
A New Pack for New Year de Kiki Clark

de Kiki Clark - Género: English
libro gratis A New Pack for New Year


Kiki Clark Series: Kincaid Pack 0.5 Publisher: Rainbow Publishing LLC, Year: 2024

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Victor esta huyendo de su pack gracias a su primo Marcus que consiguio quel el Alfa del pack Kincaid lo aceptara. Asi que ahora se ve en un nuevo Pack con personas que lo aceptan como uno de los suyos, ademas consiguio un trabajo y a su pareja predestinada, que mas puede pedir Victor. Pero no puede vivir trnaquilo hasta que no este seguro que realmente puede cambiar a lobo como todos los demas, asi que se guarda parte de si hasta que pueda estar seguro que puede ser igual que todos los demas, incluso estar seguro que su pareja predestina realmente se quedara con el si es debil y no puede cambiar a lobo nunca mas.

Es una historia introductoria a un mundo lleno de cambiaformas, donde los pack no son necesariamente de un solo tipo. Aqui vemos una diversidad dentro del pack que puede ser parte de lo que se va a desenvolver en la trama, pero que tambien nos muestra la propia diversidad cultural y genetica en la que todos vivimos actualmente y como se puede vivir en armonia sin importar tu raza, credo o religion.
Lastima que el romance como tal no es gran cosa, senti que habian muchos huecos, como la facil aceptacion de Colin como la pareja predestinada de Victor, sencillamente van de "eres nuevo y estas solo" a "ahora el es tu pareja y todos te apoyamos", o sea, de verdad? ni siquiera un dialogo "tenso" entre el primo y Colin?
En fin, espero que al ser introductorio los siguientes sean mejor llevados, asi que voy a comenzar la serie esperando a ver como el autor maneja las diferentes parejas.mm reto-paginas safari-202220 s BookSafety Reviews374 287

Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

*insert amazing quote here* (I don’t have the ebook)

This is a prequel novella to the Kincaid Pack series (which I have not read, but now desperately want to), and it was really good. It’s obviously short and there’s a limit to how much development you can put in it, but it works really well with fated mates, in my opinion. The MCs had good chemistry so the instant attraction and fast feelings worked. It was cute and the characters were lovely.

I was lucky enough to get an audiobook ARC and thought Kirt Graves did a wonderful job as per usual.

I would have loved to see more shifter stuff, but it being a novella and some of the plot being about one MC struggling to shift, it makes sense that there wasn’t a lot.

?? Blanket spoiler warning ??

?? Tropes & tags ??
Wolf shifter
Past trauma
Lion shifter
Fated mates
Age gap
Ridged peen
Fast feelings
Car shenanigans

?? Content warning ??
References to past murder attempt on MC (off page, stabbing)
Emotional neglect (parents)
MC poisoned after past stabbing
Explicit sexual content
Medical procedure (on page)

??Book safety ??
Cheating: No
Other person drama: No
Breakup: No
POV: 3rd person, dual
Genre: Paranormal shifter romance
Pairing: M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Versatile, no switching on page
Main characters’ age: 18 and 31
Series: Prequel to series, standalone
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Pages: 122

You can find most of my on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/booksafety?...
8 s Elena Rodríguez815 458

“But sometimes we have to hear it again. And sometimes hearing it isn’t enough, but you’ll see.”

Aviso desde ya que esta saga no está nada mal.

Esta es una serie de novelas que como siempre he descubierto haciendo zapping por esta aplicación y la verdad es que me ha venido de lujo.

Estoy realmente prendida (he de admitir que ya voy por el último libro, pero como siempre se me acumulan las reseñas). Ahora, sí es verdad que este fue mi primer contacto con la trama. Peca de rapidez y de poca profundidad, pero es lo que tiene ser un mini relato de un personaje terciario.

En fin. Lo recomiendo.7 s Jesslan Rose1,126 43

A New Pack For New Year
By Kiki Clark

When Victor's pack attempts to kill him for having a weak wolf he runs to his cousins new pack. Still terrified, but refusing to act weak in case the new pack is his old one he attempts to hide everything from everyone.

When he goes to Momma's Diner for a job interview he meets his fated mate, the son of Momma. As more of the higher up pack members find out his issues with his wolf the pack doctor and a local witch run tests to see if it's something they can help him with.

I really d Victor and Cole together as a couple. While shy and untrusting Victor is not weak. He does his best to be as strong as he can. Good ending as well.

My only complaint is that the man that bought Cole's home at the end is a big mystery. They make a big deal about what he is, but keep it a secret from us and call him human. I thought maybe it was leading into an MC in the next book, but I don't think so. (Though it has been a while since I've read the series.) And because the author doesn't give us his name we can't look forward to getting his story.
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