
A-Viking de Kiernan Kelly

de Kiernan Kelly - Género: English
libro gratis A-Viking


What’s a Viking to do when he ends up on a Florida beach, surrounded by a world he doesn’t understand, with a hyperactive stockbroker as his only guide? Go back to Chase’s hotel, naturally. Chase thinks Bjorn is eccentric at best, a lunatic at worst, or just maybe the real thing: a Viking from the days of yore. It isn’t easy for Bjorn to admit, but he needs Chase’s help to navigate the confusing modern age. While Chase is trying to clean Bjorn up and help him fit in, Bjorn’s sworn enemy also makes the trek through time. Jorund is eager to plunder this new land and finish the job of killing Bjorn’s family line, all in one blow. Bjorn and Chase will have to set aside their vast differences and work together if either of them wants to survive.

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This review is for the second edition of this story published by Dreamspinner Press.

I love time travel stories. I've always been fascinated by common history, not the wars and politics, but the lives of ordinary people. And the Vikings have a special place in my heart. Because VIKINGS.

This story is very short (approximately 800 locations on my Kindle), so the characters aren't really developed. There is an epilogue of sorts, but way too many questions are left unanswered.

I enjoyed the story for what it was: a sexy, humorous romp about Bjorn, a Viking who ends up washed ashore modern-day Florida, and Chase, a stock broker with high blood pressure and ADHD.

Chase saves Bjorn, who's fascinated by everything from pizza to television. I laughed my ass off when Bjorn tried to "take" the shower and then demanded that Chase tend to his needs. What follows is sex Viking style (Chase gets the pounding of a lifetime).

The miscommunication based on language was not even remotely realistic, but it was funny. Not to get all pedantic, but Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales approximately 500 years after Bjorn's time, and even Late Middle English is not comprehensible to most English speakers today. feel-good-low-angst historical m-m29 s Heather K (dentist in my spare time)3,977 6,103

*2.5 stars*

Extra points awarded for a hot shower scene.

This book wasn't great but it also wasn't a total disaster. I'm a huge sucker for a time-travel book, but this book tried to do too much in too few pages. I always say that it is much harder to write a successful short story/novella than a full-length book. With a longer story, you have time and space to make mistakes fade away and you can really develop characters the way you want to. In a short story, every single word counts! And that is hard. This book was an example of that.

The character development? Not there. The plot? Weird and choppy. Everything from the language blunders to the time-traveling foe wasn't quite right. Even the epilogue seemed totally out of left field.

So why even 2.5 stars? Well, that shower scene with the toppy-top viking (who I feel would have made a HOT bottom... you know he wanted it!) stole the show. I was tuuuuned in for that part of the book! But, seriously, this story had potential. I think with 100 more pages, this one could have been really something.

*Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
bisexuals-pansexuals m-m read-to-review-arc ...more26 s CrabbyPatty1,652 179

Bjorn is thrown from his Viking boat in the midst of a storm in the year 957 and awakens on a Florida beach, where he is found by Chase. Hilarity ensues as Bjorn tries to attack a shower head, and very quickly Chase discovers Bjorn's fluid sexuality ("Vikings had no qualms about fucking whoever was handy, male or female, whenever the need arose ...") in a sizzling scene. The novella quickly ends with a epilogue and HEA for Bjorn and Chase.

For a short novella (56 pages), I thought the story had a few too many tangents that took away from the main characters. As far as I can tell, Chase's hyperactivity has little to do with the story, too much time is spent on Jorund and his plan for world domination, and the power of that green amulet is left as a mystery. Personally, I felt too much of the story focused on Bjorn discovering modern devices (the little trolls in the TV, that shower, pizza, etc.) with not enough time developing Chase and Bjorn and their relationship.

If you time travel for the fun quirky aspects of someone tossed into a whole new world of possibilities, "A-Viking" may be the quick read you're looking for. Personally, while I love time travel, I need a bit more character development and emotion.

I received an ARC of this book from Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.

Visit my blog, Sinfully Good Gay Book Reviews 2016-reads arcs-received didnt--mc-s ...more12 s Tamika?RBF MOOD?1,224 144

I enjoyed this way more then I thought I would. It wasn't what I was expecting, and I'm certain I don't remember the time travel tag in the blurb. I don't the cover, I can tell you that. I hope that is not suppose to be Bjorn because that would be a slap in his face. I think this book had potential to be longer. With Chase we know a little bit about him, and then we get into the meat and potatoes of the story. I really d that the author showed Bjorn background and made that authentic about him. I found myself laughing at his astonishment of the new world. Sure it wasn't accurate by most notions, but the I still d it nevertheless.

As I stated earlier, I do think this had potential to do better. I think if the author sat down and developed the characters and storyline more then it could have rated much high. Its a pretty short story. I just wanted more from it. I would have to see Bjorn adjusting to the world. I don't think I'm okay with Jorund just disappearing. I feel we gave him this much time in the story, then I could at least see him at the end.

It was pretty quick with the romance. It was hot and dirty for sure. The bathroom scene was so hottttt. Everything after that happened fast, plot was nil. The epilogue was a bit far fetched for me. I guess that's why I say I wanted it to be longer and had a chance to develop these two. After all of that, I still enjoyed it. I think I was in a really good mood, and this wasn't the worst.contemporary-romance m-m-romance-own short-stories ...more4 s Sandra4,102 13

2.75 stars So listen, you can't take this too seriously. I had tons of little rants throughout reading.

Chase was a bit too bumbling for me, early on. I get that your mind won't jump immediately to time-traveling-viking, but I do think it would jump to head injury or just plain cray. Chase doesn't seem to explore these two options very much and is quick to let this huge guy (with a sword) into his hotel room.

Twice I thought there was going to be a teaching moment for Bjorn. 1) Bjorn decided that he wanted Chase but Chase said no thanks. Bjorn was utterly confused since he had raped and pillaged his way across the high seas and no one had ever refused him. So obviously he's gonna learn a lesson about consent and free-will and respect and... ah wait, wrong book. No means yes apparently, but it's cool cuz Chase is totes hot for it. 2) Bjorn mentioned that he doesn't bottom because to do so would be to submit and he is far to strong and manly to do a thing that! So obv, there's gonna be super sweeet and loverly scene where he gives up control to Chase and gets Viking pounded to Valhalla right?! Nah. Granted, the comment is appropriate for his character, but why mention it if you aren't gonna full circle and use it as a example of his growth and that he's not too traditional and stuck in his ways to fit in in modern times?

They just felt wasted opportunities to make Bjorn more multi-dimensional and for us to feel more of a connection between the guys. I did their interactions together, but Chase was staying at that hotel for two weeks! Why not give the guys a few days together at least to develop sexual tension and an emotional bond to keep us on the edge of our seats. It all went down unnecessarily quickly.

And the climx didn't quite make sense, Bjorn's dead fathers stolen amulet saved Jordan and sends him back in time to enjoy his ill-gotten gains?!? That's terrible. Even one little sneaky extra chapter at the end about Jordan in some prehistoric nightmare or something silly would have been a nice little *wink *wink. I think that was a wasted opportunity. And kind of a bummer.

And I'm all for an epilogue, but label it as such. This when right to the last chapter with a huge but unknown time jump that wasn't labeled. Kinda sloppy.

But this is novella length, and a light read, and kinda fun, and has hot viking sex. So who am I to judge? I rounded down a tad from 3 stars because I felt I had to with the level of critique I'm giving. But I said at the beginning, this is what it is. A silly and sexy jaunt.

Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, reviewed for Hearts On Firecontemporary-romance hearts-on-fire- humorous ...more3 s Chris, the Dalek King1,169 149

The last thing Bjorn expects is to come home from his latest raid to find his father dead. Well, that’s only true because even he can’t fathom being tossed from his boat, after being chased by the man who killed his father, and landing on a beach 1000 years in the future. And whatever Chase was expecting on his week long forced vacation to Florida, it sure as hell wasn’t tripping over a man who is either plain ol’ tripping himself…or is actually a real live Viking. His sword is rather convincing, either way.

This story had me at time travel–it has always been a weakness of mine–and I especially love it when it is a person finding themselves in our time, instead of the other way around. I’ve also had a fondness for Viking/Norse mythology and stories since I took a class on them in uni. This story just seemed all kinds of trope goodness.

Sadly, while I found myself enjoying some of the conversations (and showers) between Bjorn and Chase, I quickly tired of the worn-out “TV is tiny people trapped in a box” type jokes. Every time travel story this one has them and to be honest they were only funny the first time. The constant use of Bjorn misunderstanding a phrase that Chase says to (un)comedic effect, really dragged down the story. And this is only 50 or so pages long. It doesn’t have much room built in for error.

I also had a hard time believing that two people with a 1000 gap in language would be able to hold a conversation. I tried to just handwave it as “magical shit that don’t make sense anyways.. I mean, come on this is time travel” but that still doesn’t explain why they didn’t understand each other when they first met, but then the next page they are having whole conversations. Their relationship is basically a long string of language misinterpretation, so I guess I wanted the author to just decide if they could magically understand each other or not.

The sex parts of this book were pretty good, but when dicks were not directly involved the chemistry between these two was nonexistent. Which pretty much also describes the plot. I wanted to this a lot more than I actually did, and it left me feeling vaguely unsatisfied in the end.

2.5 stars

This book was provided free in exchange for a fair and honest review for Love Bytes. Go there to check out other , author interviews, and all those awesome giveaways. Click below.
foreign-europe love-bytes magic-and-supernatural ...more3 s Serena YatesAuthor 97 books770

This is an amusing, much-too-short story about Bjorn, a Viking who timetravels into the modern age and not only tries to understand what has happened to him, but also has to see if he can fit into a strange new world. The way Bjorn looks at and comments on the modern world is hilarious. Chase, a hyperactive stock market trader on holiday and the man who 'finds' Bjorn, decides to help the Viking get his bearings. The passionate way these two men interact, once they figure out how to relate to each other, held me captivated. I'd love to read more about them, see if they can develop their relationship beyond the glimpse I got at the very end of the story.

Bjorn is a bona fide Viking from the year 975, a tough guy to the max, and mostly interested in amassing treasure to bring back to his father, the local jarl in the Norwegian village Bjorn calls home. His enemy, a bad guy called Jorund plus any insulting moniker Bjorn can think of, ends up killing Bjorn’s father and chasing Bjorn across the sea. That is when some freak of nature (or a god) causes both Bjorn and Jorund to travel over a thousand years into the future and Bjorn faces a reality he never could have imagined.

Chase is stressed out and has been ordered to take a vacation. When he jogs along the Florida coast and finds a half-drowned man in primitive clothing, he assumes the guy is into cosplay or maybe has a few screws loose. But the longer they interact, the clearer it becomes that a lot more is going on than Chase assumed. He introduces Bjorn to the necessity of a shower –hilarious, pizza – which Bjorn decides to devour by himself, and the comforts of a soft bed. The physical activity they get up to there is truly explosive and makes both men realize they were probably meant to be together.

If you enjoy a good timetravel tale, if you have always wondered how a man from over a millennium ago would react to modern life, and if you’re looking for a read that is funny, touching, and contains some scorching bedplay, then you will probably this novella. It’s very imaginative and might just make you laugh out loud.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.gay humor-comedy read-2016 ...more3 s Ami5,982 491

This short story is really fun. Bjorn is a viking -- after a terrible storm he is thrown 1000+ years in the future, in the beach of Florida, saved by a city boy, Chase. It's totally hilarious reading about Bjorn facing the modern live (the scene where Bjorn attacks a shower is precious!). The dialogs are funny and I can actually imagine a movie out of it. mm-short-stories3 s Gigi2,155 1,034 Shelved as 'back-burner-for-now'

Another "Hello new cover boy!"

3 s Serena YatesAuthor 97 books770

This is a really funny short read about Bjorn, a Viking who timetravels into the modern age and not only tries to understand what hapens but also has to see if he can fit it. The way that Bjorn looks at the modern world is hilarious in places. Chase, a hyperactive stock market trader on holiday and the man who 'finds' Bjorn, decides to help the Viking clean up.

The passionate way these two men interact held me captivated. I'd love to read more about them, see if they can develop their relationship beyond the glimpse we're given at the very end of the story.

gay time-travel2 s Pianka *call me PIU*395

“A-Viking” is a short novella with really not much of a story to offer but it was a fun read.

It’s a time-travel story where a Viking, Bjorn gets washed up in the shore of the modern day Florida after crashing at sea in his time. He gets rescued by Chase, a stock market trader on holiday. What ensues is Bjorn’s wonder in discovering the offerings of the modern world, which was hilarious. Chase is attracted to the big and burly Viking but he is afraid of getting broken in half if he shows any interest. So, he just settles on helping the stranger getting a shower (which does not help his case at all!!) But to his greatest surprise, Bjorn is attracted to him too and Chase gets the pounding of a lifetime*rawr* (that was super hot*fans myself*)

As I said the book is very short with very less character development. Many questions were left unanswered regarding the amulet which actually brought Bjorn and his enemy to the modern world. I didn’t get the whole vanishing of Bjorn’s enemy coz of the gods and also the epilogue was too perfect for a time-traveling Viking.

My few hang-ups:1. Bjorn and Jorund’s hotel-smashing fight gets totally overlooked. 2. A naked Viking is fighting with his sword on a beach and no one notices??? That’s not possible. 3. And in no way the police would not have gotten involved after Chase’s hotel room gets trashed.
So if you get over these issues and turn the logical side of your brain off then you will enjoy the steamy sex and the funny moments in this book a lot.

This book would have felt more complete with the addition of a few more chapters. I hope there will be an extended version of Bjorn and Chase’s story.

alpha-males fantasy historical ...more3 s TamAuthor 21 books99

See, I’m reading longer ones. This one seemed much shorter to be honest. I mean that in a good way, I was reading and boom looked over and the little button bar thing was almost at the bottom. Anyway, Bjorn is a Viking who comes home to find his family murdered. The man who killed them then sets out in pursuit of Bjorn but during a storm his ship capsizes. Chase is a hyperactive stockbroker who has been told to take a holiday or risk a heart attack. He goes to Florida and is running on the beach when he finds Bjorn washed up. Bjorn speaks some English but he can’t figure out what the hell is going on. Chase takes him back to his hotel and then the fun ensues. I really Kiernan Kelly’s humour and having Bjorn experience things a soft bed, a TV, pizza, telephones, it was really very funny. When Chase tells him to “take a shower” and he thinks he has to steal it was quite amusing. HOWEVER, it seems that Bjorn’s nemesis as also come to this time and is still looking for him. After they are done getting all sweaty and sexy, the nemesis smashes through the patio doors and the sword fight begins. They end up on the beach with Bjorn about to make the final move when the bad guy disappears and Bjorn is left trapped in this time with Chase. There is a little epilogue about how Bjorn adapts to 2009. On the whole it was a very amusing story about a time traveller. Lots of humour, some action and some smexin’.m-m other-paranormal1 T.M. SmithAuthor 27 books318

Chase is on a mandated vacation after his doctor ordered him to do so due to some high blood pressure issues and the hectic pace he keeps at work. What better place to vaca than the beach? His blissful time off is rudely interrupted when Chase stumbles across a very large, very cranky guy passed out on the beach. It doesn't take long for Chase to figure out that Bjorn, the sexy guy with an odd way of speaking and a knack for taking everything very literally, is literally out of time.

Okay, this book cracked me up! Seriously, I could not stop laughing. Bjorn is this larger than life, headstrong Viking... but he has the common sense of a child. Misplaced due to a ripple in time, Bjorn doesn't understand things television, showers or common courtesy. It's left to Chase to first figure out that Bjorn is out of time and not just some crazy person with the manners of a goat. Once he does, Chase does his best to help Bjorn with all the modern advancements, showers.

I would LOVE to have a full length novel for these two. The few pages I read had a lot of content. Thoroughly explaining who Bjorn was, where he came from and why he was catapulted some 1500 years into the future, roughly. And the connection between these two was palpable and believable. Seriously though, hysterical, I was laughing so hard at Bjorn misconceptions of things that Chase would say. If you're looking for a fast, fun read with a great deal of content, grab a copy of A- Viking!1 Ali2,040 15

A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

This was a nice quick read. Bjorn and Chase are both greatly confused when they meet on the beach. Both try to find explanations in their own minds of how or why the other is acting so strange.

Both of these characters are wonderful. Both would be considered work-a-holics in their own times, but soon realize that life is worth more than that. I loved how both of these characters interacted with each other and how scared Chase was that Bjorn would disappear just Jorund did. Seeing these characters together in the future was a wonderful ending.

Cover art by Paul Richmond is nice and catches your eye.
reviewed1 Diverse1,178 51

A- Viking is a novella that will have you in tears from laughing so hard. This is a light, quick, hilarious read. I happen to have read this after a stream of very dark and angsty books and this was just what I needed to lift my spirits.

Bjorn is, well, a viking. He's from another time and watching him trying to blend in to the present is wildly entertaining. Chase is a saint! He works so hard trying to help Bjorn. I couldn't help thinking about that movie Encino Man. Of course with this satire you need to suspend reality. Yes, it's unbelievable, no this can't really happen. That much is obvious.

We all need books that make us laugh. A- Viking is the perfect book to have that will turn any frown upside down. Really a lot of fun!october-2016 Simsala524 59

3,5 stars

A Viking gets thrown in the modern world and in the arms of a modern guy.A fun read...m-m short-story1 Shymsal930 8

Well, as I've said elsewhere, I am a stickler for historical accuracy in my time travel books. Naturally, some things in a time travel book will be done wrong because even the best historical research does not make anyone 100% correct, but I to see effort made. Kiernan Kelly did make some effort, I can't complain about that exactly. But, Bjorn's reactions to many of our "modern marvels" felt over the top to me. His reaction to the shower just seemed something an idiot would do. He's a well traveled man, seeing much more of the world than many other people from his time; you'd think he'd have more balanced reactions. Also, for a man who speaks several languages, being able to parse modern English from Middle English is a feat well-done. Not being able to parse Chase's idiomatic meaning on simple things seems ridiculous. Going from "you stink" (a sentiment pretty clear cut) to "take a shower" meaning "strangle whatever is producing this rain" rather than "stand in this falling water and clean up" just hit me entirely wrong.

Final vote, it was ok. But I was hoping for more.fantasy m-m-romance short ...more D.217 9

This one is kind of hard to rate/review because it is a bit silly (on purpose, I hope...). I gave this a three on the usual scale of rating things, but it was highly enjoyable for what it is. For example, my favorite quote comes from Bjorn right after they get it on: “All hail Bjorn the Conqueror.”

If you want to enjoy the book as the ridiculous time travel fluff that it is, you need to ignore the fact that Bjorn speaks/understands modern English. I am not going to get into the whole Germanic/Old English lesson on here. You're welcome.

All you need to do is sit back and ignore the random stuff your brain is going to want to connect to logic and facts. Just push that aside. Bjorn time traveled because of Norse Gods and an amulet, this is not Lord of the Rings levels of mythos up in here.

This book has nary a plot to it, so if you’re looking for something more than a hot shower scene and a vague time travel mention, don’t bother. However, this book is a good one if you want a light, kind of ridiculous, read that isn't poorly written and has a sweet, happy ending.arc-reviewed mm Millasnape15

4 stars overall, but very mixed feelings.

When I thought the plot was starting to develop... it abruptly ended. I was shocked. I had to come back to Goodreads to find that A-Viking is a short read, NOT a novel. It almost reads a piece of fanfiction.

And so, what you can expect from this is a light, easy read; no depth and no complexity, no character development (no development, period). Only a cute story about a gorgeous and able Viking finding himself in modern times, and great gay sex.

So, you might ask: if the story is so simple, why 4 stars and not 2? Because the humor is brilliant! Mr. Viking guy shows up in the modern world, and tries to make sense of everything: the buildings, the people walking around "in weird clothes" and weaponless. He doesn't understand showerheads or room service, for instance. He's also very literal, and misunderstands a lot of what Chase (his rescuer and love interest) tells him. So at least the humor is quite refined (for my taste) and very well done.

Dolorianne897 11

This was adorable! I loved the wit and humor of the time travel elements, and any time Bjorn misunderstood modern context. It's a short story, with the bulk of the story being about Bjorn's life right before and right after his time jump, and his time with Chase is enough for the reader to know that they will be very happy moving forward. I really hope the author chooses to continue this world because, aside from how fun the story itself was, something happens at the end that I would really love to know more about. cmcon2020 scribd Morgan Skye2,784 27

What fun! This is a cute, very sexy, highly ridiculous “time travel” fantasy.

Imagine finding a Viking stranded on the beach, you introduce him to a shower and shower blow-jobs and viola, you’ve landed a new boyfriend! It's full of all the typical scenarios where people from the past tend to find themselves: amazed at fireless heat, the little people in the TV, the trapped storm in the shower... It's fun and funny, if predictable.

If you don’t have high expectations for any sort of great, or believable story, you’ll find this highly entertaining.

4 of 5 stars
2016 paranormal reviewed C.929 11

A quick and fun read about a Viking ending up in modern times and the guy who helps him adjust. It's a very short story, so not much in character development, but it was cute.fantasy historical-romance mm-romance Becca2,703 31

Cute little story. Nothing Vikings to stir the blood Dingbat19 Want to read

Why people put the books up on Goodreads without adding cover pics and blurb is beyond me. What a disservice to both readers and authors!
- Torquere Books blurb -
What's a Viking to do when he ends up on a beach in Florida with a hyperactive stock broker and no idea what year he's in? Go back to Chase's hotel, naturally. Chase thinks Bjorn is the real thing, a Viking from the days of yore, but he also figures he needs to clean the guy up a little.
While Chase is making a more modern Bjorn, a sworn enemy of Bjorn's is also in the modern age. Jorun wants to plunder this new land he's in and finish the job of killing Bjorn's family, all in one blow. Can Chase and Bjorn defeat Jorun and find a way to reconcile their very different worlds?

Asynia278 2

It's hard to rate this short story, but since I read it in one sitting and found it both charming and refreshing I'll give it four stars. For me, who is Swedish, the modern Norwegian language used as words and sentences here is completely understandable, as well as the, to me, familiar references to Norse mythology. This added to my enjoyment of this book.01-feb-ult-bonus 01-feb-ult-challenge mm-romance Michael615

3.75 Stars. A short, fun story about a viking warrior thrust forward in time. Enjoyable light read. I'm also going to check out other stories by Kiernan Kelly. 1-0-own-ebook contemporary sci-fi_mm ...more OkayKim1,212

I love these little time-travel stories. Cute! Grandmat218 1 follower

Fun, light, entertaining Priscilla32

Wish it had been longer!m-m Lillian FrancisAuthor 16 books102

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