
The Dragon Business de Kevin J. Anderson

de Kevin J. Anderson - Género: English
libro gratis The Dragon Business


King Cullin may be known as “the Dragon Slayer,” but he fears his son’s legacy will be as “King Maurice Who Speaks with Proper Grammar.” The boy keeps his nose buried in parchments, starry-eyed at the idea of noble knights and eager to hand royal gold to any con man hawking a unicorn horn. Tonight, though, Cullin will educate the prince in the truth behind minstrels’ silly songs of glory…

Long ago, in a kingdom, well, not that far from here really, young Cullin traveled the countryside as squire to brave Sir Dalbry, along with Dalbry’s trusted sidekick Reeger, selling dragon-protection services to every kingdom with a coffer. There were no dragons, of course, but with a collection of severed alligator heads and a willingness to play dirty, the trio of con men was crushing the competition. Then along came Princess Affonyl.

Tomboyish and with a head for alchemy, Affonyl faked a dragon of her own, escaped her arranged marriage, and threw in with Cullin and company. But with her father sending a crew of do-gooder knights to find her, the dragon business just got cutthroat.

*This book was initially released in episodes as a Kindle Serial. All episodes are now available for immediate download as a complete book.*


### About the Author

Kevin J. Anderson is the author of 120 books, fifty-one of which appeared on bestseller lists; he has twenty-three million copies in print in thirty languages. Kevin recently launched a hilarious new series featuring Dan Shamble, Zombie PI. He also coauthored thirteen Dune novels with Brian Herbert, as well as their original Hellhole trilogy. He followed his epic Saga of Seven Suns series with his Terra Incognita fantasy trilogy, and wrote the novel *Clockwork Angels* based on the new Rush album. In addition to numerous *Star Wars* projects, he wrote three *X-Files* novels and collaborated with Dean Koontz on *Frankenstein: Prodigal Son*. He is the publisher of WordFire Press.