
Dungeon Life: An Isekai LitRPG de Khenal

de Khenal - Género: English
libro gratis Dungeon Life: An Isekai LitRPG


Khenal Publisher: Podium Publishing, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781039453951

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

There is no charm. boring cliche-storm comfy-fantasy ...more1 Simon2 2


I absolutely loved this book. I have stayed up past 4am for two nights in a row just to finish it. I will wait as long as it takes to get more from this author.1 Kimbot the Destroyer344 2

Cozy dungeon litrpg. It was fun but I did not realize that this is not standalone. I didn't want to read a bunch of these.1 Johnny1,849 64

Book one

I was there reading this story when the first page came out on Royalroad. I don't remember what it was that caused me to drop the story.
It might be the same problem I have with the book. For me it's a problem of scale.
I mean he has ants, spiders, rats, crows, ravens, and probably a few others. Yet he has what I would assume to be regular sized folks in the different fantasy races.
So are his creatures all about golden retriever sized? Do they become more "human" sized when they do their final evolution?
I guess I just have trouble seeing how the other races interact with a bunch of bugs and rats.
I keep trying to picture them as all being close to "human" sized just for the interactions, but then something will happen that makes that picture crash and burn.
I'm probably just over thinking this though.

The writing can be a little odd at times, I'm looking at you birb. So I didn't really go looking for mistakes. There was one sentence that just didn't make sense. I've posted it on Goodreads.

7/10 It's a good read if you don't get bogged down in the size issues. Robert Day10 20

This book seriously grew on me.

Initially hesitant if this book was going to be for me but gave it a bit and ultimately couldn't put it down. I wasn't sure I'd enjoy a book about a dungeon that's "cozy," as someone put it, and wasn't more grimdark. I mean it IS a dungeon after all. However, The author found a way to make a dungeon core story that wasn't the typical Dakota Krout's style protagonist, where murder and growth are inextricably linked. Instead of growing was through killing other characters, this dungeon core found a way to grow by helping others in various ways.

The author was able to, through clever worldbuilding, make the main character/dungeon very relatable and someone you could cheer for. Un the Divine Dungeon Series, and other dungeon core books, which makes you feel you're cheering for a mass murderer. Also the world building and magic system is surprisingly robust and isn't just tacked on, but it fully integrated with the setting. And this is only the start.

Very excited to read more. Graham24

A very chill book that keeps you interested throughout.

My complaints with this series are it really starts to go heavy on trying to explain the magic system in the world or, more accurately, understand the magic system. This then heads into physics and becomes pretty dry to read. It never goes into the math or equations just the concepts but it's not something I would want to read all the time. The other complaint is the characters kept saying "heh" to signify a light chuckle and it gets more frequent as the book ends. It's a very minor complaint but it is pretty odd to read.

The good parts about this series is that it has interesting progression with well done world building. You are mostly limited to the dungeon's perspective of the overall world but are given small nuggets as time goes on. Which keeps you from being overwhelmed and bogged down with information. Cat T.107 2

Dungeon slice-of-life.

This is the kind of story I enjoy, and one that I followed on Royal Road before book publication, so I'm a bit biased, but I find this series delightful. Is cozy dungeon core a genre? Because if so, this is it.

I had to pull a star, though, because there is a persistent punctuation issue. Too many sentences that should be statements or exclamations ending in a question mark instead. I wanted to go full language teacher: "Are you asking me or telling me?"

If it was just the MC dungeon's internal voice being kinda ambivalent, that'd be one thing. But other PoVs have it as well, and there are plenty of sentences in any PoV that just don't make sense to be questions. Arty89 6

This was a nice fun experience.
I love slice-of-life stories and Dungeon life got the right balance of adventure, mystery and casual. While I love the various intense dungeon litrpg that is out there; with big dungeon wars, dungeon mysteries filled with politics with intrigue with nobles and gods, this is a lighter version of that. As in, it is more casual for you to chuckle at some of the jokes and just smile at some good moments in the book. I could tell you some of the plots or more about the colorful characters in the series, but I rather not. It is best, you discover this gem yourselves. All, I will say that, it was well written and a good book/audio book to pick up. I can't wait, to read more of Dungeon life. Bob Wester65 2

A lot of fun

This is just so engaging that I overlook the minor blemishes. A Dungeon who manages to cooperate with its delivers and even minimizes the death of its invaders. Scions are the initial leaders and thinkers of the dungeon's monsters, but just about everyone has the potential for growth and has an interesting quirk to make you smile.
My one complaint is that with such an interesting cast of characters, it is easy to have ideas fall out of focus. Such as traps falling out of the story as the dungeon disregards non-lethal traps, brings them back as wielded by an opposing dungeon, then finally starts using them to create an obstacle course. Nothing terrible, but it can be a little jarring when a forgotten character reappears. Charles Daniel522 9

Second reading of this book.

I'm certain that I have read and reviewed this book before, but I can't find a record of the review.

As an example of the LitRPG genre, this novel is a bit unusual. The blocks of statistics and character sheets for the main character, Thediem, a.k.a the dungeon, and the delvers are completely absent. Thus I would characterize this novel as LitRPG for readers who don't those elements of the genre.

The story is well paced and has has a great deal of humor, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and cultural references in the use of names and puns. I say it's a good read. chris lowndes5

Best Dungeon core book I've read in a good while.

And please, please, please I hope this author is hard at work on the next book. This one was well written, with delightful characters. Easy to read with good grammar and syntax and no glaring errors that destroy the reading experience. There's enough going on to keep the reader engaged but not overwhelmed, with the most delightful flashes of humour popping up here and there. To my mind, one of the best books I've read in a while and an author of love to see more from. Jake1 review

Solid, though functions better as a web novel

This is clearly designed to be a long-form story, and it shows in the pacing and world building both of which are very enjoyable.

It takes some time to actually get to the core characters aside from the dungeon, but it never feels drawn out.

As this book is a 1-to-1 port of a web novel, the pacing feels a little off at end. The climactic showdown is the followed by more and more building and setting up of threats to come, before a somewhat abrupt ending.

That said, it is very worth the time to read through. Amber Mace7 1 follower

Playful Dungeon For the Win

I really enjoyed this story and will be keeping an eye out for the sequel. I read a lot of these kinds of stories but this one was definitely a unique take with a more playful and caring dungeon rather than a murder spree for XP. Also, I agree with Thedeim, totally shipping Freddie and Rhonda!
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