially boils down to "I'm so poor and black that my mama only taught me how to cook soul food" which is uncomfortable coming from a white author. 

• The pacing of this book is incredibly fast. On day 3 or 4 of knowing each other, they were willing to quit their jobs for each other. Within an instant, they're engaged.

• While Romeo is a lovely and respectful person, Teddy is inconsistent. One minute he's chipper and the next he's catty. It's not a hate-to-love because there's never any animosity on Romeo's side, just Teddy's.

• There was far too much vase talk. I skimmed it.drc5 s Honey Roselea Reads722 199

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3.5 stars rounded to 4 on Goodreads

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Adores for inviting me to read Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking For Love and for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

A review will be up on my blog on January 25, 2021 at 10 am CST on Honey Roselea Reads for you guys to check out!

My review on Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking For Love will be accessible using this link from January 25, 2021 at 10 am CST and onward.

For now, here is a preview to what the review will look :


Teddy Spenser isn’t ready for love, especially not in Romeo Blue, his coworker and nemesis that he now must spend time with in order to succeed in a high-stakes project at work. But what will their feelings be after having to spend hours with each other or sharing a hotel room – and bed? And what will happen when they both realize that they are connected in every way? [ continue reading ]2022 arc-4 s Santy1,206 72

I've not read a Kim Fielding book I haven't enjoyed so I was excited to request this book when I saw it on Netgalley.

This is told from the single POV of Teddy who is the artistic type and his "nemesis" Romeo. I say "nemesis" because Romeo was analytical and "prim" which Teddy found exhausting . Fact was, Romeo (who is a POC by the way) was just misunderstood by Teddy. Lol!

I'm laughing out loud because the inner workings of Teddy's mind was a funny roller coaster especially when all his beliefs about Romeo turns out to be non-existent. This, he discovered while trying to save his company with Romeo.

I will say however, that Teddy is one of those characters that you either immediately love, who gradually grows on you or who you completely find annoying. For me, he gradually grew on me.

I really enjoyed the story (as you can tell from my rating) but just be prepared for a somewhat slow beginning. It was only when Romeo and Teddy began the process of saving the company that things got interesting. Also, the more they got to know each other, the more I rooted for for their burgeoning relationship.

The only things I would've preferred would've been:
1. A bit more focus on Romeo being a POC but I guess since the story was told entirely from Teddy's POV that wouldn't have been realistic. I still do wish we had gotten a glimpse into Romeo's head though. Would've been fascinating.

2. A more nuanced romance and not as insta-lovey as it was. I loved them together but I would've loved a more organic approach to that.

Nonetheless, I still found myself enjoying the book by the end despite its slow beginnings. So, if you are looking for an angst-free book to start your year just right, grab this book. It will do the job perfectly.

**eARC Graciously Provided by Publisher via Netgalley in Exchange for An Honest and Unbiased Review **
arc laugh-out-loud lgbtq-m-m ...more4 s Aly2,922

This was such a fun read!

From the synopsis I thought this book sounded cute and entertaining and I'm so glad it lived up to my expectations! Teddy and Romeo are adorable characters and seeing them get together was sweet. This also featured one of my favorite plot devices, characters having to share a bed. It's just a fun thing and really helped Teddy and Romeo get closer.

Teddy and Romeo are pretty opposite, Teddy is all about fashion and a great people person while Romeo is smart and shy. I thought they meshed together well once they got to know each other and they made a good team. The tests they went through to win over a potential client were hilarious and even if they didn't necessarily complete the tests, it was entertaining to see them try.

The story doesn't have much drama and I thought it could have used a bit more to spice up the plot. I did that there weren't misunderstandings or breakups though and had a good time reading this!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 2020 audiobook contemporary ...more4 s Suzanne1,011 37 Shelved as 'dnf'

Teddy Spenser is really annoying.  Perhaps if it wasn't told entirely from Teddy's POV I would have stuck with it, but as it is, I wasn't enjoying spending this much time with him. Romeo does nothing wrong and Teddy just makes assumptions about him and then picks little arguments because he doesn't want to be attracted to him. Teddy is big into fashion and design, so readers who are wise inclined may enjoy his approach to life and work. He definitely skews young, so readers looking for characters early in their careers will probably him more than those of us who want a bit more maturity from grown men.
There are definitely some funny bits! I bet if I d Teddy more I would have found this a fun read.
Worth noting that there are also some microaggressions in the first 20% of the book (all I read) that even my white ass noticed. I really this cover and apparently I will never learn my lesson.

I received a digital copy of this book for review.4 s Emily Ozuna172 30



The ARC for this novel was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Teddy Spenser isn't looking for love is a sweet and simple story about a talented designer who is focused on making the products of his current company, Reddyflora, a wonder in the eyes of customers. Teddy is not in his prime, however. He can barely pay the rent for his apartment, his work is very time consuming and to top it off, he always has to deal with his arch enemy for new projects.
Romeo Blue is the complete opposite of Teddy. He's a software engineer who programs the code of Reddyflora's products. To Teddy, he's the typical rich, pretentious guy who gets special treatment.

Working with him at times is a necessary evil, but Teddy is grateful that he doesn't stay too long by his side. Not that he is attracted to him (Oh God, no!), Teddy has promised not to look for love, not to take an interest in it and to continue with his work. Nothing more matters.
However, when their boss announces to both of them that their new project may be financed by Joyce Alexander, a very famous fashion designer, Teddy loses his mind with excitement.
Now Teddy must visit Joyce and convince her to finance the new product. The problem? Romeo Blue must go too. Which means that he will spend every free moment with his arch enemy.

On that business trip, Teddy will discover other facets of Romeo and perhaps new feelings will begin to blossom between them. Teddy Spenser is not looking for love, but perhaps Romeo is the person who will make him doubt his promise.

This story is extremely sweet and adorable!
Teddy is an extremely creative and funny boy. He s design and is a drama queen through and through, having him as the narrator makes the story feel fresh and dynamic, especially when he has his interactions with Romeo.
These two are so different that it is not surprising that they collide so much, however, as the book goes on you can feel the tension between them rise and that causes the personality clash not only to become interesting, but also very funny, especially because of the chemistry they have.

I must say that even though I d Teddy as a narrator, I found Romeo an extremely lovable character. He is a serious boy, extremely smart but also shy who, due to his physique, appears to be someone more rigid than he is.
I adored Romeo, he filled me with tenderness and I found him to be a completely wonderful.
Knowing more about him, his family, his flaws and fears only increased my fascination with him.

Still, the book did not fascinate me.
At the beginning I felt that the plot was going very fast. At the moment I did not understand what the project was about and there were no important data of an introduction such as: Since when Teddy works in Reddyflora? How long have he known Romeo? Why is there this strong (and personal) enmity between the two?
Somehow I felt that the introduction to the book had been cut off, or that maybe I should have known who the protagonists were or where they work from before, which confused me a lot.

After that is the fact that some things didn't seem to make sense. This personally only annoyed me a little, but sometimes the things that happened didn't make sense at all. Even if I was trying to make sense of it.
On the other hand, there is the fact that the story takes place in a few days and, therefore, the romance feels an instalove, rather than a slow burn or enemies to lovers. Personally, it seemed to me that the romance happened very quickly.

Even so, the story is very entertaining, it's the type of story where there is not too much drama but there are dynamic and very interesting scenes, sweet interactions between the protagonists and the use of clichés that more than one could be excited.
In itself, this book could be very useful for those times when you want to delve into a light novel or get out of a reading block~.


El ARC de esta novela fue proporcionado por la editorial a través de NetGalley a cambio de una reseña honesta.

Teddy Spenser isn't looking for love es una historia dulce y sencilla que trata de un talentoso diseñador que se centra en hacer que los productos de su actual empresa, Reddyflora, sean una maravilla para el ojo de los clientes. Teddy no está en su mejor momento, sin embargo. Apenas puede pagar la renta de su departamento, su trabajo le consume mucho tiempo y por si fuera poco, siempre tiene que tratar con su archienemigo para nuevos proyectos.
Romeo Blue es todo lo contrario a Teddy. Es un ingeniero especializado en software que programa el código de los productos de Reddyflora. Para Teddy, es el típico chico rico y pretencioso que recibe trato especial.

Trabajar con él a momentos es un mal necesario, pero Teddy está agradecido de no permanecer demasiado a su lado. No es que le atraiga (por dios, No!), Teddy se ha prometido no buscar el amor, no interesarse en él y seguir con su trabajo. Nada más que eso importa.
Sin embargo, cuando su jefa les anuncia a ambos que su nuevo proyecto puede ser financiado por Joyce Alexander, una diseñadora de moda muy famosa, Teddy pierde la cabeza de la emoción.
Ahora Teddy debe visitar a Joyce y convencerla de financiar el nuevo producto. ¿El problema? Romeo Blue debe ir también. Lo que significa que pasará cada momento libre con su archienemigo.

En ese viaje, Teddy descubrirá otras facetas de Romeo y quizá nuevos sentimientos empiecen a florecer entre ellos. Teddy Spenser no está buscando el el amor, pero quizá Romeo sea la persona que lo haga dudar de su promesa.

Esta historia es sumamente dulce y adorable!
Teddy es un chico sumamente creativo y gracioso. Le gusta el diseño y es una drama queen completamente, tenerlo como narrador hace que la historia se sienta más fresca y dinámica, especialmente cuando tiene sus interacciones con Romeo.
Estos dos son tan diferentes que no es de extrañar que choquen tanto, sin embargo, conforme pasa el libro puedes sentir la tensión entre ambos subir y eso provoca que el choque de personalidad no sólo se vuelva interesante, sino también muy divertido, especialmente por la química que tienen.

Debo decir que, pese a que me gustó Teddy como narrador, Romeo me pareció un personaje sumamente adorable. Es un chico serio, sumamente listo pero también tímido que, por su fisico, aparenta ser alguien más rígido de lo que es.
Adoré a Romeo, me llenó de ternura y me pareció una persona completamente maravillosa y sincera.
Conocer más de él, su familia, sus defectos y miedos, sólo hizo que mi fascinación por él aumentara.

Aún así, el libro no me fascinó.
Al iniciar sentí que la trama iba muy rápido. De momento no entendía de qué iba el proyecto y no había datos importantes de una introducción como: ¿Teddy desde cuando trabaja en Reddyflora? ¿Desde cuando conoce a Romeo? ¿Por qué hay esta enemistad tan fuerte (y personal) entre ambos?
De alguna forma sentí que le habían cortado la introducción al libro, o que quizá debería de saber quiénes eran los protagonistas o dónde trabajan desde antes, lo que me confundió muchísimo.

Luego de eso está el hecho de que algunas cosas no parecían tener lógica. Esto en lo personal sólo me molestó un poco, pero en ocasiones no encontraba sentido a lo que leía.
Por otro lado, está el hecho de que la historia transcurre en pocos días y, por ello, el romance se siente como un instalove, más que un slow burn o un enemies to lovers. En lo personal, me pareció que el romance sucedía muy rápido.

Aún así, la historia está muy entretenida, es del tipo de historia donde no hay demasiado drama pero sí hay escenas dinámicas y muy interesantes, interacciones dulces entre los protagonistas y el uso de clichés que a más de uno podría emocionarle.
En sí, este libro podría ser muy útil para esas ocasiones en que quieres adentrarte en una novela ligera o salir de un bloqueo lector~.netgalley5 s Mia338 9

The story has a premise that sounds something I'd really enjoy: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, etc. However, I think there were some major problems on the plot level that resulted in pacing issues. Somehow the story hits all the obvious beats you know it will, but the timing is so weird it completely ruins it structurally. The characters aren't all that well-written either - Teddy is kind of annoying and seems more a storyboard version of a romance hero than a fully realised character.
I also want to mention that Romeo's depiction as a black man read as very stereotypical to me and it isn't helped by the overall flatness of all characters. Obviously, it is not my place to say what Black representation should look , so I encourage you to seek out by Black readers. The bit about his family being so poor they couldn't afford a TV and his mother's personality revolving around soulfood just seemed wrong.4 s Avani ?1,772 417

Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love by Kim Fielding is a male to male romance with a very interesting plot line attached to it. Teddy Spenser is the creative person at Reddyflora whereas Romeo Valentina Blue, is the engineer. Idk if we can call this enemies to lovers of friends to lovers.

We see hostility between both the characters for first 20-30 pages and then things starting to get better and eventually both fall for each other. Their boss Lauren has been called to meet the most prestigious and rich woman and a fashion designer, Joyce Alexander, who is going to fund their future projects.

But instead Lauren has some work that weekend so she sends Teddy and Romeo together on this trip. The majority plot is where they try and fail at different assignments provided by Joyce in order to approve the project funding. Eventually in this process Teddy and Romeo grow closer and fall head over heels in love (insta love).

I d the fast paced storyline and writing style. The book did bring smile to my face in between at some places. So that was a good point, but nothing more happened in this book. The end was kind of predictable on the Joyce's side. So if you want to just go for a light hearted, sweet rom-com then pick this up. But if you are looking for something new, this is not the one.3 s Pjm121,926 41

Teddy Spenser is an unhappy man--especially with this personal life. That he decides to take it out on Romeo Blue for no discernable reason (uh, he's attracted to him, but has sworn off men, so the only way to deal is to find fault? d'uh), makes for an interesting set up. The conflict over the smart vase is just an excuse for Teddy to explain the importance of good design, and for Romeo to be able to show his cleverness with programming and complying with Teddy.

Even though the narrative is completely through Teddy's disenchanted eyes, there are times when Romeo's actions and half-sentences make it clear that Teddy is interesting to him. Teddy's a hot mess, but he is also resourceful and determined. But the tasks set them are out-of-left field and force them to learn more about each other.

The plot twists and turns and provides humour and heart. I had fun with this light, flirty novel.

Thanks to Netgalley and Carina Press for advancing me a copy. Book will be released on December 29.angsty arty corporate ...more3 s Zoe2,045 284

Cute, tender, and sweet!

Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love is an enemies-to-more romance featuring the creative, fun-loving Teddy, and the quiet, conservative Romeo as they discover that opposites really do attract.

The writing is clear and precise. The characters are kind, considerate, and supportive. And the plot is an engaging tale full of work commitments, responsibilities, stress, pressure, sexual tension, steamy chemistry and love.

Overall, Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love is a quick, easy, charming tale by Fielding that was a little slow in parts but was nevertheless an entertaining read.

Thank you to Carina Press for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.3 s Stephanie769 1,094 Read

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